I'm trying to get all the gameids for a particular player. The API I am working with only returns 24 games per page. I just cant figure out how to loop though the pages.
When a player no longer has anymore pages $mPages will be equal to false.
The problem is adding 1 to $iPages so it can get the next page..
My current script:
//incude sql database connection
//include api key
$gamertag = "jam1efoster";
//variant- Valid values are "Campaign", "Firefight", "Competitive", "Arena", "Invasion", "Custom", "Unknown". "Unknown" returns all games.
$variant = "Unknown";
//page number 0 = most recent
$iPage = 0;
while(!$endPages == "stop"){
$iPage = $iPage++;
$GetGameHistory = "http://www.bungie.net/api/reach/reachapijson.svc/player/gamehistory/".$apiKey."/".rawurlencode($gamertag)."/".$variant."/".$iPage;
$output = file_get_contents($GetGameHistory);
$obj = json_decode($output);
echo $output;
$mPages = $obj->HasMorePages;
if($mPages == false){$endPages = "stop";}
foreach($obj->RecentGames as $recentgames) {
$gameid = $recentgames->GameId;
echo $gameid."<br/>";
Perhaps a while loop?
while (!endOfPages) {
I usually work with web hosting companies but I decided to start learning working with servers to expand my knowledge.
I'll better give a real example to explain my question the best:
I have a web application that gathers data from a slow API that returns JSON data of products.
I have a function running every 1AM running a lot of queries on "id"s in my database.
0 1 * * * cd /var/www/html/tools; php index.php aso Cli_kas kas_alert
So this creates a process for the app (please correct me here if I'm wrong) and each process creates threads, and just to be more accurate, they are multi-threads since they do more than one thing: like pulling data from the DB to get the right variables and string them to the API queries, getting the data from the API, organizing it, searching the relevant data, and then inserting new data to the database.
The main PHP functions:
// MAIN: Cron Job Function
public function kas_alert() {
// 0. Deletes all the saved data from the `data` table 1 month+ ago.
// $this->kas_model->clean_old_rows();
// 1. Get 'prod' table
$data['table'] = $this->kas_model->prod_table();
// 2. Go through each row -
foreach ( $data['table'] as $row ) {
// 2.2. Gets all vars from the first query.
$last_row_query = $this->kas_model->get_last_row_of_tag($row->tag_id);
$last_row = $last_row_query[0];
$l_aaa_id = $last_row->prod_aaa_id;
$l_and_id = $last_row->prod_bbb_id;
$l_r_aaa = $last_row->dat_data1_aaa;
$l_r_and = $last_row->dat_data1_bbb;
$l_t_aaa = $last_row->dat_data2_aaa;
$l_t_and = $last_row->dat_data2_bbb;
$tagword = $last_row->tag_word;
$tag_id = $last_row->tag_id;
$country = $last_row->kay_country;
$email = $last_row->u_email;
$prod_name = $last_row->prod_name;
// For the Weekly report:
$prod_id = $last_row->prod_id;
$today = date('Y-m-d');
// 2.3. Run the tagword query again for today on each one of the tags and insert to DB.
if ( ($l_aaa_id != 0) || ( !empty($l_aaa_id) ) ) {
$aaa_data_today = $this->get_data1_aaa_by_id_and_kw($l_aaa_id, $tagword, $country);
} else{
$aaa_data_today['data1'] = 0;
$aaa_data_today['data2'] = 0;
$aaa_data_today['data3'] = 0;
if ( ($l_and_id != 0) || ( !empty($l_and_id) ) ) {
$bbb_data_today = $this->get_data1_bbb_by_id_and_kw($l_and_id, $tagword, $country);
} else {
$bbb_data_today['data1'] = 0;
$bbb_data_today['data2'] = 0;
$bbb_data_today['data3'] = 0;
// 2.4. Insert the new variables to the "data" table.
if ($this->kas_model->insert_new_tag_to_db( $tag_id, $aaa_data_today['data1'], $bbb_data_today['data1'], $aaa_data_today['data2'], $bbb_data_today['data2'], $aaa_data_today['data3'], $bbb_data_today['data3']) ){
// Kas Alert Outputs ($SEND is echoed in it's original function)
echo "<h1>prod Name: $prod_id</h1>";
echo "<h2>tag id: $tag_id</h2>";
echo "aaa old: ";
echo $l_r_aaa;
echo "<br> aaa new: ";
echo $aaa_data_today['data1'];
echo "<br> bbb old: ";
echo $l_r_and;
echo "<br> bbb new: ";
echo $bbb_data_today['data1'];
// 2.5. Check if there is a need to send something
$send = $this->check_if_send($l_aaa_id, $l_and_id, $l_r_aaa, $aaa_data_today['data1'], $l_r_and, $bbb_data_today['data1']);
// 2.6. If there is a trigger, send the email!
