when trying to build robust database code (table locking, transactions, etc) i am always annoyed by the mass of code that needs to be done.
For example a transaction out of two prepared statements where i want to delete a user and update something about him in an "actions" table:
Lock Table users, actions
Start a transaction (autocommit false)
Make a prepared statement for the deletion of a user
Check if statement is != false (cause it could have already failed at 3.
Bind param
Check errorState != "00000" on the statement (can also have failed at binding params)
execute statement
Check errorState != "00000" on the statement (can also have failed at executing)
get Result of statement
Close statement
Make a new prepared statement for update actions
Check if statement != false
bind params
check statement's errorState
check statement's errorState
get result
close statement
check overall transaction state, if valid commit, if not valid rollback
unlock tables
set autocommit back to true
This is how i do it (maybe im doing it wrong?). And if i do it that way its a lot of work and annoying. So i thought automateing that stuff.
What i want is something like this:
And internally the database abstraction layer ontop of mysqli will take care of table locking, prepared statements and transactions itself. Shouldn't we be able to automate this?
This is one of my attempts:
public function query($query, $table, $params = null) {
if($params == null) {
$this->connection->query("LOCK TABLES $table WRITE");
$query = str_replace("!", $table, $query);
$result = $this->connection->query($query);
$this->connection->query("UNLOCK TABLES");
return $result;
else {
if (!$this->checkParams($query, $params)) {
return false;
$this->connection->query("LOCK TABLES $table WRITE");
$query = str_replace("!", $table, $query);
$stmt = $this->connection->prepare($query);
if ($stmt != false) {
$typesString = "";
foreach ($params as $param) {
if (is_numeric($param)) {
$typesString .= "i";
} else if (is_double($param)) {
$typesString .= "d";
} else {
$typesString .= "s";
$finalParamArray = array($typesString);
$finalParamArray = array_merge($finalParamArray, $params);
call_user_func_array(array($stmt, "bind_param"), $this->ref($finalParamArray));
$result = $stmt->get_result();
$this->connection->query("UNLOCK TABLES");
return $result;
$this->query("UNLOCK TABLES");
return false;
This would be callable like this:
$DB->query("DELETE FROM ! WHERE userID =?", "Users", array($userID));
I am however not feeling confident about this. I googled a bit and didn't find something like i want. So my question now is: Is something like i want actually possible (well it should be)? Am i doing it wrong?
I also have 2 other attempts of doing this, which look MUCH MORE complicated (300+ lines of code). I can post them as well, if you want. I am still however not satisfied with them and not confident if this is actually correct!
You are right there should be an easier way of doing this, and you are also correct to say that we need an abstraction layer on top of mysqli. It is not designed to be used on its own.
You do not need so many steps. In particular, you do not need to check the return code of each method. That should already eliminate 6 or more of your steps. You do not need to close a statement either.
There's no need to specify the type when binding. Just use string type all the time. Other types come in handy very rarely, almost never.
Some time ago I posted an example of what an abstraction layer on top of mysqli could look like.
class DBClass extends mysqli {
public function __construct(
$host = null,
$username = null,
$passwd = null,
$dbname = null,
$port = null,
$socket = null
) {
parent::__construct($host, $username, $passwd, $dbname, $port, $socket);
public function safeQuery(string $sql, array $params = []): ?array {
$stmt = $this->prepare($sql);
if ($params) {
$stmt->bind_param(str_repeat("s", count($params)), ...$params);
if ($result = $stmt->get_result()) {
return $result->fetch_all(MYSQLI_BOTH);
return null;
This is far from perfect, but it shows the main idea. You can wrap a prepared statement in one single method. Simple prepare/bind/execute/get_result. Nothing more. It works with and without parameters.
In the constructor the 3 mandatory steps to opening a connection: switching error reporting, creating instance of mysqli and setting the correct charset.
If you want transactions, then you can use mysqli's begin_transaction() and commit(). They are simple enough and do not require abstraction.
I do not know why you feel you need to lock tables, but again this is a simple SQL statement and doesn't need to be abstracted.
$db = new DBClass('localhost', 'user', 'pass', 'test');
$db->safeQuery('LOCK TABLES users WRITE');
$db->safeQuery('DELETE FROM users WHERE userID =?', [$userID]);
$db->safeQuery('DELETE FROM otherTable WHERE userID =?', [$userID2]);
$db->safeQuery('UNLOCK TABLES');
I am trying to pass a parameter to my query to filter by client (chosen through a dropdown list). I am aware of SQL injections and would like to avoid using the parameter in my query string. Is there a way I could pass my parameter to the query without having to risk an sql injection?
