I'm trying to exploit some web vulnerabilities in a sample website running inside a VM (it is not available on the web - only for educational purposes). I have a php file named setupreset.php which has the information about MySQL configs, setup and passwords used to setup the website. This is in the same directory as the rest of the php files (index, products, forum, etc...).
This is the code of index.php, for reference:
include ("includes/header.php");
// Grab inputs
$page = $_GET[page];
if ($page=="") {
} else { include ($page . '.php'); }
include ("includes/footer.php");
The main goal is to list the contents of the setupreset PHP file, or download it somehow. If I navigate to this file:, it gets executed, but the PHP code is naturally not shown, due to the fact that it is parsed by the PHP interpreter.
Now, the website uses PHP includes, so URLs look like this: This seems like it's vulnerable to remote file inclusion, where I could simply point to another PHP page, e.g. but allow_url_include is off and cannot be changed, so this won't work (I tried this). However, allow_url_fopen is likely on (since it's on by default), so my question is the following: is it possible to upload a PHP file or some script that lists the content of setupreset.php using this kind of exploit?
If allow_url_include is off, you can't execute remote code. But you can find other pages, for example a content management dashboard, to upload your code as "image", then find the actual path and include it.
And, there are still ways to exploit.
Let's look inside your code. You may notice that it automatically add an extension .php at the end of path. So you should remove php in GET param. But what if the file you want to include does not have PHP extension? Then use %00 to terminate string, such as
There's a special protocol in PHP, powerful and dangerous. It's php://.
You can check out the offcial manual for detailed information, and here I'll show you some cases to make a file inclusion vulnerability become source disclosure and even remote code execution vulnerabilities.
Before your test, I suggest you use Firefox with HackBar plugin. It's a powerful penetration testing suite.
Source disclosure
This feature doesn't need url inclusion allowed.
php://filter is a kind of meta-wrapper designed to permit the application of filters to a stream at the time of opening. This is useful with all-in-one file functions such as readfile(), file(), and file_get_contents() where there is otherwise no opportunity to apply a filter to the stream prior the contents being read. (Reference)
Then you can see the source in the same directory via following request.
File content will be encoded in base64, so it does support binary file.
It's powerful to get sensitive information, such as database passwords or a encryption key! If privilege is not proper configurated, it can even jump out of cage and extract data from files in outter directories, like /etc/passwd!
Remote code execution
Actually you can't exploit this way, because allow_url_include is Off in this case.
But I must point it out because it's magical!
It's completly different from local include. It doesn't need to upload any file to a remote server or so. All you need is one single request.
php://input can access the raw HTTP request body, so what does include("php://input") do? Just visit http://localhost/include.php?page=php://input, with valid PHP code in request body, then you can execute any (allowed) function in remote server!
Don't forget the %00 to drop .php tail.
Besides, PHP supports data:// URL scheme. You can directly put code in GET param! The following test doesn't need any special tool, just a normal browser can execute an attack.
http://localhost/include.php?page=data:text/plaintext,<?php phpinfo();?>
Some Web Application Firewalls may detect suspected string in URL and block evil request, they won't leave the phpinfo alone. Is there a way to encrypt? Of course. data:// URL supports at least base64 encoding...
http://localhost/include.php?page=data:text/plain;base64, PD9waHAgcGhwaW5mbygpOyA/Pg==
And you will get familiar phpinfo once again!
The null byte trick (%00) does not work anymore for PHP >= 5.3.4:
Use a directory traversal and end your input string with a %00 NUL meta character (as mentioned on wikipedia).
This will remove the ".php" suffix from the inclusion and might help you somehow.
It is not. The php file is getting executed because you call include, if you called readfile, file_get_contents or similar you could see the contents of the php file.
I've got call recordings stored on a CDN (Rackspace CloudFiles) with names like:
(They're Twilio Call SIDs).
My application (CakePHP) displays a list of these recordings, and uses an <audio> tag to allow them to be played on the page right from the CDN. I need to add the option to download the file directly as well, but I want to download the file named something more like this:
Call from Alex to Firm, Inc, 8/19/2011 4:00pm.mp3
I know how to do this with PHP and readfile() to set the name to whatever I'd like, but that requires the file data be streamed through my VPS. Besides being billed twice for the bandwidth (once through the CDN and once through my VPS), this would defeat the purpose of having my files on a CDN (speed and availability). I have the files named only with the call SID on the CDN for security.
Can I do this with browser-side somehow? Can JavaScript change the name of a downloaded file on the fly?
I appreciate any help!