if ($send) {
$this->send_mail($l_aaa_id, $l_and_id, $aaa_data_today['data1'], $bbb_data_today['data1'], $l_r_aaa, $l_r_and, $tagword, $email, $prod_name);
For #Raptor, this is the function that get's the API data:
// aaa tag Query
// Gets aaa prod dataing by ID.
public function get_data_aaa_by_id_and_tg($id, $tag, $query_country){
$tag_for_url = rawurlencode($tag);
$found = FALSE;
$i = 0;
$data = array();
// Create a stream for Json. That's how the code knows what to expect to get.
$context_opts = array(
'http' => array(
'method' => "GET",
'header' => "Accepts: application/json\r\n"
$context = stream_context_create($context_opts);
while ($found == FALSE) {
// aaa Query
$json_query_aaa = "https://api.example.com:443/aaa/ajax/research_tag?app_id=$id&term=$tag_for_url&page_index=$i&country=$query_country&auth_token=666";
// Get the Json
$json_query_aaa = file_get_contents($json_query_aaa, false, $context);
// Turn Json to a PHP array
$json_query_aaa = json_decode($json_query_aaa, true);
// Get the data2
$data2 = $json_query_aaa['tag']['data2'];
if (is_null($data2)){ $data2 = 0; }
// Get data3
$data3 = $json_query_aaa['tag']['phone_prod']['data3'];
if (is_null($data3)){ $data3 = 0; }
// Finally, the main prod array.
$json_query_aaa = $json_query_aaa['tag']['phone_prod']['app_list'];
if ( count($json_query_aaa) > 2 ) {
for ( $j=0; $j<count($json_query_aaa); $j++ ) {
if ( $json_query_aaa[$j]['id'] == $id ) {
$found = TRUE;
$data = $json_query_aaa[$j]['data'] + 1;
if ($found == TRUE){
} else {
$data = 0;
$data['data1'] = $data;
$data['data2'] = $data2;
$data['data3'] = $data3;
return $data;
All threads are stacked one after an other, and when one thread is done, only then - the second thread can proceed, ect'.
And in technical view on this, all threads wait in the RAM until the one before them is done working "inside" the CPU. (correct me if I'm wrong again :] )
This doesn't even "tickle" the servers RAM or CPU when looking at it in the process manager (I use "htop"). RAM is at 400M/4.25G and CPU at ONLY 0.7%-1.3%.
Making me feel this isn't the best I can get from my current server, and getting slow results from my web app.
How do I get things done in a way that all threads work in parallel, but not to a point that my app crashes due to lacks of CPU or RAM?
I'm using a script from this site. This script works fine for me and it does what its need to do but I have one problem. When a track finishes on my Icecast server it doesn't get updates on the site. So if my song is 'Stole the show' than it says 'Stole the show' the page but when the song finished and e.g. 'Thinking out loud' starts the page still says 'Stole the show' on a refresh it will update. But how to make it so the page auto updates itself so the users doesn't have to refresh manually?