//Function creates a connection between a query and a db table.
function createQueryConn($query)
$GLOBALS['queryconn'] = sqlsrv_query($GLOBALS['conn'], $query, array(), array("Scrollable" => 'static'));
// Creates connection to the database using sqlsrv.
public function dbConnection()
$servername = "bl3c7b";
$connectionInfo = array("Database" => "dashboard_das", "UID" => "test", "PWD" => "test",'ReturnDatesAsStrings'=>true);
$GLOBALS['conn'] = sqlsrv_connect($servername, $connectionInfo);
if (!$GLOBALS['conn']) {
echo "Error connecting to database.";
die(print_r(sqlsrv_errors(), true));
// Call DB connection.
$Connection = new CONNECTDB();
// Function gets activities per employee param.
function getActivityPerEmployee($employee)
$WoNum = $Status = null;
$query = "SELECT [WONUM],[STATUS] FROM [dbo].[Activities] act
[STATUS] not like 'CLOSED'
and OWNER like '$employee'
order by [OWNER] ASC";
$rows = sqlsrv_has_rows($GLOBALS['queryconn']);
if ($rows === false) {
} else {
while ($row = sqlsrv_fetch_array($GLOBALS['queryconn'], SQLSRV_FETCH_ASSOC)) {
PHP Driver for SQL Server supports the execution of parameterized queries by using sqlsrv_query() or sqlsrv_prepare() \ sqlsrv_execute() functions.
The sqlsrv_query function is well-suited for one-time queries and
should be the default choice to execute queries unless special
circumstances apply. This function provides a streamlined method to
execute a query with a minimum amount of code. The sqlsrv_query
function does both statement preparation and statement execution, and
can be used to execute parameterized queries.
The combination of
sqlsrv_prepare and sqlsrv_execute separates statement preparation and
statement execution in to two function calls and can be used to
execute parameterized queries. This function is ideal to execute a
statement multiple times with different parameter values for each
If you want to execute a parameterized query, follow the next steps:
Define a placeholders in the SQL statement using question marks (?).
Initialize an array of parameter values which correspond to parameter placeholders.
The following example is based on your code and demonstrates how to execute a parameterized query:
function getActivityPerEmployee($employee)
$WoNum = $Status = null;
$query = "
FROM [dbo].[Activities] act
[STATUS] not like 'CLOSED' AND
OWNER LIKE '%' + ? + '%'
-- or without LIKE
-- OWNER = ?
order by [OWNER] ASC
$GLOBALS['queryconn'] = sqlsrv_query(
array("Scrollable" => 'static')
if ($GLOBALS['queryconn'] === false) {
echo "Error: ".print_r(sqlsrv_errors(), true);
$rows = sqlsrv_has_rows($GLOBALS['queryconn']);
if ($rows === false) {
} else {
while ($row = sqlsrv_fetch_array($GLOBALS['queryconn'], SQLSRV_FETCH_ASSOC)) {
// Your code here
Im new to database and i have written a LOT of PHP code that accesses a database using MySQL.
I didnt take into account SQL injection attacks so i have to re-write all that PHP code to use mysql prepared statements.
After looking at videos on how to used prepared SQL statements, to perform just ONE SQL command requires a whole lot of "prepared" statements. My existing code has lots of different SQL statements all over the place, it would be a nightmare to change all that code to pack and unpack all the required preparation for each "prepared" statement command.
Is there some kind of wrapper i can use to prevent turning one line of regular SQL into 6 or 7 lines of prepared statements?
For example use to do this line line of SQL
SELECT * from users where userid=10
needs many more lines of prepared SQL statements, especially if there are lots of other SQL statements too it now becomes very complex.
Is there was some sort of one line wrapper that i can call that accepts the template SQL string, plus the parameters, which also executes the command and returns the result in just one line of wrapper for different types of MYSQL statements it would be great and the code would be much less confusing looking and error prone.
For example
$users=WrapAndExecute($db,"SELECT * from users where userid=?","s",$userid);
$data=WrapAndExecute($db,"UPDATE table SET username=?,city=?","ss",$name,$city);
$result=WrapAndExecute($db,"DELETE from table where id=?","s",$userid);
$result=WrapAndExecute($db,"INSERT into ? (name,address) VALUES(?,?)","ss","users",$name,$address);
Each of those lines above would create a prepared statement template, do the bind, execute it and return the result that a regular MYSQL statement would. This would create minimal impact on existing code.
Anybody knows how to do this or if some easy php library or class already exists to do this, that i can just import and start using it?
You don't need to change a query to a prepared statement if it has no PHP variables in it. If it has just constant expressions, it's safe from SQL injection.
