PHP JSON_DECODE not working with special characters - php

I try to decode a json file and put it into an array but as soon as there is a special character the json_decode stops working:
$json_file_path = 'creds2.json';
$json_contents = file_get_contents($json_file_path);
$data = json_decode($json_contents, true);
returns NULL when creds2.json is:
"TEMP_REGEX": "[0-9]{2,3}[\.]{1}[0-9]{1}",
"HUMI_REGEX": "[0-9]{2,3}[\.]{1}[0-9]{1}"
but it returns the right value when it's:
"example": "examples",
"test123": "test123"
I already went around the forums but couldn't find a solution. Even ChatGPT couldn't help me out on this one.

I had to put another ‘\’. It is supposed to be “[\.]”.


Json string conversion to json object

I have been stuck in this issue and cant seem to fix it.. I have this JSON STRING
$unBillableArr = ["{'id' : '123','to' : '+923412268656','MsgReceivedFrom' : '03349433314', 'message':'Qwertyy ', 'recdate':'2017-11-20 19:01:49'}"];
I need to convert it into array of object or maybe just one json object.. I have tried doing
json_decode($unBilledArr , true);
It gives me null.
Already tried these solutions as well
Convert a string to JSON object php
I must be doing something wrong.. cant seem to figure out what..
P.s : This is the response i am getting and i can not do anything about the response.
You are trying to decode an array, either specify the specific item within the array, or make it a string.
For instance:
$unBillableArr = '{"id":"123", "to":"+923412268656", "MsgReceivedFrom":"03349433314", "message":"Qwertyy", "recdate":"2017-11-20 19:01:49"}';
$json = json_decode($unBillableArr, true);
// Or
$unBillableArr = ['{"id":"123", "to":"+923412268656", "MsgReceivedFrom":"03349433314", "message":"Qwertyy", "recdate":"2017-11-20 19:01:49"}'];
$json = json_decode($unBillableArr[0], true);
However, given the string you are receiving does not contain valid JSON and you are unable to control what you receive, I have prepared the following that will replace the single quotes in your JSON, and decode each item into an array:
$unBillableArr = ["{'id' : '123','to' : '+923412268656','MsgReceivedFrom' : '03349433314', 'message':'Qwertyy ', 'recdate':'2017-11-20 19:01:49'}"];
// Loop through each JSON string
$jsonObjects = []; // Change this name...
foreach ($unBillableArr as $jsonString) {
$jsonObjects[] = json_decode(str_replace("'", '"', $jsonString), true);
print_r($jsonObjects); // Proof it works
Please bear in mind that I would consider this to be a dirty fix. To fix this properly, you should go back to the source and ensure that the JSON they are returning to you is valid.

Trouble Reading json Data from hasoffer API

Trying to read json Data and I can't get it to work correctly with the following code:
$apiurl = "";
$data = json_decode(file_get_contents($apiurl), true);
foreach($data['response']['data'] as $dataline) {
echo "Conversions: {$dataline['Stat']['conversions']} Payout: {$dataline['Stat']['payout']}";
The query is generating the following json return, I just can't figure out how to read the stats correctly (it's also looping through 7 lines in the foreach which also makes no sense to me):
If your JSON is exactly that you have posted, it is unvalid JSON, as per the comments.
The invalid part is the REDACTED words without double-quote.
To bypass this error, you can try in this way:
$data = file_get_contents( $apiurl );
$data = preg_replace( '/:REDACTED(?=\W)/', ':"REDACTED"', $data );
$json = json_decode( $data, True );
This will works on example above, but please note that is a trick, and it can not work if some JSON field has a value like "sometext:REDACTED,sometext": it is improbable, but not impossible.
Actually thank you that site helped a lot realized there was a second array also labeled "data" under the first "data" array so I needed to change it to:
$data['response']['data']['data'] as $dataline

