Ok I'll cut to the chase, I have this code which produces a random string:
function random_string()
$character_set_array = array();
//$character_set_array[] = array('count' => 2, 'characters' => 'AA');
$character_set_array[] = array('count' => 8, 'characters' => '0123456789');
$temp_array = array();
foreach ($character_set_array as $character_set) {
for ($i = 0; $i < $character_set['count']; $i++) {
$temp_array[] = $character_set['characters'][rand(0, strlen($character_set['characters']) - 1)];
$pinstart = 'AA';
$pinend = implode('', $temp_array);
$pin = $pinstart.$pinend;
echo $pin;
Then in my paypal IPN I have this:
if($p->ipn_data["mc_gross"] > 0 && strcmp ($p->ipn_data["business"],$EMAIL) == 0 && ($p->ipn_data["item_number"]) == 1) {
$user = $p->ipn_data["custom"];
$date = $p->ipn_data["payment_date"];
$prodid = $p->ipn_data["item_number"];
$amount = $p->ipn_data["mc_gross"];
$amountTickets = 1;
$email = 'email#hotmail.com';
$subject = '[CODE] - Thank you for your donation';
$message = 'Your CODE IS, <? echo random_string(); ?>';
mail("$payer_email", "$subject",
$message.random_string(), "From: $email" );
$user = str_replace("_", " ", $user);
$user = str_replace("-", " ", $user);
$user = mysql_real_escape_string($user);
It sends the email but its "Your CODE is, , it doesn't post the random string.
I've tried putting in $pin, $pin = random_string(); print $pin nothing works
Change echo $pin; to return $pin in your random_string function because you want it to return a string, not to print out a string on the spot, then
$message = 'Your CODE IS, ' . random_string();
random_string should use return not echo
$subject = '[CODE] - Thank you for your donation';
$message = 'Your CODE IS,'. random_string();
mail("$payer_email", "$subject",
This Github repository serves to add a dot (.) to a Gmail address and thus register on a site multiple times with random addresses derived from the original.
The code works fine, but it works with any domain (e.g. #house.com)
And I need to limit it to only work with #gmail.com (I tried this in my HTML) <input type="email" pattern="^[a-zA-Z0-9]+#gmail\.com$">
But I prefer it to be server side, I have no idea how to do it, I am new in PHP.
Thanks in advance.
PHP Code:
$mail = explode('#', $_POST['email']);
$email = $mail[0];
$domain = '#'.$mail[1];
$email = ltrim($email);
$domain = ltrim($domain);
$email = rtrim($email);
$domain = rtrim($domain);
$email = stripslashes($email);
$domain = stripslashes($domain);
$email = htmlentities($email);
$domain = htmlentities($domain);
$res = addDOT($email);
echo '<div class="box"><div class="title">Total: '.sizeof($res).'</div><textarea type="text">';
foreach($res as $mcMails)
echo nl2br($mcMails.$domain).PHP_EOL;
echo '</textarea></div>';
function addDOT($str){
if(strlen($str) > 1)
$ca = preg_split("//",$str);
$head = array_shift($ca);
$res = addDOT(join('',$ca));
$result = array();
foreach($res as $val)
$result[] = $head . $val;
$result[] = $head . '.' .$val;
return $result;
return array($str);
With PHP 8+ you can use str_ends_with().
function isGmail($email) {
return str_ends_with($email, '#gmail.com');
Or a prior PHP8+ with a classic regex
function isGmail($email) {
return preg_match("/#gmail.com\$/", $email);
or strpos with a negative offset
function isGmail($email) {
$pattern = '#gmail.com';
return (false !== strpos($email, $pattern, -strlen($pattern)));
Regarding from your comment I think you want to do something like this:
$email = $_POST['email'] ?? '';
if(!isGmail($email)) {
header('Location: /');
$mail = explode('#', $_POST['email']);
$email = $mail[0];
$domain = '#'.$mail[1];
$email = ltrim($email);
$domain = ltrim($domain);
$email = rtrim($email);
$domain = rtrim($domain);
$email = stripslashes($email);
$domain = stripslashes($domain);
$email = htmlentities($email);
$domain = htmlentities($domain);
$res = addDOT($email);
echo '<div class="box"><div class="title">Total:'.sizeof($res).'</div><textarea type="text">';
foreach($res as $mcMails)
echo nl2br($mcMails.$domain).PHP_EOL;
echo '</textarea></div>';
function addDOT($str){
if(strlen($str) > 1)
$ca = preg_split("//",$str);
$head = array_shift($ca);
$res = addDOT(join('',$ca));
$result = array();
foreach($res as $val)
$result[] = $head . $val;
$result[] = $head . '.' .$val;
return $result;
return array($str);
* Check if an email is a Gmail address
* #param string $email The email address to check
* #return boolean
function isGmail($email) {
$email = trim($email); // in case there's any whitespace
return mb_substr($email, -10) === '#gmail.com';
Fixed. I modified the first if of the code by putting a second conditional:
if(isset($_POST['email']) and (substr($_POST['email'], -10) == '#gmail.com'))
I have a problem when execute large transaction in Codeigniter 3.