// include the class file
include( 'icecast.php' );
// instantiate class
$stream = new IceCast();
// set server and mount
$server = 'http://radio.finioxfm.com:8000';
$file = '/status.xsl';
// set the url
// get status info
$radio = $stream->getStatus();
// assign array to variables
// echo the status
echo $status.'<br/>';
// display more stats if ON AIR
if ($status=='ON AIR') :
echo $listeners.' listeners<br/>';
echo $title.'<br/>';
echo $genre.'<br/>';
for ($i=0; $i < 1; $i++) {
echo $now_playing['artist'].'<br/>';
echo $now_playing['track'].'<br/>';
icecast.php script
class IceCast {
var $server = "http://radio.finioxfm.com:8000";
var $stats_file = "/status.xsl";
var $radio_info=array();
function __construct() {
// build array to store our Icecast stats
$this->radio_info['server'] = $this->server;
$this->radio_info['title'] = '';
$this->radio_info['description'] = '';
$this->radio_info['content_type'] = '';
$this->radio_info['mount_start'] = '';
$this->radio_info['bit_rate'] = '';
$this->radio_info['listeners'] = '';
$this->radio_info['most_listeners'] = '';
$this->radio_info['genre'] = '';
$this->radio_info['url'] = '';
$this->radio_info['now_playing'] = array();
$this->radio_info['now_playing']['artist'] = 'Unknown';
$this->radio_info['now_playing']['track'] = 'Unknown';
$this->radio_info['status'] = 'OFF AIR';
function setUrl($url,$file) {
$this->radio_info['server'] = $this->server;
private function fetch() {
// create a new curl resource
$ch = curl_init();
// set the url
// return as a string
// $output = the status.xsl file
$output = curl_exec($ch);
// close curl resource to free up system resources
return $output;
function getStatus() {
// loop through $output and sort arrays
$temp_array = array();
$search_for = "<td\s[^>]*class=\"streamdata\">(.*)<\/td>";
$search_td = array('<td class="streamdata">','</td>');
if(preg_match_all("/$search_for/siU",$output,$matches)) {
foreach($matches[0] as $match) {
$to_push = str_replace($search_td,'',$match);
$to_push = trim($to_push);
if(count($temp_array)) {
//sort our temp array into our ral array
$this->radio_info['title'] = $temp_array[0];
$this->radio_info['description'] = $temp_array[1];
$this->radio_info['content_type'] = $temp_array[2];
$this->radio_info['mount_start'] = $temp_array[3];
$this->radio_info['bit_rate'] = $temp_array[4];
$this->radio_info['listeners'] = $temp_array[5];
$this->radio_info['most_listeners'] = $temp_array[6];
$this->radio_info['genre'] = $temp_array[7];
$this->radio_info['url'] = $temp_array[8];
if(isset($temp_array[9])) {
$x = explode(" - ",$temp_array[9]);
$this->radio_info['now_playing']['artist'] = $x[0];
$this->radio_info['now_playing']['track'] = $x[1];
$this->radio_info['status'] = 'ON AIR';
return $this->radio_info;
First of all, I have to point out that you shouldn't use this script. It works by parsing the Icecast Status page, which we highly discourage, as it may change. For example in Icecast 2.4 we re-made the complete web interface, so chances are that this script breaks.
You should actually parse the XML Icecast provides at http://icecast.tld:8000/admin/stats. It contains everything you need. If you can't access Icecast's Admin page for some reason, you can use the JSON at http://icecast.tld:8000/status-json.xsl, which is there since Icecast 2.4 exactly for the purpose you describe.
To get the site display new metadata information without refreshing, you need to use an AJAX call which either loads directly the status-json.xsl and extracts the metadata and updates it on the page, or if you use the admin XML you need to write a PHP script which returns json, that you can fetch via AJAX and update accordingly.
A lot of people in the past have spoken about setting up node.js (if you have a server doing your streaming).
Personally I have gone with a jquery solution; which just compares the last fetched data with the live data every 10 seconds. That way it loads in almost 'real time'.
You can find my solution here broken down here http://www.radiodj.ro/community/index.php?topic=7471.0
I'm using the v3 Google API for Youtube:
$url = 'https://www.googleapis.com/youtube/v3/search?part=id&channelId=' . $channelID . '&maxResults=50&order=date&key=' . $API_key;
I've set up a script which should give me all videos from a given channel ID. For some channels I get all videos, for some a few are missing (compared with the number of videos shown directly in Youtube), and for bigger channel I get a max. result of 488 videos despite there are more.
The pageToken is a strange thing. For example a channel has 955 videos. I get 18 pages with 50 items per page (that would be 900 videos). Some of them are playlists but if I subtract the 23 playlists I still have 877 videos. If I remove duplicates I only have 488 results! The totalResults in the JSON output shows me 975 results!?
This is my recursive function:
function fetchAllVideos($parsed_json){
$foundIds = array();
if($parsed_json != ''){
$foundIds = getVideoIds($parsed_json);
$nextPageToken = getNextPageToken($parsed_json);
$prevPageToken = getPrevPageToken($parsed_json);
if($nextPageToken != ''){
$new_parsed_json = getNextPage($nextPageToken);
$foundIds = array_merge($foundIds, fetchAllVideos($new_parsed_json));
if($prevPageToken != ''){
$new_parsed_json = getNextPage($prevPageToken);
$foundIds = array_merge($foundIds, fetchAllVideos($new_parsed_json));
return $foundIds;
I call it with $videoIds = fetchAllVideos($parsed_json); and $parsed_json is the result from the first URL which I retrieve. Can you see an error here?
