file_get_contents => PHP Fatal error: Allowed memory exhausted - php

I have no experience when dealing with large files so I am not sure what to do about this. I have attempted to read several large files using file_get_contents ; the task is to clean and munge them using preg_replace().
My code runs fine on small files ; however, the large files (40 MB) trigger an Memory exhausted error:
PHP Fatal error: Allowed memory size of 16777216 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 41390283 bytes)
I was thinking of using fread() instead but I am not sure that'll work either. Is there a workaround for this problem?
Thanks for your input.
This is my code:
##get find() results and remove DOS carriage returns.
##The error is thrown on the next line for large files!
$myData = file_get_contents("tmp11");
$newData = str_replace("^M", "", $myData);
##cleanup Model-Manufacturer field.
$pattern = '/(Model-Manufacturer:)(\n)(\w+)/i';
$replacement = '$1$3';
$newData = preg_replace($pattern, $replacement, $newData);
##cleanup Test_Version field and create comma delimited layout.
$pattern = '/(Test_Version=)(\d).(\d).(\d)(\n+)/';
$replacement = '$1$2.$3.$4 ';
$newData = preg_replace($pattern, $replacement, $newData);
##cleanup occasional empty Model-Manufacturer field.
$pattern = '/(Test_Version=)(\d).(\d).(\d) (Test_Version=)/';
$replacement = '$1$2.$3.$4 Model-Manufacturer:N/A--$5';
$newData = preg_replace($pattern, $replacement, $newData);
##fix occasional Model-Manufacturer being incorrectly wrapped.
$newData = str_replace("--","\n",$newData);
##fix 'Binary file' message when find() utility cannot id file.
$pattern = '/(Binary file).*/';
$replacement = '';
$newData = preg_replace($pattern, $replacement, $newData);
$newData = removeEmptyLines($newData);
##replace colon with equal sign
$newData = str_replace("Model-Manufacturer:","Model-Manufacturer=",$newData);
##file stuff
$fh2 = fopen("tmp2","w");
fwrite($fh2, $newData);
### Functions.
##Data cleanup
function removeEmptyLines($string)
return preg_replace("/(^[\r\n]*|[\r\n]+)[\s\t]*[\r\n]+/", "\n", $string);

Firstly you should understand that when using file_get_contents you're fetching the entire string of data into a variable, that variable is stored in the hosts memory.
If that string is greater than the size dedicated to the PHP process then PHP will halt and display the error message above.
The way around this to open the file as a pointer, and then take a chunk at a time. This way if you had a 500MB file you can read the first 1MB of data, do what you will with it, delete that 1MB from the system's memory and replace it with the next MB. This allows you to manage how much data you're putting in the memory.
An example if this can be seen below, I will create a function that acts like node.js
function file_get_contents_chunked($file,$chunk_size,$callback)
$handle = fopen($file, "r");
$i = 0;
while (!feof($handle))
catch(Exception $e)
trigger_error("file_get_contents_chunked::" . $e->getMessage(),E_USER_NOTICE);
return false;
return true;
and then use like so:
$success = file_get_contents_chunked("my/large/file",4096,function($chunk,&$handle,$iteration){
* Do what you will with the {$chunk} here
* {$handle} is passed in case you want to seek
** to different parts of the file
* {$iteration} is the section of the file that has been read so
* ($i * 4096) is your current offset within the file.
//It Failed
One of the problems you will find is that you're trying to perform regex several times on an extremely large chunk of data. Not only that but your regex is built for matching the entire file.
With the above method your regex could become useless as you may only be matching a half set of data. What you should do is revert to the native string functions such as
for matching the strings, I have added support in the callback so that the handle and current iteration are passed. This will allow you to work with the file directly within your callback, allowing you to use functions like fseek, ftruncate and fwrite for instance.
The way you're building your string manipulation is not efficient whatsoever, and using the proposed method above is by far a much better way.

