Removing and setting cookie simultaneously in Silex/Symfony - php

Is it possible to remove a cookie and set one with the same name but different value in one request? Here is the code I have so far, which works locally for me but not on the live server. The cookie is set from a query string and sometimes the cookie can be set externally (not HttpOnly), but on the live server, I will get a redirect loop and both cookies will be set.
if ($request->query->has('cookie')) {
$setCookie = $request->query->get('cookie');
$route = $request->getRequestUri();
$host = $request->getHost();
if (!$request->cookies->has('reference') || $request->cookies->get('reference') !== $setCookie){
$exp = new \DateTime();
$exp->modify('+3 months'); // cookie has three months to live
$r = new RedirectResponse($route);
$r->headers->setCookie(new Cookie('reference', $setCookie, $exp, '/', $host));
return $r;
So if the user goes to www.*******.com/?cookie=newvalue, I need any current cookie with the name 'reference' and a new cookie set with the value, 'newvalue'.


PHP, Cookie theft

I store a basket cookie Id which is really uniq, a long random 20 characters string like that: "7irMz2cvpnXpSCkNkBAT"
It's stored on browser not directly in a single Cookie but in a Json global cookie containing multiple values.
I can see Baskets from an admin part and I have sometimes a Basket from let's say a client from New-Zealand falling into the Basket of a someone in India who created an account!
It's all the time the same user stealing the basket Cookie from someone else and putting in it 20 articles which had not been put originally by the client.
I don't know if it's a bot from India or a real person doing that!
How to prevent cookie theft?
I cannot associate a cookie to an IP, people with smartphones for example change sometimes of IP address.
To recover / create / update the cookie I do like that:
// Recovering the Cookies from the Datas Json Object
if(isset($_COOKIE['Datas'])) {
$cookie = json_decode($_COOKIE['Datas']);
if(is_object($cookie)) {
$expiry = $cookie->expiry;
$cookieDatasExpiresDays = floor($diff/(60*60*24));
foreach($cookie->Data as $key => $value) {
$_COOKIE[$key] = $value;
} else {
setcookie('Datas', '', -1, '/');
* Cookie for basket used for non connected users
if((!isset($_COOKIE['Basket']) || $_COOKIE['Basket'] == NULL) &&
!check_bot()) { //We check also if Cookies are enabled
$updateCookie = 'Basket';
$_COOKIE['Basket'] = get_stringSuffle(20, TRUE);
if(isset($_COOKIE['Basket'])) {
$cookiesInfos['Basket'] = $_COOKIE['Basket'];
if($updateCookie != '' && !check_bot()) { //We check also if Cookies are enabled
// Updating Cookie if needed
$cookiesArray = [];
$cookiesArray['Data'] = [];
foreach($cookiesInfos as $key => $val) {
$cookiesArray['Data'][$key] = $val;
setcookie('Datas', '', -1, '/');
setcookie('Datas', json_encode($cookiesArray), $expiry, '/');
As advised by #nice_dev I added the secure options to my call on setcookie:
setcookie('Datas', json_encode($cookiesArray), $expiry, '/', $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'], TRUE, TRUE);
Note: That's perfect, this modification on the server didn't made me loose any of my Cookie.