I create transaction for migrating old data like below:
// Controller
public function migrate_document_get()
$data = $this->Delivery_order_model->read_data_class_from_stock();
foreach ($data as $obj) {
$parameters = $this->Delivery_order_model->read_data_for_do($obj->class_no);
$data['message'] = "Finish migrate document DO";
$data['execution_time'] = round($this->benchmark->elapsed_time('code_start', 'code_end')) . " seconds";
$this->response($data, REST_Controller::HTTP_OK);
// Model
function create_data($data)
$error = array();
$affected_rows = 0;
foreach ($data as $row) {
$sql_insert_product = "";
$class_no = $row['class_no'];
$article_vendor = $row['article_vendor'];
$style = $row['style'];
$sku_promo = $row['sku_promo'];
$retail = $row['retail'];
$unique_id = $this->generate_unique_id($class_no, $article_vendor, $style, $sku_promo, $retail);
$sku_no = $class_no . $unique_id . $style . $sku_promo . $retail;
$article_no = $class_no . $style . $sku_promo . $retail;
$res_field = $unique_id . $style . $sku_promo;
$format = array();
$format['dept_no'] = $row['dept_no'];
$format['class_no'] = $class_no;
$format['sku_no'] = $sku_no;
if (!empty($row['ref_no'])) {
$format['ref_no'] = $row['ref_no'];
$format['article_vendor'] = $article_vendor;
$format['article_no'] = $article_no;
$format['res_field'] = $res_field;
$format['style'] = $style;
$format['category_no'] = $row['category_no'];
$format['size_no'] = $row['size_no'];
$format['color_no'] = $row['color_no'];
$format['material_no'] = $row['material_no'];
$format['unique_id'] = $unique_id;
$format['sku_promo'] = $sku_promo;
if (!empty($row['exp_promo']) and $row['sku_promo'] != "00") {
$format['exp_promo'] = date('Y-m-d', strtotime(str_replace('/', '-', str_replace("'", "", $row['exp_promo']))));
$format['season_code'] = date('ym');
$format['retail'] = $retail;
$format['tag_type'] = $row['tag_type'];
if (!empty($row['image'])) {
$format['image'] = $row['image'];
$format['time_create'] = date('Y-m-d H:i:s');
$sql_insert_product = $this->mysql->insert_ignore_string("msr_product", $format);
// Transaction 1 -> INSERT msr_product
$sql_insert_do = "";
$format_doc = "DO" . $class_no . date('Ymd');
$do_id = $this->generate_do_id($format_doc);
$doc_no = $format_doc . $do_id;
$store_no = $row['store_no'];
// INSERT msr_do
$format_insert = array();
$format_insert['do_no'] = $doc_no;
$format_insert['store_no'] = $store_no;
$format_insert['sku_no'] = $sku_no;
$format_insert['do_date1'] = date('Y-m-d', strtotime(date('Ymd')));
$format_insert['do_date2'] = date('Y-m-d', strtotime('60 day', strtotime(date('Ymd'))));
$format_insert['do_status'] = 1;
$format_insert['user_input'] = $row['nik'];
$format_insert['ts_input'] = date('Y-m-d H:i:s');
$format_insert['status_item'] = 0;
$format_insert['qty_store'] = $row['qty'];
$format_update['qty_store'] = "qty_store + " . $row['qty'];
$sql_insert_do = $this->mysql->insert_on_duplicate_update_string("msr_do", $format_insert, $format_update, true, false);
// Transaction 2 -> INSERT msr_do
$affected_rows += $this->mysql->affected_rows();
if ($this->mysql->trans_status() === FALSE) {
$error = $this->mysql->error();
$error['sql_product'] = $sql_insert_product;
$error['sql_do'] = $sql_insert_do;
return $this->commonutil->format_output($affected_rows, $error);
When I execute method above in loop,
I facing an issue with error 500 internal server error.
but when I execute method like below one by one, not in the loop it's running normally.
