I have a pretty large site and every page is built from several included files, my site is 100% in a procedural format and I am trying to learn to use classes and a more OOP approach in PHP.
Currently my site has a header file that is included into every page, in this header is a mysql connection that is made and last the duration of the page, so if I need to run 10 different queries from different files, they all run without needing to make a new connection, so the connection is only made once.
Now that I am trying to convert to a more OO way, I am starting with writing a mysql class to connect and run queries, so I am thinking of using the classes __construct function to make a connection to mysql, I am just curious how this would work though, everytime that class gets called it would make or try to make a connection to mysql instead of just once.
Maybe I am not thinking it out clearly. Should I just initiate this class in the header 1 time and then I wont have to worry anymore?
You could create a single global object of your MySQL class and use that object everywhere. Then your constructor would only be called once.
Or you could create new objects of your MySQL class everywhere. mysql_connect doesn't open new connections if there already is one open:
If a second call is made to mysql_connect() with the same arguments, no new link will be established, but instead, the link identifier of the already opened link will be returned.
The best way I think is to use a special class to handle mysql connections and use it as a singleton. Make the constructor private and get it to return an instance of either an existing connection or a new one.
Here's my example:
class db
public $host;
public $user;
public $pass;
public $database;
private static $instance = false;
private function __construct()
public static function getInstance()
if (self::$instance === false)
self::$instance = new db;
return self::$instance;
public function db_connect()
public function db_disconnect()
This way, whenever you call: db::getInstance()->db_connect(), you are certain there's only going to be ONE instance of that connection everywhere.
Yes, you shouldn't connect multiple times. The overhead of opening and closing the connection all the time is bigger than the cost of keeping it open during the relative small time your scripts run. So you should create an instance of the class at the start and keep it in a global variable.
It's certainly not a bad idea to write your own classes as a exercise, but maybe you should look into one of the existing solutions for database connection management (Zend_Db etc.).
You can always store the database link reference in a STATIC class variable and call it whenever needed. However, PHP by itself tries to use an existing link if it exists in the memory.
I've a sample database handler code for you, ofcourse its PHP 5 and uses PDO.
// Class providing generic data access functionality
class DatabaseHandler
// Hold an instance of the PDO class
private static $_mHandler;
// Private constructor to prevent direct creation of object
private function __construct()
// Return an initialized database handler
private static function GetHandler()
// Create a database connection only if one doesn’t already exist
if (!isset(self::$_mHandler))
// Execute code catching potential exceptions
// Create a new PDO class instance
self::$_mHandler =
// Configure PDO to throw exceptions
self::$_mHandler->setAttribute(PDO::ATTR_EMULATE_PREPARES, true);
catch (PDOException $e)
// Close the database handler and trigger an error
trigger_error($e->getMessage(), E_USER_ERROR);
// Return the database handler
return self::$_mHandler;
// Clear the PDO class instance
public static function Close()
self::$_mHandler = null;
// Wrapper method for PDO::prepare
private static function Prepare($queryString)
// Execute code catching potential exceptions
// Get the database handler and prepare the query
$database_handler = self::GetHandler();
$statement_handler = $database_handler->prepare($queryString);
// Return the prepared statement
return $statement_handler;
catch (PDOException $e)
// Close the database handler and trigger an error
trigger_error($e->getMessage(), E_USER_ERROR);
// Wrapper method for PDOStatement::execute()
public static function Execute($sqlQuery, $params = null)
// Try to execute an SQL query or a stored procedure
$statement_handler = self::Prepare($sqlQuery);
// Execute query
// Trigger an error if an exception was thrown when executing the SQL query
catch(PDOException $e)
// Close the database handler and trigger an error
trigger_error($e->getMessage(), E_USER_ERROR);
// Wrapper method for PDOStatement::fetchAll()
