How to detect a PNG image is light or dark [closed] - php

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I am stuck in finding a solution for detecting the main brightness of a PNG image is light or dark. The concept is add a background for all PNG images but if it is too light then add a dark background
I have found some solutions by searching but seems they are working not well with the transparent background image. Could you gimme some ideas?
Some images and the expected result:
Expected result is dark:

it's interesting.
could you try this? and tell is this fit for you?
// Load the image using ImageMagick
$image = new \Imagick('path/to/image.png');
// Get the image dimensions
$width = $image->getImageWidth();
$height = $image->getImageHeight();
// Create a new Imagick object with a white background of the same size as the image
$background = new \Imagick();
$background->newImage($width, $height, 'white', 'png');
// Add the image to the background
$background->compositeImage($image, \Imagick::COMPOSITE_OVER, 0, 0);
// Convert the image to grayscale
$background->modulateImage(100, 0, 100);
// Get the histogram of the image
$histogram = $background->getImageHistogram();
// Count the number of pixels at each intensity level
$count = array_fill(0, 256, 0);
foreach ($histogram as $pixel) {
$color = $pixel->getColor();
$intensity = round(($color['r'] + $color['g'] + $color['b']) / 3);
$count[$intensity] += $pixel->getColorCount();
// Calculate the total number of pixels
$totalPixels = $width * $height;
// Calculate the total number of dark pixels (intensity < 128)
$darkPixels = array_sum(array_slice($count, 0, 128));
// Calculate the total number of light pixels (intensity >= 128)
$lightPixels = array_sum(array_slice($count, 128));
// Determine if the image is light or dark
$isLight = ($lightPixels / $totalPixels) > 0.5;
// Output the result
if ($isLight) {
echo 'The image is light';
} else {
echo 'The image is dark';
Note that this approach may not work well with images that have a lot of transparent areas, as those areas may skew the histogram towards one end or the other. In those cases, you may need to come up with a more sophisticated algorithm that takes into account the transparency of each pixel.

1 - Load the PNG image using ImageMagick and retrieve its color histogram. The color histogram will give us the distribution of colors in the image.
$image = new \Imagick('path/to/image.png');
$histogram = $image->getImageHistogram();
2 - Calculate the total number of pixels in the image. This will be used to calculate the average brightness of the image.
$total_pixels = $image->getImageWidth() * $image->getImageHeight();
3 - Loop through the color histogram and calculate the sum of the brightness values for each color.
$sum_brightness = 0;
foreach ($histogram as $pixel) {
$color = $pixel->getColor();
$brightness = ($color['r'] + $color['g'] + $color['b']) / 3;
$sum_brightness += $brightness * $pixel->getColorCount();
4 - Calculate the average brightness of the image by dividing the sum of the brightness values by the total number of pixels.
$average_brightness = $sum_brightness / $total_pixels;
5 - Determine whether the image is light or dark based on the average brightness. You can use a threshold value to determine whether the image is light or dark. For example, if the average brightness is less than 128 (out of 255), the image is considered dark. If the average brightness is greater than or equal to 128, the image is considered light.
if ($average_brightness < 128) {
// Image is dark
} else {
// Image is light
You can adjust the threshold value to suit your needs, depending on how you want to classify light and dark images.
Note that this algorithm assumes that the PNG image has a transparent background. If the image has a non-transparent background, you may need to modify the algorithm to account for the background color.


Drawing rectangles in php not working

I am creating an image in php and populating it with 10x10 pixel rectangles filled with a color.
$image = imagecreate(150,150);
$background = imagecolorallocate($image, 0, 0, 0); //black background
for ($row=0; $row < 15; $row++) {
for ($col=0; $col < 15; $col++) {
$x1 = 10* $col;
$y1 = 10*$row;
$x2 = 10*($col + 1);
$y2 = 10*($row + 1);
imagefilledrectangle($image, $x1,$y1,$x2,$y2, imagecolorallocate($image, 100,100,100)); //grey rectangle
imagepng($image, "ciph.png");
This works for small images no bigger than 150x150 pixels and i get a completely grey filled rectangle. but soon as i try bigger images. it only adds rectangles to part of the image. Any idea what is causing this? it appears there is a limit on the number of individual objects i can draw.
ive counted and it appears to only draw 256 rectangles... doesnt seem like a coincidence that that is 2 to the 8th power.
Any help would be much appreciated! thanks.
The problem lies in how you're creating the image. If you change first line from:
$image = imagecreate(150,150);
$image = imagecreatetruecolor(150,150);
it will allow more than 256 rectangles to be drawn to the image.
imagecreatetruecolor() also gives the image a black background by default, instead of the blank background that imagecreate() gives, so you won't need the second line as well.

