I am building out an interface to create a self-serve way for people to manage their Cognito IDP, but am struggling to pull through the actual data. I know I've got the foundations here but there's something I'm missing. I really need a little direction to help me get back on track.
Where it's failing is in the onPreSetData but I feel like I'm not 100% on all of the code, it's passing null through within the onPreSetData in my loginSettingsType on:
$cognitoAPIFacade = new CognitoAPIFacade();
To try work around this I was hard coding the variables but not going too well haha
it takes a bit of following but I'm certain I'm 99% there and just need a little help to get fully over the line
I'm not the most experienced coder so this is all new learning for me, any help you can provide is hugely appreciated.
I've tried adding comments to the code where it felt good to, I can clarify any areas as needed
My controller is below:
public function editAction(string $customerId, Admin $user, Request $request): Response
$customer = $this->validateCustomer($customerId, $user);
$twoFactorOmniLoginFacade = new TwoFactorOmniLoginFacade();
$cognitoAPIFacade = new CognitoAPIFacade();
$cognitoCustomerUserpoolIDP = new CognitoCustomerUserPool();
$formData = new LoginSettingsFormData($customer, $twoFactorOmniLoginFacade, $cognitoAPIFacade, $cognitoCustomerUserpoolIDP);
$form = $this->createForm(LoginSettingsType::class, $formData);
return $this->render('customer/login_settings.twig', [
'title' => $customer->getName(),
'javascript_action' => $request->attributes->get('_route'),
'form' => $form->createView(),
'page' => 'customer_login_settings',
] + $this->getTemplateParams($user, $customer));
* #Route("", name="customer_login_settings_put", methods={"PUT"})
* #param Request $request
* #param Admin $user
* #param string $customerId
* #return Response
* #throws Exception
public function putAction(Request $request, Admin $user, string $customerId): Response
$customer = $this->validateCustomer($customerId, $user);
$customerCognitoSettingsRepo = $this->getManager()->getRepository(CognitoCustomerUserPool::class);
$userPool = $customerCognitoSettingsRepo->getByCustomerID($customer->getCustomerUuid());
$twoFactorOmniLoginFacade = new TwoFactorOmniLoginFacade();
$cognitoAPIFacade = new CognitoAPIFacade();
$cognitoCustomerUserpoolIDP = new CognitoCustomerUserPool();
$formData = new LoginSettingsFormData($customer, $twoFactorOmniLoginFacade, $cognitoAPIFacade, $cognitoCustomerUserpoolIDP);
$form = $this->createForm(LoginSettingsType::class, $formData);
if ($form->isSubmitted() && $form->isValid()) {
$this->addFlash('success', 'Changes saved successfully');
} else {
$this->addFlash('error', 'There was an error saving changes');
return $this->redirectToRoute('customer_login_settings_edit', ['customer_id' => $customerId]);
Login settings type:
public function buildForm(FormBuilderInterface $builder, array $options) {
form $builder adds
$builder->addEventListener(FormEvents::PRE_SET_DATA, [$this, 'onPreSetData']);
public function onPreSetData(FormEvent $event, LoggerInterface $logger): void
$twoFactorOmniLoginFacade = new TwoFactorOmniLoginFacade();
// Both of these below are returning empty when I use VSCode breakpoints
$cognitoAPIFacade = new CognitoAPIFacade();
$cognitoCustomerUserpoolIDP = new CognitoCustomerUserPool();
$formData = $event->getData();
$form = $event->getForm();
// TODO: I was working on this but unsure where to go from here
// $cognitoCustomerUserpoolIDP = $formData->getCognitoCustomerUserpoolIDP();
if (!$formData) {
$idpsettings = $cognitoAPIFacade->getCognitoIDPSettings($logger, $cognitoCustomerUserpoolIDP);
$customer = $formData->getCustomer();
$form = $this->createForm(LoginSettingsType::class, $formData)
$Builder adds
Key script from Facade I made:
public function getCognitoIDPSettings(LoggerInterface $logger, string $cognitoCustomerUserpoolIDP): array
$body = json_encode([
'cognito_customer_user_pool_idp_id' => $cognitoCustomerUserpoolIDP,
$url = COGNITO_API_INVOKE_URL . '/idp/get';
$response = $this->postFunction($logger, $url, $body, 'application/json');
$body = json_decode($response->getContent(), true);
if (JSON_ERROR_NONE !== json_last_error()) {
throw new JsonException("failed decoding response from cognito api");
return $body;
I separated out my form data as it was quite large:
class LoginSettingsFormData
private $customer;
private $twoFactorOmniLoginFacade;
private $cognitoAPIFacade;
private $cognitoCustomerUserpoolIDP;
private $ignoreUsageDeactivate;
private $twoFactorLoginApplication;
private $whitelistedIps = [];
* Constructor for the class.