json_decode returning an array of 1

I am trying to decode some JSON into a php array. Here's the code excerpt:
$getfile="{"fname":"bob","lname":"thomas","cascade":"bthomas","loc":"res","place":"home 2"}";
$arr = json_decode($getfile, true);
$arr['day3'] = $selecter;
The only thing that gets returned is '1'. I've checked JSONLint and it is valid json, so I'm wondering why json_decode is failing. I also tried checking what the array is before adding the day3 key to it, and I still return a '1'. Any help is appreciated!
Actual code:
$getfile = "";
$getfile = file_get_contents($file);
if ($getfile == "") {
writeLog("Error reading file.");
writeLog("getfile is " . $getfile);
writeLog("Decoding JSON data");
$arr = json_decode($getfile, true);
writeLog("Decoded raw: " . print_r($arr));
writeLog("Editing raw data. Adding data for day " . $day);
$arr['day3'] = $selecter;
$newfile = json_enconde($arr);
if (file_put_contents($file, $newfile)) {
writeLog("Wrote file to " . $file);
echo $newfile;
} else {
writeLog("Error writting file");
These are the contents of $file (it's a text file)
{"fname":"Bob","lname":"Thomas","cascade":"bthomas","loc":"res","place":"home 2"}
We still don't know what's in your file. However if:
"{"fname":"bob","lname":"thomas","cascade":"bthomas","loc":"res","place":"home 2"}"
Then the extraneous outer double quotes will screw the JSON, and json_decode will return NULL. Use json_last_error() to find out. Might also be a UTF-8 BOM or something else ...
Anyway, the 1 is the result from print_r. print_r outputs directly, you don't need the echo. Also for debugging rather use var_dump()
More specifically you would want the print_r output returned (instead of the boolean success result 1) and then write that to the log.
So use:
writeLog(print_r($arr, TRUE));
Notice the TRUE parameter.
First, use a single quote. That will cause a parse error
$getfile= '{"fname":"bob","lname":"thomas","cascade":"bthomas","loc":"res","place":"home 2"}';
I assume you have already declared $selecter and it has been assigned to some value.
Remove echo from echo(print_r($arr)) You don't need echo. print_r will also output. If you use echo, it will display 1 at the end of array.
The working code:
$getfile = '{"fname":"bob","lname":"thomas","cascade":"bthomas","loc":"res","place":"home 2"}';
$arr = json_decode($getfile, true);
$selecter = 'foobar';
$arr['day3'] = $selecter;
Hope this helps.
I had this problem when doing it like this:
if ($arr = json_decode($getfile, true)) {
$arr['day3'] = $selecter;
Decoding it outside of if was the solution.

PHP and JSON - Decoded Array Issue?

I'm trying to get some info out of a decoded JSon string into an array.
I've this code:
$json_d='{ // This is just an example, I normally get this from a request...
$full_domain = $domain.$tlds; // $domain = 'iklive' ; $tlds = '.com'
echo $json_a[$full_domain][status];
The problem is, I need to get the value for "status" of "" but when I do echo $json_a[$full_domain][status]; it does not work, but if I do it manually like echo $json_a[''][status]; (with the quotes there) it works.
I've tried to add the quotes to the variable but without success, how can I do this?
Thanks Everyone!
Thanks to Pekka and jeromegamez I noticed a error in the HTML part of this "problem", the $tlds variable was "com" instead of ".com" -- Sorry by wasting your time with this. I do feel bad now.
Anyway, thanks to jeromegamez and Marc B I discovered that unless status was a constant I need to quote it ;) You can check jeromegamez answer to a detailed explanation of the problem and proper debug.
This works for me:
$json_d='{ "":{"status":"regthroughothers","classkey":"domcno"} }';
$json_a = json_decode($json_d, true);
if (!is_array($json_a)) {
echo "\$json_d is not a valid JSON array\n";
$domain = "iklive";
$tld = ".com";
$full_domain = $domain . $tld;
if (!isset($json_a[$full_domain])) {
echo "{$full_domain} is not set in \$json_a\n";
} else {
echo $json_a[$full_domain]['status']."\n";
What I did:
Changed json_a[$full_domain][status] to json_a[$full_domain]['status'] - the missing quotes around status don't break your script, but raise a Notice: Use of undefined constant status - assumed 'status'
Added a check if the decoded JSON is actually an array
Added a check whether the key $full_domain is set in $json_a

PHP json_decode() returns NULL with seemingly valid JSON?