public static function GetAll($sqlQuery, $params = null,
$fetchStyle = PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)
// Initialize the return value to null
$result = null;
// Try to execute an SQL query or a stored procedure
$statement_handler = self::Prepare($sqlQuery);
// Execute the query
// Fetch result
$result = $statement_handler->fetchAll($fetchStyle);
// Trigger an error if an exception was thrown when executing the SQL query
catch(PDOException $e)
// Close the database handler and trigger an error
trigger_error($e->getMessage(), E_USER_ERROR);
// Return the query results
return $result;
// Wrapper method for PDOStatement::fetch()
public static function GetRow($sqlQuery, $params = null,
$fetchStyle = PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)
// Initialize the return value to null
$result = null;
// Try to execute an SQL query or a stored procedure
$statement_handler = self::Prepare($sqlQuery);
// Execute the query
// Fetch result
$result = $statement_handler->fetch($fetchStyle);
// Trigger an error if an exception was thrown when executing the SQL query
catch(PDOException $e)
// Close the database handler and trigger an error
trigger_error($e->getMessage(), E_USER_ERROR);
// Return the query results
return $result;
// Return the first column value from a row
public static function GetOne($sqlQuery, $params = null)
// Initialize the return value to null
$result = null;
// Try to execute an SQL query or a stored procedure
$statement_handler = self::Prepare($sqlQuery);
// Execute the query
// Fetch result
$result = $statement_handler->fetch(PDO::FETCH_NUM);
/* Save the first value of the result set (first column of the first row)
to $result */
$result = $result[0];
// Trigger an error if an exception was thrown when executing the SQL query
catch(PDOException $e)
// Close the database handler and trigger an error
trigger_error($e->getMessage(), E_USER_ERROR);
// Return the query results
return $result;
You should pass a connection object (probably PDO) around, and the various places should be able to pick that up, either as a parameter, or as a property of some central object which the others have a reference to, or something.
Having multiple connections can be useful, it seems insane that mysql_connect picks up an existing connection when you might have wanted a new one - but it's insane anyway. Just use PDO.
You can use that method if you use mysql_pconnect() function, wich will search if there's already a mysql connection and in case it finds it, it wouldn't create another one.
In alternative, if you consider nor to use instances in php, you can call php database object directly, like :
class DB {}
DB::connect($host, $user, $pass);
If you use this method, you don't need to worry about multiple connections. Of course that if you need to use several connections to more than one database at a time, you can make use of object instances, or make your class so it can take several parameters and store them all at once (not very recomemded this one)
I have a custom query() function in my functions. file. I created a login.php file, but when I make a SQL query, the query() function returns a PDO object, instead of an associative array I desire. I need help to pass parameters to be bound to a stored procedure/prepared statement.
The following is the login.php file:
// configuration
// if form was submitted
// validate submission
if (empty($_POST["username"]))
adminapologize("You must provide your username.");
else if (empty($_POST["password"]))
adminapologize("You must provide your password.");
$username = $_POST["username"];
// query database for user
$sql = "SELECT * FROM admin WHERE username = '$username'";
$result = query($sql,array($username));
if($sql != false)
if($result->rowCount() == 0)
printf("No admin yet.");
// if we found user, check password
if($result->rowCount() == 1)
// first (and only) row
$row = $result->fetch();
// compare hash of user's input against hash that's in database
if ($_POST["username"] == $row["username"] && crypt($_POST["password"], $row["hash"]) == $row["hash"])
// remember that user is now logged in by storing user's ID in session
$_SESSION["admin_id"] = $row["admin_id"];
// redirect to admin home
// else apologize
adminapologize("Invalid username and/or password.");
// else render form
adminrender("login_form.php", ["title" => "Admin Log In"]);
Be advised that the config.php includes the functions.php file. And the following is the portion of the functions.php file:
* Executes SQL statement, possibly with parameters, returning
* a pdo statement object on success, handling and halting execution on error.