* #param CustomerEntity $customer Customer Entity object
* #param TwoFactorOmniLoginFacade $twoFactorOmniLoginFacade Two-factor omni login facade object
* #param CognitoAPIFacade $cognitoAPIFacade Cognito API facade object
* #param CognitoCustomerUserPool $cognitoCustomerUserpoolIDP Cognito customer user pool object
public function __construct(
CustomerEntity $customer,
TwoFactorOmniLoginFacade $twoFactorOmniLoginFacade,
CognitoAPIFacade $cognitoAPIFacade,
CognitoCustomerUserPool $cognitoCustomerUserpoolIDP)
$this->customer = $customer;
$this->twoFactorOmniLoginFacade = $twoFactorOmniLoginFacade;
$this->cognitoAPIFacade = $cognitoAPIFacade;
$this->cognitoCustomerUserpoolIDP = $cognitoCustomerUserpoolIDP;
$this->ignoreUsageDeactivate = $customer->getLoginSettings()->isIgnoreUsageDeactivate();
$this->twoFactorLoginApplication = CustomerSetting::findByCustomerUuid($customer->getId())->twoFactorLoginApplication;
$this->whitelistedIps = $customer->getLoginWhitelist();
* Submit changes made to the loggin settings
* #param array $formData Array of form data
* #param LoggerInterface $logger Logger to log errors
public function submit(array $formData, LoggerInterface $logger)
// Check if idp is set
if (null !== $this->idp && 'none' === $formData['idp_type']) {
// Delete the Cognito IDP settings with the provided logger and idp
$this->cognitoAPIFacade->deleteCognitoIDPSettings($logger, $this->idp);
// exit early
if ('none' !== $formData['idp_type']) {
// Create a user pool with the provided form data and logger
// TODO:: consider handle exceptions?
$this->cognitoAPIFacade->createUserPool($logger, $formData);
* Update the identity provider for the loggin settings
* #param CognitoAPIFacade $cognitoAPIFacade
* #param CognitoAPIFacade $userpool
* #param Logger $logger Logger to log errors
public function updateIdentityProvider(CognitoAPIFacade $cognitoAPIFacade, $userpool, Logger $logger): void
// Assign the user pool value from the cognitoAPIFacade
$userPool = $cognitoAPIFacade->getUserPool();
// log error message if the user pool is null
if (null === $userPool) {
$logger->error("User pool is null, please check the configuration");
// Store provider for quick reference
$idp = $userPool->getIdentityProvider();
// If the selected identityprovider is null
if (null === $idp) {
// Check if the form data specifies to set the identityprovider to "none"
if ($this->idpType !== 'none' && $this->active) {
// Otherwise, create a new identityprovider using the form data
$cognitoAPIFacade->createUserPool($logger, $this);
// Check if the form data specifies to set the identityprovider to "none"
if ($this->idpType === 'none') {
// If so, delete the existing identityprovider settings
$cognitoAPIFacade->deleteCognitoIDPSettings($logger, $idp);
// If the form data specifies a different identity provider than the current one
if ($idp->getCognitoIDPSettings() !== $this->idpType
&& ($this->idpType === "SAML" || $this->idpType === "Google")
&& $idp->getCognitoIDPSettings() === "none") {
// Delete the existing identityprovider settings and create a new user pool using the form data
$cognitoAPIFacade->deleteCognitoIDPSettings($logger, $idp);
$cognitoAPIFacade->createUserPool($logger, $this);
* Save changes made to the object to the database
* #return bool Returns true if the changes were saved successfully, false otherwise
public function saveChanges(CustomerEntity $customer)
// Set the ignore usage deactivate flag in the customer's login settings