// Controller
public function create_post()
$parameters = $this->post();
if (!empty($parameters)) {
$validate_param = $this->validate_parameter_create($parameters[0]);
if ($validate_param->run() == TRUE) {
$save = $this->Delivery_order_model->create_data($parameters);
if (!empty($save) and $save['total_affected'] > 0) {
$output['status'] = REST_Controller::HTTP_OK;
$output['error'] = false;
$output['message'] = "Success create delivery order list.";
$output['execution_time'] = $this->benchmark->elapsed_time('code_start', 'code_end') . " seconds.";
$this->response($output, REST_Controller::HTTP_OK);
} else {
$output['status'] = REST_Controller::HTTP_NOT_MODIFIED;
$output['error'] = true;
$output['error_detail'] = $save['error'];
$output['message'] = "Failed create delivery order list!";
$output['execution_time'] = $this->benchmark->elapsed_time('code_start', 'code_end') . " seconds.";
$this->response($output, REST_Controller::HTTP_NOT_MODIFIED);
} else {
$output['status'] = REST_Controller::HTTP_UNPROCESSABLE_ENTITY;
$output['error'] = true;
$output['error_detail'] = $validate_param->error_array();
$output['message'] = "Required JSON Array! [{.....}]";
$output['execution_time'] = $this->benchmark->elapsed_time('code_start', 'code_end') . " seconds.";
$this->response($output, REST_Controller::HTTP_UNPROCESSABLE_ENTITY);
} else {
$output['status'] = REST_Controller::HTTP_UNPROCESSABLE_ENTITY;
$output['error'] = true;
$output['message'] = "Required parameters!";
$output['execution_time'] = $this->benchmark->elapsed_time('code_start', 'code_end') . " seconds.";
$this->response($output, REST_Controller::HTTP_UNPROCESSABLE_ENTITY);
// Model
function create_data($data)
$error = array();
$affected_rows = 0;
foreach ($data as $row) {
$sql_insert_product = "";
$class_no = $row['class_no'];
$article_vendor = $row['article_vendor'];
$style = $row['style'];
$sku_promo = $row['sku_promo'];
$retail = $row['retail'];
$unique_id = $this->generate_unique_id($class_no, $article_vendor, $style, $sku_promo, $retail);
$sku_no = $class_no . $unique_id . $style . $sku_promo . $retail;
$article_no = $class_no . $style . $sku_promo . $retail;
$res_field = $unique_id . $style . $sku_promo;
$format = array();
$format['dept_no'] = $row['dept_no'];
$format['class_no'] = $class_no;
$format['sku_no'] = $sku_no;
if (!empty($row['ref_no'])) {
$format['ref_no'] = $row['ref_no'];
$format['article_vendor'] = $article_vendor;
$format['article_no'] = $article_no;
$format['res_field'] = $res_field;
$format['style'] = $style;
$format['category_no'] = $row['category_no'];
$format['size_no'] = $row['size_no'];
$format['color_no'] = $row['color_no'];
$format['material_no'] = $row['material_no'];
$format['unique_id'] = $unique_id;
$format['sku_promo'] = $sku_promo;
if (!empty($row['exp_promo']) and $row['sku_promo'] != "00") {
$format['exp_promo'] = date('Y-m-d', strtotime(str_replace('/', '-', str_replace("'", "", $row['exp_promo']))));
$format['season_code'] = date('ym');
$format['retail'] = $retail;
$format['tag_type'] = $row['tag_type'];
if (!empty($row['image'])) {
$format['image'] = $row['image'];
$format['time_create'] = date('Y-m-d H:i:s');
$sql_insert_product = $this->mysql->insert_ignore_string("msr_product", $format);
// Transaction 1 -> INSERT msr_product
$sql_insert_do = "";
$format_doc = "DO" . $class_no . date('Ymd');
$do_id = $this->generate_do_id($format_doc);
$doc_no = $format_doc . $do_id;
$store_no = $row['store_no'];
// INSERT msr_do
$format_insert = array();
$format_insert['do_no'] = $doc_no;
$format_insert['store_no'] = $store_no;
$format_insert['sku_no'] = $sku_no;
$format_insert['do_date1'] = date('Y-m-d', strtotime(date('Ymd')));
$format_insert['do_date2'] = date('Y-m-d', strtotime('60 day', strtotime(date('Ymd'))));
$format_insert['do_status'] = 1;
$format_insert['user_input'] = $row['nik'];
$format_insert['ts_input'] = date('Y-m-d H:i:s');
$format_insert['status_item'] = 0;
$format_insert['qty_store'] = $row['qty'];
$format_update['qty_store'] = "qty_store + " . $row['qty'];
$sql_insert_do = $this->mysql->insert_on_duplicate_update_string("msr_do", $format_insert, $format_update, true, false);
// Transaction 2 -> INSERT msr_do
$affected_rows += $this->mysql->affected_rows();
if ($this->mysql->trans_status() === FALSE) {
$error = $this->mysql->error();
$error['sql_product'] = $sql_insert_product;
$error['sql_do'] = $sql_insert_do;
return $this->commonutil->format_output($affected_rows, $error);
I already resizing on DB temp space
and I already check the method it's running normally
what's wrong with that, please give me some advice.