Detecting a cookie set using setcookie without a page reload

I am maintaining the code for an eCommerce website, they use a highly modified version of osCommerce v2.2 RC2. Was noticing an issue where the session isn't started for a new user until they visit the 2nd page of the site.
Looking at the code, before starting the session, it tries to set a cookie. If it detects the cookie it starts the session. Something along this line:
setcookie('cookie_test', 'please_accept_for_session', time()+60*60*24*30, $cookie_path, $cookie_domain);
if (isset($_COOKIE['cookie_test'])) {
I found an article here that talks about a situation like this, it states:
The first time you only tell the browser to set the cookie, at the time, there is no cookie data in the request header (which could get from $_COOKIE).
Which explains why it takes two page loads for the session to be started. One to set the cookie and one to get notification from the browser that the cookie is set.
My question is, is there anyway around having to go through two page loads to detect the cookie was successfully set on the users browser?
I found this question that didn't really answer my question completely. The highest voted solution was:
setcookie('uname', $uname, time()+60*30);
$_COOKIE['uname'] = $uname;
Which may make it "work" but it doesn't truely tell me that the script was able to set a cookie successfully.
I also found this question, that suggested accessing the headers_list to find the cookie information like so:
function getcookie($name) {
$cookies = [];
$headers = headers_list();
// see
foreach($headers as $header) {
if (strpos($header, 'Set-Cookie: ') === 0) {
$value = str_replace('&', urlencode('&'), substr($header, 12));
parse_str(current(explode(';', $value, 1)), $pair);
$cookies = array_merge_recursive($cookies, $pair);
return $cookies[$name];
// [...]
setcookie('uname', $uname, time() + 60 * 30);
echo "Cookie value: " . getcookie('uname');
Which, again, doesn't seem to be verifying that the cookie was set successfully. All this appears to do is search the headers being sent to the browser for the cookie value.
The only solution I can think of is to redirect on the first visit after setting the cookie. Is there any other way?
Here is the answer:
function set_cookie($name, $value) {
if (!isset($_COOKIE[$name]) || ($_COOKIE[$name] != $value)) {
$_COOKIE[$name] = $value;
setcookie($name, $value, strtotime('+1 week'), '/');
// Usage:
set_cookie('username', 'ABC'); //Modify the value to see the change
echo $_COOKIE['username'];

Retrieving wrong cookie (I'm using codeigniter)

I never worked with cookies before so I'm probably messing up really hard.
Thing is. I set a cookie and then try to echo it for testing. If I inspect my browser, it shows me the cookie is there, but the cookie being fetched is always one cookie previous to the one last created. Here is what I'm doing:
function set_cookie_test($user_id)
$now_time = time();
$one_day = 86400;
$one_week = $one_day * 7;
$one_week_ahead = $now_time + $one_week;
$data['cookie_code'] = $this->site_security->generate_random_string(128); // the cookie_code on the table is 128 chars long
$data['user_id'] = $user_id;
$data['expiry_date'] = $one_week_ahead;
$cookie_name = $this->site_settings->_get_cookie_name();
set_cookie($cookie_name, $value = $data['cookie_code'], $expire = $data['expiry_date'], $domain = '', $path = '/', $prefix = '', $secure = FALSE, $httponly = FALSE);
$cookieVal = get_cookie($cookie_name);
echo $cookieVal; die();
This is what happens after I log in (when I call this function)
As you can see, the cookie in the browser has a value of 8XvaQZjWX7... This is the current cookie, it matches my DB.
The previous cookie value in my db is the one being echoed out. I need to figure this out for the following reason:
Whenever I use sessions for the login, I set userdata so I can retrieve the user's info to display his name and avatar on the screen, for example.
I need to be able to do the same when I use cookies...
Any help is very much appreciated.