function query($sql, $parameters = null)
static $pdo; // define the var as static so that it will persist between function calls
// if no db connection, make one
if (!isset($pdo))
// connect to database
// you should set the character encoding for the connection
$pdo = new PDO("mysql:dbname=" . DB_NAME . ";host=" . DB_SERVER, DB_USERNAME, DB_PASSWORD);
$pdo->setAttribute(PDO::ATTR_ERRMODE, PDO::ERRMODE_EXCEPTION); // set the error mode to exceptions
$pdo->setAttribute(PDO::ATTR_EMULATE_PREPARES,false); // turn emulated prepares off
$pdo->setAttribute(PDO::ATTR_DEFAULT_FETCH_MODE,PDO::FETCH_ASSOC); // set default fetch mode to assoc so that you don't have to explicitly list the fetch mode every place
// no bound inputs
$stmt = $pdo->query($sql);
} else {
// has bound inputs
$stmt = $pdo->prepare($sql);
// you should use explicit bindValue() statements to bind any inputs, instead of supplying them as a parameter to the ->execute() method. the comments posted in your thread lists the reasons why.
catch (Exception $e)
// all errors with the connection, query, prepare, and execute will be handled here
// you should also use the line, file, and backtrace information to produce a detailed error message
// if the error is due to a query, you should also include the $sql statement as part of the error message
// if $pdo ($handle in your code) is set, it means that the connection was successful and the error is due to a query. you can use this to include the $sql in the error message.
trigger_error($e->getMessage(), E_USER_ERROR);
//exit; // note: E_USER_ERROR causes an exit, so you don't need an exit; here.
return $stmt; // if the query ran without any errors, return the pdo statement object to the calling code
Your help would be much appreciated.
You've got an excellent function, no need to spoil it.
the query() function returns a PDO object, instead of an associative array I desire.
It's actually an object that you want to be returned. As for the array, you can simply get it by chaining fetch to the call:
$result = query($sql,array($username))->fetch(); // voila!
Look, with function returning an object you can get not only single row but dozens different kinds of results. Like single column value with fetchColumn() or many formats supported by fetchAll(). Not to mention you can get numRows() from the object while from array you can't.
With this function in its current form you can run DML queries as well, while returning fetch it will end up with error. Returning an object is a really really cool thing!
The only bad thing about your function is that you are catching an exception and converting it into an error manually, while PHP is already doing it for you.
Just get rid of this try catch block and you will have exactly the same (actually, even better) error reporting.
// all errors with the connection, query, prepare, and execute will be handled here
// you should also use the line, file, and backtrace information to produce a detailed error message
// if the error is due to a query, you should also include the $sql statement as part of the error message
// if $pdo ($handle in your code) is set, it means that the connection was successful and the error is due to a query. you can use this to include the $sql in the error message.
ALL these things PHP is already doing for you, if you simply don't catch an exception.
(save for storing an $sql variable which is not needed actually, as you can find a query following a back trace)
As of the code, it should be five times shorter:
$sql = "SELECT * FROM admin WHERE username = ?";
$row = query($sql,array($username))->fetch();
if($row && crypt($_POST["password"], $row["hash"]) == $row["hash"])
// remember that user is now logged in by storing user's ID in session
$_SESSION["admin_id"] = $row["admin_id"];
// redirect to admin home
//this is essential as otherwise anyone will be able to proceed with this page
BTW, I just noticed that you are using your function wrong, sending $username right into the query. I fixed it too.
Edit according to #Your Common Sense's answer who's absolutley right:
Call your function 'query' and do directly on that result a fetch.
For example as mentioned in the comments below:
$rows = query($sql, $params)->fetch();
If you want rows as associative array do
$rows = query($sql, $params)->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
This explicitly returns an associative array.
You have to fetch the result after executing.
return $stmt->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
This should return an associative array.
See also: http://php.net/manual/de/pdostatement.fetch.php
* Executes SQL statement, possibly with parameters, returning
* a pdo statement object on success, handling and halting execution on error.