The filename is based on the URL being requested and the headers attached to the response when the URL is fetched. Unless you proxy it, or can arrange for a "friendly" url to point at the resource, you have no control over how the browser will download the file, since the request will be handled by the rackspace servers, not your code.
JS cannot control the fetch/download process, other than possibly mangling the url that goes into the <audio> tag. but then you're limited to whatever mangling still allows the URL to be relevant to the cloudfiles servers.
You should be able to set an object's Content-Disposition when creating the file. For example,
PUT /<api version>/<account>/<container>/<object> HTTP/1.1
X-Auth-Token: 01234567-89ab-cdef-0123-456789abcdef
Content-Type: audio/mpeg
Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=Whatever_Filename_I_Want.mp3
The file will still be stored as whatever your <object> name is, but when retrieved it will appear as Whatever_Filename_I_Want.mp3.
Edit: According to the documentation, you can also update a file's metadata using this method.
From what I understand of the documentation, you're able to build a directory structure on the CDN for your purposes. So instead of relying on the security with the filename, you could put the security into the directory name. That way, becomes,_Inc,_8-19-2011_4:00pm.mp3, which will download exactly as you want it to be, without sacrificing the security.
I was reading about PDO and I came across the parse_ini_file function. A number of developers suggested using this function to parse in db settings rather than hard coding the db settings in code for security reasons.
My question to you is, does it make sense to do a file read for every load of your PHP application for this extra "security" ?
I wonder how expensive this file read is..
php 5.3
in the comments
I don't really see how it's any more secure.
For example, if your DB settings are stored in defines within a "config.php" file outside of the main web root, they're just as secure as if they're were stored in a .ini file and there would be no per-page parsing overhead (other than having to include the config file as per normal).
Hard coding settings in PHP files is bad because those same PHP files will be sent around, copied, put into repositories, etc. The passwords should be treated with more privacy. Also, it's annoying to have to the source files overwrite your local copies.
Note that I'm referring specifically to embedding in regular PHP files in your project's codebase. If you place your config settings in a PHP file that sits external to all of that, then none of the above applies.
If you are worried about the overhead of parsing one config file, then you shouldn't be using PHP at all... However, you could limit file reads by parsing it only when a cached (e.g., memcache) copy cannot be found.
It makes sense if you have more than just db access stored in the ini file . It can act like a config for you're app so you don't have to open 10 files to change 3 hardcoded variables/constants/whatever . If you don't like reading a file each time you're app is requested then use a php file to store all you're config options ( keep them all in one place is realy good ) , and as sugested keep the ini/php config file out of you're web root .
Probably not. If its a .ini file then a browser can just visit it and download it. At least a .php has a decency of a blank screen.
On the current website I'm working on, I've got a directory of files for users to download which would be really nice to have some security method other than obscurity ;)
I was wondering if there's any way to supply login information via PHP to htaccess as though a user were entering it.
Alternately, if anyone knows a better way to secure user downloads using PHP, that's also acceptable. All of my googling turns up "just use htaccess" which isn't really helpful, as from the non-savvy user's point of view, they have to log in twice every time they use the website.
My best guess at doing it exclusively with PHP is to store files above the web root, then copy them to a web accessible folder temporarily, but this seems highly inefficient and I couldn't think up any way to remove them after the download has finished.
Note: I don't own the server this is running on and don't have ssh access to it.
If files are not too big (Gb) you can always use readfile for file's download. In this mode you can check user's auth before, and if it's ok output file contents to user, otherwise send him to login page.
With this method you can put your files in protected (with .htaccess) directory so you can be sure that nobody who isn't authenticated can access them.
I think I would either store them in a folder outside of the web root, or in a folder protected by .htaccess and then have a php script that checked if the user was logged in and allowed to download a file asked for. If he was, then just pass the file through to the user.
Example from linked page at
Example #1 Using fpassthru() with binary files
// open the file in a binary mode
$name = './img/ok.png';
$fp = fopen($name, 'rb');
// send the right headers
header("Content-Type: image/png");
header("Content-Length: " . filesize($name));
// dump the picture and stop the script
Someone else made a comment about having to report the correct content-type, which is true. Often, in my own experience, I already know it, or can use the file extension pretty easily. Otherwise you can always try to have a look at finfo_file. On that page there are also some comments about what you could do especially for images as well.
you should use a php script to control the access.
create a dir outside the webroot or inside the webroot with a .htaccess where you location the download files.
outsite the webroot is better.
you have to make sure that no one can access those files if they are located inside.
then take from the pear class lib. the class http_download.
using this class has many advantages.