Sessions are going crazy. Only Mozilla is able to process

I've got an admin panel. Currently only Mozilla is able to process log ins. Browsers like Chrome, IE, Opera won't even show any message carried through sessions thus no one is able to log in any browser but Mozilla.
I'm using PHP 5.3.6 on my server, PHP 5.3.5 on my local
My code is Object Oriented.
ini_set("session.use_only_cookies", 1); and
ini_set('session.cookie_secure', 1); are used in construction method
of my session class.
This website on SLL
Login process: First I gather all information from form, validate and gather data. After validation if everything is right, I send this data to login method in my session class.
public function login ($user) {
global $siteSettings;
if ($user) {
$this->id = $_SESSION['id'] = $user->id;
$this->username = $_SESSION['username'] = $user->username;
$this->fullName = $_SESSION['fullName'] = $user->fullName;
$this->group_id = $_SESSION['group_id'] = $user->group_id;
$this->groupName = $_SESSION['groupName'] = $user->groupName;
$this->lastLogin = $_SESSION['lastLogin'] = $user->lastLogin;
$this->isAdmin = $_SESSION['isAdmin'] = ($user->admin == 1) ? true : false;
$this->isAgent = $_SESSION['isAgent'] = ($user->agent == 1) ? true : false;
self::$language = $_SESSION['language'] = ($user->language != "" || $user->language != NULL) ? $user->language : self::$language;
if ($user->language != "" || $user->language != NULL) {
$_SESSION['language'] = $user->language;
}else {
if (!defined(DEFAULT_LANGUAGE)) {
$browserLang = "|".$_SERVER["HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE"];
$browserLang = getStringBetween($browserLang, "|","-", FALSE);
if (!file_exists(LANGUAGES.$browserLang.".php")) $browserLang = FALSE;
$_SESSION['language'] = ($browserLang) ? $browserLang : DEFAULT_LANGUAGE;
# When 2 Update session_id
$date = new DateTime("now");
$UpdateTime = $siteSettings->session->timeOut * 60;
$date->add(new DateInterval("PT".$UpdateTime."S"));
$_SESSION['SIDUpdateTime'] = $date->format("Y-m-d G:i:s");
# Clear Fields
members::$fields['id'] = $_SESSION['id'];
members::$fields['lastLogin'] = date("Y.m.d G:i:s");
members::$fields['lastLoginIP'] = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'];
$saltInfo = members::getData("id", "salt", members::$fields['id']);
members::$fields['sessionID'] = crypt::encode(session_id());
members::$fields['sessionIP'] = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'];
members::$fields['sessionAgent'] = $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'];
$this->loggedIn = true;
When I dumb the data I can see $_SESSION got some values.
Just to test it, I stopped the script where after var_dump($_SESSION); (added die();) I created test.php file and tried this;
echo '<pre>';
echo '<pre>';
Output is array(0) {}
But when I try exactly the same thing with Mozilla, output of test.php is the way it should be (matching with login method's result in my session class).
I have tried from my local computer and I don't experience the same
I disabled all java script and jquery codes from the page just to
have no 'maybe' in my mind.
After dumping the data, script is stopped. That's why $_SESSION variable shouldn't change. For some reason when it is on the server only Mozilla is able to show expected result while other browsers shows NULL.
At this point I really don't know what to think of about this problem to try to solve it. All I can think of is, this problem is possibly related to server configuration. But then, PHP is server side programming. PHP shouldn't display different behavior for browsers like Jquery, CSS, HTML...
I'm sorry, I can't provide admin panel link. Considering this is an active admin panel. If necessary I could install it on another domain to let you try but I believe the information I gave above explains everything.
Thank you for your help in advance.
I had a similar problem... just enable the cookies.. so that after login the code to set the sessions will be executed and the sessions will be set. may be the sessions r not able to set...
also check this
If something large doesn't work, trim it down, test & debug, and build up from there.
Does this work? (Run it twice).
echo "Session ID: " . session_id() . "<br/>\n";
if (!isset($_SESSION['test']))
$_SESSION['test'] = "foobar";
echo "Setting session variable: ";
echo $_SESSION['test'];
echo "Restoring session variable: ";
echo $_SESSION['test'];
If this works in all browsers, it's got something to do with your code. An empty session might have something to do with a cookie that can't be written, for example. Also set error reporting to E_ALL | E_STRICT, so you'll see everything that goes wrong.
It turns out Mozilla FireFox is able to process some data but other browsers I tried with are not and therefore they reset the whole session with each page load.
I had no problem with my local computer but on the server I had sessions problem. I don't know why session_set_cookie_params(); and setcookie(); didn't work on the server so I had to code longer version;
private static function sessionLifeTime() {
global $siteSettings;
$lifeTime = intval($siteSettings->session->timeOut) * 60;
if (isset($_SESSION['id']) && isset($_SESSION['lastActivity']) && (time() - $_SESSION['lastActivity'] > $lifeTime) ) {
$_SESSION['lastActivity'] = time();
Replacing my method with the code above solved the problem.
Thank you all for your time, concern and interest.

