I'm trying to populate multiple tables from mysql, ordering them by an id. I'm not sure how to do this and can't find much on it on here.
At the moment I am populating just one table from mysql but I've added a new column to my mysql table, which would be the specific id for each table - not sure how to loop this though.
In the predictions table I have a column called 'accid' . I'd like this column to group together a set of results with the same 'accid' and insert into an html table. How do I do this?
Here's what I have at the moment:
$result = mysql_query("SELECT results.home_team, results.away_team, results.home_id,
results.away_id, results.ht_score, results.ft_score, predictions.draw,
FROM results
LEFT JOIN predictions ON results.match_id = predictions.matchid
WHERE userid='".$_SESSION['id']."' ORDER BY home_team");
$num_rows = mysql_num_rows($result);
if($num_rows) {
$wonBet = true; #ADDED
$notlong = false;
while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) {
echo "<tr>";
if(!$row["ht_score"]) {
$halftime = "-";
} else {
$halftime = $row["ht_score"];
if(!$row["ft_score"]) {
$fulltime = "-";
} else {
$fulltime = $row["ft_score"];
echo "<td>" . $row["home_team"] . "</td>" . "<td>" . " vs " . "</td>" . "<td>" . $row["away_team"] . "</td>" . "<td>" . $halftime . "</td>" . "<td>" . $fulltime . "</td>";
$value = $fulltime;
$apart = explode('-',$value);
if($apart[0] > $apart[1] && $row["home_id"]==$row["winningid"]) {
$hometeamwin = "Win";
} else if($apart[0] < $apart[1] && $row["away_id"]==$row["winningid"]) {
$hometeamwin = "Win";
} else if($apart[0] == $apart[1] && !$row["winningid"]) {
$hometeamwin = "Win";
} else {
$hometeamwin = "lose";
if($fulltime!=$row["ft_score"]) {
$hometeamwin = "";
if($hometeamwin == "lose"){ #ADDED
$wonBet = false; #ADDED
if($hometeamwin == ""){ #ADDED
$notlong = true; #ADDED
echo "<td>" . $hometeamwin . "</td>";
echo "</tr>";
echo '</table>';
To use the same query results more than once, fetch them into an array. Then you can loop as many times as you want over the same results.
Oh - and switch to PDO / MySQLi. .. and use prepared statements..
$data = array();
$result = mysql_query("SELECT results.home_team, results.away_team, results.home_id,
results.away_id, results.ht_score, results.ft_score, predictions.draw,
FROM results
LEFT JOIN predictions ON results.match_id = predictions.matchid
WHERE userid='".$_SESSION['id']."' ORDER BY home_team");
while($dbrow = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) {
$data[] = $dbrow;
foreach($data as $row) {
foreach($data as $row) {
//Table 2
Some ideas about splitting by accid
while($dbrow = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) {
$accid = $dbrow['accid'];
$data[$accid][] = $dbrow;
foreach($data as $accid -> rows) {
//Table Header
foreach($rows as $row) {
//Table Row
//Table Footer
I have an html-form to read out data from a DB that are then dislayed in an html-table. Columns that contain no values should not be displayed. This works well with the following code using array_column and array_filter:
$sql = "SELECT DISTINCT $selection FROM $table WHERE $where";
$result = mysqli_query($db, $sql) or die("<b>No results</b>"); //Running the query and storing it in result
$numrows = mysqli_num_rows($result); // gets number of rows in result table
$numcols = mysqli_num_fields($result); // gets number of columns in result table
$field = mysqli_fetch_fields($result); // gets the column names from the result table