Ranges (partial downloads and resuming)
Basic caching capabilities
Basic throttling mechanism
On-the-fly gzip-compression
Delivery of on-the-fly generated archives through Archive_Tar and Archive_Zip
Sending of PgSQL LOBs without the need to read all data in prior to sending
you should not use readfile oder any forwarding filepointer because you have to set the headers yourself and the don't support http "range".
for the access restrictions you can use you session-manager, password, framework, forum etc.
pear - http_download
you need to copy the url, because SO encodes it to url-encoded string (which is correct), but PEAR-homepage doesn't like that.
Why reinvent the wheel? Take a look at File Thingy, which is pretty easy to install and customise. If nothing else, you can study the source to learn how to perform the authentication step.
You could use MySQL to store uploaded files, rather than storing them in a file, better and more secure, in my opinion. Just Google "MySQL upload php" for example.
You could create the htaccess file using a PHP script, from your users table, each time a user accesses that folder, very troublesome.
I think the first option is better.
Use X-SendFile! There's extensions for Apache, Lighty and Nginx so there's a good chance there's one for your webserver.
Once you have the extension installed, you can authenticate the user using your PHP script, and then add the header:
When your PHP script is done, it will trigger the webserver to stream the file for you. This is especially efficient if you use PHP along with for example FastCGI, because it frees up the PHP process for other work.
I have an upload form created in php on my website where people are able to upload a zip file. The zip file is then extracted and all file locations are added to a database. The upload form is for people to upload pictures only, obviously, with the files being inside the zip folder I cant check what files are being uploaded until the file has been extracted. I need a piece of code which will delete all the files which aren't image formats (.png, .jpeg, etc). I'm really worried about people being able to upload malicious php files, big security risk! I also need to be aware of people changing the extensions of php files trying to get around this security feature.
This is the original script I used
This is the code which actually extracts the .zip file:
function openZip($file_to_open) {
global $target;
$zip = new ZipArchive();
$x = $zip->open($file_to_open);
if($x === true) {
} else {
die("There was a problem. Please try again!");
Thanks, Ben.
Im really worried about people being able to upload malicious php files, big security risk!
Tip of the iceberg!
i also need to be aware of people changing the extensions of php files trying to get around this security feature.
Generally changing the extensions will stop PHP from interpreting those files as scripts. But that's not the only problem. There are more things than ‘...php’ that can damage the server-side; ‘.htaccess’ and files with the X bit set are the obvious ones, but by no means all you have to worry about. Even ignoring the server-side stuff, there's a huge client-side problem.
For example if someone can upload an ‘.html’ file, they can include a <script> tag in it that hijacks a third-party user's session, and deletes all their uploaded files or changes their password or something. This is a classic cross-site-scripting (XSS) attack.
Plus, thanks to the ‘content-sniffing’ behaviours of some browsers (primarily IE), a file that is uploaded as ‘.gif’ can actually contain malicious HTML such as this. If IE sees telltales like (but not limited to) ‘<html>’ near the start of the file it can ignore the served ‘Content-Type’ and display as HTML, resulting in XSS.
Plus, it's possible to craft a file that is both a valid image your image parser will accept, and contains embedded HTML. There are various possible outcomes depending on the exact version of the user's browser and the exact format of the image file (JPEGs in particular have a very variable set of possible header formats). There are mitigations coming in IE8, but that's no use for now, and you have to wonder why they can't simply stop doing content-sniffing, you idiots MS instead of burdening us with shonky non-standard extensions to HTTP headers that should have Just Worked in the first place.
I'm falling into a rant again. I'll stop. Tactics for serving user-supplied images securely:
1: Never store a file on your server's filesystem using a filename taken from user input. This prevents bugs as well as attacks: different filesystems have different rules about what characters are allowable where in a filename, and it's much more difficult than you might think to ‘sanitise’ filenames.
Even if you took something very restrictive like “only ASCII letters”, you still have to worry about too-long, too-short, and reserved names: try to save a file with as innocuous a name as “com.txt” on a Windows server and watch your app go down. Think you know all the weird foibles of path names of every filesystem on which your app might run? Confident?
Instead, store file details (such as name and media-type) in the database, and use the primary key as a name in your filestore (eg. “74293.dat”). You then need a way to serve them with different apparent filenames, such as a downloader script spitting the file out, a downloader script doing a web server internal redirect, or URL rewriting.
2: Be very, very careful using ZipArchive. There have been traversal vulnerabilities in extractTo of the same sort that have affected most naive path-based ZIP extractors. In addition, you lay yourself open to attack from ZIP bombs. Best to avoid any danger of bad filenames, by stepping through each file entry in the archive (eg. using zip_read/zip_entry_*) and checking its details before manually unpacking its stream to a file with known-good name and mode flags, that you generated without the archive's help. Ignore the folder paths inside the ZIP.
