Hi I am coding a system in which I need a function to get and remove the first element of the array. This array has numbers i.e.
how can I loop through this array and with each pass get the value and then remove that from the array so at the end of 5 rounds the array will be empty.
Thanks in advance
You can use array_shift for this:
while (($num = array_shift($arr)) !== NULL) {
// use $num
You might try using foreach/unset, instead of array_shift.
$array = array(0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5);
foreach($array as $value)
// with each pass get the value
// use method to doSomethingWithValue($value);
echo $value;
// and then remove that from the array
//so at the end of 6 rounds the array will be empty
assert('empty($array) /* Array must be empty. */');
is it possible that, get arrays to $value with key:
$array = Array("one"=>Array("field1"=>"value1","field2"=>"value2"),
Export arrays to value:
$first = any_main_php_function_name(0,$array);
$second = any_main_php_function_name(1,$array);
$first = Array("field1"=>"value1","field2"=>"value2");
$second = Array("field3"=>"value3","field4"=>"value4");
Basically, I wanna extract multiple array. If there is no such function (any_main_php_function_name) in PHP so How can i extract above $array.
You don't need any funtion to do that. Simply get subarrays like this:
$first = $array['one'];
$second = $array['two'];
Unless you don't know the one,two keys, then you can use array_shift to get first item (one subarray). Remember that this functions also removes returned value from root array.
array_slice does what you want
$first = array_slice($array, 0, 1);
$second = array_slice($array, 1, 1);
May be you can array_shift to get the element from array, Like this:
Make sure it only removes the first element from the array and
return the value of removed element.
And if you don't want to remove the element or get the sub-array in any sequence, then you can create a function like this,
function myFunction($index,$array) {
$keys = array_keys($array);
In above function we just get the keys in a array and then use the known index to get the sub-array using keys array.
Please check this
foreach($array["one"] as $key=>$val){
echo "key=>".$key." Values=>".$val;
foreach($array["true"] as $key=>$val){
echo "key=>".$key." Values=>".$val;
$array = ['name', 'address'];
It contains $array[0] and $array[1] only.
If i try $array[2] i should receive an error.
So, i want to avoid these errors by checking it in a if statement. How can i check if an array contains a value in certain index?
You can use the isset function:
if(isset($array[2])) {
The second way to make it work is check how big is an array:
if(count($array) >= 3) { ... } // three or more elements: 0, 1, 2...
I am using str_split() to split a long strings into an array of length 16 each. And I'm assigning the returned array to one in my function. Like this:
$myarray = str_split($string, 16);
The problem is that I want the indexing of $myarray to start from a number other than 0, say 50. Currently I'm doing this:
foreach($myarray as $id => $value)
$myarray[$id + 50] = $value;
Is there a better solution? Because the arrays and strings I'm dealing with are very long. Thanks
You can use array_pad().
$myarray = str_split($string, 16);
$myarray = array_pad($myarray, -(size($myarray)+50), null);
It will fill the first 50 elements with nulls and push the rest of the array forward by 50 elements.
I have a function which is called within a foreach loop and takes in two parameters, an integer, representing the number of times the loop has run and an array (of no fixed size).
I would like to return the value of the array key that is equal to the counter.
For example, if the array has four elements: A, B, C and D and the counter is equal to 2, it returns B. However, I'm trying to get the same result if the counter is equal to 6, 10, 14, 38, 3998 etc etc.
Is there a simple way to achieve this?
Any advice appreciated.
function foo($position, array $array)
return $array[$position % count($array)];
foreach ($array as $i => $whatever) {
$foo = foo($i, $whatever);
Note: I'm assuming you're looping over an array of arrays, and passing that to your function. If that's not the case, then just pass whatever array you need to pass instead of $whatever.
If you just use this function to iterate over the array, then you could also do
$iterator= new LimitIterator( // will limit the iterations
new InfiniteIterator( // will restart on end
new ArrayIterator( // allows array iteration
array('A','B', 'C', 'D'))), // the array to iterate over
0, 20); // start offset and iterations
foreach($iterator as $value) {
echo $value; // outputs ABCDABCDABCDABCDABCD
What is the fastest and easiest way to get the last item of an array whether be indexed array , associative array or multi-dimensional array?
$myArray = array( 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 );
echo end($myArray);
prints "1"
It removes the element from the end of the array. If you need to keep the array in tact, you could use this and then append the value back to the end of the array. $array[] = $popped_val
try this:
I would say array_pop In the documentation: array_pop
array_pop — Pop the element off the end of array
Lots of great answers. Consider writing a function if you're doing this more than once:
function array_top(&$array) {
$top = end($array);
reset($array); // Optional
return $top;
Alternatively, depending on your temper:
function array_top(&$array) {
$top = array_pop($array);
$array[] = $top; // Push top item back on top
return $top;
($array[] = ... is preferred to array_push(), cf. the docs.)
For an associative array:
$a= array('hi'=> 'there', 'ok'=> 'then');
list($k, $v) = array(end(array_keys($a)), end($a));
Edit: should also work for numeric index arrays