PHP: Checking Session State on Secondary Pages - php

I am working with a PHP Login System from Just to give you a quick overview, I believe the tutorial sets up the variable in the following manner:
require 'connect.php';
require 'functions.php';
// Those two files can be included only if INCLUDE_CHECK is defined
// Starting the session
// Making the cookie live for 1 weeks
if($_SESSION['id'] && !isset($_COOKIE['tzRemember']) && !$_SESSION['rememberMe'])
So far so good, except that I cannot carry over the session variables from the Main Login page to subsequent pages (which contain restricted content). Here is the basic code that I intend to place at the start of each restricted content page
if($_SESSION['id']) <-- I believe I need more code here (incldue the cookie)
//If all is well, I want the script to proceed and display the HTML content below.
header("Location: MainLogin.html");
or die;
//redirects user to the main login page.
As you can see, I am a total novice, but any help would be greatly appreciated. As of now, my restricted content pages keep getting redirected to the homepage even when I am properly logged in. Hence I suspect, the SESSION state is not being carried over. Thanks again!

You should probably make sure that you set the path and domain when you invoke session_set_cookie_params:
session_set_cookie_params ( 1*7*24*60*60, '/','')
(It's a good idea to set the httpOnly attribute as well.)
Additionally, make sure you actually assign some value to your session id key (it's not clear in your code sample that you do):
$_SESSION['id'] = 'some value';
Finally, you may want to use session_status() while debugging to verify you've actually started the session correctly (


Using session variable to use info on different pages

i'm having a bit of a problem. I'm trying to set up a simple webpage with only three .php pages. I want a session variable $_SESSION['userID'] to be set when a user is logged in and I want the index page to show extra info if someone is logged in.
On index.php I want to show some info, if a user is logged in I want to show some extra info.
login.php - simple log in form.
login_exe.php - takes care of database connection and verification.
So this was my idea:
On index.php, check if session is started, if not: start.
if (!isset($_SESSION)) {
echo "session started";
later on, check if $_SESSION['userID'] contains a value, if so: print a string
if($_SESSION['userID'] != null){
echo "User logged in";
On login_exe.php i've almost the same code:
if (!isset($_SESSION)) {
echo "session started";
in verification function:
$_SESSION['userID'] = $data['userID'];
header("Location: index.php");
The problem is that a new session is started on every page. How can I fix this and only start the session once? Thanks in advance
You should just put session_start() on top of documents that using sessions. Say, if you have 5 .php files that using sessions, then put 5 times the session_start() on top of them.
This is because session_start() sends headers and headers must be sent before any output (for example, any echo or whitespace).
Then, you should use something like isset($_SESSION["foo"]) and not just the entire $_SESSION array, where foo is something you set previously.
If you dont want sessions at all or need to reset the entire array, just call session_destroy() which effectively destroy the current session. Use unset($_SESSION["foo"]) when you want to get rid of a key.
Finally, you might get weird cases where you cannot read session key you write at. In these cases check what is the path of sessions and if they're writeable, or change their path:
$path = session_save_path(); // what is the path
is_writable($path); // can i write to it?
session_save_path("my/new/path"); // change the darn path;
// put -even- before session_start()!
glad i help
I think the PHP manuals are really good compared to ...ahm, so just read about session_start(). It says:
session_start() creates a session or resumes the current one (...)
so all you need is session_start() very early in your code. This must be executed on every request (maybe as include).
Your code checking the userId looks fine, one important hint here: you should know exactly what isset(), empty() and the like mean in PHP, so always have the comparision of comparison at hand.
You should not ask new answers (edit: questions) in comments. Be as systematic here as you are in coding.
How to end a session:
This gives room for discussion, because there is the session cookie, which is client side, and the session data, which is server side.
I recommend:
$_SESSION = null;
Reason: this will clear all login and other associated data immediately. It leaves the cookie intact, which is normally of no concern, since all associated data is gone.

Why do I lose my PHP session on page change?