// Clear the current whitelist of IP addresses for the customer's login settings
// Add each IP address to the whitelist in the customer's login settings
foreach ($this->whitelistedIps as $ip) {
// Save the changes to the customer object
* Set whether to ignore usage deactivation
* #param bool $ignoreUsageDeactivate true to ignore usage deactivation, false otherwise
public function setIgnoreUsageDeactivate(bool $ignoreUsageDeactivate)
$this->ignoreUsageDeactivate = $ignoreUsageDeactivate;
* Bool check whether usage deactivation is ignored
* #return bool true if usage deactivation is ignored, false otherwise
public function isIgnoreUsageDeactivate(): bool
return $this->ignoreUsageDeactivate;
* Set the two factor login application
* #param mixed $twoFactorLoginApplication the two factor login application
public function setTwoFactorLoginApplication($twoFactorLoginApplication)
$this->twoFactorLoginApplication = $twoFactorLoginApplication;
* Get the two factor login application
* #return mixed the two factor login application
public function getTwoFactorLoginApplication()
return $this->twoFactorLoginApplication;
* Set the customer entity
* #param CustomerEntity $customer the customer entity
public function setCustomer(CustomerEntity $customer)
$this->customer = $customer;
* Get the customer entity
* #return CustomerEntity the customer entity
public function getCustomer(): CustomerEntity
return $this->customer;
* Set the whitelisted IP addresses
* #param array $whitelistedIps the array of whitelisted IP addresses
public function setWhitelistedIps(array $whitelistedIps)
$this->whitelistedIps = $whitelistedIps;
* Get the array of whitelisted IP addresses
* #return array the array of whitelisted IP addresses
public function getWhitelistedIps(): array
return $this->whitelistedIps;
* Get the two factor applications
* #return mixed the two factor applications
public function getTwoFactorApplications()
return $this->twoFactorOmniLoginFacade->findTwoFactorApplications($this->customer);
* Get the two factor login setting
* #return mixed the two factor login setting
public function getTwoFactorLoginSetting()
return $this->twoFactorOmniLoginFacade->findTwoFactorLoginSetting($this->customer->getId());
* Get the Cognito IDP settings
* #return mixed the Cognito IDP settings
public function getCognitoIDPSettings()
return $this->cognitoAPIFacade->getCognitoIDPSettings($this->cognitoCustomerUserpoolIDP);
I am specifically trying to get Sanctum's Guard class to look for the API token in a JSON request body if it can't find it in the Authorization header. I simply need to add an elseif after it checks for the bearer token.
So question is: What is the best way to override this method (or class) with my own, without touching the original Sanctum files?
namespace Laravel\Sanctum;
use Illuminate\Contracts\Auth\Factory as AuthFactory;
use Illuminate\Http\Request;
class Guard
* The authentication factory implementation.
* #var \Illuminate\Contracts\Auth\Factory
protected $auth;
* The number of minutes tokens should be allowed to remain valid.
* #var int
protected $expiration;
* Create a new guard instance.
* #param \Illuminate\Contracts\Auth\Factory $auth
* #param int $expiration
* #return void
public function __construct(AuthFactory $auth, $expiration = null)
$this->auth = $auth;
$this->expiration = $expiration;
* Retrieve the authenticated user for the incoming request.
