Caching large amounts of content with PHP + MySQL - php

I'm making an engine/CMS for story-based web browser games. I have quite a bit of data: characters, items, and the bits of story that the player will interact with. The intention behind this project is that writers don't have to be programmers in order to create a narratively-driven web game. It would only require basic knowledge of FTP and website management in order to start creating content.
The problem is that I think the database is going to bog these games down. Each character can have a lot to them, and the stories are going to be extensive. Each bit of story will have its own written text, which could be 100 characters or 500 characters. There's no way I could cache that all with memcached or something similar!
Thankfully, each state of the game is "pushed" through a deploy, meaning you don't just add a character and they appear in the world; you have to add them, and then push a build of the game. I believe I can use this to my advantage. My working notion right now is:
There will be three databases total. One will be the 'working' content DB, another the 'live' content DB, and then finally the DB that holds all user data. (where they are in the story, items they've obtained, etc.) My idea is that I'll push with the working DB, completely destroy the live, and rebuild the live based on what's in the working DB at the time of the push. The live DB will then benefit from read-only abilities: such as the ARCHIVE storage engine and quite a bit of indexing. This sounds pretty solid, but I'm not experienced enough to be confident that this is the best way to go about my business.
I'd love to know if anyone has any suggestions for a new model, or even a suggestion to my current model.

What you're saying sounds like it'll work. You'll have to build your framework and then inject some dummy game data to see how it responds.
One nice thing about gaming is that you can get away numerous loading screens/bars, so take advantage of that. :)


Cache vs storing "similar" results in database

I am in the processing of developing a video sharing site, on the video page I was displaying "similar videos" using just a database query (based on tags/category) I haven't run into any problems with this, but I was debating basically running using my custom search function to match similar videos even more closely (so its not only based on similar categories, but tags, similar words, etc..) however my fear is running this on every video view would be too much (in terms of resources, and just not being worth it since its not a major part of the site)
So I was debating doing that - but storing results (maybe store 50 and pull 6 from that 50 by id) - I can update them maybe once a week or whenever, (again since its not a major part of the site, i don't need live searching), but my question is.... is there any down or upside to this?
I'm looking specifically at cacheing the similar video results or simply saying "never mind it" and keep it based on tags. Does anyone have any experience/knowledge on how sites deal with offering similar options for something like this?
(I'm using php, mysql, built using laravel framework, search is custom class built on the back of laravel scout)
Every decision you make as a developer is a tradeoff. If you cache results, you get speed on display, but get more complexity during cache management (and probably bugs). You should decide is it worth it, as we do not know your page load time requirements (or other KPI), user load, hardware and etc.
But in general i would cache this data.