A pretty ugly solution to adjust your memory limit depending on file size:
$filename = "yourfile.txt";
ini_set ('memory_limit', filesize ($filename) + 4000000);
$contents = file_get_contents ($filename);
The right solutuion would be to think if you can process the file in smaller chunks, or use command line tools from PHP.
If your file is line-based you can also use fgets to process it line-by-line.

For processing just n numbers of rows at a time, we can use generators in PHP.
n(use 1000)
This is how it works
Read n lines, process them, come back at n+1, then read n lines, process them come back and read next n lines and so on.
Here's the code for doing so.
class readLargeCSV{
public function __construct($filename, $delimiter = "\t"){
$this->file = fopen($filename, 'r');
$this->delimiter = $delimiter;
$this->iterator = 0;
$this->header = null;
public function csvToArray()
$data = array();
while (($row = fgetcsv($this->file, 1000, $this->delimiter)) !== false)
$is_mul_1000 = false;
$this->header = $row;
$data[] = array_combine($this->header, $row);
if($this->iterator != 0 && $this->iterator % 1000 == 0){
$is_mul_1000 = true;
$chunk = $data;
$data = array();
yield $chunk;
yield $data;
And for reading it, you can use this.
$file = database_path('path/to/csvfile/XYZ.csv');
$csv_reader = new readLargeCSV($file, ",");
foreach($csv_reader->csvToArray() as $data){
// you can do whatever you want with the $data.
Here $data contains the 1000 entries from the csv or n%1000 which will be for the last batch.
A detailed explanation for this can be found here

My advice would be to use fread. It may be a little slower, but you won't have to use all your memory...
For instance :
//This use filesize($oldFile) memory
file_put_content($newFile, file_get_content($oldFile));
//And this 8192 bytes
$pNew=fopen($newFile, 'w');
$pOld=fopen($oldFile, 'r');
fwrite($pNew, fread($pOld, 8192));


Reading > 1GB GZipped CSV files from external FTP server

In a scheduled task of my Laravel application I'm reading several large gzipped CSV files, ranging from 80mb to 4gb on an external FTP server, containing products which I store in my database based on a product attribute.
I loop through a list of product feeds that I want to import but each time a fatal error is returned: 'Allowed memory size of 536870912 bytes exhausted'. I can bump up the length parameter of the fgetcsv function from 1000 to 100000 which solves the problem for the smaller files (< 500mb) but for the larger files it will return the fatal error.
Is there a solution that allows me to either download or unzip the .csv.gz files, reading the lines (by batch or one by one) and inserting the products into my database without running out of memory?
$feeds = [
foreach ($feeds as $feed) {
$importedProducts = array();
$importedFeedProducts = 0;
$csvfile = 'compress.zlib://ftp://' . config('app.ftp_username') . ':' . config('app.ftp_password') . '#' . config('app.ftp_host') . '/' . $feed;
if (($handle = fopen($csvfile, "r")) !== FALSE) {
$row = 1;
$header = fgetcsv($handle, 1, "|");
while (($data = fgetcsv($handle, 1000, "|")) !== FALSE) {
if($row == 1 || array(null) !== $data){ $row++; continue; }
$product = array_combine($header, $data);
$importedProducts[] = $product;
} else {
echo 'Failed to open: ' . $feed . PHP_EOL;
// start inserting products into the database below here
The problem is probably not the gzip file itself,
Of course you can download it, on process it then, this will keep the same issues.
Because you are loading all products in a single array (Memory)
$importedProducts[] = $product;
You could comment this line out, and see it if this prevent's hitting your memory limit.
Usually i would create a method like this addProduct($product) to handle it memory safe.
You can then from there decide a max number of products before doing a bulk insert. to achieve optimal speed.. i usually use something between 1000 en 5000 rows.
For example
class ProductBatchInserter
private $maxRecords = 1000;
private $records = [];
function addProduct($record) {
$this->records[] = $record;
if (count($this->records) >= $this->maxRecords) {
$this->records = [];
However i usualy don't implement it as a single class, but in my projects i used to integrate them as a BulkInsertable trait that could be used on any eloquent model.
But this should give you an direction, how you can avoid memory limits.
Or, the easier , but significantly slower, just insert the row where you now assign it to array.
But that will put a ridiculous load on your database and will be really very slow.
If the GZIP stream is the bottleneck
As i expect this is not the issue, but if it would, then you could use gzopen()
and nest the gzopen handle as handle for fgetcsv.
But i expect the streamhandler you are using, is doing this already the same way for you..
If not, i mean like this:
$input = gzopen('input.csv.gz', 'r');
while (($row = fgetcsv($input)) !== false) {
// do something memory safe, like suggested above
If you need to download it anyway there are many ways to do it, but make sure you use something memory safe, like fopen / fgets , or a guzzle stream and don't try to use something like file_get_contents() that loads it into memory

