PHP: Reuse JQGrid response for Displaying data in DataTable - php

First of all I am using JQGrid in my application. After changing my CSS to Bootstrap CSS.
I have to use DataTable. I want to reuse my controller pages which makes query to display the data in JQGrid.
Here is my controller page.
$at = $_SESSION['abc'];
$start_date = $_SESSION['start_date'];
$end_date = $_SESSION['end_date'];
if ($_SESSION['list'] == '-1') {
$user_query = "";
} else {
$user_list = $_SESSION['list'];
$user_query = " AND a.user_id IN ($list)";
$start_date = $_SESSION['start_date'];
$end_date = $_SESSION['end_date'];
if ($_SESSION['list'] == '-1') {
$user_query = "";
} else {
$user_list = $_SESSION['list'];
$user_query = " AND a.user_id IN ($list)";
$page = $_GET['page']; // get the requested page
$limit = $_GET['rows']; // get how many rows we want to have into the grid
$sidx = $_GET['sidx']; // get index row - i.e. user click to sort
$sord = $_GET['sord']; // get the direction
$qtype = ''; // Search column
$query = ''; // Search string
if (isset($_GET['searchField'])) {
$qtype = mysql_real_escape_string($_GET['searchField']);
if (isset($_GET['searchString'])) {
$query = mysql_real_escape_string($_GET['searchString']);
if (isset($_GET['searchOper'])) {
switch ($_GET['searchOper']) {
case 'eq':
$oper = '=';
$query = mysql_real_escape_string($_GET['searchString']);
case 'ne':
$oper = '!=';
$query = mysql_real_escape_string($_GET['searchString']);
case 'cn':
$oper = 'like';
$query = "%".mysql_real_escape_string($_GET['searchString'])."%";
$searchSql1 = ($qtype != '' && $query != '') ? "and $qtype $oper '$query'" : '';
if (!$sidx)
$sidx = 1; // connect to the database
$result = mysql_query(sprintf("SELECT ae.col1,ae.col2,ae.col3, ae.col4,ae.col5,ae.col6,ae.col7,a.col8,a.col9,r.col10,p.col11
FROM $tablename3 ae,$tableName a, $tablename1 p, $tablename2 r
WHERE ae.col1=$at $searchSql1
AND a.col1 = $at
AND a.col5=r.col5
AND a.col6=p.col6
$row = mysql_num_rows($result);
$count = $row;
if ($count > 0) {
$total_pages = ceil($count / $limit);
} else {
$total_pages = 0;
if ($page > $total_pages)
$page = $total_pages; $start = $limit * $page - $limit; // do not put
$limit * ($page - 1);
$SQL = sprintf("SELECT ae.col1,ae.col2,ae.col3, ae.col4,ae.col5,ae.col6,ae.col7,a.col8,a.col9,r.col10,p.col11
FROM $tablename3 ae,$tableName a, $tablename1 p, $tablename2 r
WHERE ae.col1=$at $searchSql1
AND a.col1 = $at
AND a.col5=r.col5
AND a.col6=p.col6
$result = mysql_query($SQL) or die("Couldn t execute query." . mysql_error());
$responce = new stdClass();
$responce->page = new stdClass();
$responce->total = new stdClass();
$responce->records = new stdClass();
$responce->page = $page;
$responce->total = $total_pages;
$responce->records = $count;
$i = 0;
while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result, MYSQL_ASSOC)) {
$responce->rows[$i]['id'] = $row['col1'];
$responce->rows[$i]['cell'] = array($row['col1'], $row['col2'], $row['col3'], $row['col4'], $row['col5'], $row['col6'], $time, $row['col7']);
echo json_encode($responce);
HOW can I change this for DataTable?.
Please provide me the best way...

Finally I found how to resue my controller page for DataTable. Simply change the post variables in the controller page.
$_GET['page']; By $_REQUEST['sEcho']
$_GET['rows']; By $_REQUEST['iDisplayStart'],$_REQUEST['iDisplayLength']
$_GET['sord']; $_REQUEST['sSortDir_0']
$_GET['searchString']: $_GET['sSearch']:
And some changes the json response like
$ans['iTotalRecords'] = $count;
$ans['iTotalDisplayRecords'] = $count;
$ans['aaData'] = $aadata;
echo json_encode($ans);