function query($sql, $parameters = null)
static $pdo; // define the var as static so that it will persist between function calls
$return = false;
try {
// if no db connection, make one
if (!isset($pdo)) {
// connect to database
// you should set the character encoding for the connection
$pdo = new PDO("mysql:dbname=" . DB_NAME . ";host=" . DB_SERVER, DB_USERNAME, DB_PASSWORD);
$pdo->setAttribute(PDO::ATTR_ERRMODE, PDO::ERRMODE_EXCEPTION); // set the error mode to exceptions
$pdo->setAttribute(PDO::ATTR_EMULATE_PREPARES,false); // turn emulated prepares off
$pdo->setAttribute(PDO::ATTR_DEFAULT_FETCH_MODE,PDO::FETCH_ASSOC); // set default fetch mode to assoc so that you don't have to explicitly list the fetch mode every place
// no bound inputs
$stmt = $pdo->query($sql);
} else {
// has bound inputs
$stmt = $pdo->prepare($sql);
// you should use explicit bindValue() statements to bind any inputs, instead of supplying them as a parameter to the ->execute() method. the comments posted in your thread lists the reasons why.
$return = $stmt->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
} catch (Exception $e)
// all errors with the connection, query, prepare, and execute will be handled here
// you should also use the line, file, and backtrace information to produce a detailed error message
// if the error is due to a query, you should also include the $sql statement as part of the error message
// if $pdo ($handle in your code) is set, it means that the connection was successful and the error is due to a query. you can use this to include the $sql in the error message.
trigger_error($e->getMessage(), E_USER_ERROR);
//exit; // note: E_USER_ERROR causes an exit, so you don't need an exit; here.
return $return; // if the query ran without any errors, return the pdo statement object to the calling code
I need to do continuous parsing of several external stomp data streams, inserts of relevant fields into a MySql db, and regular queries from the db. All of this is in a protected environment - ie I'm not dealing with web forms or user inputs
Because I'm implementing a range of inserts into + queries from different tables, I've decided to set up a PDO active record model - following the advice of Nicholas Huot and many SO contributors.
I've got a simple repeated insert working OK, but after several days of grief can't get a prepared insert to fly. I want to use prepared inserts given there are going to be a lot of these (ie for performance).
Relevant bits of the code are :
Database class :
private function __construct()
try {
// Some extra bad whitespace removed around =
$this->dbo = new PDO('mysql:host=' . DBHOST . ';dbname=' . DBNAME, DBUSER, DBPSW, $options);
} catch (PDOException $e) {
echo 'Connection failed: ' . $e->getMessage();
public static function getInstance()
self::$instance = new self();
return self::$instance;
public function prepQuery($sql) // prepared statements
try {
$dbo = database::getInstance();
$stmt = new PDOStatement();
$dbo->stmt = $this->$dbo->prepare($sql);
catch (PDOException $e) {
echo "PDO prepare failed : ".$e->getMessage();
public function execQuery($sql) // nb uses PDO execute
try {
$this->results = $this->dbo->execute($sql);
catch (PDOException $e) {
echo "PDO prepared Execute failed : \n";
Table class :
function storeprep() // prepares write to db. NB prep returns PDOstatement
$dbo = database::getInstance();
$sql = $this->buildQuery('storeprep');
return $sql;
function storexecute($paramstring) // finalises write to db :
echo "\nExecuting with string : " . $paramstring . "\n";
$dbo = database::getInstance(); // Second getInstance needed ?
//table class also includes buildQuery function which returns $sql string - tested ok
Controller :
$dbo = database::getInstance();
$movements = new trainmovts();
$stmt = $movements->storeprep(); // set up prepared query
After these initial steps, the Controller runs through a continuous loop, selects the fields needed for storage into a parameter array $exec, then calls $movements->storexecute($exec);
My immediate problem is that I get the error message "Catchable fatal error: Object of class database could not be converted to string " at the Database prepquery function (which is called by the Table storeprep fn)
Can anyone advise on this immediate prob, whether the subsequent repeated executes should work in this way, and more widely should I change anything with the structure ?
I think your problem in this line $dbo->stmt = $this->$dbo->prepare($sql);, php want to translate $dbo to string and call function with this name from this. Actually you need to use $this->dbo.
And actually your functions not static, so i think you don't need to call getInstance each time, you can use $this.
I have been looking in to this almost all day.. and can't seem to find the values returned anywhere. Can somebody tell me:
What values do PDO::getAttribute(PDO::ATTR_CONNECTION_STATUS); return?