I have this JSON object stored on a plain text file:
"MySQL": {
"Server": "(server)",
"Username": "(user)",
"Password": "(pwd)",
"DatabaseName": "(dbname)"
"Ftp": {
"Server": "(server)",
"Username": "(user)",
"Password": "(pwd)",
"RootFolder": "(rf)"
"BasePath": "../../bin/",
"NotesAppPath": "notas",
"SearchAppPath": "buscar",
"BaseUrl": "http:\/\/",
"InitialExtensions": [
"MediaPath": "media",
"MediaGalleriesTable": "journal_media_galleries",
"MediaTable": "journal_media",
"Journal": {
"AllowedAdFileFormats": [
"AdColumnId": "3",
"RSSLinkFormat": "%DOMAIN%\/notas\/%YEAR%-%MONTH%-%DAY%\/%TITLE%/",
"FrontendLayout": "Flat",
"AdPath": "ad",
"SiteTitle": "Monte Maíz: Tu Sitio",
"GlobalSiteDescription": "Periódico local de Monte Maíz.",
"MoreInfoAt": "Más información aquí, en el Periódico local de Monte Maíz.",
"TemplatePath": "templates",
"WeatherSource": "accuweather:SAM|AR|AR005|MONTE MAIZ",
"WeatherMeasureType": "1",
"CurrencySource": "cotizacion-monedas:Dolar|Euro|Real",
"TimesSingular": "vez",
"TimesPlural": "veces"
When I try to decode it with json_decode(), it returns NULL. Why?
The file is readable (I tried echoing file_get_contents() and it worked ok).
I've tested JSON against and it's perfectly valid.
What's wrong here?
This worked for me
json_decode( preg_replace('/[\x00-\x1F\x80-\xFF]/', '', $json_string), true );
It could be the encoding of the special characters. You could ask json_last_error() to get definite information.
You could try with it.
If you check the the request in chrome you will see that the JSON is text, so there has been blank code added to the JSON.
You can clear it by using
$k=preg_replace('/\s+/', '',$k);
Then you can use:
print_r will then show the array.
Maybe some hidden characters are messing with your json, try this:
$json = utf8_encode($yourString);
$data = json_decode($json);
I had the same problem and I solved it simply by replacing the quote character before decode.
$json = str_replace('"', '"', $json);
$object = json_decode($json);
My JSON value was generated by JSON.stringify function.
For me the php function stripslashes() works when receiving json from javascript. When receiving json from python, the second optional parameter to the json_decode call does the trick since the array is associative. Workes for me like a charm.
$json = stripslashes($json); //add this line if json from javascript
$edit = json_decode($json, true); //adding parameter true if json from python
this help you to understand what is the type of error
// A valid json string
$json[] = '{"Organization": "PHP Documentation Team"}';
// An invalid json string which will cause an syntax
// error, in this case we used ' instead of " for quotation
$json[] = "{'Organization': 'PHP Documentation Team'}";
foreach ($json as $string) {
echo 'Decoding: ' . $string;
switch (json_last_error()) {
echo ' - No errors';
echo ' - Maximum stack depth exceeded';
echo ' - Underflow or the modes mismatch';
echo ' - Unexpected control character found';
echo ' - Syntax error, malformed JSON';
echo ' - Malformed UTF-8 characters, possibly incorrectly encoded';
echo ' - Unknown error';
echo PHP_EOL;
This error means that your JSON string is not valid JSON!
Enable throwing exceptions when an error happens and PHP will throw an exception with the reason for why it failed.
Use this:
$json = json_decode($string, null, 512, JSON_THROW_ON_ERROR);
Just thought I'd add this, as I ran into this issue today. If there is any string padding surrounding your JSON string, json_decode will return NULL.
If you're pulling the JSON from a source other than a PHP variable, it would be wise to "trim" it first:
$jsonData = trim($jsonData);
The most important thing to remember, when you get a NULL result from JSON data that is valid is to use the following command:
string(53) "Control character error, possibly incorrectly encoded"
You then fix that with:
$new_json = preg_replace('/[[:cntrl:]]/', '', $json);
Here is how I solved mine .. The JSON file has to be in UTF-8 Encoding, mine was in UTF-8 with BOM which was adding a weird &65279; to the json string output causing json_decode() to return null
In my case , i was facing the same issue , but it was caused by slashes inside the json string so using
json_decode( preg_replace('/[\x00-\x1F\x80-\xFF]/', '', $YourJsonString), true );
If the above doesnt work, first replace the quotes from html quote , this might be happening if you are sending data from javascript to php