How do i verify query from mysql database before outputing record

In my code am trying to verify if query is true before outputing result i have tried:
if(empty($_GET["book"]) && empty($_GET["url"])) {
$_SESSION["msg"] = 'Request not valid';
if(isset($_GET["book"]) && isset($_GET["url"])) {
$book = $_GET['book'];
$url = $_GET['url'];
$drs = urldecode("$url");
$txt = encrypt_decrypt('decrypt', $book);
if(!preg_match('/(proc)/i', $url)) {
$_SESSION["msg"] = 'ticket printer has faild';
} else {
$ql = mysqli_query($conn, "select * from books where book='$txt' AND used='loading'");
$count = mysqli_num_rows($sql);
if($count < 1) {
$_SESSION["msg"] = 'Transation has oready been made by a customer please check and try again';
while($riow = mysqli_fetch_assoc($ql)) {
$id = $riow["id"];
$tqty = $riow["quantity"];
for($b = 0; $b < $tqty; $b++) {
$run = rand_string(5);
$dua .= $run;
$sql = mysqli_query($conn, "select * from books where book='$txt' AND used='loading'");
$split = $dua;
$show_plit = str_split($split, 5);
$b = 0;
while($row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($sql)) {
$id = $row["id"];
$qty = $row["quantity"];
$oldB = $b;
$am = " ";
for(; $b < $oldB + $qty; $b++) {
$am .= "$show_plit[$b]";
$lek = mysqli_query($conn, "UPDATE books SET ticket='$am' WHERE id=$id");
if($lek) {
$adr = urlencode($adr = "http://" . $_SERVER["HTTP_HOST"] . $_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"]);
$ty = encrypt_decrypt("encrypt", $txt);
$vars = array(
"book" => $ty,
"url" => $adr
$querystring = http_build_query($vars);
$adr = "viewbuy.php?" . $querystring;
header("location: $adr");
} else {
$_SESSION["msg"] = 'Transation failed unknow error';
but i get to
$_SESSION["msg"]='Transation has oready been made by a customer please check and try again
even when the query is right what are mine doing wrong.
Check your return variable name from the query. You have $ql when it should be $sql.
$sql = mysqli_query($conn, "select * from books where book='$txt' AND used='loading'");
$count = mysqli_num_rows($sql);
A good IDE would flag this. NetBeans is a good free one.
Public Service Announcement:
NEVER build SQL queries straight from a URL parameter. Always sanitize your inputs and (better yet) use parameterized queries for your SQL calls. You can Google these topics for more info.

i wrote some code for fetch data from database ,in mysql code is working and in pdo it is not working