Millions of Listings Mapped, 100gb of Data smoothly displayed, Advice

I've been given a big project by a big client and I've been working on it for 2 months now. I'm getting closer and closer to a solution but it's just so insanely complex that I can't quite get there, and so I need ideas.
The project is quite simple: There is a 1mil+ database of lat/lng coordinates with lots of additional data for each record. A user will visit a page and enter some search terms which will filter out quite a lot of the records. All of the records that match the filter are displayed (often clustered) on a Google Maps.
The problem with this is that the client demands it's fast, lean, and low-bandwidth. Hence, I'm stuck. What I'm currently doing is: Present the first clusters, and when they hover over a cluster, begin loading in the data for that clusters children.
However, I've upped it to 30,000 of the millions of listings and it's starting to drag a little. I've made as many optimizations that I possibly can. When the filter is changed, I AJAX a query to the DB and return all the ID's of the matches, then update the map to reflect this.
So, optimization is not an option. I need an entirely new conceptual model for this. Any input at all would be highly appreciated, as this is an incredibly complex project of which I can't find anything in history even remotely close to it- I even looked at MMORPG's which have a lot of similar problems, and I have made a few, but the concept of having a million players in one room is still something MMORPG makers cringe at. It's getting common that people think there may be bottlenecks, but let me say that it's not a case of optimizing this way. I need a new model in which a huge database stays on the server, but is displayed fluidly to the user.
I'll be awarding 500 rep as soon as it becomes available for anything that solves this.
Thanks- Daniel.
I think there are a number of possible answers to your question depending on where it is slowing down, so here goes a few thoughts.
A wider table can effect the speed with which a query is returned. Longer records mean that more disc is being accessed to get the right data, so you might want to think about limiting your initial table to hold only the information that can be filtered out. Having said that, it will also depend on the db engine you are using, some suffer more than others.
Ensuring that your tables are correctly indexed makes a HUGE difference in performance. You need to make sure that the query is using the indexes to quickly get to the records that it needs.
A friend was working with Google Maps and said that the API really suffered if too much was displayed on the maps. This might just be totally out of your control.
Having worked for Epic Games in the past, the reason that "millions of players in a room" is something to cringe at is more often hardware driven. In a game, having that number of players would grind the graphics card to a halt as it tries to render all the polygons of the models. Secondly (and likely more importantly) the problem would be that you have to send each client information about what each item/player is doing. This means that your bandwidth use will spike very heavily. Your server might handle the load, but the players internet connection might not.
I do think that you need to edit your question though with some extra information on WHAT is slowing down. Your database? Your query? Google API? The transfer of data between server and client machine?
Let's be honest here; a db with 1 million records being accessed by presumably a large amount of users, is not going to run very well unless you put some extremely powerful hardware behind it.
In this type of case, I would suggest using several different database servers, and setting up some decent load balancing regimes in order to keep them running as smoothly as possible. First and foremost, you will need to find out the "average" load you can place on a db server before it starts to lag up; let's say for example, this is 50,000 records. Setting a low MaxClients per server may assist you with server performance and preventing against crashes, but it might aggravate your users when they can't execute any queries due to high load.. but it's something to keep in mind if your budget doesn't allow for much wiggle room hardware-wise.
On the topic of hardware however, that's something you really need to take a look at. Databases typically don't use a huge amount of CPU/RAM, but they can be quite taxing on your HDD. I would recommend going for SAS or SSD before looking at other components on your setup; these will make the world of a difference for you.
As far as load balancing goes, a very common technique used for most content providers is that when one query/particular content item (such as a popular video on youtube etc) is pulling in an above average amount of traffic, you can cache its result. A quick and dirty approach to this is to use an if statement in your search bar, which will then grab a static html page instead of actually running the query.
Another approach to this is to have a seperate db server on standalone, only for running queries which are taking in an excessive amount of traffic.
With that, never underestimate your code optimisation. While the differences may seem subtle to you, when run across millions of queries by thousands of users, those tiny differences really do add up.
Best of luck with it - let me know if you need any further assistance.
Google has a service named "Big Query". It is a sql Server in the cloud. It uses its fast servers for sql and it can search millions of data rows quickly. Unfortunately it is not free.. but maybe it will help you out:

Practicality of multiple databases per client vs one database

I'm going to try to make this as brief as possible while covering all points - I work as a PHP/MySQL developer currently. I have a mobile app idea with a friend and we're going to start developing it.
I'm not saying it's going to be fantastic, but if it catches on, we're going to have a LOT of data.
For example, we'd have "clients," for lack of a better term, who would have anywhere from 100-250,000 "products" listed. Assuming the best, we could have hundreds of clients.
The client would edit data through a web interface, the mobile interface would just make calls to the web server and return JSON (probably).
I'm a lowly cms-developing kinda guy, so I'm not sure how to handle this. My question is more or less about performance; the most I've ever seen in a MySQL table was 340k, and it was already sort of slow (granted it wasn't the best server either).
I just can't fathom a table with 40 million rows (and potential to continually grow) running well.
My plan was to have a "core" database that held the name of the "real" database, so the user would come in and try to access a client's data, it would go to the core database and figure out which database to get the information from.
I'm not concerned with data separation or data security (it's not private information)
Yes, it's possible and my company does it. I'm certainly not going to say it's smart, though. We have a SAAS marketing automation system. Some client's databases have 1 million+ records. We deal with a second "common" database that has a "fulfillment" table tracking emails, letters, phone calls, etc with over 4 million records, plus numerous other very large shared tables. With proper indexing, optimizing, maintaining a separate DB-only server, and possibly clustering (which we don't yet have to do) you can handle a LOT of many cases, those who think it can only handle a few hundred thousand records work on a competing product for a living. If you still doubt whether it's valid, consider that per MySQL's clustering metrics, an 8 server cluster can handle 2.5million updates PER SECOND. Not too shabby at all.....
The problem with using two databases is juggling multiple connections. Is it tough? No, not really. You create different objects and reference your connection classes based on which database you want. In our case, we hit the main database's company class to deduce the client db name and then build the second connection based on that. But, when you're juggling those connections back and forth you can run into errors that require extra debugging. It's not just "Is my query valid?" but "Am I actually getting the correct database connection?" In our case, a dropped session can cause all sorts of PDO errors to fire because the system no longer can keep track of which client database to access. Plus, from a maintainability standpoint, it's a scary process trying to push table structure updates to 100 different live database. Yes, it can be automated. But one slip up and you've knocked a LOT of people down and made a ton of extra work for yourself. Now, calculate the extra development and testing required to juggle connections and push updates....that will be your measure of whether it's worthwhile.
My recommendation? Find a host that allows you to put two machines on the same local network. We chose Linode, but who you use is irrelevant. Start out with your dedicated database server, plan ahead to do clustering when it's necessary. Keep all your content in one DB, index and optimize religiously. Finally, find a REALLY good DB guy and treat him well. With that much data, a great DBA would be a must.