PHP setting cookies in a child class

I am writing a custom session handler and for the life of me I cannot get a cookie to set in it. I'm not outputting anything to the browser before I set the cookie but it still doesn't work. Its killing me.
The cookie will set if I set it in the script I define and call on the session handler with. If necessary I will post code. Any ideas people?
/* require the needed classes comment out what is not needed */
$title=" "; //titlebar of the web browser
$description=" ";
$keywords=" "; //meta keywords
$menutype="default"; //default or customer, customer is elevated
$pagetitle="dflsfsf "; //title of the webpage
$pagebody=" "; //body of the webpage
and this is the one that actually sets the cookie for the session
function write($session_id,$session_data)
$session_id = mysql_real_escape_string($session_id);
$session_data = mysql_real_escape_string(serialize($session_data));
$expires = time() + 3600;
$user_ip = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'];
$bol = FALSE;
$time = time();
$newsession = FALSE;
$auth = FALSE;
$query = "SELECT * FROM 'sessions' WHERE 'expires' > '$time'";
$sessions_result = $this->query($query);
$newsession = $this->newsession_check($session_id,$sessions_result);
while($sessions_array = mysql_fetch_array($sessions_result) AND $auth = FALSE)
$session_array = $this->strip($session_array);
$auth = $this->auth_check($session_array,$session_id);
/* this is an authentic session. build queries and update it */
if($auth == TRUE AND $newsession == FALSE)
$session_data = mysql_real_escape_string($session_data);
$update_query1 = "UPDATE 'sessions' SET 'user_ip' = '$user_ip' WHERE 'session_id' = '$session_id'";
$update_query2 = "UPDATE 'sessions' SET 'data' = '$session_data' WHERE 'session_id = '$session_id'";
$update_query3 = "UPDATE 'sessions' SET 'expires' = '$expires' WHERE 'session_id' = '$session_id'";
$bol = TRUE;
elseif($newsession == TRUE)
/* this is a new session, build and create it */
$random_number = $this->obtain_random();
$cookieval = hash("sha512",$random_number);
$query = "INSERT INTO sessions VALUES('$session_id','0','$user_ip','$random_number','$session_data','$expires')";
//echo $cookieval."this is the cookie <<";
$bol = TRUE;
return $bol;
code updated. still no luck
for some reason if any html is echoed after the session manager is started the cookie is called after the html. this doesnt make any sense to me
The problem is likely in your if/else statements. You are using:
if($auth = TRUE AND $newsession = FALSE)
elseif($newsession = TRUE)
The use of a single = means that you are assigning values, not comparing them. You need to use == instead of =.
Change to this:
if($auth == TRUE AND $newsession == FALSE)
elseif($newsession == TRUE)
With the code that you have right now, the first if block of your code will run every time, so your setcookie() call is never reached.
setcookie() returns false if php can't add the header. So for debugging try something like
setcookie("rndn",$cookieval) or die('setcookie failed');
You can combine that with a test whether setcookie() is called in the first place
$rc = setcookie("rndn",$cookieval);
/* DEBUG-code don't forget to remove me */
error_log(sprintf("%s %s\n", date('Y-m-d H:i:s setcookie():'), $rc?'success':'failed'));
(or even better use a debugger like xdebug and e.g. netbeans as frontend).
Did you check the response headers in your browser? E.g. via the firebug extension. Perhaps the client receives the cookie header but doesn't accept it.
According to tour code, at least you have to set / directory in the cookie parameters.
But anyway, first of all you have to sniff cookies from the HTTP log. You can use Firebug to watch if server does set any cookie and if browser send any back