So basically, I have a CSV file that will be uploaded but not stored on the server and PHP will pull data from it and update a database accordingly.
My Issue is that I am trying to skip the row in the CSV if there is already an entry found in the database but it stops on the first error and does not skip.
Line 62, I added a comment which is where I am trying to get this accomplished.
the ELSE statement after the if (($update == 1) && ($update2 == 1)) has a continue in it, meaning if update and update2 do not == 1 then skip, or so I would have thought but it just stops after the first duplicate serial number is found.
Any help is GREATLY appreciated
public function upload() {
$this->data['token'] = $this->session->data['token'];
$connect = mysqli_connect("localhost", "username", "password", "database");
if (isset($_POST["upload"])) {
if ($_FILES['update_cases']['name']) {
$filename = explode(".", $_FILES['update_cases']['name']);
if (end($filename) == "csv") {
$handle = fopen($_FILES['update_cases']['tmp_name'], "r");
while (($data = fgetcsv($handle, 1000, ",")) !== FALSE) {
print "row start<br>";
$order_id = mysqli_real_escape_string($connect, $data[0]);
$product_sn = mysqli_real_escape_string($connect, $data[1]);
$customer_email = mysqli_real_escape_string($connect, $data[2]);
$status = mysqli_real_escape_string($connect, $data[13]);
$rma_number = mysqli_real_escape_string($connect, $data[17]);
$rma_type = mysqli_real_escape_string($connect, $data[18]);
$planned_product = mysqli_real_escape_string($connect, $data[19]);
$tur = mysqli_real_escape_string($connect, $data[20]);
$pi = mysqli_real_escape_string($connect, $data[21]);
$cir = mysqli_real_escape_string($connect, $data[22]);
$cmr = mysqli_real_escape_string($connect, $data[23]);
$waive_return = mysqli_real_escape_string($connect, $data[24]);
$replacement_tracking = mysqli_real_escape_string($connect, $data[26]);
$inventory = mysqli_real_escape_string($connect, $data[27]);
$replacement_sn = mysqli_real_escape_string($connect, $data[28]);
$replacement_sn2 = mysqli_real_escape_string($connect, $data[29]);
$qty_shipped = mysqli_real_escape_string($connect, $data[33]);
$date_shipped = mysqli_real_escape_string($connect, $data[35]);
$result1 = $this->model_sale_order->getOrderById($order_id);
$current_status = $result1['order_status'];
$rma_num = $result1['order_rma'];
$customer_id = $result1['cus_id'];
$regpro_id = $result1['regpro_id'];
$update = 0;
$update2 = 0;
$batch_data = array(
"order_id" => $order_id,
"rpl_tracking" => $replacement_tracking,
"qty_shipped" => $qty_shipped,
"replacement_sn" => $replacement_sn,
"replacement_sn2" => $replacement_sn2,
"inventory" => $inventory,
"rma_type" => $rma_type,
"pi_num" => $pi,
"tur_num" => $tur,
"cir_num" => $cir,
"cmr_num" => $cmr,
"waive_return" => $waive_return,
"update_status" => $status,
"date_shipped" => $date_shipped,
"pre_status" => $current_status,
"comment" => $planned_product,
"planned_product" => $planned_product
if ($qty_shipped !== 0) {
// If Two replacement products
if ($qty_shipped == 2) {
//Check if Serial Number Already Exists (If exists, I want the script to skip this row and move onto the next row in the excel sheet)
$check_sn = $this->model_catalog_regproduct->checkSNBelong2($replacement_sn);
$check_sn2 = $this->model_catalog_regproduct->checkSNBelong2($replacement_sn2);
if ($check_sn) {
$update = 0;
$this->error['error_replacement_sn'] = "SN " . $replacement_sn . " in use!";
} else {
$update = 1;
if ($check_sn2) {
$update2 = 0;
$this->error['error_replacement_sn2'] = "SN " . $replacement_sn2 . " in use!";
} else {
$update2 = 1;
if (($update == 1) && ($update2 == 1)) {
$replacement_product = $this->model_catalog_product->getProductBySN($replacement_sn);
$replacement_product2 = $this->model_catalog_product->getProductBySN($replacement_sn2);
