wp dokan plugin where do I modify product category page? - php

There is a wordpress site using woocommerce and dokan plugin. I am trying to remove some inline styles added directly in product categories page. I am not being able to find the file/template where the code is written. The site is build on Astra theme, I'm adding the code below:
<div class="ecs-posts elementor-posts-container elementor-posts elementor-grid elementor-posts--skin-custom" data-settings="{"current_page":1,"max_num_pages":0,"load_method":"","widget_id":"b302a43","post_id":false,"theme_id":402,"change_url":false,"reinit_js":false}">
<div class="elementor-posts-nothing-found"><div style="text-align: center"><circle></circle></svg><br><h2 style="font-family: Peace Sans, Sans-serif; font-size: 24px; margin-top: 15px;">There is no products in this category yet</h2></div><style>.elementor-posts-nothing-found{margin: 0 auto;display: block;justify-content: center;width: 300%;display: flex;}</style></div> </div>


How to change woocommerce no price products style

I need to Change the price style for only no price products and only in the single products page.
My problem is this code works for all product price in whole site like archive page, similar products below in single product page and more...
I write and use below code but not work only for single products page:
.hide-larger-price .price :not(.price) {
padding: 5px;
background-color: #1975ff;
color: white;
border-radius: 6px;
font-size: 17px;
I need a code work only for no price product and only in single product page. Not anywhere else...

Can I change the portfolio default pagination of Divi / Wordpress?

I'm building a website with Divi theme in Wordpress. I want to change the "previous" and "next" words of the portfolio pagination for a "<<" and ">>" arrows. I've tried with the wp-pagenavi plugin but is not working.
Is there any way to do that with php in the functions.php of the child theme?
You could use Css, just add it to your Custom CSS block in Divi > Theme options.
Search for the Css Style inspecting the element in Chrome and use this code:
button {
position: absolute;
visibility: hidden;
button:before {
content: "<<";
visibility: visible;
button should be replaced with the Css style of the button you are changing.
Based on this answer of another question: https://stackoverflow.com/a/17160267/10510941

How can I align my mini-cart back to normal. (Woocommerce)

I had done some modifications for my WooCommerce and indirectly modified my mini-cart (shown in the image). What I had done here is I added my own custom function to place my thumbnail/image next to the name of the product (Shown on the third and fourth image) and I get what I wanted for my cart section and review order section. I also added SKU for all of the product reviews but it duplicates as well in my mini-cart. Just wanna ask is there any way I can change back to the original layout of my mini-cart back to normal without changing/removing my custom function.
The second image will be the code that I had added to my function.php
Can add this and check
.mini-cart li {
.mini-cart li ul{
.mini-cart li:hover ul{

Overriding WooCommerce CSS issues

I am having trouble overriding the default styling that comes with WooCommerce. Specifically, I am trying to hide certain fields that display on my checkout page (see screenshot of the code). I mocked up my page on Code Pen and my css is working fine, so I am not sure why it doesn't work on my styles.css of my child theme. Any help is appreciated!
.variation li div:first-child {
display: none; }
Clear the browser cache & try this:
.variation-JobListing:first-child {
display: none !important;

WordPress development administration menu CSS?

Hi there I am creating a plugin for WordPress and I am at the stage of creating the CSS side of the administration menu. I have been reading the codex for WP but still not entirely sure how I can Implement the whole thing. Firstly I have two files adminstyle.css and adminstyle.html. I know I have to use wp enqueue style/script functions in WP but need some assistance on the actual implementation. Firstly the html/css side is a page for admin inputs/textareas/radio buttons for the admin to choose his/her settings. So my question is is there any WP CSS conventions or is it as simple as including a CSS/HTML script on the admin menu for the admin to choose his/her settings?
Its not so hard to implement but you should aware to wordpress hooks, filters and technique to implement it.
If you want some code sample, then by default there is a file located in plugins directory with name hello.php, its a default Hello Dolly Plugin. Take a look on this sample that how to implement style on admin side:
function dolly_css() {
// This makes sure that the positioning is also good for right-to-left languages
$x = is_rtl() ? 'left' : 'right';
echo "
<style type='text/css'>
#dolly {
float: $x;
padding-$x: 15px;
padding-top: 5px;
margin: 0;
font-size: 11px;
add_action( 'admin_head', 'dolly_css' );
In above codes dolly_css is a function which is attached to the admin_head hook.