Is it possible to rely on its result to determinate if the connection is still alive?(And eventually, what could I use to check if the connection is still alive?)
Finally! it turns out that the mysqli::ping() function could be implemented within PDO as follows:
class PDOExtended extends PDO {
public function __construct($dsn, $user, $pass, $options = array())
$this->link = parent::__construct($dsn, $user, $pass, $options);
$this->link->setAttribute(PDO::ATTR_ERRMODE, PDO::ERRMODE_EXCEPTION)
// some methods
public function isConnected()
try {
return (bool) $this->link->query('SELECT 1+1');
} catch (PDOException $e) {
return false;
//some other methods
PDO::query(); returns array containing the results or false, In the current case it won't return nothing, cuz the connection is dead and PDO should throw an exception at us. And that is what we are expecting. The catch block will return false and and will not stop the execution of our script. The query used
will return 2 always and it is good to rely on due to the fact that it is calculated on the DB side. No connection, no result! It is not an overkill because it is very simple query and most of the databases (on normal shared host) are on localhost it will not take more than 0.0000s which is not much of a performance issue. Have not tested it with transactions yet, but should do the trick still.
I can't get my head around WHEN to throw and catch exceptions for when I call functions from classes.
Please imagine that my QuizMaker class looks like this:
// Define exceptions for use in class
private class CreateQuizException extends Exception {}
private class InsertQuizException extends Exception {}
class QuizMaker()
// Define the items in my quiz object
$quiz_id = null;
$quiz_name = null;
// Function to create a quiz record in the database
function CreateQuizInDatabase()
$create_quiz = // Code to insert quiz
if (!$create_quiz)
// There was an error creating record in the database
throw new CreateQuizException("Failed inserting record");
// Return true, the quiz was created successfully
return true;
catch (CreateQuizException $create_quiz_exception)
// There was an error creating the quiz in the database
return false;
function InsertQuestions()
$insert_quiz = // Code to insert quiz
if (!$insert_quiz)
// There was an error creating record in the database
throw new CreateQuizException("Failed inserting quiz in to database");
// Success inserting quiz, return true
return true;
catch (InsertQuizException $insert_exception)
// Error inserting question
return false;
... and using this code, I use the class to create a new quiz in the database
class QuizMakerException extends Exception {}
// Create a blank new quiz maker object
$quiz_object = new QuizMaker();
// Set the quiz non-question variables
$quiz_object->quiz_name = $_POST['quiz_name'];
$quiz_object->quiz_intro = $_POST['quiz_intro'];
//... and so on ...
// Create the quiz record in the database if it is not already set
// Insert the quiz in to the database
catch (QuizMakerException $quiz_maker_error)
// I want to handle any errors from these functions here
For this piece of code, I want to call a QuizMakerException if any of the functions don't perform what I want them to (at the moment they return TRUE or FALSE).
What is the correct way to go about catching when any of the functions in this code does not perform what I want them to? At the moment they simply return TRUE or FALSE.
Do I really have to put lots of if/else statements between calling each function, I thought that was the whole point in exceptions, they simply halt the execution of further statements within the try/catch?
Do I throw a QuizMakerException from within the catch of my functions?
What is the right thing to do?
Well typically in the function which throws the exception, say your InsertQuestions method, you don't want to catch any exceptions, you want to throw them or let ones occurring to "bubble up". Then your "controller" code can make the determination of how to handle the exception.
If your goal here is to halt if CreateQuizRecord fails I would wrap CreateQuizRecord and InsertQuestions each in their own try block.
One advantage of exceptions is they can tell you more than a simple bool pass/fail. Either extending your base exception into things like "Invalid_Parameter" and testing for specific exceptions or -less ideally- inferring from properties of the exception. You can nest your catch blocks to handle exceptions individually.
Do I throw a QuizMakerException from within the catch of my functions?
Yes. Typically your code under // Code to insert quiz would itself return an exception. Say if the Model failed to insert it might be raising a database exception. In which case you can let that database exception bubble up, or do what you sort of doing now and catch it simply to in turn throw another exception (kinda dumbs down your exceptions in a way, doing that though).
