How to implement logout action in Zend Framework 2?
I am building my first ever zend application for matrimony site.
When I click on logout link user is logged out but his session is not expired,like when I click on the menu of edit profile or search profile the user session is still active.So how will I be able to implement that.
public function indexAction()
$sm = $this->getServiceLocator();
$dbAdapter = $sm->get('Zend\Db\Adapter\Adapter');
$sql = "UPDATE projects SET confirmation='Y' where memcode = '$id'";
$statement = $dbAdapter->query($sql);
$result = $statement->execute();
$form = new LoginForm();
$viewModel = new ViewModel(array('form' =>$form));
return $viewModel;
public function getAuthService()
if (! $this->authservice) {
$dbAdapter = $this->getServiceLocator()->get('Zend\Db\Adapter\Adapter');
$dbTableAuthAdapter = new DbTableAuthAdapter($dbAdapter,'projects','email','password', 'MD5(?)');
$authService = new AuthenticationService();
$this->authservice = $authService;
return $this->authservice;
public function processAction()
$result = $this->getAuthService()->authenticate();
if ($result->isValid()) {
return $this->redirect()->toRoute(NULL , array(
'controller' => 'login',
'action' => 'confirm'
else {
return $this->redirect()->toRoute(NULL , array(
'controller' => 'login',
'action' => 'index1'
public function confirmAction()
$user_email = $this->getAuthService()->getStorage()->read();
$sm = $this->getServiceLocator();
$dbAdapter = $sm->get('Zend\Db\Adapter\Adapter');
$sql = "SELECT name,memcode,gender,castenobar FROM projects where email = '$user_email'";
$statement = $dbAdapter->query($sql);
$result = $statement->execute();
$user = $result->current();
$user_session = new Container('user');
$user_name = $this->getAuthService()->getStorage()->read();
$user_session->username= $user['name'];
$user_session->usermemcode= $user['memcode'];
$user_session->usergender= $user['gender'];
$user_session->usercastenobar= $user['castenobar'];
$username = $user_session->username;
$usergender = $user_session->usergender;
$usercastenobar = $user_session->usercastenobar;
$sm = $this->getServiceLocator();
$dbAdapter = $sm->get('Zend\Db\Adapter\Adapter');
$statement = $dbAdapter->query($sql);
$result = $statement->execute();
$selectData = array();
foreach ($result as $res) {
return new ViewModel(array(
'selectData' => $selectData,
'user_name' => $username
$sql="select * from projects where gender !='".$usergender."' and castenobar='N'";
//echo $sql;
$sm = $this->getServiceLocator();
$dbAdapter = $sm->get('Zend\Db\Adapter\Adapter');
$statement = $dbAdapter->query($sql);
$result = $statement->execute();
$selectData = array();
foreach ($result as $res) {
return new ViewModel(array(
'selectData' => $selectData,
'user_name' => $username
public function logoutAction()
$storage = new \Zend\Authentication\Storage\Session();
return $this->redirect()->toRoute(NULL , array(
'controller' => 'login',
'action' => 'index'
Your "logoutAction()" should look like this:
public function logoutAction()
$name = 'Zend_Auth' ;
$container = new Container($name);
return $this->redirect()->toRoute(NULL , array(
'controller' => 'login',
'action' => 'index'
If you don't define name of session's container, use the default name 'Zend_Auth' in $name, otherwise in $name you must use your own name for the session container.
Your "$this->redirect()..." doesn't logout user and it doesn't clear the 'Zend_Auth' container. It only redirects to another site. The user is still logged in / active. To be sure that the user is logged in or logged out you can use:
$auth = new AuthenticationService();
if ($auth->hasIdentity()) {
return $this->redirect()->toRoute(NULL , array(
'controller' => 'login',
'action' => 'index'
I am working on development of web app, Users are supposed to register on the web app.
This is my table where data is being stored post registration.
I would like to give every user a unique url which would be stored in the same table where details of the users is being saved so that their profile url shares their society name (society_name). For example, the website domain would be and the users' url would be
I would like to save the unique generated url in in the field "url"(#14) of my table.
My User Register Controller looks like this
public function actionRegister() {
$this->layout = 'society';
if (!Yii::$app->user->isGuest) {
return $this->goHome();
$model = new User();
$society = new \app\models\Society();
if ($model->load(Yii::$app->request->post())) {
$password= $_POST['User']['password'];
$password_hash = Yii::$app->security->generatePasswordHash($password);
$auth_key = Yii::$app->security->generateRandomString();
$society = new \app\models\Society();
$random_number=mt_rand(10000, 99999);
$society->society_name = $_POST['Society']['society_name'];
$society->contact_person = $_POST['Society']['contact_person'];
$society->address = $_POST['Society']['address'];
$society->society_id =$random_number;
$society->mobile = $mobile;
$society->status =0;
$session = Yii::$app->session;
return $this->redirect(['regsuccess']);
return $this->render('society', [
'model' => $model,
'society' => $society,
PS : English is not my native language. I am newbie to yii2 and stackoverflow, please excuse me for the mistakes.
I solved it.
