RNG gaussian distribution - php

What I'm trying to do isn't exactly a Gaussian distribution, since it has a finite minimum and maximum. The idea is closer to rolling X dice and counting the total.
I currently have the following function:
function bellcurve($min=0,$max=100,$entropy=-1) {
$sum = 0;
if( $entropy < 0) $entropy = ($max-$min)/15;
for($i=0; $i<$entropy; $i++) $sum += rand(0,15);
return floor($sum/(15*$entropy)*($max-$min)+$min);
The idea behind the $entropy variable is to try and roll enough dice to get a more even distribution of fractional results (so that flooring it won't cause problems).
It doesn't need to be a perfect RNG, it's just for a game feature and nothing like gambling or cryptography.
However, I ran a test over 65,536 iterations of bellcurve() with no arguments, and the following graph emerged:
(source: adamhaskell.net)
As you can see, there are a couple of values that are "offset", and drastically so. While overall it doesn't really affect that much (at worst it's offset by 2, and ignoring that the probability is still more or less where I want it), I'm just wondering where I went wrong.
Any additional advice on this function would be appreciated too.
UPDATE: I fixed the problem above just by using round instead of floor, but I'm still having trouble getting a good function for this. I've tried pretty much every function I can think of, including gaussian, exponential, logistic, and so on, but to no avail. The only method that has worked so far is this approximation of rolling dice, which is almost certainly not what I need...

If you are looking for a bell curve distribution, generate multiple random numbers and add them together. If you are looking for more modifiers, simply multiply them to the end result.
Generate a random bell curve number, with a bonus of 50% - 150%.
Sum(rand(0,15), rand(0,15) , rand(0,15))*(rand(2,6)/2)
Though if you're concerned about rand not providing random enough numbers you can use mt_rand which will have a much better distribution (uses mersenne twister)

The main issue turned out to be that I was trying to generate a continuous bell curve based on a discrete variable. That's what caused holes and offsets when scaling the result.
The fix I used for this was: +rand(0,1000000)/1000000 - it essentially takes the whole number discrete variable and adds a random fraction to it, more or less making it continuous.
The function is now:
function bellcurve() {
$sum = 0;
$entropy = 6;
for($i=0; $i<$entropy; $i++) $sum += rand(0,15);
return ($sum+rand(0,1000000)/1000000)/(15*$entropy);
It returns a float between 0 and 1 inclusive (although those exact values are extremely unlikely), which can then be scaled and rounded as needed.
Example usage:
$damage *= bellcurve()-0.5; // adjusts $damage by a random amount
// between 50% and 150%, weighted in favour of 100%