Does anybody know how the number of videos are counted, which are directly shown in Youtube? Has anybody managed to get a full list which correspond to the number in Youtube?
This script goes through selecting a 60 day period at a time and retrieves the results for it, then adds it to the existing data array. By doing this there are no limitations to how many videos are allowed, though it may take some time to trawl larger YouTube channels with a couple thousand videos. Make sure you set the API_KEY, timezone, username, start date (should begin before the first video on the channel), and period (set by default to 60 * 60 * 24 * 60, which is 60 days in seconds. This will need to be lower if the frequency of videos is higher than about 50 for 60 days.) (5184000 seconds).
*All of this is commented within the script.
//youtube api key
function search($searchTerm,$url){
$url = $url . urlencode($searchTerm);
$result = file_get_contents($url);
if($result !== false){
return json_decode($result, true);
return false;
function get_user_channel_id($user){
global $API_KEY;
$url = 'https://www.googleapis.com/youtube/v3/channels?key=' . $API_KEY . '&part=id&forUsername=';
return search($user,$url)['items'][0]['id'];
function push_data($searchResults){
global $data;
foreach($searchResults['items'] as $item){
$data[] = $item;
return $data;
function get_url_for_utc_period($channelId, $utc){
//get the API_KEY
global $API_KEY;
//youtube specifies the DateTime to be formatted as RFC 3339 formatted date-time value (1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)
$publishedAfter = date("Y-m-d\TH:i:sP",strval($utc));
//within a 60 day period
$publishedBefore_ = $utc + (60 * 60 * 24 * 60);
$publishedBefore = date("Y-m-d\TH:i:sP",$publishedBefore_);
//develop the URL with the API_KEY, channelId, and the time period specified by publishedBefore & publishedAfter
$url = 'https://www.googleapis.com/youtube/v3/search?part=snippet&type=video&key=' . $API_KEY . '&maxResults=50&channelId=' . $channelId . '&publishedAfter=' . urlencode($publishedAfter) . '&publishedBefore=' . urlencode($publishedBefore);
return array("url"=>$url,"utc"=>$publishedBefore_);
//the date that the loop will begin with, have this just before the first videos on the channel.
//this is just an example date
$start_date = "2013-1-1";
$utc = strtotime($start_date);
//get the channel id for the username
$channelId = get_user_channel_id($username);
while($utc < time()){
$url_utc = get_url_for_utc_period($channelId, $utc);
$searchResults = search("", $url_utc['url']);
$data = push_data($searchResults);
$utc += 60 * 60 * 24 * 60;
print "<pre>";
print "</pre>";
//check that all of the videos have been accounted for (cross-reference this with what it says on their youtube channel)
print count($data);
https://gdata.youtube.com/feeds/api/users/USERNAME_HERE/uploads?max-results=50&alt=json&start-index=1 did the trick. It's a JSON feed where you have to loop until you get less than 50 results.
This should be the script I used:
ini_set('max_execution_time', 900);
function getVideos($channel){
$ids = array();
$start_index = 1;
$still_have_results = true;
if($channel == ""){
return false;
$url = 'https://gdata.youtube.com/feeds/api/users/' . $channel . '/uploads?max-results=50&alt=json&start-index=' . $start_index;
$json = file_get_contents($url);
$obj = json_decode($json);
foreach($obj->feed->entry as $video){
$video_url = $video->id->{'$t'};
$last_pos = strrpos($video_url, '/');
$video_id = substr($video_url, $last_pos+1, strlen($video_url) - $last_pos);
array_push($ids, $video_id);
$number_of_items = count($obj->feed->entry);
$start_index += count($obj->feed->entry);
if($number_of_items < 50) {
$still_have_results = false;
$url = 'https://gdata.youtube.com/feeds/api/users/' . $channel . '/uploads?max-results=50&alt=json&start-index=' . $start_index;
$json = file_get_contents($url);
$obj = json_decode($json);
return $ids;
$videoIds = getVideos('youtube');
echo '<pre>';
echo '</pre>';
Now I made a test, but I didn't gathered 100% of the videos. Nevertheless, the best option I came up with.