Do I really have to put lots of if/else statements between calling each function, I thought that was the whole point in exceptions, they simply halt the execution of further statements within the try/catch?
I look at it like this, each call which throws an exception and is followed by a subsequent call which depends on this one not throwing any exceptions, should be wrapped in a try block. Assuming you want to handle it gracefully, if you simply want it to error out and halt just don't handle the exception. You'll get an error and stack trace. Sometimes that is desirable.
You might want to change the structure a bit. Your class QuizMaker can become:
// Define exceptions for use in class
public class CreateQuizException extends Exception {}
public class InsertQuizException extends Exception {}
class QuizMaker()
// Define the items in my quiz object
$quiz_id = null;
$quiz_name = null;
// Function to create a quiz record in the database
function CreateQuizInDatabase()
$create_quiz = // Code to insert quiz
if (!$create_quiz)
// There was an error creating record in the database
throw new CreateQuizException("Failed inserting record");
// Return true, the quiz was created successfully
return true;
catch (Exception $create_quiz_exception)
// There was an error creating the quiz in the database
throw new CreateQuizException(
"Failed inserting record " .
function InsertQuestions()
$insert_quiz = // Code to insert quiz
if (!$insert_quiz)
// There was an error creating record in the database
throw new InsertQuizException("Failed inserting quiz in to database");
// Success inserting quiz, return true
return true;
catch (Exception $insert_exception)
// Error inserting question
throw new InsertQuizException(
"Failed inserting quiz in to database " .
Effectively, if you cannot insert the record correctly, you throw an Insert exception. If anything goes wrong with that block of code, you catch it and throw again an Insert exception. Same goes with the Create function (or any other ones you might have).
In the main block of code you can have:
// Create a blank new quiz maker object
$quiz_object = new QuizMaker();
// Set the quiz non-question variables
$quiz_object->quiz_name = $_POST['quiz_name'];
$quiz_object->quiz_intro = $_POST['quiz_intro'];
//... and so on ...
// Create the quiz record in the database if it is not already set
// Insert the quiz in to the database
catch (InsertQuizException $insert_exception)
// Insert error
catch (CreateQuizException $create_quiz_exception)
// Create error
catch (Exception $quiz_maker_error)
// Any other error
If you don't want to have the multiple catch block there, just keep the catch(Exception) one and then check in it the type of each exception thrown to specify the actions taken from there.
The best thing to do is to not have to thhrow exceptions in the first place.
Exceptions are thrown when the program crashes and they are not made to handle wrong output.
If your function returns anything (even its the wrong thing) it doesn't need an exception.
To answer your question, if it's necessaryto use a lot of ifs/elses then you must use them.
I built this class to work with PDO, to make SQL queries 'easier' and less to worry about.
Here are my thoughts
Should it be more like class DB extends PDO?
Is the query method too big? Should it be split into private methods which are called.. is this what is known as loose coupling?
Is my way for detecting a SELECT query too ugly for it's own good?
What other problems are evident? As I am sort of learning-as-I-go, I'm sure I could have overlooked a lot of potential problems.
Thank you
class Db
private static $_instance = NULL;
private function __construct() {
// can not call me
private function __clone() {
// no!
public static function getInstance() {
if (!self::$_instance)
try {
self::$_instance-> setAttribute(PDO::ATTR_ERRMODE, PDO::ERRMODE_EXCEPTION);
} catch(PDOException $e) {
return self::$_instance;
public static function query($query /*string*/, $bindings = NULL)
$queryPortion = substr($query,0, 6);
try {
if ($bindings) {
$prepared = self::getInstance()->prepare($query);
foreach($bindings as $binding=>$data) { // defaults to string
if (!is_array($data)) {
$prepared->bindParam($binding, $data);
} else {
switch(count($data)) {
case 1:
$prepared->bindParam($binding, $data['value']);
case 2:
$prepared->bindParam($binding, $data['value'], $data['dataType']);
case 3:
$prepared->bindParam($binding, $data['value'], $data['dataType'], (int)$data['length']);
trigger_error('An error has occured with the prepared statement bindings.');
return false;
return $prepared->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
} else if (String::match($queryPortion, 'select')) { // if this is a select query
$rows = self::getInstance()->query($query);
return $rows->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
} else {
return self::getInstance()->exec($query);
catch(PDOException $e)
public static function getLastInsertId()
try {
catch(PDOException $e)
public static function disconnect()
// kill PDO object
self::$_instance = NULL;
It's not bad and as it's been said it might help for small applications although it's mostly a very thin abstraction on another abstraction. It's not bringing a lot of others functionalities.