How to parse a csv file that contains 15 million lines of data in php

I have a script which parses the CSV file and start verifying the emails. this works fine for 1000 lines. but on 15 million lines it shows memory exhausted error. the file size is 400MB. any suggestions? how to parse and verify them?
Server Specs: Core i7 with 32GB of Ram
function parse_csv($file_name, $delimeter=',') {
$header = false;
$row_count = 0;
$data = [];
// clear any previous results
// parse
$file = fopen($file_name, 'r');
while (!feof($file)) {
$row = fgetcsv($file, 0, $delimeter);
if ($row == [NULL] || $row === FALSE) { continue; }
if (!$header) {
$header = $row;
} else {
$data[] = array_combine($header, $row);
return ['data' => $data, 'row_count' => $row_count];
function reset_parse_csv() {
$header = false;
$row_count = 0;
$data = [];
Iterating over a large dataset (file lines, etc.) and pushing into array it increases memory usage and this is directly proportional to the number of items handling.
So the bigger file, the bigger memory usage - in this case.
If it's desired a function to formatting the CSV data before processing it, backing it on the of generators sounds like a great idea.
Reading the PHP doc it fits very well for your case (emphasis mine):
A generator allows you to write code that uses foreach to iterate over a set of data without needing to build an array in memory, which
may cause you to exceed a memory limit, or require a considerable
amount of processing time to generate.
Something like this:
function csv_read($filename, $delimeter=',')
$header = [];
$row = 0;
# tip: dont do that every time calling csv_read(), pass handle as param instead ;)
$handle = fopen($filename, "r");
if ($handle === false) {
return false;
while (($data = fgetcsv($handle, 0, $delimeter)) !== false) {
if (0 == $row) {
$header = $data;
} else {
# on demand usage
yield array_combine($header, $data);
And then:
$generator = csv_read('rdu-weather-history.csv', ';');
foreach ($generator as $item) {
The major difference here is:
you do not get (from memory) and consume all data at once. You get items on demand (like a stream) and process it instead, one item at time. It has huge impact on memory usage.
P.S.: The CSV file above has taken from:
It is not necessary to write a generator function. The SplFileObject also works fine.
$fileObj = new SplFileObject($file);
| SplFileObject::SKIP_EMPTY
| SplFileObject::READ_AHEAD
| SplFileObject::DROP_NEW_LINE
foreach($fileObj as $row){
//do something
I tried that with the file "rdu-weather-history.csv" (> 500KB). memory_get_peak_usage() returned the value 424k after the foreach loop. The values ​​must be processed line by line.
If a 2-dimensional array is created, the storage space required for the example increases to more as 8 Mbytes.
One thing you could possibly attempt, is a Bulk Import to MySQL which may give you a better platform to work from once it's imported.
LOAD DATA INFILE '/home/user/data.csv' INTO TABLE CSVImport; where CSVimport columns match your CSV.
Bit of a left field suggestion, but depending on what your use case is can be a better way to parse massive datasets.