$defective_product_warranty = $this->model_catalog_regproduct->getRegproductById($customer_id, $regpro_id);
$warr_date = $defective_product_warranty['regpro_warr_date'];
$replacement_model = $replacement_product['m_type'];
$replacement_model2 = $replacement_product2['m_type'];
$replacement_family = $replacement_product['f_type'];
$replacement_family2 = $replacement_product2['f_type'];
$this->model_catalog_regproduct->addRegproductReplacement2($customer_id, $replacement_sn2, $replacement_family2, $replacement_model2, $warr_date);
$this->model_catalog_regproduct->addRegproductReplacement($customer_id, $replacement_sn, $replacement_family, $replacement_model, $warr_date);
$this->model_sale_order->confirmOrder3($this->user->getId(), $batch_data);
if (((int)$current_status) !== ((int)$status)) {
if ((int)$status == 210) {
if ($rma_type != "Standard") {
$template = $this->model_setting_mail->getTemplateByLabel('RMA_PRODUCT_RECEIVED_ADVANCED');
} elseif ($rma_type == "Standard") {
$template = $this->model_setting_mail->getTemplateByLabel('RMA_PRODUCT_RECEIVED_STANDARD');
} elseif ((int)$status == 230) {
if ($rma_type != "Standard") {
$template = $this->model_setting_mail->getTemplateByLabel('RMA_REPLACEMENT_PRODUCT_SHIPPED_ADVANCED');
} elseif ($rma_type == "Standard") {
$template = $this->model_setting_mail->getTemplateByLabel('RMA_REPLACEMENT_PRODUCT_SHIPPED_STANDARD');
} elseif ((int)$status == 500) {
$template = $this->model_setting_mail->getTemplateByLabel('RMA_CLOSED');
if ((int)$template['email_status'] == 1) {
$subject = $template['email_subject'];
$message = $template['email_content'];
// Get Customer Email
$order_info = $this->model_sale_customer->getCustomerByEmail($customer_email);
$customer_info = $this->model_sale_customer->getCustomer($order_info['cus_id']);
$email = $customer_info['cus_username'];
$result_tracking = $this->model_sale_order->getOrderById($order_id);
$replacement_tracking = $result_tracking['order_return_tracking_num'];
$message = str_replace('%FIRSTNAME%', $customer_info['cus_firstname'], $message);
$message = str_replace('%LASTNAME%', $customer_info['cus_lastname'], $message);
$message = str_replace('%RMA%', $rma_num, $message);
$message = str_replace('%TRACKING%', $replacement_tracking, $message);
$mail = new Mail();
$mail->protocol = $this->config->get('mail_protocol');
$mail->hostname = $this->config->get('smtp_host');
$mail->username = $this->config->get('smtp_username');
$mail->password = $this->config->get('smtp_password');
$mail->port = $this->config->get('smtp_port');
$mail->timeout = $this->config->get('smtp_timeout');
$mail->setSubject(html_entity_decode($subject, ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8'));
$mail->setText(html_entity_decode($message, ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8'));
try {
catch(Exception $e) {
$this->error['warning'] = $e->getMessage();
$this->session->data['success'] = $this->language->get('text_success');
//$this->redirect($this->url->link('report/sale_return', 'token=' . $this->data['token'], 'SSL'));
} else {
print $update."<br>";
print $update2."<br>";
print "Errors<br>";
//row start
//row start
//row start
//row end
//row start
//row end
//row start
//row end
} else if ($qty_shipped == 1) {
// will do something else
} else if ($qty_shipped == 0) {
// will also do something else
} else if (!isset($qty_shipped)) {
// will also do something else
print "row end<br>";
If you want to show all errors, you should use an array, and append the error text to that array. Then use foreach loop on client part to display all errors.
If you use a single variable it will always be what you set it to most recently. For multiple data, you should use an array, or append to string like this: $string .= "appended string"; but for this case I recommend using arrays.