Find a real life example of floating point error

The usual advice to handle money and other decimal numbers where accuracy is crucial is to either use integers or strings (plus arbitrary precision libraries) and it makes sense if you understand how floating point maths work. However, I don't have at hand any specific example to illustrate this, as every wrong calculation I've spot in the wild was due to some other mistake: naive comparisons using ==, lack of proper rounding when displaying results, blatantly wrong logic (e.g. calculating taxes with an inconsistent algorithm that also doesn't work on paper)... I've done some research and results either only apply to C/C++ (float/double having different precision) or were mere elaborations on why you can't trust two floats to be equal.
Can you share a self-contained PHP code snippet with carefully selected floating point figures and a correct algorithm that renders an incorrect result explicitly caused by floating point limitations?
Disclaimer: I don't intend to argue, refute or debunk anything, I honestly need an example for my toolbelt.
Things can break fairly easy with much less than a billion iterations. The thing is, by using floats and arithmetic you can very easily find yourself with unexpected results, and even if numbers superficially look fine, the subtle imprecisions can lead to an application bugging out.
Let's try a variation of the example in your answer:
$total = 0.0;
for ($i = 0; $i < 10; $i++) {
$total += 0.1;
echo "added ten cents, ten times\n";
// since we added 0.1 € x 10 times, we now have 1€ in total, right?
if ($total == 1) {
echo "I have 1€. All is good in the realm.";
else {
echo "WTF? Where is my money? I only have {$total}€!!!!\n";
echo "\$total holds: ";
The output for the above is:
added ten cents
WTF? Where is my money? I only have 1€!!!!
$total holds: float(1)
Even if $total appears to be float(1), the code follow the 'wrong' branch of execution, breaking our application.
If we execute the same code in PHP8 (beta so far), you'll an easier to understand result:
added ten cents
WTF? Where is my money? I only have 1€!!!!
$total holds: float(0.9999999999999999)
Another simple example:
$balance = 50.03;
$debit = 45.42;
$expected_balance = 4.61;
$real_balance = $balance - $debit;
if ($real_balance !== $expected_balance) {
echo "problems: ";
The output for the above is:
balance mismatch: float(4.61)
or, in PHP8:
balance mismatch: float(4.609999999999999)
Either of the above examples show that practically, using floating numbers to do (specifically) money arithmetic can be problematic. Since the results no longer match your expectations, not only it can lead to plainly wrong results, but the subtle different results can make the whole application behaving in unexpected ways.
Examples and results, here.
echo floor((0.1 + 0.7) * 10);
Expected result: 0.1 + 0.7 = 0.8; 0.8 * 10 = 8;
Result: 7
Tested on PHP 7.2.12
The question makes little sense because that isn't how floating point errors work.
Inaccuracies are tiny. They happen in remote decimals and they're only noticeable when you require very high precision levels. After all, IEEE 754 powers a vast majority of computer systems and it offers an excellent precision. To put it in context, 0.1 kilometres expressed as float is 0.100000001490116119384765625, what makes accurate up to 1/10 of a µm
if I didn't get maths wrong.
There probably isn't a set of carefully chosen figures and a real-life calculation you'd be expected to use PHP for (an invoice, a stock exchange index...) that renders incorrect results no matter how careful you are with precision levels. Because that's not the problem.
The problem with floating point maths is that it forces you to be extremely careful on every step and it makes it very easy for bugs to slip in.
For applications where accuracy matters, you can write correct software using floats, but it won't be as easy, maintainable or robust.
Original answer:
This is the best I've got so far (thanks to chtz for the hint):
// Set-up and display settings (shouldn't affect internal calculations or final result)
ini_set('precision', -1);
// Expected accuracy: 2 decimal positions
$total = 0;
for ($i = 0; $i < 1e9; $i++) {
$total += 0.01;
// It's important to NOT round inside the loop, e.g.: $total = round($total + 0.01, 2);
var_dump($total, number_format($total, 2));
string(12) "9,999,999.83" // Correct value would be "10,000,000.00"
Unfortunately, it relies on the accumulation of a very large number of precision errors (it needs around 1,000,000,000 of them to happen and it needs more than 4 minutes to run in my PC), so it isn't as real-life as I would have liked, but it certainly illustrates the underlying issue.

How can I overcome discrete nature of a numerical algorithm that is currently skipping over a certain real number inside a loop?

