Gmagick thumbnail for multi-page PDF - php

I'm attempting to create a thumbnail of a multi-page PDF document using Gmagick, however I only want the first page of the PDF, not all of them.
$thumb = new Gmagick();
$thumb->thumbnailimage(198, 255);
This code works, however instead of creating just 1 image 'document.jpg' it creates 'document.jpg.0', 'document.jpg.1', 'document.jpg.2', etc. for all of the PDF pages. I could go and delete all the additional pages and rename the first image just 'document.jpg' but that seems a bit hacky to me.
Is there a way to designate just the first page of the PDF? I can't seem to find anything, and Gmagick's documentation seems to be lacking.

Pekka is right. GraphicsMagick - just like ImageMagick - accepts the special pdf file name notation filename.pdf[0] which would render only the first page, filename.pdf[1] for the second page, and so on.


PHP: Imagick converting multi-page pdf into single image issue

I am trying to convert a multi-page pdf into a single image with all pages in the pdf stacked. I am trying to use the Imagick() class. I found similar questions but none have helped the issue. Here is the code I am using.
$img = new Imagick();
$img->setResolution(300, 300);
$imga = $img->appendImages(true);
Only the last page of the pdf is saved in the jpg file the other pages are not.
I am using ImageMagick-7.0.10, PHP 7.3.12 and I am on Windows 10.
You,have to add the index of the pdf page you want.
For the first page :
I'm looking to generate animated gif with multipage pdf... not done yet !

PDF Image thumbnail preview in laravel 5.1?

I have file module, where I want to list all files,with thumbnail preview.
as like follows,
I am storing files in storage folder,which is not accessible via http.
So How can I provide thumbnail preview for docs especially image and PDF.
Is there any package availabe in laravel 5.1?
The preview image of a PDF file is usually the first page of the PDF file.
You can use ImageMagick to obtain that first page of the PDF file.
$imagick = new imagick('sample.pdf[0]'); // 0 specifies the first page of the pdf
$imagick->setImageFormat('jpg'); // set the format of the output image
header('Content-Type: image/jpeg'); // set the header for the browser to understand
echo $imagick; // display the image
You can also output (save the contents of the image in a file) and store it under a thumbnail folder with the PDF name as the file name. like ( sample.jpg )
As for a solution based on laravel, I don't think laravel has any package that can do the same
Though the question was posted quite a long ago but I'm answering because it might helps others. There is a package for generating image from pdf. Pdf to Image. You should have Imagick and Ghostscript installed

How to convert a PDF into image exactly similar to the PDF with PHP/Imagemagik/Ghostscript

Im generating PDF documents with PHP(TCPDF is the library behind) and for displaying them Im converting them as images using ghostscript, and displaying the previews, but the preview doesnt actually similar to the PDF document.
The code Im using to convert is here
$pdf = 'my_report.pdf';
$output = 'my_preview.jpg';
exec("'gs' '-dNOPAUSE' '-sDEVICE=jpeg' '-dUseCIEColor' '-dTextAlphaBits=4' '-dGraphicsAlphaBits=4' '-o$exportPath' '-r$res' '-dJPEGQ=$quality' '$pdf'",$output);
and the preview generated with the code for this document is right below
where as my actual PDF file looks like below
You can see a lot of inequalities between, I need a way to convert like just a copy of it.
and im sure there is nothing wrong in the PDf report, I tried it uploading it into Google mail, that gave a perfect image, and I did convert the PDf into jpeg here
That to gave a perfect copy of the document, only the Imagemagick/Gjostscript is unable to generate an exact one.
Any help would be helpful.
What are you using to view the 'correct' display of the PDF ? Does Ghostscript issue you any warnings when rendering ?
It looks to me like there 'may' be fonts missing in your original PDF file, which will lead to font substitution.
Why are you using -dUseCIEColor ? This will almost certainly lead to colour shifts, which I also see in your images. If you have a good reason for using this, what is it ? If you don't have a good reason, don't do that.
Is the second image a JPEG ? The first clearly is, and jpeg is a lossy compression, have you tried using TIFF instead ?
It is always useful with these sorts of questions to post a link to the original PDF file, so that some investigation can be done, without that, this is all guesswork I'm afraid.

How to treat a PHP image generation script as an image

This is an odd question but I'm stuck on how I would achieve this and I am unable to find any methods of doing so.
I have a simple php script that takes variables (containing file names) from the URL, cleans then and then uses them to generate a single image from the inputted values. This works fine and outputs a new png to the webpage using:
I also have a facebook sharing script in PHP that takes a filepath as an input and then shares the image on the users feed where this statement is used to define the image variable:
$photo = './mypic.png'; // Path to the photo on the local filesystem
I don't know how I can link these two together though. I would like to use my generation script as the image to share.
Can anyone point me in the right direction of how to do this? I am not the master of PHP so go easy please.
If it helps, here are the links to the two pages on my website containing the outputs. They are very ruff mind you:
The php script generating the image:
The html page with the img tag:
Treat it as a simple image:
<img src="http://yourserve/yourscript.php?onlyImage=1" />
if($_GET['onlyimage']) {
header('Content-type:image/png'); //or your image content type
//print only image
} else {
//print image and text too

Placing a PDF inside another PDF document with Zend_PDF

I have a pdf file of a logo, about 1"x2" in dimension. Can anybody provide the code snippet to import that PDF logo into another PDF file using the Zend_PDF API's?
Ideally, I'd like to be able to place it like the PNG, TIFF or JPG objects with the Zend_Pdf_Image object.
In other words, I want to be able to place the little 1x2" pdf document on top of a 8.5x11" page, not use the original pdf as a background.
It looks like as of this date, there's no way to do it using the Zend_PDF API's. The Zend_Pdf_Page class has a drawContentStream() which looked promising, but when I checked into it, the method body was empty. Maybe a later release of the API will support it.
So, if you want place another PDF inside another dynamically generated PDF document like an image, use FPDI + FPDF/TCPDF.
$pdf = & new FPDI ('P', 'in', 'Letter' );
$pagecount = $pdf->setSourceFile ( APP . 'logo.pdf' );
$tplidx = $pdf->importPage ( 1, '/MediaBox' );
$pdf->addPage ();
$pdf->useTemplate ( $tplidx, 1, 1 );
$pdf->Output ( 'output.pdf', 'F' );
I believe you can clone a page --like a template. Not sure if this is enough for you, it does look like the preferred way to do things. Of course, if you have a pdf that you want to add a, say, watermark, to, uhh, this is clearly insufficient --but in this case a hi-res png would probably suffice.
Not what you asked for, but probably what you need (:
Convert the smaller logo pdf to a TIFF/PNG/WhatEver (using, for example, imagemagick's convert, or the GIMP). Then, place this image with the normal Zend API.
This conversion could also be done on the fly, using the Imagick php class, I would imagine.