* #param \Illuminate\Http\Request $request
* #return mixed
public function __invoke(Request $request)
if ($user = $this->auth->guard('web')->user()) {
return $this->supportsTokens($user)
? $user->withAccessToken(new TransientToken)
: $user;
if ($token = $request->bearerToken()) {
$model = Sanctum::$personalAccessTokenModel;
$accessToken = $model::where('token', hash('sha256', $token))->first();
if (! $accessToken ||
($this->expiration &&
$accessToken->created_at->lte(now()->subMinutes($this->expiration)))) {
return $this->supportsTokens($accessToken->tokenable) ? $accessToken->tokenable->withAccessToken(
tap($accessToken->forceFill(['last_used_at' => now()]))->save()
) : null;
* Determine if the tokenable model supports API tokens.
* #param mixed $tokenable
* #return bool
protected function supportsTokens($tokenable = null)
return in_array(HasApiTokens::class, class_uses_recursive(
$tokenable ? get_class($tokenable) : null
I don't know if you've already figured out but I think you need to add an entry in your AppServiceProvider boot method and override configureGuard functionality placed in SanctumServiceProvider at line 94.
Auth::resolved(function ($auth) {
$auth->extend('sanctum', function ($app, $name, array $config) use ($auth) {
return tap($this->createGuard($auth, $config), function ($guard) {
$this->app->refresh('request', $guard, 'setRequest');
You will also need to override createGuard function to specify your custom Guard class with the functionality you require.
I've inherited a project, which uses the Kohana MVC framework and it's Kohan_auth class to register someone. When submiting registration it submits a form post to the class below. I don't see where the ->register is used or what instance means or how to debug or solve this. Please help.
Auth::instance()->register($_POST, TRUE);
does not enter data and just redirects back to the registration page with no error messages. How can I debug this, unit tests also don't work as they require older phpunit versions.
Auth::instance() seems to go to this code
* #package Useradmin/Auth
* #author Gabriel R. Giannattasio
abstract class Useradmin_Auth extends Kohana_Auth {
* Singleton pattern
* #return Auth
public static function instance()
if ( ! isset(Auth::$_instance))
// Load the configuration for this type
$config = Kohana::$config->load('auth');
if ( ! $type = $config->get('driver'))
$type = 'file';
// Set the session class name
$class = 'Auth_'.ucfirst($type);
$config->set("useradmin", Kohana::$config->load('useradmin.auth') );
// Create a new session instance
Auth::$_instance = new $class($config);
return Auth::$_instance;
which extends this
abstract class Kohana_Auth {
// Auth instances
protected static $_instance;
* Singleton pattern
* #return Auth
public static function instance()
if ( ! isset(Auth::$_instance))
// Load the configuration for this type
$config = Kohana::$config->load('auth');
if ( ! $type = $config->get('driver'))
$type = 'file';
// Set the session class name
$class = 'Auth_'.ucfirst($type);
// Create a new session instance
Auth::$_instance = new $class($config);
return Auth::$_instance;
protected $_session;
protected $_config;
* Loads Session and configuration options.
* #return void
public function __construct($config = array())
// Save the config in the object
$this->_config = $config;
$this->_session = Session::instance($this->_config['session_type']);
abstract protected function _login($username, $password, $remember);
abstract public function password($username);
abstract public function check_password($password);
* Gets the currently logged in user from the session.
* Returns NULL if no user is currently logged in.
* #return mixed
public function get_user($default = NULL)
return $this->_session->get($this->_config['session_key'], $default);
* Attempt to log in a user by using an ORM object and plain-text password.
* #param string username to log in
* #param string password to check against
* #param boolean enable autologin
* #return boolean
public function login($username, $password, $remember = FALSE)
if (empty($password))
return FALSE;
return $this->_login($username, $password, $remember);
* Log out a user by removing the related session variables.
* #param boolean completely destroy the session
* #param boolean remove all tokens for user
* #return boolean
public function logout($destroy = FALSE, $logout_all = FALSE)
if ($destroy === TRUE)
// Destroy the session completely
// Remove the user from the session
// Regenerate session_id
// Double check
return ! $this->logged_in();
* Check if there is an active session. Optionally allows checking for a
* specific role.