This is mysql connection coding, it is working fine
the same code i wrote with pdo connection,it is not working i'm new to php please help me to get out of this problem.
thanks in advance
ini_set('max_execution_time', 600);
require_once 'config.php';
$nm_mask = $_GET['nm_mask'];
$nm_mask = "";
$cd_mask = $_GET['cd_mask'];
$cd_mask = "";
$func = $_GET['func'];
$func = "";
$where = "WHERE 1=1";
$where.= " AND Login LIKE '$nm_mask%'";
$where.= " AND Manager_Login LIKE '$cd_mask%'";
$where.= " AND Function LIKE '$func%'";
$page = $_GET['page']; // get the requested page
$limit = $_GET['rows']; // get how many rows we want to have into the grid
$sidx = $_GET['sidx']; // get index row - i.e. user click to sort
$sord = $_GET['sord']; // get the direction
if(!$sidx) $sidx =1; // connect to the database
$result = mysqli_query("SELECT COUNT(*) AS count FROM EmpMasterTB ".$where);
$row = mysqli_fetch_array($result,MYSQLI_ASSOC);
$count = $row['count'];
if( $count >0 ) {
$total_pages = ceil($count/$limit);
} else {
$total_pages = 0;
if ($page > $total_pages) $page=$total_pages;
if ($limit<0) $limit = 0;
$start = $limit*$page - $limit; // do not put $limit*($page - 1)
if ($start<0) $start = 0;
$SQL = "SELECT * from EmpMasterTB ". $where ." ORDER BY $sidx $sord LIMIT $start , $limit";
$result = mysqli_query( $SQL ) or die("Couldn?t execute query.".mysqli_error());
$responce->page = $page;
$responce->total = $total_pages;
$responce->records = $count;
while($row = mysqli_fetch_array($result,MYSQLI_ASSOC)) {
$responce->rows[$i]['cell']=array($row['WeekNo'],$row['WeekBeginning'],$row['SITE'],$row['Name'],$row['WFH'],$row['Login'],$row['Manager_Login'],$row['Lead'],$row['Cost_center'],$row['Business_Title'],$row['Function'],$row['Workgroup'],$row['Login_time'],$row['ROLE'],$row['Secondary_Skill'],$row['Weekoff'],""); $i++;
echo json_encode($responce);
PDO connection code
ini_set('max_execution_time', 600);
require_once 'config.php';
$nm_mask = $_GET['nm_mask'];
$nm_mask = "";
$cd_mask = $_GET['cd_mask'];
$cd_mask = "";
$func = $_GET['func'];
$func = "";
$where = "WHERE 1=1";
$where.= " AND Login LIKE '$nm_mask%'";
$where.= " AND Manager_Login LIKE '$cd_mask%'";
$where.= " AND Function LIKE '$func%'";
$page = $_GET['page']; // get the requested page
$limit = $_GET['rows']; // get how many rows we want to have into the grid
$sidx = $_GET['sidx']; // get index row - i.e. user click to sort
$sord = $_GET['sord']; // get the direction
if(!$sidx) $sidx =1; // connect to the database
$count = $dbh->exec("SELECT COUNT(*) AS count FROM EmpMasterTB ".$where);
if( $count >0 ) {
$total_pages = ceil($count/$limit);
} else {
$total_pages = 0;
if ($page > $total_pages) $page=$total_pages;
if ($limit<0) $limit = 0;
$start = $limit*$page - $limit; // do not put $limit*($page - 1)
if ($start<0) $start = 0;
$SQL = "SELECT * from EmpMasterTB ". $where ." ORDER BY $sidx $sord LIMIT $start , $limit"; /*** The SQL SELECT statement ***/
$stmt = $dbh->query($SQL); /*** fetch into an PDOStatement object ***/
$responce->page = $page;
$responce->total = $total_pages;
$responce->records = $count;
/*** echo number of columns ***/
$obj = $stmt->fetch(PDO::FETCH_OBJ);
/*** loop over the object directly ***/
$responce->rows[$i]['cell']=array($obj->WeekNo ,$obj->WeekBeginning ,$obj->SITE ,$obj->Name ,$obj->WFH ,$obj->Login ,$obj->Manager_Login ,$obj->Lead ,$obj->Cost_center ,$obj->Business_Title ,$obj->Function ,$obj->Workgroup ,$obj->Login_time ,$obj->ROLE ,$obj->Secondary_Skill ,$obj->Weekoff ); $i++;
echo json_encode($ );
You have missed for loop and you didn't pass response in json_encode().
Please check my below code:
/*** echo number of columns ***/
$objs = $stmt->fetch(PDO::FETCH_OBJ);
/*** loop over the object directly ***/
foreach($objs as $obj)
$responce->rows[$i]['cell']=array($obj->WeekNo ,$obj->WeekBeginning ,$obj->SITE ,$obj->Name ,$obj->WFH ,$obj->Login ,$obj->Manager_Login ,$obj->Lead ,$obj->Cost_center ,$obj->Business_Title ,$obj->Function ,$obj->Workgroup ,$obj->Login_time ,$obj->ROLE ,$obj->Secondary_Skill ,$obj->Weekoff ); $i++;
echo json_encode($responce );

Out Of Memory Exception Xampp

I have this function :
public function RemplirTab($nomCol)
$username = $this->getDb()->getUsername();
$sql = "SELECT DISTINCT $nomCol
FROM nautilus_users_page, nautilus_users_acces, nautilus_users_droit, nautilus_users_privilege, nautilus_users_menu
WHERE nautilus_users_page.id_page = nautilus_users_acces.id_page
AND nautilus_users_acces.id_droit = nautilus_users_droit.id_droit
AND nautilus_users_droit.id_droit = nautilus_users_privilege.id_droit
AND nautilus_users_page.id_menu = nautilus_users_menu.id_menu
AND login='$username'";
$row = $this->getDb()->fetchAssoc($sql, array($nomCol, $username));
$i = -1;
$Tab = array();
while($result = $row)
$i = $i+1;
$Tab[$i] = $result[$nomCol];
return $Tab;
Which shows me an error:
I use Silex with Doctrine DBAL.
This function was mysqli with this form:
function RemplirTab($nomCol, $login)
$sql = "SELECT DISTINCT $nomCol
FROM nautilus_users_page, nautilus_users_acces, nautilus_users_droit, nautilus_users_privilege, nautilus_users_menu
WHERE nautilus_users_page.id_page = nautilus_users_acces.id_page
AND nautilus_users_acces.id_droit = nautilus_users_droit.id_droit
AND nautilus_users_droit.id_droit = nautilus_users_privilege.id_droit
AND nautilus_users_page.id_menu = nautilus_users_menu.id_menu
AND login='$login'";
$link = connectdb('nautilus_users');
$req = execquery($link, utf8_decode($sql));
$i = -1;
while($row = $req->fetch_assoc())
$i = $i+1;
$Tab[$i] = $row[$nomCol];
return $Tab;