I had a login system set up that stored a session variable and checked it on each page, but then I moved to a new server.
Now any session variable I set is only available on the page it was set on. I've been searching for reasons why this could happen, and already crossed off permissions issues. Is it possible this has to do with incorrect urls? Everything else on the server appears to be working fine.
I'm running the latest version of PHP and Apache if that helps at all.
Because you probably (just assumption) have not got session_start(); throughout your other pages where required. So for example, create a page called session.php
if (!isset($_SESSION))
// Enforce logout as session is not set.
include "session.php";
use this snippet through out your pages where your login features are required.
I've run into issues like this before. You might try setting a session id when you first start the session using session_id(), and then use the same session id before each session_start().
For example:

declaring session variables php

Is it not mandatory to use session_start() before using any session variables in PHP?
I tried the following piece of code without declaring session_start() at the beginning, it worked fine.
So, now I'm confused. Please help !!!!
Also, I did not use any $_POST or $_GET to pass $uname to home.php, but still how does it work? If we use include 'home.php' then does it treat login.php and home.php as same page?
// code login.php//
require_once 'db_connect.php';
if (isset($_SESSION ['user_id']) && !empty($_SESSION ['user_id']))
$u_name = $_SESSION['user_name'];
include 'home.php';
//some stmt
/*******home.php file ****/
require_once 'dbconnect.php';
$_SESSION['username'] = $u_name;
//echo $_SESSION['username'];
//blah blah
You definitely need it, if session.autostart is not set in php.ini. But you would probably know that then.
Do you not call it in db_connect.php? Also, I'm pretty sure you wouldn't get any errors, the session would just be empty.
If you include a file via php, Session keeps active (as any others variables set too). If you would access this file as new request, you would need to set session_start().
This behaviour is because include and require act like moving the code of the included file into the current one, as you would have typed the code into one single file.
Plus: you don't need to require dbconnect.php twice.
edit: you asked about both files used as the same page - the page is the output given after the whole php code is done. The page itself doesn't care about how many files internally are used for generating it.
Use the session_start () is obligatory for every session in php. Being passed through a variable values ​​is not necessary to make POST or GET the same, since there is already the case the value increment. If not ouver value in the same session is null or blank, if you open the page in the same way the condition is wrong.
(!Isset($_SESSION ['user_id']) &&!​Is_Null($_SESSION['user_id']))
isset to check if empty this need! before, IF(!isset($_SESSION['user_id']) and in the second case would be to check if it is not null and void, for a session either exists or does not exist and if a value is set inesistente is null. So correct view is this: is_null($_SESSION ['user_id'])
Importantly, in the login page does not include but redirect to the page. in the case with a header.
Or could do everything in a single page, but it would not be legal to display on a page called login page. The default would be the index, ie if the login stay within a folder, you place it inside the index page and the address of the folder.
The reason for the session can still open is that sometimes the webserver does not realize that erased part of the code and loads of it from the system cache.

PHP Session issues in Chrome

I have a web app I am developing for a school project, I am having issues with the logout page. When a user clicks logout it will send them to a logout.php which just looks like this:
<?php include ("includes/check_authorization.php");
// Unset the session and destroy it
// Redirect to the home page
echo '<META HTTP-EQUIV="Refresh" Content="0; URL=index.php">';
It is very simple, but it will unset, then destroy the session, and redirect to the index, which is the login page. However when this is run the index immedietley redirects to a user homepage. The check_authorization page included at the top will redirect someone to login if the username and id are not set and matching in the $_SESSION, so this means that it is setting these for me? I am really confused as to how this is happening. I am using CAS for authentication.
EDIT: the check_authorization.php also initializes the session as well as checking those key values
For like this situation I did as follows, this is working for me all the browsers,
$old_sessid = #session_id();
$new_sessid = session_id();
Rather than just unsetting the data, try assigning a dummy value to the session, like:
$_SESSION['authKey'] = '!!INVALID!!';
Even if the session 'revives', the authentication can't possibly succeed anymore because of the "fake" data.
There are some possibilities :
The most simple possibility : did you include the
on top the file? before you include a file? I've been there before, and it pissed me off.
The second possibility : try to put
on the very top of your file (before you declare session_start();). Because in some Server Hosting, their configuration still using "LINUX" style that i can't explain to you here. But, the point is they always using "cache" when you redirect. In other words, you always redirect into your "cached" page when you rediret to another page. See.. it's hard to explain for you here. But just try the session_regenerate_id(); code, maybe it would work.
I never use the "echo" things in doing redirect things. Try :
i don't know if this working or not. I just simply giving you my analysis based of my assumptions.
Hope these helpful. :)