Fatal Error - Out of Memory while reading a *.dat file in php [duplicate]

I am reading a file containing around 50k lines using the file() function in Php. However, its giving a out of memory error since the contents of the file are stored in the memory as an array. Is there any other way?
Also, the lengths of the lines stored are variable.
Here's the code. Also the file is 700kB not mB.
private static function readScoreFile($scoreFile)
$file = file($scoreFile);
$relations = array();
for($i = 1; $i < count($file); $i++)
$relation = explode("\t",trim($file[$i]));
$relation = array(
'pwId_1' => $relation[0],
'pwId_2' => $relation[1],
'score' => $relation[2],
if($relation['score'] > 0)
$relations[] = $relation;
return $relations;
Use fopen, fread and fclose to read a file sequentially:
$handle = fopen($filename, 'r');
if ($handle) {
while (!feof($handle)) {
echo fread($handle, 8192);
EDIT after update of question and comments to answer of fabjoa:
There is definitely something fishy if a 700kb file eats up 140MB of memory with that code you gave (you could unset $relation at the end of the each iteration though). Consider using a debugger to step through it to see what happens. You might also want to consider rewriting the code to use SplFileObject's CSV functions as well (or their procedural cousins)
SplFileObject::setCsvControl example
$file = new SplFileObject("data.csv");
foreach ($file as $row) {
list ($fruit, $quantity) = $row;
// Do something with values
For an OOP approach to iterate over the file, try SplFileObject:
SplFileObject::fgets example
$file = new SplFileObject("file.txt");
while (!$file->eof()) {
echo $file->fgets();
SplFileObject::next example
// Read through file line by line
$file = new SplFileObject("misc.txt");
while (!$file->eof()) {
echo $file->current();
or even
foreach(new SplFileObject("misc.txt") as $line) {
echo $line;
Pretty much related (if not duplicate):
How to save memory when reading a file in Php?
If you don't know the maximum line length and you are not comfortable to use a magic number for the max line length then you'll need to do an initial scan of the file and determine the max line length.
Other than that the following code should help you out:
// length is a large number or calculated from an initial file scan
while (!feof($handle)) {
$buffer = fgets($handle, $length);
echo $buffer;
Old question but since I haven't seen anyone mentioning it, PHP generators is a great way to reduce save memory consumption.
For example:
function read($fileName)
$fileHandler = fopen($fileName, 'rb');
while(($line = fgets($fileHandler)) !== false) {
yield rtrim($line, "\r\n");
foreach(read(__DIR__ . '/filenameHere') as $line) {
echo $line;
allocate more memory during the operation, maybe something like ini_set('memory_limit', '16M');. Don't forget to go back to initial memory allocation once operation is done

parse remote csv-file with PHP on GAE

I seem to be in a catch-22 with a small app I'm developing in PHP on Google App Engine using Quercus;
I have a remote csv-file which I can download & store in a string
To parse that string I'd ideally use str_getcsv, but Quercus doesn't have that function yet
Quercus does seem to know fgetcsv, but that function expects a file handle which I don't have (and I can't make a new one as GAE doesn't allow files to be created)
Anyone got an idea of how to solve this without having to dismiss the built-in PHP csv-parser functions and write my own parser instead?
I think the simplest solution really is to write your own parser . it's a piece of cake anyway and will get you to learn more regex- it makes no sense that there is no csv string to array parser in PHP so it's totally justified to write your own. Just make sure it's not too slow ;)
You might be able to create a new stream wrapper using stream_wrapper_register.
Here's an example from the manual which reads global variables:
You could then use it like a normal file handle:
$csvStr = '...';
$fp = fopen('var://csvStr', 'r+');
while ($row = fgetcsv($fp)) {
// ...
this shows a simple manual parser i wrote with example input with qualifed, non-qualified, escape feature. it can be used for the header and data rows and included an assoc array function to make your data into a kvp style array.
//example data
$fields = strparser('"first","second","third","fourth","fifth","sixth","seventh"');
print_r(makeAssocArray($fields, strparser('"asdf","bla\"1","bl,ah2","bl,ah\"3",123,34.234,"k;jsdfj ;alsjf;"')));
//do something like this
$fields = strparser(<csvfirstline>);
foreach ($lines as $line)
$data = makeAssocArray($fields, strparser($line));
function strparser($string, $div = ",", $qual = "\"", $esc = "\\") {
$buff = "";
$data = array();
$isQual = false; //the result will be a qualifier
$inQual = false; //currently parseing inside qualifier
//itereate through string each byte
for ($i = 0; $i < strlen($string); $i++) {
switch ($string[$i]) {
case $esc:
//add next byte to buffer and skip it
$buff .= $string[$i+1];
case $qual:
//see if this is escaped qualifier
if (!$inQual) {
$isQual = true;
$inQual = true;
} else {
$inQual = false; //done parseing qualifier
case $div:
if (!$inQual) {
$data[] = $buff; //add value to data
$buff = ""; //reset buffer
$buff .= $string[$i];
//get last item as it doesnt have a divider
$data[] = $buff;
return $data;
function makeAssocArray($fields, $data) {
foreach ($fields as $key => $field)
$array[$field] = $data[$key];
return $array;
if it can be dirty and quick. I would just use the
to pass it in and use sed and awk ( to parse it. I know you wanted to use the php parser. I've tried before and failed simply because its not vocal about its errors.
Hope this helps.
Good luck.
You might be able to use fopen with php://temp or php://memory ( to get it to work. What you would do is open either php://temp or php://memory, write to it, then rewind it (, and then pass it to fgetcsv. I didn't test this, but it might work.