I have codes that should be getting value from mysql database, I can get only one value but I have while loop so it can get value and output data separated with comma. But I only get one value and cannot get multiple value. the result should be like this, // End main PHP block. Data looks like this: [ [123456789, 20.9],[1234654321, 22.1] ] here is the code:
// connect to MySQL
mysql_connect('localhost','','') or die("Can't connect that way!");
#mysql_select_db('temperature1') or die("Unable to select a database called 'temperature'");
if(ISSET($_GET['t']) && (is_numeric($_GET['t'])) ){
// message from the Arduino
$temp = $_GET['t'];
$qry = "INSERT INTO tempArray(timing,temp) VALUES(".time().",'$temp')";
echo $qry;
// no temp reading has been passed, lets show the chart.
$daysec = 60*60*24; //86,400
$daynow = time();
if(!$_GET['d'] || !is_numeric($_GET['d'])){
$dayoffset = 1;
} else {
$dayoffset = $_GET['d'];
$dlimit = $daynow-($daysec*$dayoffset);
$qryd = "SELECT id, timing, temp FROM tempArray WHERE timing>='$dlimit' ORDER BY id ASC LIMIT 1008";
// 1008 is a weeks worth of data,
// assuming 10 min intervals
$r = mysql_query($qryd);
$count = mysql_num_rows($r);
$r = mysql_query($qryd);
$count = mysql_num_rows($r);
while($row=mysql_fetch_array($r, MYSQL_ASSOC)) {
$dt = ($row['timing']+36000)*1000;
$te = $row['temp'];
if($te>$maxtemp) $maxtemp=$te; // so the graph doesnt run along the top
if($te<$mintemp) $mintemp=$te; // or bottom of the axis
$return="[$dt, $te]";
echo $return; //here I get all values [1385435831000, 21][1385435862000, 23][1385435892000, 22][1385435923000, 25][1385435923000, 22]
if($i<$count) $return= ","; echo $return; // if there is more data, add a ',' however, it return me ,,,[1385435923000, 22]
$latest = "$dt|$te"; // this will get filled up with each one
// convert $latest to actual date - easier to do it here than in javascript (which I loathe)
$latest = explode('|',$latest);
$latest[0] = date('g:ia, j.m.Y',(($latest[0])/1000)-36000);
You're just assigning $return to the values from the last row your while loop grabbed instead of concatenating it. Try this
$return = "[";
while($row=mysql_fetch_array($r, MYSQL_ASSOC)) {
$dt = ($row['timing']+36000)*1000;
$te = $row['temp'];
if($te>$maxtemp) $maxtemp=$te; // so the graph doesnt run along the top
if($te<$mintemp) $mintemp=$te; // or bottom of the axis
$return.="[$dt, $te]";
if($i<$count) $return .= ", ";// if there is more data, add a ','
$latest = "$dt|$te"; // this will get filled up with each one
$return .= "]";
One of my sites frequently has more than 1000 concurrent visitors and just for consistency I want to add a thousands separator to the display so it shows like 1,000.
My initial thought was just to add number_format before the variable holding the guest count but this stops the counter working for some reason.
The function in helper.php counting the guests looks like this:
// show online count
static function getOnlineCount() {
$db = JFactory::getDbo();
// calculate number of guests and users
$result = array();
$user_array = 0;
$guest_array = 0;
$query = $db->getQuery(true);
$query->select('guest, usertype, client_id');
$query->where('client_id = 0');
$sessions = (array) $db->loadObjectList();
if (count($sessions)) {
foreach ($sessions as $session) {
// if guest increase guest count by 1
if ($session->guest == 1 && !$session->usertype) {
$guest_array ++;
// if member increase member count by 1
if ($session->guest == 0) {
$user_array ++;
$result['user'] = $user_array;
$result['guest'] = $guest_array;
return $result;
And in the template the data is displayed using the following:
<?php if ($showmode == 0 || $showmode == 2) : ?>
<?php $guest = JText::plural('MOD_WHOSONLINE_GUESTS', $count['guest']); ?>
<?php $member = JText::plural('MOD_WHOSONLINE_MEMBERS', $count['user']); ?>
<p><?php echo JText::sprintf('MOD_WHOSONLINE_WE_HAVE', $guest, $member); ?></p>
Where do I put the number_format so the separator is added please?
does this not work?
$guest = JText::plural('MOD_WHOSONLINE_GUESTS',number_format($count['guest'],0,'.',','));