PHP resize image to minimum dimensions

I have 2 dimensions, (width & height) and I need to take another image, and resize it until both width and height are greater than the 2 dimensions. If the image is already larger than the 2 dimensions, I still need to resize it to be slightly larger than the given dimensions.
I also need to keep the image aspect ratio the same.
I've been trying the following:
$masksize = getimagesize($maskpath);
// Reverse the sizes as it's landscape and we're always checking portrait
$maskwidth = $masksize[1];
$maskheight = $masksize[0];
$currentsize = getimagesize($target_path);
$currentwidth = $currentsize[0];
$currentheight = $currentsize[1];
$thumwidth = 0;
$thumbheight = 0;
do {
$thumbwidth += 10;
$thumbheight = $currentheight*($thumbheight+10/$thumbwidth);
}while (($thumbwidth < $maskwidth) && ($thumbheight < $maskheight));
However it's not working, it only loops once and the width stays at 10.
So say for instance I have an image at 1000 x 2000, and the dimensions I have are 500 x 1000, I need the image to be resized to 510 x 1010 (i.e always bigger than the given dimensions, but only by a max of 10)

Crop/cut-out image based on existing selection/path already drawn on image (ideally via PHP)

I've scoured around the internet a fair bit and I can't seem to find any reference to what I am attempting to achieve... I fear that means I'm probably going about doing something the wrong way, but I'll pose this question here anyways in hopes that maybe I am not.
I would like to take an already generated image that has a rectangular selection already drawn on it via a specific color and a dynamic (but always rectangular) path, and crop or cut-out (and use) the inner area of that rectangular path.
Let's use an image generated by google maps as an example for this:
I thought perhaps the imagemagick library would hold a solution for this, but, I don't know if it's because I haven't quite narrowed down the exact key terms for what I am looking to do exactly, or if it's because it cannot (at least not simply) be done, but I haven't turned up any solutions.
Any solutions, advice, or smacks to the head are welcome.
[Please note that (for now) I would like to operate under the assumption that these images already exist, so any information regarding the pixel coordinates of the relative selection area on the image doesn't exist]
Your problem seems to boil down to this: How do I find a red rectangle in an image?
This is quite an open-ended problem, and could actually be quite difficult to solve. However, if the following assumptions can be made, then the task will be a lot easier:
The rectangle is drawn in pure RGB red (#ff0000).
The rectangle is aligned parallel with the image edges.
The image is saved in a lossless format like PNG.
The image contains no other pixels of this exact colour.
We know the width of the rectangle's edges.
The example you provided seems to tick all these boxes. Since it's stored as an 8-bit indexed color image, the first step would be to convert it into a true color image. This makes it easier to check the pixel values.
Then find the outermost edges of the frame, inset the coordinates by the frame width, and crop the image. Here's some code that will do this for you:
$src_img = 'er7RT.png';
$frame_color = 0xff0000;
$frame_width = 6;
// Load image and copy to true color image resource
$im = imagecreatefrompng($src_img);
$sw = imagesx($im);
$sh = imagesy($im);
$im1 = imagecreatetruecolor($sw, $sh);
imagecopy ($im1, $im, 0, 0, 0, 0, $sw, $sh);
// Get outer dimensions of frame.
// Assume the frame color appears nowhere else in the image.
$minx = $miny = 999999;
$maxx = $maxy = -$minx;
for ($x=0; $x<$sw; $x++) for ($y=$sh/20; $y<$sh; $y+=$sh/10) {
if (imagecolorat($im1,$x,$y)==$frame_color) { $minx = $x; break 2; }
for ($x=$sw-1; $x>=0; $x--) for ($y=$sh/20; $y<$sh; $y+=$sh/10) {
if (imagecolorat($im1,$x,$y)==$frame_color) { $maxx = $x; break 2; }
for ($y=0; $y<$sh; $y++) for ($x=$sw/20; $x<$sw; $x+=$sw/10) {
if (imagecolorat($im1,$x,$y)==$frame_color) { $miny = $y; break 2; }
for ($y=$sh-1; $y>=0; $y--) for ($x=$sw/20; $x<$sw; $x+=$sw/10) {
if (imagecolorat($im1,$x,$y)==$frame_color) { $maxy = $y; break 2; }
if ($minx>=$maxx || $miny>=$maxy) die("Couldn't locate frame");
// Subtract frame width to obtain crop region
$minx += $frame_width;
$maxx -= $frame_width;
$miny += $frame_width;
$maxy -= $frame_width;
// Create new image with cropped dimensions
$im2 = imagecreatetruecolor($maxx-$minx, $maxy-$miny);
imagecopy ($im2, $im1, 0, 0, $minx, $miny, $maxx-$minx, $maxy-$miny);
// Finish up
header("Content-Type: image/png");