Modified my Controller
public function actionRegister() {
$this->layout = 'society';
if (!Yii::$app->user->isGuest) {
return $this->goHome();
$model = new User();
$society = new \app\models\Society();
if ($model->load(Yii::$app->request->post())) {
$password= $_POST['User']['password'];
$password_hash = Yii::$app->security->generatePasswordHash($password);
$auth_key = Yii::$app->security->generateRandomString();
$society = new \app\models\Society();
$random_number=mt_rand(10000, 99999);
$vp_string = trim($_POST['Society']['society_name']);
$vp_string = html_entity_decode($vp_string);
$vp_string = strip_tags($vp_string);
$vp_string = strtolower($vp_string);
$vp_string = preg_replace('[^ a-z0-9_\.]', ' ', $vp_string);
$vp_string = preg_replace('~ ~', '-', $vp_string);
$society->society_name = $_POST['Society']['society_name'];
$society->contact_person = $_POST['Society']['contact_person'];
$society->address = $_POST['Society']['address'];
$society->society_id =$random_number;
$society->mobile = $mobile;
$society->url = $vp_string;
$society->status =0;
$session = Yii::$app->session;
return $this->redirect(['regsuccess']);
return $this->render('society', [
'model' => $model,
'society' => $society,
i make a setting action in which i used doctrine query for getting single result but it returns null while data exist in database,how i get single result?here is my code:
public function settingsAction()
$id = (int) $this->params()->fromRoute('id', 0);
if (!$id) {
return $this->redirect()->toRoute('calendar', array(
'action' => 'create'
//echo $id;
//$calendar = $id;//$this->getCalendarTable()->getCalendar($id);
$calendar = $documentManager->getRepository('Calendar\Document\Calendar')->find($id);
$form = new CalendarForm();
$form->get('submit')->setAttribute('value', 'Save');
$request = $this->getRequest();
if ($request->isPost()) {
if ($form->isValid()) {
return $this->redirect()->toRoute('calendar', array('action' => 'show', 'id' => $id));
return array(
'id' => $id,
'form' => $form,
You don't need to create a query to fetch by id as the DocumentRepository already provides this via it's find($id) method.
Just use the document manager to fetch the repository
$document = $documentManager->getRepository('FooDocument')->find($id);
You can also use the convenience method find($documentName, $id) directly on the document manager.
$document = $documentManager->find('FooDocument', $id);
i make a controller in zf2 for save data in mongodb but it not save any record in event table,how i save data?here is my code:
public function createAction()
$calendar_id = (int) $this->params()->fromRoute('id', 0);
if ($calendar_id == 0) {
return $this->redirect()->toRoute('calendar', array(
'action' => 'index'
//echo $calendar_id;
$dm = $this->getServiceLocator()->get('doctrine.documentmanager.odm_default');
$form = new EventForm();
if ($this->getRequest()->isPost()) {
$post = $this->getRequest()->getPost();
if ($form->isValid()) {
$s = new Event();
$message='calendar Added Successfully.';
//$form = new CalendarForm();
return array('form' => $form, 'add_message' => $message, 'update' => $update, 'calendar'=>$this->calendar);
I set code and save data using mongoodm,here is my code:
public function createAction()
$dm = $this->getServiceLocator()->get('doctrine.documentmanager.odm_default');
$calendar_id = (int) $this->params()->fromRoute('id', 0);
if ($calendar_id == 0) {
return $this->redirect()->toRoute('calendar', array(
'action' => 'index'
$form = new EventForm();
if ($this->getRequest()->isPost()) {
$post = $this->getRequest()->getPost();
if ($form->isValid()) {
$s = new Event();
$message='calendar Added Successfully.';
$form = new EventForm();
return array('form' => $form, 'add_message' => $message, 'update' => $update, 'calendar'=>$this->calendar);
I am new in zf2. I make a create action and want to get last inserted id but calender_id always equal to zero. How can I get the last insert id in create action ?
Here is my code:
public function createAction()
if ($this->zfcUserAuthentication()->hasIdentity())
$form = new CalendarForm();
$request = $this->getRequest();
if ($request->isPost()) {
$calendar = new Calendar();
if ($form->isValid()) {
if($request->isXmlHttpRequest()) {
//$dm = $this->getServiceLocator()->get('doctrine.documentmanager.odm_default');
//$calender = new \Calendar\Model\Calendar($dm);
$response = new Response();
$calender_id = $calendar->calendar_id;
$userid =$calendar->user_id;
$output = array('success' => true, 'calendar_id' => $calender_id, 'user_id' => $userid, 'title' => $title, 'description' => $description);
//$response->headers->set('Content-Type', 'application/json');
return $response;
return $this->redirect()->toRoute('calendar');
return array('form' => $form);
how i get last inserted id?
If your calendarTable extends TableGateway you can use $calendarTable->getLastInsertValue() to get the last insert id. You can also use this method in your saveCalendar method.
Other modules in the application are updating, besides this one.
Here, I am using a model mapper in attempts to update a row set, as found in
public function SomeAction()
$mapper = new Application_Model_SomeMapper();
$model = new Application_Model_SomeModel(); //getters and setters
// action body
$request = $this->getRequest();
$data = $this->_request->getParams();
$someId = $data['someid'];
$get = $mapper->find($someId, new Application_Model_SomeModel, true); //find the row by id, and return array
instantiating a form object and adding "submit"
$form = new Module_Form_FormName();
$submit = $form->createElement('button', 'submit');
$submit->setLabel('Edit Something');
if ($this->_request->isPost())
$data = $this->_request->getPost();
if(empty($data['some_id' ]))
$data['tier_models_id'] = NULL;
$setters = $model->setId($data['id'])
if ($mapper->save($someId, $setters))
$this->view->form = $get;
Here is an example of the save mapper function, except I've included an additional $id parameter
public function save(Application_Model_Guestbook $guestbook)
$data = array(
'email' => $guestbook->getEmail(),
'comment' => $guestbook->getComment(),
'created' => date('Y-m-d H:i:s'),
if (null === ($id = $guestbook->getId())) {
} else {
$this->getDbTable()->update($data, array('id = ?' => $id)); //not happening, although the 'id' is passed as a param
Is there something missing?
Try this instead
$where = $this->getDbTable()->getAdapter()->quoteInto('id = ?', $id);
$this->getDbTable()->update($data, $where);