$custom_column_arr = array('Color' => 'color_comment', 'Weight' => 'weight_comment');
if($numrows > 0) {
echo "<table id='myTable'>";
echo "<thead>";
$results = array();
while($row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($result)) {
$results[] = $row;
echo "<tr>";
echo "<th>" . 'Nr' . "</th>";
for($x = 0; $x < $numcols; $x++) {
$column[$x] = array_column($results, $field[$x]->name); // puts all existing values of a column into the field-name
if(array_filter($column[$x])) { // displays only those columns with at least one value in it
$key = array_search($field[$x]->name, $custom_column_arr);
if($key !== FALSE) {
echo "<th>" . $key . "</th>";
} else {
echo "<th>" . $field[$x]->name . "</th>";
echo "</tr></thead>";
echo "<tbody>";
$nr = 1;
$result = mysqli_query($db, $sql);
while($row = mysqli_fetch_array($result)) {
echo "<tr>";
echo "<td>" . $nr . "</td>";
for($k = 0; $k < $numcols; $k++) { // goes around until there are no columns left
$column[$k] = array_column($results, $field[$k]->name); // puts all existing values of a column into the field-name
if(array_filter($column[$k])) { // displays only those columns with at least one value in it
echo "<td>" . $row[$field[$k]->name] . "</td>"; //Prints the data } } echo "</tr>"; $nr = $nr + 1;
} // End of while-loop
echo "</tbody></table>";
Due to security reasons, I switched to PDO prepared statements to avoid SQL-injection:
enter code here
$sql = "SELECT DISTINCT $selection FROM $table WHERE color = :color AND weight = :weight";
$stmt = $pdo->prepare($sql);
$renalstatus = '10';
$bindValue = implode("/n ", $bindValue);
$stmt->bindValue(':color', $color, PDO::PARAM_STR);
$stmt->bindValue(':weight', $weight, PDO::PARAM_INT);
$zeilen = $stmt->rowCount();
$spalten = $stmt->columnCount();
if($zeilen > 0) {
echo "<table id='myTable'>";
echo "<thead>";
$results = array();
while($row = $stmt->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)) {
$results[] = $row;
echo "<tr>";
echo "<th>" . 'Nr' . "</th>";
for($x = 0; $x < $spalten; $x++) {
$column[$x] = array_column($results, $fields[$x]->name); // puts all existing values of a column into the field-name
if(array_filter($column[$x])) { // displays only those columns with at least one value in it
$key = array_search($fields[$x], $custom_column_arr);
if($key !== FALSE) {
echo "<th>" . $key . "</th>";
} else {
echo "<th>" . $fields[$x] . "</th>";
echo "</tr></thead>";
echo "<tbody>";
$nr = 1;
$stmt = $pdo->query($sql);
while($row = $stmt->fetch(PDO::FETCH_NUM)) {
echo "<tr>";
echo "<td>" . $nr . "</td>";
for($k = 0; $k < $spalten; $k++) { // goes around until there are no columns left
$column[$k] = array_column($results, $fields[$k]->name); // puts all existing values of a column into the field-name
if(array_filter($column[$k])) { // displays only those columns with at least one value in it
echo "<td>" . $row[$k] . "</td>"; //Prints the data}
echo "</tr>";
$nr = $nr + 1;
} // End of while-loop
echo "</tbody></table>";
The query results are correctly displayed as before. However, completely empty columns are displayed as well and shoul be hidden.
After having built the headline, in mysqli there is a second query before the rows are generated:
$result = mysqli_query($db, $sql);
Unfortunately, using PDO this does not work with:
$stmt = $pdo->query($sql); or $stmt->execute();
I would be more than happy if someone could help me make this function work again!