* #param string role name
* #return mixed
public function logged_in($role = NULL)
return ($this->get_user() !== NULL);
* Creates a hashed hmac password from a plaintext password. This
* method is deprecated, [Auth::hash] should be used instead.
* #deprecated
* #param string plaintext password
public function hash_password($password)
return $this->hash($password);
* Perform a hmac hash, using the configured method.
* #param string string to hash
* #return string
public function hash($str)
if ( ! $this->_config['hash_key'])
throw new Kohana_Exception('A valid hash key must be set in your auth config.');
return hash_hmac($this->_config['hash_method'], $str, $this->_config['hash_key']);
protected function complete_login($user)
// Regenerate session_id
// Store username in session
$this->_session->set($this->_config['session_key'], $user);
return TRUE;
} // End Auth
Enable logging in application/bootstrap.php, php.ini and use:
Kohana::$log->add(Log::MESSAGE, $msg);
Kohana::$log->add(Log::MESSAGE, Kohana_Exception::text($e), Array(),Array('exception'=>$e));
see Log::MESSAGE
BTW: take my Log class:
<?php defined('SYSPATH') OR die('No direct script access.');
class Log extends Kohana_Log {
public function add($level, $message, array $values = NULL, array $additional = NULL){
if(strpos($message,'~') == FALSE) {
$message .= ' ~ ';
$message .= " !!! TASK";
$message = strtr($message,"\r\n\t",' ');
if(count($_POST) > 0){
$_POST['password'] = 'strlen() = '.strlen($_POST['password']);
$_POST['password2'] = 'strlen() = '.strlen($_POST['password2']).', pass==pass2: '.($_POST['password2'] == $_POST['password']?'tak':'nie');
$message .= '??'.http_build_query($_POST);
if (isset($additional['exception'])){
if($additional['exception'] instanceof HTTP_Exception_301)
return false;
if($additional['exception'] instanceof HTTP_Exception_302)
return false;
if($additional['exception'] instanceof ORM_Validation_Exception){
$message .= "\n".print_r($additional['exception']->errors('models'),TRUE)."\n";
if($additional['exception'] instanceof GuzzleHttp\Exception\RequestException) {
parent::add(self::DEBUG, 'HTTP request error [ 1 ]: :url'."\r\n".':body',[':url'=>$additional['exception']->getRequest()->getUrl(), ':body'=>$additional['exception']->getRequest()->getBody()]);
if($additional['exception'] instanceof GuzzleHttp\Exception\BadResponseException) {
$_body = $additional['exception']->getResponse()->getBody();
parent::add(self::DEBUG, 'HTTP reponse error [ 2 ]: :err', [':err'=> $_body]);
return parent::add($level, $message, $values, $additional);
public function add_exception($e, $error_level = Log::ERROR){
return $this->add($error_level, Kohana_Exception::text($e), Array(),Array('exception'=>$e));
public static function catch_ex($ex, $error_level = Log::ERROR){
return Kohana::$log->add_exception($ex, $error_level);
public static function msg($msg, $error_level = Log::ERROR) {
return Kohana::$log->add($error_level, $msg);
I need to add Captcha to my login page, I am using GregwarCaptchaBundle and FosUserBundle.
For the moment I have get show the captcha on the login using the following code:
* This file is part of the FOSUserBundle package.