Something you might want to consider, amongst other things:
As this is PHP5 code, use exceptions instead of trigger_error and set_exception_handler if necessary until exceptions are more widespread, but it's definitely cleaner and more future-proof.
You are using a singleton, it's not a bad thing necessarily but in this case, for example, one shortcoming will be that you'll only be able to handle one connection to one database.
I don't know if you make use of stored procedures, but a stored procedure might return a result set through the query() method too.
You have two semi-colons (;;) at the end of your new PDO line.
That being said, I don't think your query method is too big and there's not much that could be recalled from elsewhere in there at the moment. Though as soon as you see two or three lines that could be called from another function, split it. That's a good way to DRY.
Yes and No.
It is good code for a simple quick and dirty application.
The problem comes when you use this in a more complex structured application.
Where the error handling will vary depending on which sql you are executing.
Also any severe errors will show up as "problem at line 999" type errors
where 999 is in your super duper routine and you will have difficulty tracing it back
to a particular sql request.
Having said that I do this sort of thing myself all the time on small projects.
Here's what I've used (just replace the references to Zzz_Config with $GLOBALS['db_conf'] or something):
* Extended PDO with databse connection (instance) storage by name.
class Zzz_Db extends PDO
* Named connection instances.
* #var array
static private $_instances;
* Retrieves (or instantiates) a connection by name.
* #param string $name Connection name (config item key).
* #return Zzz_Db Named connection.
static public function getInstance($name = null)
$name = $name === null ? 'db' : "db.$name";
if (!isset(self::$_instances[$name])) {
if (!$config = Zzz_Config::get($name)) {
throw new RuntimeException("No such database config item: $name");
if (!isset($config['dsn'])) {
if (!isset($config['database'])) {
throw new RuntimeException('Invalid db config');
$config['dsn'] = sprintf('%s:host=%s;dbname=%s',
isset($config['adapter']) ? $config['adapter'] : 'mysql',
isset($config['host']) ? $config['host'] : 'localhost',
$db = self::$_instances[$name] = new self(
isset($config['username']) ? $config['username'] : null,
isset($config['password']) ? $config['password'] : null);
//$db->setAttribute(PDO::ATTR_STATEMENT_CLASS, 'Zzz_Db_Statement');
if ($db->getAttribute(PDO::ATTR_DRIVER_NAME) == 'mysql') {
$db->setAttribute(PDO::ATTR_EMULATE_PREPARES, true);
$db->exec('SET CHARACTER SET utf8');
return self::$_instances[$name];
Usage whould be:
$db = Zzz_Db::getInstance(); // or Zzz_Db::getInstance('some_named_db')
$stmt = $db->prepare('SELECT ...
The goal is to keep the db configuration in an *.ini file (editable by a non-coder).
I went the other way and made a class that extends PDO with a bunch of wrapper functions around prepare()/execute(), and it's much nicer than the built in functions (though that's a bit subjective...).
One other thing: you should set PDO::ATTR_EMULATE_PREPARES to false unless you're using a really old version of mysql (<=4.0). It defaults to true, which is a huge headache and causes things to break in obscure ways... which I'm guessing is the reason you've got a huge wrapper around bindParam() in the first place.
To answer your question, if it is a good code or not, ask yourself:
What is the added value of my code compared to using PDO directly?
If you find a good answer, go for using your code. If not, I would stick with PDO.
Also try considering implementing Zend Framework's DB class which works on its own and supports PDO.