I want to read out data from an sql-database an show them in a table. This works well. Now, I would like to show only those columns with at least one value in it and not the empty ones (containing NULL, 0, empty string). This works with the following example:
enter code here
<TABLE width="500" border="1" cellpadding="1" cellspacing="1">
$query = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM guestbook", $db);
$results = array();
while($line = mysql_fetch_assoc($query)){
$results[] = $line;
$Name = array_column($results, 'Name');
$Home = array_column($results, 'Home');
$Date = array_column($results, 'Date');
$Emptycolumn = array_column($results, 'Emptycolumn');
$Comment = array_column($results, 'Comment');
$City = array_column($results, 'City');
echo "<TR>";
if(array_filter($Name)) {echo "<TH>Name</TH>";}
if(array_filter($Home)){echo "<TH>Home</TH>";}
if(array_filter($Date)){echo "<TH>Date</TH>";}
if(array_filter($Emptycolumn)){echo "<TH>Emptycolumn</TH>";}
if(array_filter($Comment)){echo "<TH>Comment</TH>";}
if(array_filter($City)){echo "<TH>City</TH>";}
echo "</TR>";
$query = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM guestbook", $db);
while($line = mysql_fetch_assoc($query)){
echo "<TR>";
if(array_filter($Name)) {echo "<TD>".$line['Name']."</TD>";}
if(array_filter($Home)) {echo "<TD>".$line['Home']."</TD>";}
if(array_filter($Date)) {echo "<TD>".$line['Date']."</TD>";}
if(array_filter($Emptycolumn)) {echo "<TD>".$line['Emptycolumn']."</TD>";}
if(array_filter($Comment)) {echo "<TD>".$line['Comment']."</TD>";}
if(array_filter($City)) {echo "<TD>".$line['City']."</TD>";}
echo "</TR>";
Since the column-names of my table are highly variable (depending on the query), the table is generated by looping through the result-array, first the column-names, then the values in the rows:
enter code here
$sql = "SELECT DISTINCT $selection FROM $tabelle WHERE
$whereclause"; //will be changed to PDO
$result = mysqli_query($db, $sql) or die("<b>No result</b>"); //Running
the query and storing it in result
$numrows = mysqli_num_rows($result); // gets number of rows in result
$numcols = mysqli_num_fields($result); // gets number of columns in
result table
$field = mysqli_fetch_fields($result); // gets the column names from the
result table
if ($numrows > 0) {
echo "<table id='myTable' >";
echo "<thead>";
echo "<tr>";
echo "<th>" . 'Nr' . "</th>";
$key = array_search($field[$x]->name, $custom_column_arr);
if($key !== false){
echo "<th>" . $key . "</th>";
echo "<th>" . $field[$x]->name . "</th>";
echo "</tr></thead>";
echo "<tbody>";
$nr = 1;
while ($row = mysqli_fetch_array($result)) {
echo "<tr>";
echo "<td>" . $nr . "</td>";
for ($k=0; $k<$numcols; $k++) { // goes around until there are no
columns left
echo "<td>" . $row[$field[$k]->name] . "</td>"; //Prints the data
echo "</tr>";
$nr = $nr + 1;
} // End of while-loop
echo "</tbody></table>";
Now, I tried to integrate the array_column() and array_filter()-blocks of the example above into the loops, but unfortunately, it didn´t work. I´m sure, this is easy for a professional and I would be very grateful, if someone could help me with this problem!
Thank you very much in advance!!
I need to output a table based on two other tables as shown below:
case: there are two table "tbl_schedule" and "tbl_report"
this is my script:
$sql = mysql_query("SELECT*, count(*) as schedule_date FROM mst_schedule WHERE schedule_date LIKE '%$date' GROUP BY schedule_account") or die (mysql_error());
while ($data = mysql_fetch_array($sql)) {
$account = schAccount($data['schedule_account']);
$sql2 = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM trn_reportsch WHERE schedule_id='$data[schedule_id]' GROUP BY schedule_id");
echo "<tr>";
echo "<td>".ucfirst($account['admin_fullname'])."</td>";
while ($data2 = mysql_fetch_array($sql2)) {
echo "<td>".$data2['rating']."</td>";
echo "<td>".$data['schedule_date']."</td>";
echo "</tr>";
So far I don't get the desired output. How should I change the script?
Your code is almost correct.