I'm using Laravel 5.3 and facing problems regarding the session which is not being preserved when I hit the URL with query string(UTM Querystring). It works fine without querystring and maintains the session.
mywebsite.com/booking (Works fine)
mywebsite.com/booking?utm_source=affiliate&utm_medium=mailer&utm_campaign=Ad2click (Destroys session as well cookies)
Wondering, what could be the reason?
public function bookProduct(Request $request){
$zone = $request->zone;
$records = Zone::where('zone_name',$zone)->get();
foreach($records as $record){
$zone_id = $record->id;
if ( Session::get('LAST_ACTIVITY') && (time() - Session::get('LAST_ACTIVITY') > 1200 )){
echo 'expired';
$CheckOTP = Session::get('otp');
/* Check if User Entered OTP Matches System Generated OTP */
if ( $CheckOTP == $request->get_otp ) {
/* Create new Customer */
$recordCount = Customer::where('email', $request->customer_email)->orWhere('contact_number',$request->customer_contact_no)->count();
if( $recordCount > 0 ){
Customer::where('contact_number', $request->customer_contact_no)->update(['door_number' => $request->customer_pickup_door_no, 'building_name' => $request->customer_pickup_building_name, 'street_name' => $request->customer_pickup_street_name, 'area' => $request->customer_pickup_area, 'landmark' => $request->customer_pickup_landmark, 'pincode' => $request->customer_pickup_pincode, 'city'=>$request->customer_city]);
if($recordCount == 0 || $recordCount == ""){
$customer = new Customer;
$alphabet = 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ1234567890';
$pass = array(); //remember to declare $pass as an array
$alphaLength = strlen($alphabet) - 1; //put the length -1 in cache
for ($i = 0; $i < 8; $i++) {
$n = rand(0, $alphaLength);
$pass[] = $alphabet[$n];
$randomPass = implode($pass);
$password = Hash::make('a');
$customer->customer_name = $request->customer_name;
$customer->email = $request->customer_email;
$customer->contact_number = $request->customer_contact_no;
$customer->password = $password;
$customer->door_number = $request->customer_pickup_door_no;
//$customer->street_name = $request->customer_pickup_street_name;
//$customer->building_name = $request->customer_pickup_building_name;
$customer->area = $request->customer_pickup_area;
$customer->landmark = $request->customer_pickup_landmark;
$customer->pincode = $request->customer_pickup_pincode;
$customer->city = $request->customer_city;
$id = $customer->id;
$measurement = new Measurement;
$measurement->customer_id = $id;
$address = $request->customer_pickup_door_no .",".$request->customer_pickup_area .",".$request->customer_pickup_landmark .",". $request->customer_city.",". $request->customer_pickup_pincode;
$datas = $this->create_customer($request->customer_contact_no,$request->customer_name, $request->customer_email,$address,$request->customer_pickup_pincode);
$address = $request->customer_pickup_door_no .",".$request->customer_pickup_area .",".$request->customer_pickup_landmark .",". $request->customer_city.",". $request->customer_pickup_pincode;
$datas = $this->create_customer($request->customer_contact_no,$request->customer_name, $request->customer_email,$address,$request->customer_pickup_pincode);
$fetchCustomer = Customer::where('email', $request->customer_email)->orWhere('contact_number',$request->customer_contact_no)->get();
foreach( $fetchCustomer as $customerId ){
$id = $customerId->id;
/* Store New Booking */
/* Pickup address same as shipping address*/
if( $request->duplicate_address == 'on'){
$request->customer_shipping_door_no = $request->customer_pickup_door_no;
//$request->customer_shipping_street_name = $request->customer_pickup_street_name;
//$request->customer_shipping_building_name = $request->customer_pickup_building_name;
$request->customer_shipping_area = $request->customer_pickup_area;
$request->customer_shipping_landmark = $request->customer_pickup_landmark;
$request->customer_shipping_pincode = $request->customer_pickup_pincode;
$booking = new Booking;
$booking->customer_id = $id;
$booking->look_id = Session::get("lookIds");
$booking->time_slot_id = $request->slot;
$booking->booking_date = strtr($request->booking_date, '/', '-');
$booking->booking_date = date('Y-m-d', strtotime($booking->booking_date));
$booking->door_number = $request->customer_shipping_door_no;
//$booking->street_name = $request->customer_shipping_street_name;
//$booking->building_name = $request->customer_shipping_building_name;
$booking->landmark = $request->customer_shipping_landmark;
$booking->pincode = $request->customer_shipping_pincode;
$booking->city = $request->customer_city;
$booking->area = $request->customer_shipping_area;