PHP Session not Saving

I have this written at the very first line on every page of my website.
and restd.php contains the following lines :
The problem i'm facing is that when ever i click or do something on my website. it logs me out and takes me to index.php.
im sure its something to do with the session. ive tried every single thing to avoid this problem but i ahve used restd.php because i dont want anyone to copy the url of someone and paste and get into the website.
anyone who is logged in only can view other's pages. if they arent logged in then they'll be redirected to index.php
EDIT : and guys a confusing thing is that all this is working fine on my testing server which is easyPHP- but this problem is coming up when i upload all the files to my server.
Your session directory (probably /tmp/) is not writable.
Check with session_save_path() if it is writable.
if (!is_writable(session_save_path())) {
echo 'Session path "'.session_save_path().'" is not writable for PHP!';
Do you actually set $_SESSION['id'] on a page...
What you are trying to do here is:
Start a session and load the $_SESSION from the session handler
Check if $_SESSION contains key 'id'
Redirect to index.php if $_SESSION['id'] is not set
Do you actually do this in index.php?
$_SESSION['id'] = something;
you need declare $_SESSION['id'] :
$_SESSION['id'] = '123'
include 'file1.php'
In my case I forgot that I had the PHP flag session.cookie_secure set to on, while the development environment was not TLS-secured.
More information about Session/Cookie parameters.
I know this is an old thread, but the following helped me with the same problem after hours of despair. Found on:
I made a folder next to the public html folder and placed these lines at the very first point in index.php
Location of session folder:
location of index.php
What I placed in index.php at line 0:
ini_set('session.save_path',realpath(dirname($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT']) . '/../session'));
Hopefully this will save you time.
Check maybe your session path does not exist
so you can save PHP session path using:
ini_set(' session.save_path','SOME WRITABLE PATH');
Couple things:
your include file doesn't have the <?php ?> tags, so the content will not be evaluated as PHP
Session_start must be called before you start outputting anything. Is that the case?
You still don't even answer where you SET $_SESSION['id']. $pid = $_SESSION['id'] does not set the session variable. session_start() comes before ANYTHING session related, it's not shown before your include.
I had the same problem and found a work-around for it. If anybody can explain why the session is not read even when the cookie is there, please let me know.
// logged.php
// The PHP session system will figure out whether to use cookies or URLs to pass the SID
if(!isset($_COOKIE['PHPSESSID']) && !isset($_GET['PHPSESSID']) && authenticationRoutine(/* Returns true if succesfully authenticated */) ) {
// Insecure restd.php (The user can forge a stolen SID cookie or URL GET request, but that is inherent with PHP sessions)
if(!isset($_COOKIE['PHPSESSID']) && !isset($_GET['PHPSESSID']) {header('Location: index.php')}
Even though the cookie was there and I prevented starting a new session, the session had not been read and started, so no session variables were available. In this case I check if the session has been started first (not using session_status() because it doesn't exist in PHP 3.5, which for some reason is the most widespread among hosts). If no session has been started within PHP, I check if it had been started before by testing the cookies and GET variables. If a session ID was found, the script resumes the session with that ID. If no ID is available, the user gets redirected to the index.
// restd.php
if(empty(session_id())) {
if(isset($_COOKIE['PHPSESSID']) && !empty($_COOKIE['PHPSESSID'])) {session_id($_COOKIE['PHPSESSID']);}
elseif(isset($_GET['PHPSESSID']) && !empty($_GET['PHPSESSID'])) {session_id($_GET['PHPSESSID']);}
else {header('Location: index.php'); exit(0);}