How does one retrieve and display posts on a forum?

I'm struggling with a conceptual question. When you have a forum with thousands of posts and/or threads, how do you retrieve all those posts to be displayed on your site? Do you connect to your database every time someone visits your page then capture every post in an array and display it? Surely this seems like it would be very taxing on your server and would cause a whole bunch of unnecessary database reads. Can anyone shine some light on this topic?
You never retrieve all those posts at once. In most case, forums show a page of X threads/posts, and you just get those X threads/posts from the database each time a page is served. RDBMS are pretty good at this. A forum is (should be) quite dynamic so indeed it generates a pretty good load on the database, but this is what database are made for, storing and retrieving data.
One new(ish) way of doing this is to use a Document Oriented Database like CouchDB where everything about an individual post is stored in the same document and that document gets loaded on request.
It seems in this case a Document Oriented Database would work very well for a forum or blog type site.
As far as Relational Databases go, I'm pretty sure the database gets hit every time the page loads unless there is some sort of caching implemented (then you'd have to worry about data getting stale though, which brings up a whole new mess of problems.)
Don't worry a lot about stale data. Facebook doesn't... their database is only "eventually consistent". The idea is like this: making sure that the comments are 100% always, always up-to-date is very expensive. That does put a large load on your DB. Although as Serty says, that's what the DB is made for, but whether or not your physical box is sufficient for the load is another matter.
Facebook and Digg to name a few took a different approach... Is it really all that important that every load of every page be 100% accurate? How many page loads actually result in every single comment being read by the end user anyways? It's a lot cheaper to get the comments right 'most' of the time and by 'most' I mean something you get to decide. Is a 10% chance of a page with missing comments ok? is a 1% chance? How many nodes need to have the right data NOW. When I write a new comment, how many nodes have to say they got the update for it to be successful.
I like the idea behind Cassandra which is in summary, "how much are we willing to spend to get Aunt Martha's comment about her nephew's baptism picture 100% correct?"
But that's a fine question for a free website, but this wouldn't work so good for a business application.

PHP/MYSQL - Pushing it to the limit?