Add following lines:
$sql = mysql_query("SELECT*, count(*) as schedule_date FROM mst_schedule WHERE schedule_date LIKE '%$date' GROUP BY schedule_account") or die(mysql_error());
while ($data = mysql_fetch_array($sql)) {
$account = schAccount($data['schedule_account']);
$sql2 = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM trn_reportsch WHERE schedule_id='$data[schedule_id]' GROUP BY schedule_id");
echo "<tr>";
echo "<td>" . ucfirst($account['admin_fullname']) . "</td>";
$bad = $good = $vGood = 0; // <-- ADD THIS LINE
while ($data2 = mysql_fetch_array($sql2)) {
if($data2['rating'] <=2){ // BAD
} else if($data2['rating'] <= 3){ // GOOD
} else if($data2['rating'] > 3){ // VERY GOOD
echo "<td>" . $bad . "</td>"; // Display the final value for bad
echo "<td>" . $good . "</td>"; // Display the final value for good
echo "<td>" . $vGood . "</td>"; // Display the final value for very good
echo "<td>" . $data['schedule_date'] . "</td>";
echo "</tr>";
The $orders variable only returned the last pushed element of the array , instead of returning all elements .. I did use array_push to push the elements to the array $orders but I only get the last element pushed in ...
// Create arrays to populate so that I can iterate over them to display the data on the charts
$views = array();
$orders = array();
if ($pid == 11 && $value > 1631 && $value <= 1635) {
$query = "SELECT label, hits FROM items WHERE item_id='$value' LIMIT 1";
$result = mysql_query($query);
$row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result);
echo "<td>" . $row['label'] . "</td>";
// orders
if ($row['hits'] != 0) {
echo "<td>" . $row['hits'] . "</td>";
echo "<td>0</td>";
} else {
$query = "SELECT label FROM items WHERE item_id='$value' LIMIT 1";
$result = mysql_query($query);
while($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)){
echo "<td>" . strip_tags(DecodeSpecialChars(html_entity_decode($row['label']))) . "</td>";
if(array_key_exists('label',$row)) {
array_push($orders,$row['label']); // pushing here ..
if ($pid != 58) {
// orders
if (isset($totals[$value]) && $totals[$value] != 0) {
echo "<td>" . $totals[$value] . "</td>";
echo "<td> 0 </td>";
You have a limit 1 clause on your query... you will only get one result to push
I am trying to display data in table form with 3 columns. Each should have a main category with some drop down lists. I get all the information to display but all is in one column and the drop down information does not display with the correct heading.
echo "<table>";
while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) {
$count = 1;
if ($count = 1) {
$sCatID = ($row['CatID']);
echo "<tr valign='top'><td><b><a href='#" . $sCatID . "'>" . $sCatID . "</a></b><br>";
// column 1 categories
$result2 = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM test_prefixSubCat WHERE CatID=$sCatID");
// sub-cats
while ($row2 = mysql_fetch_array($result2)) {
$sSub = ($row2['CatID']);
$sSubID = ($row2['SubID']);
echo "<dd><a href='#'>" . $sSub . "</a><br>";
echo "</td>";
$count = 2;
} elseif ($count = 2) {
$sCatID = ($row['CatID']);
echo "<td><b><a href='.$sCatID.'>" . $sCatID . "</a></b><br>";
// column 1 categories
$result2 = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM test_prefixSubCat WHERE CatID=$sCatID");
// sub-cats
while ($row2 = mysql_fetch_array($result2)) {
$sSub = ($row2['CatID']);
$sSubID = ($row2['SubID']);
echo "<dd><a href='#'>" . $row2['Sub'] . "</a><br>";
echo "</td>";
$count = 3;
} elseif ($count = 3) {
$sCatID = ($row['CatID']);
echo "<td><b><a href='.$sCatID.'>" . $sCatID . "</a></b><br>";
// column 1 categories
$result2 = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM test_prefixSubCat WHERE CatID=$sCatID");
// sub-cats
while ($row2 = mysql_fetch_array($result2)) {
$sSub = ($row2['CatID']);
$sSubID = ($row2['SubID']);
echo "<dd><a href='.$sSub.'>" . $sSub . "</a><br>";
echo "</td></tr>";
$count = 1;
if ($count = 2) {
echo "<td> </td><td> </td></tr>";
} elseif ($count = 3) {
echo "<td> </td></tr>";
echo "</table>";
It doesn't seem to close the rows and table correctly... And it is also putting some of the drop down items before it displays the first heading.
If i display it in only one column it is working fine.
You should use == instead of single = in your if statements. Else it would execute everytime as that condition is always true.