$booking->fabric_availability = $request->fabric_material;
$booking->otp = $CheckOTP;
$booking->http_user_agent = $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'];
$zones = Zone::where('zone_name',$request->zone)->get();
foreach( $zones as $zone){
$booking->zone_id = $zone->id;
/* Fetch Latitude & Longitude from address */
//$address = $request->customer_pickup_door_no.' ,'.$request->customer_pickup_street_name.' ,'.$request->customer_pickup_building_name.' ,'.$request->customer_pickup_landmark;
$address = $request->customer_pickup_door_no.' ,'.$request->customer_pickup_landmark.' ,'.$request->customer_shipping_area;
$prepAddr = str_replace(' ','+',$address);
$geocode = file_get_contents('http://maps.google.com/maps/api/geocode/json?address='.$prepAddr.'&sensor=false');
$output= json_decode($geocode);
if( $output->status != "ZERO_RESULTS" ){
$latitude = $output->results[0]->geometry->location->lat;
$longitude = $output->results[0]->geometry->location->lng;
$booking->latitude = "";
$booking->longitude = "";
$lastId = Booking::max('id');
$lastId = $lastId+1;
$booking->booking_id = 'BK'.date("ymd").str_pad($lastId, 4, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT);
$checkCouponApply = $request->check_coupon_apply;
if($checkCouponApply == '1'){
$couponCode = $request->discount_coupon;
$booking->coupon_code = $request->discount_coupon;
$getDiscountPercentage = Discount::where('coupon_code',$couponCode)->pluck('coupon_percentage');
$getDiscountPercentage = $getDiscountPercentage[0];
Session::set('bookingId', $booking->id);
if($request->trouser > 0 && $request->shirt > 0){
Session::set('productBought', 'Shirt & Trouser');
else if($request->trouser>0){
Session::set('productBought', 'Trouser');
else if($request->shirt>0){
Session::set('productBought', 'Shirt');
/* Store products data for Booking */
$trouserRecord = Categories::where('category_name','Trouser')->pluck('id');
$shirtRecord = Categories::where('category_name','Shirt')->pluck('id');
$trouserPrice = ProductPrice::where('zone_id',$zone_id)
$shirtPrice = ProductPrice::where('zone_id',$zone_id)
$shirtUnitPrice = $shirtPrice[0];
$trouserUnitPrice = $trouserPrice[0];
$products = array('trouser' => array('count' => $request->trouser, 'category' => $trouserRecord[0], 'price'=>$trouserPrice[0], 'unit_price'=>$trouserUnitPrice), 'shirt' => array('count' => $request->shirt, 'category' => $shirtRecord[0], 'price'=>$shirtPrice[0], 'unit_price'=>$shirtUnitPrice));
foreach($products as $product){
$subBooking = new SubBooking;
//Calculate tax tmount for each lined up product and save relavant data
$subBooking->booking_id = $booking->id;
if($product['category'] == '3'){
$subBooking->category_name = 'Shirt';
else if($product['category'] == '4'){
$subBooking->category_name = 'Trouser';
$setTaxes = Tax::all();
foreach($setTaxes as $taxes){
$tax[$taxes->tax_type] = $product['unit_price']*($taxes->percentage/100);
$tax[$taxes->tax_type.'Percentage'] = $taxes->percentage;
$subBooking->service_tax = $tax['Service Tax'];
$subBooking->service_tax_percentage = $tax['Service TaxPercentage'];
$subBooking->swachh_bharat = $tax['Swachh Bharat'];
$subBooking->swachh_bharat_percentage = $tax['Swachh BharatPercentage'];
$subBooking->krishi_kalyan = $tax['Krishi Kalyan'];
$subBooking->krishi_kalyan_percentage = $tax['Krishi KalyanPercentage'];
$subBooking->category_id = $product['category'];
$subBooking->unit_price = $product['unit_price'];
$subBooking->unit_price = $product['unit_price'];
$subBooking->quantity = 1;
$email = $request->customer_email;
$booking_date_new = date("d M Y", strtotime($booking->booking_date));
$time_slot_data = TimeSlot::where('id',$booking->time_slot_id)->first();
$start = date("g:i a", strtotime($time_slot_data['start']));
$end = date("g:i a", strtotime($time_slot_data['end']));
$msg = "Thank you for booking with us. Your booking ref number is: $booking->booking_id and our appointment with you is on $booking_date_new ($start - $end).";
$action = 'New Booking';
$description = "Booking has been created";
$this->saveLog($booking->id, $action, $description);
$contact_no = $request->customer_contact_no;;
$urlapi = "https://api-in.bsmart.in/api/v3/sendsms/plain?";
$user = "USER";
$password = "SECRET";
$senderid = "SENDER_ID";
$pin = mt_rand(1000, 9999);
$msg_order_confirmation = urlencode("$msg");
$msg2 = "Dear Customer, Please spare 45 minutes of your valuable time with our stylists for a perfect styling experience.";
$sms_url = $urlapi."User=".$user."&Password=".$password."&Sender=".$senderid."&GSM=91".$contact_no."&SMSText=".$msg_order_confirmation;
// Initialize session and set URL.