I've been coding php for a while now and have a pretty firm grip on it, MySQL, well, lets just say I can make it work.
I'd like to make a stats script to track the stats of other websites similar to the obvious statcounter, google analytics, mint, etc.
I, of course, would like to code this properly and I don't see MySQL liking 20,000,000 to 80,000,000 inserts ( 925 inserts per second "roughly**" ) daily.
I've been doing some research and it looks like I should store each visit, "entry", into a csv or some other form of flat file and then import the data I need from it.
Am I on the right track here? I just need a push in the right direction, the direction being a way to inhale 1,000 psuedo "MySQL" inserts per second and the proper way of doing it.
Example Insert: IP, time(), http_referer, etc.
I need to collect this data for the day, and then at the end of the day, or in certain intervals, update ONE row in the database with, for example, how many extra unique hits we got. I know how to do that of course, just trying to give a visualization since I'm horrible at explaining things.
If anyone can help me, I'm a great coder, I would be more than willing to return the favor.
We tackled this at the place I've been working the last year so over summer. We didn't require much granularity in the information, so what worked very well for us was coalescing data by different time periods. For example, we'd have a single day's worth of real time stats, after that it'd be pushed into some daily sums, and then off into a monthly table.
This obviously has some huge drawbacks, namely a loss of granularity. We considered a lot of different approaches at the time. For example, as you said, CSV or some similar format could potentially serve as a way to handle a month of data at a time. The big problem is inserts however.
Start by setting out some sample schema in terms of EXACTLY what information you need to keep, and in doing so, you'll guide yourself (through revisions) to what will work for you.
Another note for the vast number of inserts: we had potentially talked through the idea of dumping realtime statistics into a little daemon which would serve to store up to an hours worth of data, then non-realtime, inject that into the database before the next hour was up. Just a thought.
For the kind of activity you're looking at, you need to look at the problem from a new point of view: decoupling. That is, you need to figure out how to decouple the data-recording steps so that delays and problems don't propogate back up the line.
You have the right idea in logging hits to a database table, insofar as that guarantees in-order, non-contended access. This is something the database provides. Unfortunately, it comes at a price, one of which is that the database completes the INSERT before getting back to you. Thus the recording of the hit is coupled with the invocation of the hit. Any delay in recording the hit will slow the invocation.
MySQL offers a way to decouple that; it's called INSERT DELAYED. In effect, you tell the database "insert this row, but I can't stick around while you do it" and the database says "okay, I got your row, I'll insert it when I have a minute". It is conceivable that this reduces locking issues because it lets one thread in MySQL do the insert, not whichever you connect to. Unfortuantely, it only works with MyISAM tables.
Another solution, which is a more general solution to the problem, is to have a logging daemon that accepts your logging information and just en-queues it to wherever it has to go. The trick to making this fast is the en-queueing step. This the sort of solution syslogd would provide.
In my opinion it's a good thing to stick to MySQL for registering the visits, because it provides tools to analyze your data. To decrease the load I would have the following suggestions.
Make a fast collecting table, with no indixes except primary key, myisam, one row per hit
Make a normalized data structure for the hits and move the records once a day to that database.
This gives you a smaller performance hit for logging and a well indexed normalized structure for querying/analyzing.
Presuming that your MySQL server is on a different physical machine to your web server, then yes it probably would be a bit more efficient to log the hit to a file on the local filesystem and then push those to the database periodically.
That would add some complexity though. Have you tested or considered testing it with regular queries? Ie, increment a counter using an UPDATE query (because you don't need each entry in a separate row). You may find that this doesn't slow things down as much as you had thought, though obviously if you are pushing 80,000,000 page views a day you probably don't have much wiggle room at all.
You should be able to get that kind of volume quite easily, provided that you do some stuff sensibly. Here are some ideas.
You will need to partition your audit table on a regular (hourly, daily?) basis, if nothing else only so you can drop old partitions to manage space sensibly. DELETEing 10M rows is not cool.
Your web servers (as you will be running quite a large farm, right?) will probably want to do the inserts in large batches, asynchronously. You'll have a daemon process which reads flat-file logs on a per-web-server machine and batches them up. This is important for InnoDB performance and to avoid auditing slowing down the web servers. Moreover, if your database is unavailable, your web servers need to continue servicing web requests and still have them audited (eventually)
As you're collecting large volumes of data, some summarisation is going to be required in order to report on it at a sensible speed - how you do this is very much a matter of taste. Make sensible summaries.
InnoDB engine tuning - you will need to tune the InnoDB engine quite significantly - in particular, have a look at the variables controlling its use of disc flushing. Writing out the log on each commit is not going to be cool (maybe unless it's on a SSD - if you need performance AND durability, consider a SSD for the logs) :) Ensure your buffer pool is big enough. Personally I'd use the InnoDB plugin and the file per table option, but you could also use MyISAM if you fully understand its characteristics and limitations.
I'm not going to further explain any of the above as if you have the developer skills on your team to build an application of that scale anyway, you'll either know what it means or be capable of finding it out.
Provided you don't have too many indexes, 1000 rows/sec is not unrealistic with your data sizes on modern hardware; we insert that many sometimes (and probably have a lot more indexes).
Remember to performance test it all on production-spec hardware (I don't really need to tell you this, right?).
I think that using MySQL is an overkill for the task of collecting the logs and summarizing them. I'd stick to plain log files in your case. It does not provide the full power of relational database management but it's quite enough to generate summaries. A simple lock-append-unlock file operation on a modern OS is seamless and instant. On the contrary, using MySQL for the same simple operation loads the CPU and may lead to swapping and other hell of scalability.
Mind the storage as well. With plain text file you'll be able to store years of logs of a highly loaded website taking into account current HDD price/capacity ratio and compressability of plain text logs