I have a fairly complex algorithm that performs a search where I use a $search variable in some range [0.25 to 1.75].
Based on the algorithm there is an "interesting" thing happens when the $search is exactly 1, because it hits a configuration of variables that is sometimes (but not always) most favorable. Some of the code depends on $search being exactly 1 to produce that most favorable outcome.
More specifically, there is usually some specific value within the search range, which produces most favorable outcome, but the way my algorithm is laid out, that specific value is most often skipped over. Here I lay out example when that specific value (based on other inputs and configuration), happens to be exactly 1..
The Problem
Mathematically speaking if $search was continuous rather than discreet, I wouldn't have this problem. My problem is trying to converge on most favorable variable configuration using discrete mathematics. The issue here is the algorithm. Secondary issue to watch out for as well is floating point arithmetic, but I do not believe that is the issue here just yet.
Basic Loop:
$maxPowerOut = 0 ;
for ($increment = 0; $increment <= 500; $increment ++)
//vars computed elsewhere, i.e:
//MIN = 0.24651533;
//STEP = 0.00196969
$search = MIN + STEP * $increment;
//compute several coefficients (returns an array)
$coeff = $this->coefficient($search);
//design is a complex library function
list($a, $b) = $this->design($coeff);
$powerOut = $a * $b;
//keep track of max power (and other params, not shown)
if ($powerOut > $maxPowerOut)
$maxPowerOut = $PowerOut;
//currently prints 899.993 instead of 900 as should be expected
print "Max Power is $maxPowerOut";
Naturally, $search is almost never 1 exactly. It goes like this:
Note how 1 is skipped over in above loop. For the sake of argument let's say most favorable position happens at 1.003000. That value (1.003000) would be skipped over as well.
How can I improve, restructure, rethink, reorganize, rewrite my loop to avoid this type of problem?
A simple improvement might be to use an iterative approach:
In your current loop you search say 500 values in the interval [0.25, 1.75]. Let's say you can narrow down the optimum to the much smaller interval [0.995, 1.007] in this way. Then again divide this interval into say 500 values and repeat your loop. Repeat until you reach the desired precision.
Mathematically, you want to find the maximum within a given interval of a function f: search -> power that computes some power value for a given search parameter. Note that this is generally easier the smoother your function f is. To get a feeling for what f might look like, you can plot the function based on the values you computed in your loop.
If your function is well-behaved and is say unimodal (has only one "hump"), then for instance a simple golden section search would be effective.
Here's a quick JavaScript snippet / pseudo code, to help solve your problem. Basically your function should recursively call itself if you find that the deltas / slope have toggled from positive to negative.
function findMax(low, high) {
var maxOut = Number.MIN_VALUE;
// Calculate a step based on the low and high
// Using a power of 2 since the floating point numbers are represented by binary
var step = Math.abs((high - low) / 128);
// we'll be tracking the deltas of two test values
var prevDelta;
var delta;
// loop and check two values at a time
for(var i=low; i<=(high - step); i+=step) {
// coef ...
// design ...
// for testing
var out1 = Math.cos(i);
var out2 = Math.cos(i + step);
// update the max
if(out1 > maxOut) maxOut = out1;
if(out2 > maxOut) maxOut = out2;
// calc delta
delta = out2 - out1;
if(prevDelta !== undefined) {
// If one delta is going up and
// another is going down...
// Recursively call the function
if(prevDelta > 0 && delta < 0) {
var out3 = findMax(i - step, i + step);
// update the max
if(out3 > maxOut) maxOut = out3;
prevDelta = delta;
return maxOut;
alert(findMax(-0.5, 0.5)); // returns 1
Here's the JSFiddle http://jsfiddle.net/hw5f2o1s/
The above approach won't work if the maximum lies between your initial low and low + step, because the recursion is triggered by reaching a peak then going down from it. If this happens you may have to make the step variable smaller by increasing the power of two dividing (high - low).
Floating point numbers have limited precision (they're discreet), expect deviations.
See: http://php.net/manual/en/language.types.float.php
You can try the arbitrary precision extension
Current direction
Number 1.0 seems to be of importance, perhaps representing default. Rework the code to include 1.0 as part of the $search, either injecting it as part of the same loop or as a separate iteration.

PHP built in functions complexity (isAnagramOfPalindrome function)

