PHP: cutting a string in a number of characters blocks - php

I have a variable called $data which contains a giant string (27338 characters).
This string will be the content of a pdf file.
I need to add a footnote at the end of each page of the pdf file.
I’ve calculated 2642 characters per page.
How can I cut $data in chunks of 2642 characters so I can add the footnotes?
I'm trying:
$split = preg_split('/(.{0,2642})\s/',
$count = count($split);
foreach ($split as $key => $page) {
echo $page; echo "<br><br>";
But each $page shows much less than 2642 characters.
Thanks a lot

I never used it with very large amount of data but a way to split strings in elements of equal length is to use the str_split function (see
$array = str_split('some text', 2);
and you will get an array with elements of length 2 (except for the last one)

You can use the substring-function, which will create a specific substring (of a defined length) from a different string.
substr($STRING, A, B); //where $string is the original string,
//A is the position where to start cutting
//B is how long the newly created string should be (it's optional!)
$text = "ABCDEF";
echo substr($text, 2, 2); //will give you "CD"

$string = "big..";
$chunks = array();
for($x=0,$sz=strlen($string);$x<$sz;$x+=CHUNK_SIZE) {
$chunks[] = substr($string,$x,$x+CHUNK_SIZE);
$chunks[0..n] += FOOTNOTE


Extract n-character substring while ignoring spaces

I need to extract a substring (for instance 22 characters) but I need to ignore spaces when counting the number of characters. For example:
$para = "While still in high school I signed up to participate in amateur night at the Educational Alliance. I wanted to show my mother I had talent.";
Let's say I need to get the substring that contains the 22 first characters but without counting the spaces. substr doesn't work:
echo substr($para, 0, 22); // => While still in high sc
But I need to get
// => While still in high school
How can I do this?
Try this.Grab the capture or group.See demo.
This uses lookahead to capture 20 groups of any character and a non space character. Precisely,lookahead will search for groups ending with non space character.Because it is non greedy,it will search first such 20 groups.
you just need to provide a string and length you want to be extracted from that string and function will return that string of specified length(yes return string will have spaces in it, but spaces won't be included in string).
Here is snippet.
$para = "While still in high school I signed up to participate in amateur night at the Educational Alliance. I wanted to show my mother I had talent.";
function getString($str, $length){
$newStr = "";
$counter = 0;
$r = array();
for($i=0; $i<strlen($str); $i++)
$r[$i] = $str[$i];
foreach($r as $char){
$newStr .= $char;
if($char != " "){
$counter += 1;
//return string if length reached.
if($counter == $length){
return $newStr;
return $newStr;
echo getString($para, 20);
//output: While still in high scho
echo getString($para, 22);
//output: While still in high school
First, use str_replace() to create a string $parawithoutspaces that consists of $para, without the spaces, like so:
$parawithoutspaces=str_replace(" ", "", $para);
Then, use substr() get the first 20 characters of $parawithoutspaces like so:
print substr($parawithoutspaces, 0, 20);
Or, combining the two steps into one and eliminating the need for the intermediate variable $parawithoutspaces:
print substr(str_replace(" ", "", $para),0,20);
You can try this, it is my code, $result is final string you want :
$arr1 = substr( $string,0,20);
$arr1 = explode(" ",$arr1);
$result = implode(" ",$arr1);

PHP how to count the length of each word in the text file

i need some help. how to count the length of each word in the text file using PHP.
for example. there is the test.txt. and the contain is " hello everyone, i need some help."
how to output the text and then count the length of each word,like:
hello => 5
everyone => 8
i => 1
need => 4
some => 4
help => 4
i just start to learn php. so please explain the detail about the code what you write.
many thanks
This should work
$text = file_get_contents('text.txt'); // $text = 'hello everyone, i need some help.';
$words = str_word_count($text, 1);
$wordsLength = array_map(
function($word) { return mb_strlen($word, 'UTF-8'); },
var_dump(array_combine($words, $wordsLength));
For more informations about str_word_count and its parameters see
Basically, everything is well described on The function array_map walks through given array and applies given (eg. anonymous) function on every item in that array. The function array_combine creates an array by using one array for keys and another for its values.
this is working
$stringFind="hello everyone, i need some help";
$file=file_get_contents("content.txt");/*put your file path */
$countWord=explode(" ",$stringFind);
foreach($countWord as $val){
echo $val ." => ".strlen($val)."<br />";
echo "Not Found";
If you don't need to process the words' length later, try this:
// Get file contents
$text = file_get_contents('path/to/file.txt');
// break text to array of words
$words = str_word_count($text, 1);
// display text
echo $text, '<br><br>';
// and every word with it's length
foreach ($words as $word) {
echo $word, ' => ', mb_strlen($word), '<br>';
But be noticed, that str_word_count() function has many issues with UTF-8 string (f.e. Polish, Czech and similar characters). If you need those, then I suggest filtering out commas, dots and other non-word characters and using explode() to get $words array.

How to cut a text after a number of chars and obtain text sporead on multiple rows?