Least memory intensive way to read a file in PHP

I am reading a file containing around 50k lines using the file() function in Php. However, its giving a out of memory error since the contents of the file are stored in the memory as an array. Is there any other way?
Also, the lengths of the lines stored are variable.
Here's the code. Also the file is 700kB not mB.
private static function readScoreFile($scoreFile)
$file = file($scoreFile);
$relations = array();
for($i = 1; $i < count($file); $i++)
$relation = explode("\t",trim($file[$i]));
$relation = array(
'pwId_1' => $relation[0],
'pwId_2' => $relation[1],
'score' => $relation[2],
if($relation['score'] > 0)
$relations[] = $relation;
return $relations;
Use fopen, fread and fclose to read a file sequentially:
$handle = fopen($filename, 'r');
if ($handle) {
while (!feof($handle)) {
echo fread($handle, 8192);
EDIT after update of question and comments to answer of fabjoa:
There is definitely something fishy if a 700kb file eats up 140MB of memory with that code you gave (you could unset $relation at the end of the each iteration though). Consider using a debugger to step through it to see what happens. You might also want to consider rewriting the code to use SplFileObject's CSV functions as well (or their procedural cousins)
SplFileObject::setCsvControl example
$file = new SplFileObject("data.csv");
foreach ($file as $row) {
list ($fruit, $quantity) = $row;
// Do something with values
For an OOP approach to iterate over the file, try SplFileObject:
SplFileObject::fgets example
$file = new SplFileObject("file.txt");
while (!$file->eof()) {
echo $file->fgets();
SplFileObject::next example
// Read through file line by line
$file = new SplFileObject("misc.txt");
while (!$file->eof()) {
echo $file->current();
or even
foreach(new SplFileObject("misc.txt") as $line) {
echo $line;
Pretty much related (if not duplicate):
How to save memory when reading a file in Php?
If you don't know the maximum line length and you are not comfortable to use a magic number for the max line length then you'll need to do an initial scan of the file and determine the max line length.
Other than that the following code should help you out:
// length is a large number or calculated from an initial file scan
while (!feof($handle)) {
$buffer = fgets($handle, $length);
echo $buffer;
Old question but since I haven't seen anyone mentioning it, PHP generators is a great way to reduce save memory consumption.
For example:
function read($fileName)
$fileHandler = fopen($fileName, 'rb');
while(($line = fgets($fileHandler)) !== false) {
yield rtrim($line, "\r\n");
foreach(read(__DIR__ . '/filenameHere') as $line) {
echo $line;
allocate more memory during the operation, maybe something like ini_set('memory_limit', '16M');. Don't forget to go back to initial memory allocation once operation is done