I've been googling for the past 2 hours, and I cannot find a list of php built in functions time and space complexity. I have the isAnagramOfPalindrome problem to solve with the following maximum allowed complexity:
expected worst-case time complexity is O(N)
expected worst-case space complexity is O(1) (not counting the storage required for input arguments).
where N is the input string length. Here is my simplest solution, but I don't know if it is within the complexity limits.
class Solution {
// Function to determine if the input string can make a palindrome by rearranging it
static public function isAnagramOfPalindrome($S) {
// here I am counting how many characters have odd number of occurrences
$odds = count(array_filter(count_chars($S, 1), function($var) {
return($var & 1);
// If the string length is odd, then a palindrome would have 1 character with odd number occurrences
// If the string length is even, all characters should have even number of occurrences
return (int)($odds == (strlen($S) & 1));
echo Solution :: isAnagramOfPalindrome($_POST['input']);
Anyone have an idea where to find this kind of information?
I found out that array_filter has O(N) complexity, and count has O(1) complexity. Now I need to find info on count_chars, but a full list would be very convenient for future porblems.
After some research on space and time complexity in general, I found out that this code has O(N) time complexity and O(1) space complexity because:
The count_chars will loop N times (full length of the input string, giving it a start complexity of O(N) ). This is generating an array with limited maximum number of fields (26 precisely, the number of different characters), and then it is applying a filter on this array, which means the filter will loop 26 times at most. When pushing the input length towards infinity, this loop is insignificant and it is seen as a constant. Count also applies to this generated constant array, and besides, it is insignificant because the count function complexity is O(1). Hence, the time complexity of the algorithm is O(N).
It goes the same with space complexity. When calculating space complexity, we do not count the input, only the objects generated in the process. These objects are the 26-elements array and the count variable, and both are treated as constants because their size cannot increase over this point, not matter how big the input is. So we can say that the algorithm has a space complexity of O(1).
Anyway, that list would be still valuable so we do not have to look inside the php source code. :)
A probable reason for not including this information is that is is likely to change per release, as improvements are made / optimizations for a general case.
PHP is built on C, Some of the functions are simply wrappers around the c counterparts, for example hypot a google search, a look at man hypot, in the docs for he math lib
The source actually provides no better info
https://github.com/lattera/glibc/blob/a2f34833b1042d5d8eeb263b4cf4caaea138c4ad/math/w_hypot.c (Not official, Just easy to link to)
Not to mention, This is only glibc, Windows will have a different implementation. So there MAY even be a different big O per OS that PHP is compiled on
Another reason could be because it would confuse most developers.
Most developers I know would simply choose a function with the "best" big O
a maximum doesnt always mean its slower
Has a good visual prop of whats happening with some functions, ie bubble sort is a "slow" sort, Yet its one of the fastest for nearly sorted data.
Quick sort is what many will use, which is actually very slow for nearly sorted data.
Big O is worst case - PHP may decide between a release that they should optimize for a certain condition and that will change the big O of the function and theres no easy way to document that.
There is a partial list here (which I guess you have seen)
List of Big-O for PHP functions
Which does list some of the more common PHP functions.
For this particular example....
Its fairly easy to solve without using the built in functions.
Example code
function isPalAnagram($string) {
$string = str_replace(" ", "", $string);
$len = strlen($string);
$oddCount = $len & 1;
$string = str_split($string);
while ($len > 0 && $oddCount >= 0) {
$current = reset($string);
$replace_count = 0;
foreach($string as $key => &$char) {
if ($char === $current){
$oddCount -= ($replace_count & 1);
return ($len - $oddCount) === 0;
Using the fact that there can not be more than 1 odd count, you can return early from the array.
I think mine is also O(N) time because its worst case is O(N) as far as I can tell.
$a = microtime(true);
for($i=1; $i<100000; $i++) {
testMethod("the quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog");
printf("Took %s seconds, %s memory", microtime(true) - $a, memory_get_peak_usage(true));
Tests run using really old hardware
My way
Took 64.125452041626 seconds, 262144 memory
Your way
Took 112.96145009995 seconds, 262144 memory
I'm fairly sure that my way is not the quickest way either.
I actually cant see much info either for languages other than PHP (Java for example).
I know a lot of this post is speculating about why its not there and theres not a lot drawing from credible sources, I hope its an partially explained why big O isnt listed in the documentation page though

Chance of winning PHP percent calculation

I have a "battle" system, the attacker has a battle strength of e.g. 100, the defender has a strength of e.g. 75.
But I'm stuck now, I can't figure out how to find the winner.
I know the attacker has a 25% chance of loosing, but I can't figure the script.
Any ideas?
Extract a random number between 0...100, or if you prefer 0...1.
Than check if this number is lower than 75. If it is then the attacker won.
$p = rand(0,99);
if ($p<75)
// Attacker Won!
This has a very straitforward probabilistic interpretation. if you extract randomly a number between 0...100 you have a 75% of chance that the number will be lower than 75. Exactly what you need.
In this case you just need rand() function.
Also notice that what #Marek suggested, the winning chance for the attacker may be much lower than 75%. (read Marek answer that points to a 57% chance of winning).
The problem will arise when you need to model more complex probability density function, example:
In this case you will need a more complex model such as a gaussian mixture.
Using a random number generator, you can create a function such as:
function chance($percent) {
return mt_rand(0, 99) < $percent;
Then you can use the function anywhere. Note: mt_rand supposedly generates better random numbers.
If I were to pop this into code as a usable function:
function attack($attack, $defend)
return (mt_rand(1, $attack) > $defend);
$attack = 100;
$defend = 75;
Will simply return true or false as required. Pass in whichever values that you need.
The chance of winning of player A against B is A/(A+B), this is for any number and any scale. Then use dynamic's answer to compute the actual result.
For your example:
$c = (75/(100+75)); // 0.42857142857142857143
$Awon = mt_rand(0, 9999) < ($c * 10000);

Is any solution the correct solution?