I have a very long text, and I need to cut the text after N chars, so that at the end I obtain a text, rendered on multiple rows, without any of the words being cut;
So, if a have a text with the lenght of a 1000 chars, which has been saved on 1 line, and I need to cut from 100 to 100 chars, at the end, I will get a text spread on 10 lines.
I tryed something, but I got stuck;
foreach does not work, the text is not seen a a array; also, i did not made sure to keep the words intact in my test;
Has anyone tryed this? Or is there any link with solution?
public static function cut_line_after_n_chars($str, $n = 70) {
$result = '';
$pos = 0;
foreach ($str as $c) {
if ($pos == $n) {
$result .= $c + '<br/>';
$pos = 0;
$result .= $c;
return $result;
It sounds like you need wordwrap.
This allows you to break a string into an array of pieces without cutting off words. You can then format these pieces as you like.
If you still need each of your lines to be 100 characters, you can use str_pad to add extra spaces onto each row.
Use explode() function to get array of words from your string.
$words = explode( ' ', $str );
$length = 0;
foreach( $words as $word ) {
// Your loop code goes here.

echo partial text

I want to display just two lines of the paragraph.
How do I do this ?
<p><?php if($display){ echo $crow->content;} ?></p>
Depending on the textual content you are referring to, you might be able to get away with this :
// `nl2br` is a function that converts new lines into the '<br/>' element.
$newContent = nl2br($crow->content);
// `explode` will then split the content at each appearance of '<br/>'.
$splitContent = explode("<br/>",$newContent);
// Here we simply extract the first and second items in our array.
$firstLine = $splitContent[0];
$secondLine = $splitContent[1];
NOTE - This will destroy all the line breaks you have in your text! You'll have to insert them again if you still want to preserve the text in its original formatting.
If you mean sentences you are able to do this by exploding the paragraph and selecting the first two parts of the array:
$array = explode('.', $paragraph);
$2lines = $array[0].$array[1];
Otherwise you will have to count the number of characters across two lines and use a substr() function. For example if the length of two lines is 100 characters you would do:
$2lines = substr($paragraph, 0, 200);
However due to the fact that not all font characters are the same width it may be difficult to do this accurately. I would suggest taking the widest character, such as a 'W' and echo as many of these in one line. Then count the maximum number of the largest character that can be displayed across two lines. From this you will have the optimum number. Although this will not give you a compact two lines, it will ensure that it can not go over two lines.
This is could, however, cause a word to be cut in two. To solve this we are able to use the explode function to find the last word in the extracted characters.
$array = explode(' ', $2lines);
We can then find the last word and remove the correct number of characters from the final output.
$numwords = count($array);
$lastword = $array[$numwords];
$numchars = strlen($lastword);
$2lines = substr($2lines, 0, (0-$numchars));
function getLines($text, $lines)
$text = explode("\n", $text, $lines + 1); //The last entrie will be all lines you dont want.
array_pop($text); //Remove the lines you didn't want.
return implode("<br>", $text); //Implode with "<br>" to a string. (This is for a HTML page, right?)
echo getLines($crow->content, 2); //The first two lines of $crow->content
Try this:
$lines = preg_split("/[\r\n]+/", $crow->content, 3);
echo $lines[0] . '<br />' . $lines[1];
and for variable number of lines, use:
$num_of_lines = 2;
$lines = preg_split("/[\r\n]+/", $crow->content, $num_of_lines+1);
echo implode('<br />', $lines);
This is a more general answer - you can get any amount of lines using this:
function getLines($paragraph, $lines){
$lineArr = explode("\n",$paragraph);
$newParagraph = null;
if(count($lineArr) > 0){
for($i = 0; $i < $lines; $i++){
$newParagraph .= $lines[$i];
return $newParagraph;
you could use echo getLines($crow->content,2); to do what you want.

How can we split a sentence

I have written the PHP code for getting some part of a given dynamic sentence, e.g. "this is a test sentence":
I get the output:
this is a te
But i need it stop as a full word instead of splitting a word:
this is a
How can I do that, remembering that $sentence isn't a fixed string (it could be anything)?
use wordwrap
If you're using PHP4, you can simply use split:
$resultArray = split($sentence, " ");
Every element of the array will be one word. Be careful with punctuation though.
explode would be the recommended method in PHP5:
$resultArray = explode(" ", $sentence);
first. use explode on space. Then, count each part + the total assembled string and if it doesn't go over the limit you concat it onto the string with a space.
Try using explode() function.
In your case:
$expl = explode(" ",$sentence);
You'll get your sentence in an array. First word will be $expl[0], second - $expl[1] and so on. To print it out on the screen use:
$n = 10 //words to print
for ($i=0;$i<=$n;$i++) {
print $expl[$i]." ";
Create a function that you can re-use at any time. This will look for the last space if the given string's length is greater than the amount of characters you want to trim.
function niceTrim($str, $trimLen) {
$strLen = strlen($str);
if ($strLen > $trimLen) {
$trimStr = substr($str, 0, $trimLen);
return substr($trimStr, 0, strrpos($trimStr, ' '));
return $str;
$sentence = "this is a test sentence";
echo niceTrim($sentence, 12);
This will print
this is a
as required.
Hope this is the solution you are looking for!
this is just psudo code not php,
char[] sentence="your_sentence";
string new_constructed_sentence="";
string word="";
if(character==' ') {new_constructed_sentence+=word;word="";continue}
new_constructed_sentence is what you want!!!