3: If you can load an image file and save it back out again, especially if you process it in some way in between (such as to resize/thumbnail it, or add a watermark) you can be reasonably certain that the results will be clean. Theoretically it might be possible to make an image that targeted a particular image compressor, so that when it was compressed the results would also look like HTML, but that seems like a very difficult attack to me.
4: If you can get away with serving all your images as downloads (ie. using ‘Content-Disposition: attachment’ in a downloader script), you're probably safe. But that might be too much of an inconvenience for users. This can work in tandem with (3), though, serving smaller, processed images inline and having the original higher-quality images available as a download only.
5: If you must serve unaltered images inline, you can remove the cross-site-scripting risk by serving them from a different domain. For example use ‘’ for untrusted images and ‘’ for the main site that holds all the logic. Make sure that cookies are limited to only the correct virtual host, and that the virtual hosts are set up so they cannot respond on anything but their proper names (see also: DNS rebinding attacks). This is what many webmail services do.
In summary, user-submitted media content is a problem.
In summary of the summary, AAAARRRRRRRGGGGHHH.
ETA re comment:
at the top you mentioned about 'files with the X bit set', what do you mean by that?
I can't speak for ZipArchive.extractTo() as I haven't tested it, but many extractors, when asked to dump files out of an archive, will recreate [some of] the Unix file mode flags associated with each file (if the archive was created on a Unix and so actually has mode flags). This can cause you permissions problems if, say, owner read permission is missing. But it can also be a security problem if your server is CGI-enabled: an X bit can allow the file to be interpreted as a script and passed to any script interpreter listed in the hashbang on the first line.
i thought .htaccess had to be in the main root directory, is this not the case?
Depends how Apache is set up, in particular the AllowOverride directive. It is common for general-purpose hosts to AllowOverride on any directory.
what would happen if someone still uploaded a file like ../var/www/wr_dir/evil.php?
I would expect the leading ‘..’ would be discarded, that's what other tools that have suffered the same vulnerability have done.
But I still wouldn't trust extractTo() against hostile input, there are too many weird little filename/directory-tree things that can go wrong — especially if you're expecting ever to run on Windows servers. zip_read() gives you much greater control over the dearchiving process, and hence the attacker much less.
First you should forbid every file that doesn’t have a proper image file extension. And after that, you could use the getimagesize function to check whether the files are regular image files.
But furthermore you should be aware that some image formats allow comments and other meta information. This could be used for malicious code such as JavaScript that some browsers will execute under certain circumstances (see Risky MIME sniffing in Internet Explorer).
You should probably not rely just on the filename extension, then. Try passing each file through an image library to validate that its really an image, also.
I don't see the risk in having renamed php files in your DB...
As long as you're not evaluating them as PHP files (or at all, for that matter), they can't do too much harm, and since there's no .php extension the php engine won't touch them.
I guess you could also search the files for <?php...
Also: assume the worst about the files uploaded to your machine. Renamed the folder into which you're saving them "viruses" and treat it accordingly. Don't make it public, don't give any file launch permissions (especially the php user), etc.
You might also want to consider doing mime type detection with the following library:
Now you are relying on your harddrive space for extracting. You can check fileheaders to determine what kind of files they are. there probably libraries for that.
offtopic: isnt it better to let the user select couple of images instead of uploading a zip file. Better for people that don't know what zip is (yes they exist)
If you set php to only parse files ending with .php, then you can just rename a file from somename.php to somename.php.jpeg and you are safe.
If you really want to delete the files, there is a zip library available to php. You could use it to check the names and extensions of all the files inside the zip archive uploaded, and if it contains a php file, give the user an error message.
Personally, I'd add something to the Apache config to make sure that it served PHP files as text from the location the files are uploaded to, so you're safe, and can allow other file types to be uploaded in the future.
Beaware of this Passing Malicious PHP Through getimagesize()
inject PHP through image functions that attempt to insure that images
are safe by using the getimagesize() function
read more here
Better for your user logo use gravatar like here used by Stackoverflow ;)
Use getimagesize function.
Full procedure:-
1.) Extract extension of image/uploaded file and then compare extension with allowed extension.
2.) Now create a random string for renaming uploaded file. best idea is md5(session_id().microtime()).It can not be duplicated and if your server is very fast and can process less than a microsecond than use incremented variable and add them with string.
now move that file.
A tip
Disable PHP file processing in upload directory, it will always prevent you from any server side attack and if possible add your htaccess in root directory or in httpd config file and disable htaccess files from there now it solve your maximum problems