$YourJsonString = stripslashes($YourJsonString);
$YourJsonString = str_replace('"', '"', $YourJsonString);
$YourJsonString = str_replace('["', '[', $YourJsonString);
$YourJsonString = str_replace('"]', ']', $YourJsonString);
$YourJsonString = str_replace('"{', '{', $YourJsonString);
$YourJsonString = str_replace('}"', '}', $YourJsonString);
$YourJsonObject = json_decode($YourJsonString);
Will solve it,
It's probably BOM, as others have mentioned. You can try this:
// BOM (Byte Order Mark) issue, needs removing to decode
$bom = pack('H*','EFBBBF');
$response = preg_replace("/^$bom/", '', $response);
$response = json_decode($response);
This is a known bug with some SDKs, such as Authorize.NET
If you are getting json from database, put
mysqli_set_charset($con, "utf8");
after defining connection link $con
Just save some one time. I spent 3 hours to find out that it was just html encoding problem. Try this
$param = stripslashes($row['your column name']);
$param = $row['your column name'];
$param = json_decode(html_entity_decode($param),true);
$json_errors = array(
JSON_ERROR_NONE => 'No error has occurred',
JSON_ERROR_DEPTH => 'The maximum stack depth has been exceeded',
JSON_ERROR_CTRL_CHAR => 'Control character error, possibly incorrectly encoded',
JSON_ERROR_SYNTAX => 'Syntax error',
echo 'Last error : ', $json_errors[json_last_error()], PHP_EOL, PHP_EOL;
So, html_entity_decode() worked for me. Please try this.
$input = file_get_contents("php://input");
$input = html_entity_decode($input);
$event_json = json_decode($input,true);
It took me like an hour to figure it out, but trailing commas (which work in JavaScript) fail in PHP.
This is what fixed it for me:
str_replace([PHP_EOL, ",}"], ["", "}"], $JSON);
I recommend creating a .json file (ex: config.json).
Then paste all of your json object and format it. And thus you will be able to remove all of that things that is breaking your json-object, and get clean copy-paste json-object.
I also face the same issue...
I fix the following steps... 1) I print that variable in browser 2) Validate that variable data by freeformatter 3) copy/refer that data in further processing
after that, I didn't get any issue.
This happen because you use (') insted {") in your value or key.
Here is wrong format.
Thats will be return NULL if you decode them.
You should pass the json request like this.
I've solved this issue by printing the JSON, and then checking the page source (CTRL/CMD + U):
Turned out there was a trailing <pre> tag.
you should ensure these points
1. your json string dont have any unknowns characters
2. json string can view from online json viewer (you can search on google as online viewer or parser for json) it should view without any error
3. your string dont have html entities it should be plain text/string
for explanation of point 3
$ProductSizesArr = json_decode($html_product_sizes_json,true);
to (remove htmlentities() function )
$ProductSizesArr = json_decode($html_product_sizes_json,true);
For my case, it's because of the single quote in JSON string.
JSON format only accepts double-quotes for keys and string values.
$jsonString = '{\'hello\': \'PHP\'}'; // valid value should be '{"hello": "PHP"}'
$json = json_decode($jsonString);
print $json; // null
I got this confused because of Javascript syntax. In Javascript, of course, we can do like this:
let json = {
hello: 'PHP' // no quote for key, single quote for string value
// OR:
json = {
'hello': 'PHP' // single quote for key and value
but later when convert those objects to JSON string:
JSON.stringify(json); // "{"hello":"PHP"}"
Before applying PHP related solutions, validate your JSON format. Maybe that is the problem. Try this online JSON format validator.
For me, I had to turn off the error_reporting, to get json_decode() working correctly. It sounds weird, but true in my case. Because there is some notice printed between the JSON string that I am trying to decode.
I had exactly the same problem
But it was fixed with this code
$zip = file_get_contents($file);
$zip = json_decode(stripslashes($zip), true);
I had the same issue and none of the answers helped me.
One of the variables in my JSON object had the value Andaman & Nicobar. I removed this & and my code worked perfectly.
$json_url = "";
$json = file_get_contents($json_url);
$data = json_decode($json);
echo "<pre>";
echo "</pre>";