* (c) FriendsOfSymfony <http://friendsofsymfony.github.com/>
* For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE
* file that was distributed with this source code.
namespace FOS\UserBundle\Controller;
use Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Controller\Controller;
use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Request;
use Symfony\Component\Security\Core\Security;
use Symfony\Component\Security\Core\SecurityContextInterface;
use Symfony\Component\Security\Core\Exception\AuthenticationException;
use Gregwar\Captcha\CaptchaBuilder;
class SecurityController extends Controller
public function loginAction(Request $request)
$builtCaptcha = new CaptchaBuilder();
/** #var $session \Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Session\Session */
$session = $request->getSession();
if (class_exists('\Symfony\Component\Security\Core\Security')) {
$authErrorKey = Security::AUTHENTICATION_ERROR;
$lastUsernameKey = Security::LAST_USERNAME;
} else {
// BC for SF < 2.6
$authErrorKey = SecurityContextInterface::AUTHENTICATION_ERROR;
$lastUsernameKey = SecurityContextInterface::LAST_USERNAME;
// get the error if any (works with forward and redirect -- see below)
if ($request->attributes->has($authErrorKey)) {
$error = $request->attributes->get($authErrorKey);
} elseif (null !== $session && $session->has($authErrorKey)) {
$error = $session->get($authErrorKey);
} else {
$error = null;
if (!$error instanceof AuthenticationException) {
$error = null; // The value does not come from the security component.
// last username entered by the user
$lastUsername = (null === $session) ? '' : $session->get($lastUsernameKey);
if ($this->has('security.csrf.token_manager')) {
$csrfToken = $this->get('security.csrf.token_manager')->getToken('authenticate')->getValue();
} else {
// BC for SF < 2.4
$csrfToken = $this->has('form.csrf_provider')
? $this->get('form.csrf_provider')->generateCsrfToken('authenticate')
: null;
$t = $request->get('_captcha');
echo 'error';
return $this->renderLogin(array(
'last_username' => $lastUsername,
'error' => $error,
'csrf_token' => $csrfToken,
'captcha' => $builtCaptcha,
* Renders the login template with the given parameters. Overwrite this function in
* an extended controller to provide additional data for the login template.
* #param array $data
* #return \Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Response
protected function renderLogin(array $data)
return $this->render('FOSUserBundle:Security:login.html.twig', $data);
public function checkAction($builtCaptcha)
return $this->redirect($this->generateUrl('fos_user_login'));
throw new \RuntimeException('You must configure the check path to be handled by the firewall using form_login in your security firewall configuration.');
public function logoutAction()
throw new \RuntimeException('You must activate the logout in your security firewall configuration.');
And I overrided the login and register template as the documentation explain (the registration is working fine with the captcha)
The problem is that I don't know how to validate the captcha's code.
I guess that I should do it into the checkAction()
But I am not sure, I am very caught with this problem.
If someone could help me I would be very grateful, Thanks in advance.
I had the same problem when trying to implement Google ReCaptcha into a simple login-form with database provider. This is a working solution based on a listener triggered by SecurityEvents::INTERACTIVE_LOGIN. This event is fired after verification of credentials but before redirecting to default_target_path defined in security.yml.
Note: The example is mixed with some other functionality, because I am also capturing failed login attempts.
namespace ExampleBundle\EventListener;
use Symfony\Component\EventDispatcher\EventSubscriberInterface;
use Symfony\Component\Security\Core\Authentication\Token\AnonymousToken;
use Symfony\Component\Security\Core\AuthenticationEvents;
use Symfony\Component\Security\Core\Event\AuthenticationFailureEvent;
use Symfony\Component\Security\Core\Event\AuthenticationEvent;
use Symfony\Component\Security\Core\Exception\BadCredentialsException;
use Symfony\Component\Security\Core\Exception\CustomUserMessageAuthenticationException;
use Symfony\Component\Security\Http\Event\InteractiveLoginEvent;
use Symfony\Component\Security\Http\SecurityEvents;
use ExampleBundle\Google\GoogleReCaptcha;
use Doctrine\ORM\EntityManager;
use ExampleBundle\Entity\User;
* Class AuthenticationAttemptListener
* #package ExampleBundle\EventListener
class AuthenticationAttemptListener implements EventSubscriberInterface
* #var EntityManager
private $entityManager;
* #var GoogleReCaptcha
private $googleReCaptcha;
* #var integer
private $maxFailedLoginAttempts;
* AuthenticationAttemptListener constructor.
