I am running online examination website on my localhost server. but when i have attached 8 another machines with LAN for conduct test. so it generate alert error message:-
httpd.exe Application error
The instruction at "0x006fb17f" referenced
memory at "0x028a1e20". The memory could not be "Read".
Click on OK to terminate.
Click on Cancel to debug.
I am using PHP+MySQL on windows and XAMPP s/w installed at my server.
Is this message for my server RAM? Because my server RAM is 512 MB.
I can't understand. Can anybody help me, plz.
Probably some virus on your XP. Try using IIS as a web-server or reinstall xampp or there is a new LAMP package called uniserver. Apache2 takes up lots of ram on windows this might effect PHP performance also.
Hope everyone is well
I have set up a LEMP environment on Ubuntu 18.04 WSL. I am using PHP7.1-FPM, Composer and NPM for an application running from a webserver.
I have set up the virtual host file and can browse to the webpage and open the application and connect to the database over localhost:80. But my issue is, it feels like there is almost a timeout on the LEMP setup. On the application, there is a 60-second timer where it automatically refreshes and pulls updated information from the MySQL database. If I press the inbuilt button to refresh it, that seems to work fine, but the minute it tries to do an automatic refresh, it throws up an error saying:
Uncaught (in promise ) Error: Network Error
at e.explorts
at XMLHttpRequest.f.onerror
I did try adding proxy buffers:
proxy_buffers 8 1024k;
proxy_buffer_size 1024k;
I feel as though Windows 10 is playing a part. from my knowlege, port 80 is in use on windows 10 from PID4 HTTP service which is used by the print spooler but when i set it to a different port, It does not even connect (1111).
I am just starting out really with this. I have (basic compared to most of you guys) knowledge in troubleshooting but WSL and LEMP is a new frontier to me so any help woul be much appreciated.
Many thanks in advance.
I think I know what the issue is, we use allow override in our vhost but this is not available on Nginx. It would mean me having to convert our vhosts file.
If anyone can assist with this, I would be most great full. In the mean time, I went with apache2 in wsl.
I'm taking over the development of a php project using Laravel framework and beanstalkd driver for queuing jobs. This application was passed from a Mac development environment (that runs a beanstalkd driver) to a Windows 7 environment (beanstalkd not available for Windows machine -- at least not without cygwin tricks). So I've decided to use Vagrant homestead vm on VirtualBox that comes with an entire set of tools and servers including beanstalkd.
The application runs fine on my localhost until I try to send form data through POST header. I kept getting a "417 Expectation failed" HTTP error. I read somewhere that there maybe an issue with my proxy and could be fixed by disabling it. But as I see it, no proxy is used in my host machine -- I don't know about the guest (vm) though.
Could anyone help me solve this issue? Thanks.
I'm getting a 500 internal server error from time to time on a VPS server running Ubuntu 15.04 and Apache (installed like the perfect server here: https://www.howtoforge.com/tutorial/perfect-server-ubuntu-15.04-with-apache-php-myqsl-pureftpd-bind-postfix-doveot-and-ispconfig/)
The server has 5 Wordpress installs and the sites have no traffic to speak of as they're being deployed. The VPS is from digital ocean with the following specs: 1GBMemory, 1 CoreProcessor, 30GBSSD Disk, 2TBTransfer.
Can the resources be maxed out -- or is there a different explanation?
This is the error log from /var/log/apache2: http://pastebin.com/zVjJh8fP
Thanks in advance,
Kind reagards
It has to do with APC failing to allocate enough memory. Try lowering shm_size. But if possible increasing your memory would be a good idea.
Is there any way that I can set up Apache to run locally, specifically NOT connecting to the internet, so that it may serve dynamic content (PHP) over a LAN?
I'm trying to set up a development environment on my Windows XP SP3 box and gain some experience with building web PHP driven web applications. I have residential Rogers service, and it's a violation of the TOS to have a server running over that connection.
Umm yes. Just download apache and fire it up. The only way it's going to get to the outside is if you specifically open up ports in your firewall/router to let http traffic in and route it to your machine. And if you're serious about getting some experience, ditch XP and get a quality linux distro on your "development" box. You can always remote desktop or ssh to it from a windows machine if you feel more comfortable that way.
My experience has been that many hosting companies use CentOs for their client servers, so I'd recommend trying that first if the purpose is gaining useful experience.
Oh by the way, Linux happens to be free.
You can use WAMP. It installs everything you'll need to get a testing server up and running in minutes
Using a packaged solution like WAMP or XAMPP will provide you with the basics for setting up an Apache web server + PHP + MySQL + the phpMyAdmin interface for working with MySQL outside of the command line.
I am new to Windows IIS and I need to run a php/mysql application on it. For local php development on windows, I have found WAMP to be the easiest.
But can WAMP be used in this case instead of installing php and mysql separately ?
This needs to be done on an ec2 Windows 2003 instance. So far, I have already tried installing WAMP and setting up apache to listen on port 8080 instead of 80. From inside the remote desktop, both IIS and WAMP work properly in parallel on their respective ports.
However, when I try to connect from another computer using the ip address http://184.**.***.***, IIS works fine serving the default web page but cannot connect to apache on http://184.**.***.***:8080.
Is it possible to use WAMP at all for this purpose and if yes, would there be any disadvantages in using it instead of installing php/mysql seperately ?
Edit :
I dont know if this is a problem of blocked 8080 port. To verify this I stopped IIS and configured apache to listen to 80. Even then http://184.**.***.*** doent show the WAMP homepage. IS anything needed to be configured in IIS ?
Added the port 80 in Windows Firewall Exceptions and it started working.
Also, its necessary to select "Put Online" in the WAMP tray otherwise it gives a forbidden response as suggested by some answers.
I haven't used EC2 in this way before, but broadly speaking, I'd encourage you to use the same server for development and production environments if at all possible - the installation effort can be a bit of a pain, but it's nothing compared to developing an app locally and then finding an IIS configuration issue causes it to break on production.
This approach also lets you keep your PHP configurations in source code control - php.ini and any modules you're using - and automatically deploy them alongside your application; again, forgetting to deploy the correct PHP.ini usually makes your application do crazy things...
So, your choices appear to be:
- switch off IIS and have WAMP listen to port 80. Not sure WAMP is designed for production level traffic, but in the past, I've run low-traffic public websites in this way.
- work out why port 8080 is blocked, and if it can be unblocked. This would still require you to run your website on an unusual port, which makes for ugly and hard-to-communicate URLs.
- install PHP on your IIS instance. One benefit of having installed WAMP is that MySQL should already be up and running, and the basic PHP installation should also be there; getting PHP to run on IIS is no longer a dark art ([http://php.iis.net][1])
For my money, I'd go for the latter option...IIS is a production quality server, and it's clearly what Amazon want you to use in this instance.
Of course, running IIS on your development environment may be a problem.
Have you put the server online? Think it is offline by default, meaning it's only accessible from your local machine. It's an option in the systray menu to put it online.
If I remember well, there is an option "go public" (or "put online") on the system traya icon of wamp.
This option modifies the httpd.conf to authorize public access.
You should give a try.
On a side note, you can make php work with IIS. This is another option to help you manage your server. (Mysql and Php have to be installed separatly but, this is very easy to do as far as I remember :) )