I always think to myself after solving a programming challenge that I have been tied up with for some time, "It works, thats good enough".
I don't think this is really the correct mindset, in my opinion and I think I should always be trying to code with the greatest performance.
Anyway, with this said, I just tried a ProjectEuler question. Specifically question #2.
How could I have improved this solution. I feel like its really verbose. Like I'm passing the previous number in recursion.
/* Each new term in the Fibonacci sequence is generated by adding the previous two
terms. By starting with 1 and 2, the first 10 terms will be:
1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89, ...
Find the sum of all the even-valued terms in the sequence which do not exceed
four million.
function fibonacci ( $number, $previous = 1 ) {
global $answer;
$fibonacci = $number + $previous;
if($fibonacci > 4000000) return;
if($fibonacci % 2 == 0) {
$answer = is_numeric($answer) ? $answer + $fibonacci : $fibonacci;
return fibonacci($fibonacci, $number);
echo $answer;
Note this isn't homework. I left school hundreds of years ago. I am just feeling bored and going through the Project Euler questions
I always think to myself after solving
a programming challenge that I have
been tied up with for some time, "It
works, thats good enough".
I don't think this is really the
correct mindset, in my opinion and I
think I should always be trying to
code with the greatest performance.
One of the classic things presented in Code Complete is that programmers, given a goal, can create an "optimum" computer program using one of many metrics, but its impossible to optimize for all of the parameters at once. Parameters such as
Code Readabilty
Understandability of Code Output
Length of Code (lines)
Speed of Code Execution (performance)
Speed of writing code
Feel free to optimize for any one of these parameters, but keep in mind that optimizing for all of them at the same time can be an exercise in frustration, or result in an overdesigned system.
You should ask yourself: what are your goals? What is "good enough" in this situation? If you're just learning and want to make things more optimized, by all means go for it, just be aware that a perfect program takes infinite time to build, and time is valuable in and of itself.
You can avoid the mod 2 section by doing the operation three times (every third element is even), so that it reads:
$fibonacci = 3*$number + 2*$previous;
and the new input to fibonacci is ($fibonnacci,2*$number+$previous)
I'm not familiar with php, so this is just general algorithm advice, I don't know if it's the right syntax. It's practically the same operation, it just substitutes a few multiplications for moduluses and additions.
Also, make sure that you start with $number as even and the $previous as the odd one that precedes it in the sequence (you could start with $number as 2, $previous as 1, and have the sum also start at 2).
Forget about Fibonacci (Problem 2), i say just advance in Euler. Don't waste time finding the optimal code for every question.
If your answer achieves the One minute rule then you are good to try the next one. After few problems, things will get harder and you will be optimizing the code while you write to achieve that goal
Others on here have said it as well "This is part of the problem with example questions vs real business problems"
The answer to that question is very difficult to answer for a number of reasons:
Language plays a huge role. Some languages are much more suited to some problems and so if you are faced with a mismatch you are going to find your solution "less than eloquent"
It depends on how much time you have to solve the problem, the more time to solve the problem the more likely it is you will come to a solution you like (though the reverse is occasionally true as well too much time makes you over think)
It depends on your level of satisfaction overall. I have worked on several projects where I thought parts where great and coded beautifully, and other parts where utter garbage, but they were outside of what I had time to address.
I guess the bottom line is if you think its a good solution, and your customer/purchaser/team/etc agree then its a good solution for the time. You might change your mind in the future but for now its a good solution.
Use the guideline that the code to solve the problem shouldn't take more than about a minute to execute. That's the most important thing for Euler problems, IMO.