$ch = curl_init();
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $sms_url);
// Set so curl_exec returns the result instead of outputting it.
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, false);
// Get the response and close the channel.
$response = curl_exec($ch);
$email_message = $msg." ".$msg2;
$sub_bookings = SubBooking::where('booking_id',$booking->id)->where('quantity','<>', 0)->get();
$data = array();
foreach($sub_bookings as $sub_booking){
$quantity = $sub_booking->quantity;
$category_data = Categories::where('id',$sub_booking->category_id)->first();
$category_name = $category_data['category_name'];
$data[] = array('quantity'=>$quantity,'category_name'=>$category_name);
$appointment_date = date("d M Y", strtotime($booking->booking_date));
$time_slot_data = TimeSlot::where('id',$booking->time_slot_id)->first();
$start = date("g:i a", strtotime($time_slot_data['start']));
$end = date("g:i a", strtotime($time_slot_data['end']));
$customer_data = Customer::where('id',$booking->customer_id)->first();
$customer_name = $customer_data['customer_name'];
$email_data = array('email'=>$email,'customer_name'=>$customer_name,'from'=>'notifications-noreply#raymondcustomtailoring.com','from_name'=>'Raymond','appointment_date'=>$appointment_date,'appointment_id'=>$booking->booking_id,'customer_name'=>$customer_name,'address'=>$address,'pincode'=>$request->customer_shipping_pincode,'data'=>$data,'start'=>$start,'end'=>$end);
/*Mail::send(['html'=>'confirm'],$email_data, function( $message ) use ($email_data)
$message->to( $email_data['email'] )->from($email_data['from'],$email_data['from_name'] )->subject($email_data['appointment_id'].' Appointment Confirmed');
//return $booking->id;
echo 'mismatched';
I have 50 variables in php. I want to check each of them and if they true then add 2 points in a variable called $point. I am new so I write a few lines but I think I am doing wrong way.
$strenght_point = 0;
if($l_name){$strenght_point + 2;}
if($full_name){$strenght_point + 2;}
How can I do it right way.Thanks
Update my full function is here...
It's Codeigniter Controller Function
Hope you guys understand well now
function strength_scale() {
$user_id = $this->uri->segment(2);
$user_name = $this->uri->segment(3);
$query = $this->db->get_where('aoa_user', array('id' => $user_id, 'username' => $user_name));
foreach ($query->result() as $row){
$f_name = $row->f_name;
$l_name = $row->l_name;
$full_name = $row->full_name;
$username = $row->username;
$alias_name = $row->alias_name;
$gender = $row->gender;
$country = $row->country;
$avatar = $row->avatar;
$cover_photo = $row->cover_photo;
$email = $row->email;
$skill = $row->skill;
$other_skills = $row->other_skills;
$ex_time = $row->ex_time;
$about = $row->about;
$company = $row->company;
$company_position = $row->company_position;
$phone = $row->phone;
$facebook = $row->facebook;
$facebook_page = $row->facebook_page;
$google_plus = $row->google_plus;
$twitter = $row->twitter;
$youtube = $row->youtube;
$skype = $row->skype;
$linkedin = $row->linkedin;
$website = $row->website;
$latitude = $row->latitude;
$longitude = $row->longitude;
$verification = $row->verification;
$strength_point = 0;
if($l_name){$strength_point + 2;}
if($full_name){$strength_point + 2;}
Create an array with the variables instead.
$arr = array("f_name" => true, "l_name" => true, "full_name" => true);
Foreach($arr as $var){
if($var) $strength = $strength+2;
Echo $strength;
As Rizier123 said, you need to increment your strength variable correcly.
You could write a simple function that would accept one of your 50 variables and return the strength increment:
function defineStrength($param)
if ($param) {
return 2;
return 0;
$strength = 0;
$f_name = true;
$l_name = false;
$full_name = false;
$strength += defineStrength($f_name);
$strength += defineStrength($l_name);
$strength += defineStrength($full_name);
However, an array would be a better way to go, as Andreas mentionned.
In your question update you said you use CodeIgniter. As the documentation states you can return the query result as a pure array.
So you could further develop like that :
function defineStrengthFromArray(array $row)
$strength = 0;
foreach ($row as $param) {
$strength += defineStrength($param);
return $strength;
foreach ($query->result_array() as $row){
$strength = defineStrengthFromArray($row);