PHP image resize depending on height

Hey all i am trying to figure out how to resize an image that has a higher height than width. The normal width and height of the area where the image needs to be displayed is:
width = 1000px
height = 700px
What type of math would i need in order to resize that to the proper width/height above without screwing it?
The test image size is:
width = 1451
height = 2200
I was thinking of doing this:
But that does not come up with the correct number of 462.
In photoshop, changing the height to 700 yields a width value of 462.
so you want to scale your image so that it fits as large as possible within a 1000x700 square without stretching it? You could do something like this:
$availH = 700;
$availW = 1000;
$imageH = 2200;
$imageW = 1451;
// you know you want to limit the height to 700
$newH = $availH;
// figure out what the ratio was that you adjusted (will equal aprox 0.3181)
$ratio = $availH / $imageH;
// now that you have the $ratio you can apply that to the width (will equal 462)
$newW = round(imageW * $ratio);
Now you have $newW and $newH which are the new sizes for your image properly scaled. You could of course condense this down but I've written it out so each step is more clear.
Formula to keep aspect ratio when resizing is
original height / original width x new width = new height
But you want to switch it around to the following I think:
original width / original height x new height = new width

PHP thumbnail generation

I'm trying to generate thumbnails of the images my users upload. I have got the basic functionality to work by having my thumbnail class generate a thumbnail that is 50% of the width and height of the original image. However, I'd like to extend its functionality and enforce a hard limit on thumbnails that will be larger than 400px on either side after the 50% reduction.
This is what I have so far:
$x = $image_info[0]; // width of original image
$y = $image_info[1]; // height of original image
$x_t = $x/2; // width of 50% thumbnail
$y_t = $y/2; // height of 50% thumbnail
$biggest = ($x_t > $y_t) ? $x_t : $y_t; // determine the biggest side of the thumbnail
if($biggest > 400)
// Enforce a 400px limit here
/// somehow :(
With this hard limit, I want the original image to be scaled down so that no side exceeds 400px, and I want the other side to be scaled down relative so the image doesn't look distorted.
Being as terrible with math as I am, I can't work out a way to calculate the image dimensions that my thumbnail class should resize the image to.
Any ideas?
You'd have to compute a scaling factor:
$factor = $biggest / 400; // if 503, then factor = 1.2575;
$new_x = $x / $factor;
$new_y = $y / $factor;
and use those two new dimensions for your scaling. That'll reduce whatever side is $biggest to 400, and proportionally reduce the other dimension to something less than 400.
You will have to check for each length, not both at once:
if ($x > 400) {
$x_t = 400;
$y_t = $y * (400 / $x);
if ($y > 400) {
If $x is 600 for example, the calucalation would become $y_t = $y * (400 / 600), thus reducing $y to 2/3 of its original value.
And add the same condition for the $y side. Additionally you might want to apply the calculations concurrently, if neither side is allowed to be larger than 400.