Beyond that, just make sure it's readable - make sure that you can easily see how the code works. This way, you can more easily see how things worked if you ever get a problem like one of the Euler problems you solved, which in turn lets you solve that problem more quickly - because you already know how you should solve it.
You can set other criteria for yourself, but I think that's going above and beyond the intention of Euler problems - to me, the context of the problems seem far more suitable for focusing on efficiency and readability than anything else
I didn't actually test this ... but there was something i personally would have attempted to solve in this solution before calling it "done".
Avoiding globals as much as possible by implementing recursion with a sum argument
EDIT: Update according to nnythm's algorithm recommendation (cool!)
function fibonacci ( $number, $previous, $sum ) {
if($fibonacci > 4000000) { return $sum; }
else {
$fibonacci = 3*$number + 2*$previous;
return fibonacci($fibonnacci,2*$number+$previous,$sum+$fibonacci);
echo fibonacci(2,1,2);
A solution should be evaluated by the requirements. If all requirements are satisfied, then everything else is moxy. If all requirements are met, and you are personally dissatisfied with the solution, then perhaps the requirements need re-evaluation. That's about as far as you can take this meta-physical question, because we start getting into things like project management and business :S
Ahem, regarding your Euler-Project question, just my two-pence:
Consider refactoring to iterative, as opposed to recursive
Notice every third term in the series is even? No need to modulo once you are given your starting term
For example
public const ulong TermLimit = 4000000;
public static ulong CalculateSumOfEvenTermsTo (ulong termLimit)
// sum!
ulong sum = 0;
// initial conditions
ulong prevTerm = 1;
ulong currTerm = 1;
ulong swapTerm = 0;
// unroll first even term, [odd + odd = even]
swapTerm = currTerm + prevTerm;
prevTerm = currTerm;
currTerm = swapTerm;
// begin iterative sum,
for (; currTerm < termLimit;)
// we have ensured currTerm is even,
// and loop condition ensures it is
// less than limit
sum += currTerm;
// next odd term, [odd + even = odd]
swapTerm = currTerm + prevTerm;
prevTerm = currTerm;
currTerm = swapTerm;
// next odd term, [even + odd = odd]
swapTerm = currTerm + prevTerm;
prevTerm = currTerm;
currTerm = swapTerm;
// next even term, [odd + odd = even]
swapTerm = currTerm + prevTerm;
prevTerm = currTerm;
currTerm = swapTerm;
return sum;
So, perhaps more lines of code, but [practically] guaranteed to be faster. An iterative approach is not as "elegant", but saves recursive method calls and saves stack space. Second, unrolling term generation [that is, explicitly expanding a loop] reduces the number of times you would have had to perform modulus operation and test "is even" conditional. Expanding also reduces the number of times your end conditional [if current term is less than limit] is evaluated.
Is it "better", no, it's just "another" solution.
Apologies for the C#, not familiar with php, but I am sure you could translate it fairly well.
Hope this helps, :)
It is completely your choice, whether you are happy with a solution or whether you want to improve it further. There are many project Euler problems where a brute force solution would take too long, and where you will have to look for a clever algorithm.
Problem 2 doesn't require any optimisation. Your solution is already more than fast enough.
Still let me explain what kind of optimisation is possible. Often it helps to do some research on the subject. E.g. the wiki page on Fibonacci numbers contains this formula
fib(n) = (phi^n - (1-phi)^n)/sqrt(5)
where phi is the golden ratio. I.e.
phi = (sqrt(5)+1)/2.
If you use that fib(n) is approximately phi^n/sqrt(5) then you can find the index of the largest Fibonacci number smaller than M by
n = floor(log(M * sqrt(5)) / log(phi)).
E.g. for M=4000000, we get n=33, hence fib(33) the largest Fibonacci number smaller than 4000000. It can be observed that fib(n) is even if n is a multiple of 3. Hence the sum of the even Fibonacci numbers is
fib(0) + fib(3) + fib(6) + ... + fib(3k)
To find a closed form we use the formula above from the wikipedia page and notice that
the sum is essentially just two geometric series. The math isn't completely trivial, but using these ideas it can be shown that
fib(0) + fib(3) + fib(6) + ... + fib(3k) = (fib(3k + 2) - 1) /2 .
Since fib(n) has size O(n), the straight forward solution has a complexity of O(n^2).
Using the closed formula above together with a fast method to evaluate Fibonacci numbers
has a complexity of O(n log(n)^(1+epsilon)). For small numbers either solution is of course fine.