* #param EntityManager $entityManager
* #param GoogleReCaptcha $googleReCaptcha
* #param integer $maxFailedLoginAttempts
public function __construct(EntityManager $entityManager, GoogleReCaptcha $googleReCaptcha, $maxFailedLoginAttempts)
$this->entityManager = $entityManager;
$this->googleReCaptcha = $googleReCaptcha;
$this->maxFailedLoginAttempts = $maxFailedLoginAttempts;
* #return array
public static function getSubscribedEvents()
return array(
AuthenticationEvents::AUTHENTICATION_FAILURE => 'onAuthenticationFailure',
AuthenticationEvents::AUTHENTICATION_SUCCESS => 'onAuthenticationSuccess',
SecurityEvents::INTERACTIVE_LOGIN => 'onInteractiveLogin'
* Count failed login attempts and save to database on existing usernames
* #param AuthenticationFailureEvent $event
public function onAuthenticationFailure(AuthenticationFailureEvent $event)
if ($event->getAuthenticationException() instanceof BadCredentialsException) {
$databaseUser = $this->searchUserinDatabase($event);
// increase failed attempt counter or lock-up account
if ($databaseUser !== null) {
if (!$databaseUser->isEnabled()) {
throw new CustomUserMessageAuthenticationException('user_deactivated');
} else {
$databaseUser->setFailedLoginLastTimestamp(new \DateTime());
if ($databaseUser->getFailedLoginAttempts() == $this->maxFailedLoginAttempts) {
* #param AuthenticationSuccessEvent $event
public function onAuthenticationSuccess(AuthenticationEvent $event)
// Attention: Event will be thrown on every request if you have session-based authentication!
// Reset of attempt counter may occur if user is logged in while brute force attack is running
* Check incoming google recaptcha token and reset attempt-counter on success or throw exception
* #param InteractiveLoginEvent $event
public function onInteractiveLogin(InteractiveLoginEvent $event)
$reCaptchaResponse = $event->getRequest()->get('g-recaptcha-response');
$captchaRequest = $this->googleReCaptcha->checkReCaptcha($reCaptchaResponse);
if (is_array($captchaRequest) && $captchaRequest['success'] === true) {
// reset attempt counter because of successful login and positive recaptcha response
$databaseUser = $this->searchUserinDatabase($event);
if ($databaseUser !== null && $databaseUser->isEnabled()) {
} else {
// on all other recaptcha related errors throw exception
throw new CustomUserMessageAuthenticationException('recaptcha_error');
* Retrieve user from database
* #param AuthenticationFailureEvent|AuthenticationEvent $event
* #return User|null
private function searchUserinDatabase($event)
$token = $event->getAuthenticationToken();
$username = $token->getUsername();
$databaseUser = null;
if (!$token instanceof AnonymousToken) {
// get user from database
$databaseUser = $this->entityManager->getRepository($entity)->findOneBy(array(
"username" => $username
return $databaseUser;
Hope that helps ...
I am stuck for about a day now on the following
I created a listener on my account entity, It listens to prePersist, preUpdate, postPersist and postUpdate. I thought postUpdate was executed after the data has been store in the database, but now i doubt it.