INSERT INTO not populating database table

I have a script that checks the submitgame table and if both approve1 and approve 2 are not blank it inserts data into clanstats. There is no mysql_error it simply redirects to the header without inserting anything into the clanstats table, so I have no idea what is going on. Below is the code.
$id = $_GET['id'];
$result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM submitgame WHERE id='$id'") or die(mysql_error());
$playerclan = $row['playerclan'];
$opponentclan = $row['opponentclan'];
$win = $row['win'];
$approve1 = $row['approve1'];
$approve2 = $row['approve2'];
if($win == "won") {
$win = 1;
$points = 2;
$win2 = 0;
$points2 = 1;
else {
$win = 0;
$points = 1;
$win2 = 1;
$points2 = 2;
if($approve1 != "" && $approve2 != "") {
$query=mysql_query("INSERT INTO clanstats (clan, points, wins) VALUES ('$playerclan', '$points', '$win')");
$query=mysql_query("INSERT INTO clanstats (clan, points, wins) VALUES ('$opponentclan', '$points2', '$win2')");
echo mysql_error($query);
else {
//first off are you connecting, ill presume so
//sql injection!!!
$id = mysql_real_escape_string($_GET['id']);
$result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM submitgame WHERE id='$id' limit 1") or die(mysql_error());
//you were missing this
$playerclan = $row['playerclan'];
$opponentclan = $row['opponentclan'];
$win = $row['win'];
$approve1 = $row['approve1'];
$approve2 = $row['approve2'];
if($win == "won") {
$win = 1;
$points = 2;
$win2 = 0;
$points2 = 1;
$win = 0;
$points = 1;
$win2 = 1;
$points2 = 2;
if($approve1 != "" && $approve2 != "") {
//you can have multiple inserts
$query=mysql_query("INSERT INTO clanstats (clan, points, wins) VALUES
('$playerclan', '$points', '$win'),
('$opponentclan', '$points2', '$win2')");
//adding die after the header will make sure nothing else gets executed
//no need to kill the connection as it will close when the script exits
I think you are missing a line. Perhaps something like:
$row = mysql_fetch_row($result)

SQL won't work? It doesn't come up with errors either

I have PHP function which checks to see if variables are set and then adds them onto my SQL query. However I am don't seem to be getting any results back?
$where_array = array();
if (array_key_exists("location", $_GET)) {
$location = addslashes($_GET['location']);
$where_array[] = "`mainID` = '".$location."'";
if (array_key_exists("gender", $_GET)) {
$gender = addslashes($_GET["gender"]);
$where_array[] = "`gender` = '".$gender."'";
if (array_key_exists("hair", $_GET)) {
$hair = addslashes($_GET["hair"]);
$where_array[] = "`hair` = '".$hair."'";
if (array_key_exists("area", $_GET)) {
$area = addslashes($_GET["area"]);
$where_array[] = "`locationID` = '".$area."'";
$where_expr = '';
if ($where_array) {
$where_expr = "WHERE " . implode(" AND ", $where_array);
$sql = "SELECT `postID` FROM `posts` ". $where_expr;
$dbi = new db();
$result = $dbi->query($sql);
$r = mysql_fetch_row($result);
I'm trying to call the data after in a list like so:
$dbi = new db();
$offset = ($currentpage - 1) * $rowsperpage;
// get the info from the db
$sql .= " ORDER BY `time` DESC LIMIT $offset, $rowsperpage";
$result = $dbi->query($sql);
// while there are rows to be fetched...
while ($row = mysql_fetch_object($result)){
// echo data
echo $row['text'];
} // end while
Anyone got any ideas why I am not retrieving any data?
while ($row = mysql_fetch_object($result)){
// echo data
echo $row->text;
} // end while
I forgot it wasn't coming from an array!