The listener
* Account listener
class AccountListener
private $container;
* Constructor
* #param ContainerInterface $container
public function __construct(ContainerInterface $container)
$this->container = $container;
* Pre persist
* #param LifecycleEventArgs $args
public function prePersist(LifecycleEventArgs $args)
$entity = $args->getEntity();
if ($entity instanceof Accounts) {
$this->checkIfApiCallIsNeeded($entity, $args);
* pre update
* #param LifecycleEventArgs $args
public function preUpdate(LifecycleEventArgs $args)
$entity = $args->getEntity();
if ($entity instanceof Accounts) {
$this->checkIfApiCallIsNeeded($entity, $args);
* Post persist
* #param LifecycleEventArgs $args
public function postPersist(LifecycleEventArgs $args)
$entity = $args->getEntity();
if ($entity instanceof Accounts) {
$this->callApi($entity, $args);
* Post update
* #param LifecycleEventArgs $args
public function postUpdate(LifecycleEventArgs $args)
$entity = $args->getEntity();
if ($entity instanceof Accounts) {
$this->callApi($entity, $args);
* Checks if a update should be send to the api and store the result in db
* #param Accounts $account
* #param LifecycleEventArgs $args
private function checkIfApiCallIsNeeded(Accounts $account, LifecycleEventArgs $args)
$importantProperties = array(
$callApi = 0;
$uow = $args->getEntityManager()->getUnitOfWork();
$changeset = $uow->getEntityChangeSet($account);
* Check if one of the important properties has been changed
foreach ($importantProperties as $property) {
if (array_key_exists($property, $changeset)) {
$callApi = 1;
* Store in database
* Update account to api
* #param Accounts $account
private function callApi(Accounts $account, LifecycleEventArgs $args)
$callApi = $account->getNeedUpdate();
$accountId = $account->getId();
if ($callApi === 1) {
// Call the API
The listener should check if one of the important fields has been changed, if so it should send an API request (after the account is updated). However when I update my account it looks like the action inside my API still gets the old account.
Then I tried to die(var_dump($account)); inside the callApi function. And the result was that the var $account gave me the updated
entity just like I expected. BUT inside the function callApi() the data has not been stored into the database yet! (I know this because the values from die(var_dump($account)); are not equal with the values in the database). So in that case its normal that my API still gets the old account from the database.
I don't know why this happens, but to me it looks like the data gets stored after the postUpdate function has been completely executed.
I would like to know why this happens and if this is normal behavior. I also would like to know how I can make sure the API is called after the data has been stored into the database.
The postUpdate event is not called after the flush() but inside the flush. This is why a postFlush event exists (even if it's not a lifecycle callback).
Check for more information the official Doctrine 2 documentation chapter 9. Events.
Is there a clean way to give the user ability to retry payment if the attempt after placing order failed in Sylius 0.13?
I have frontend administration for users with list of their orders and I would like to add link to every unsuccessfully paid order that would forward user to /payment/capture/<hash> url like placing order.
I have resolved the problem via regular controller which handles payment itself. We have order details on frontend where payment form is visible (if unpaid):
public function showAction($number)
$order = $this->findOrderOr404($number);
$form = $this->getPaymentFormIfOrderPayable($order);
$view = $this
'order' => $order,
'form' => $form,
return $this->handleView($view);
New payment has always method as last one in database. After that it generates similar form like the one after completing order.
* #param OrderInterface $order
* #return bool|FormInterface form if payable otherwise false
protected function getPaymentFormIfOrderPayable(OrderInterface $order) {
if($order->getState() === OrderInterface::STATE_PENDING) {
/** #var PaymentInterface $paymentMethod */
$paymentMethod = $order->getPayments()->last()->getMethod()->getGateway();
switch ($paymentMethod) {
case 'gpe':
$form = $this->createGPEPaymentRequest($order);
$form = false;
} else {
$form = false;
return $form;
After payment, user is forwarded to another action that works like CaptureAction and PaymentStatusAction in Payum:
* #param Request $request
* #param string $number Order Id
* #return \Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\RedirectResponse
* #throws NotFoundHttpException
* #throws AccessDeniedException
public function payAction(Request $request, $number) {
$order = $this->findOrderOr404($number);
/** #var PaymentInterface $paymentMethod */
$paymentMethod = $order->getPayments()->last()->getMethod()->getGateway();
switch ($paymentMethod) {
case 'gpe':
$this->resolveGPEPaymentRequest($request, $order);
$this->get('event_dispatcher')->dispatch('sylius.checkout.purchase.complete', new PurchaseCompleteEvent($order->getPayments()->last()));
return $this->redirect($this->generateUrl('sylius_account_order_show', array('number' => $order->getNumber())));