$sql = "SELECT * from users where userid=10"; // Safe!
$stmt = $pdo->query($sql);
$data = $stmt->fetchAll();
You don't need to change a query that contains PHP variables, as long as the value of that variable is a constant specified in your code. If it doesn't take its value from any external source, it's safe.
$uid = 10;
$sql = "SELECT * from users where userid=$uid"; // Safe!
$stmt = $pdo->query($sql);
$data = $stmt->fetchAll();
You don't need to change a query that contains PHP variables, as long as you can filter the value to guarantee that it won't risk an SQL injection. A quick and easy way to do this is to cast it to an integer (if it's supposed to be an integer).
$uid = (int) $_GET['uid'];
$sql = "SELECT * from users where userid=$uid"; // Safe!
$stmt = $pdo->query($sql);
$data = $stmt->fetchAll();
That leaves cases where you are using "untrusted" values, which may have originated from user input, or reading a file, or even reading from the database. In those cases, parameters are the most reliable way to protect yourself. It's pretty easy:
$sql = "SELECT * from users where userid=?"; // Safe!
// two lines instead of the one line query()
$stmt = $pdo->prepare($sql);
$data = $stmt->fetchAll();
In a subset of cases, you need one additional line of code than you would normally use.
So quit your whining! ;-)
Re your comment about doing prepared statements in mysqli.
The way they bind variables is harder to use than PDO. I don't like the examples given in http://php.net/manual/en/mysqli.prepare.php
Here's an easier way with mysqli:
$sql = "SELECT * from users where userid=?"; // Safe!
$stmt = $mysqli->prepare($sql);
$stmt->bind_param('i', $_GET['uid']);
$result = $stmt->get_result();
$data = $result->fetch_all();
I don't like the stuff they do in their examples with bind_result(), that's confusing and unnecessary. Just use get_result(). So with mysqli, you need two more lines of code than you would with PDO.
I've written query wrappers for mysqli that emulate the convenience of PDO's execute() function. It's a PITA to get an array mapped to the variable-arguments style of bind_param().
See the solution in my answers to https://stackoverflow.com/a/15933696/20860 or https://stackoverflow.com/a/7383439/20860
I were in the same boat, and I wrote such a wrapper that works exactly the way you want, save for it's being a class, not a function.
$user = $sdb->getRow("SELECT * from users where userid=?s", $userid);
$sdb->query("UPDATE table SET username=?s, city=?s", $name, $city);
$sdb->query("DELETE from table where id=?s", $userid);
$sdb->query("INSERT into ?n (name,address) VALUES(?s,?s)","users", $name, $address);
The above is a working code, as long as you have somewhere in your bootstrap file
$db = mysqli_connect(...);
require 'safemysql.class.php';
$sdb = new SafeMySQL('mysqli' => $db);
Note that none of the other suggestions could do anything like that.
Also note that if I were writing it today, I would have used PDO, as this class is duplicating a lot of functionality already exists in PDO.
Take a look at the PDO extension in PHP - http://php.net/manual/en/intro.pdo.php: it it secure against injections thanks to prepared statements; also, it allows you to connect to many different databases (e.g. MySQL, MSSQL, etc.).
You can then build your own wrapper as you wish to keep it clean; for example your own wrapper could be as follows:
(following example will return user rows as objects)
// connect to DB
$GLOBALS['default_db'] = new DB('localhost','db_name','username','password') ;
// Get users and output results
$query = new DBQuery('SELECT * FROM users WHERE userid = ?',array(10)) ;
var_dump($query -> results()) ;
var_dump($query -> num_rows()) ;
// DB connection
class DB {
public $connection;
public function __construct($host , $dbname , $username , $password) {
$this->connection = new \PDO('mysql:host=' . $host . ';dbname=' . $dbname , $username , $password);
// Wrapper
class DBQuery {
private $num_rows = 0;
private $results = array();
public function __construct($query , $params = null , $class_name = null , DB $db = null) {
if ( is_null($db) ) {
$db = $GLOBALS['default_db'];
$statement = $db->connection->prepare($query);
$errors = $statement->errorInfo();
if ( $errors[2] ) {
throw new \Exception($errors[2]);
$fetch_style = ($class_name ? \PDO::FETCH_CLASS : \PDO::FETCH_OBJ);
$this->results = $class_name ? $statement->fetchAll($fetch_style , $class_name) : $statement->fetchAll($fetch_style);
$this->num_rows += $statement->rowCount();
while ( $statement->nextrowset() ) {
$this->results = array_merge($this->results,$class_name ? $statement->fetchAll($fetch_style , $class_name) : $statement->fetchAll($fetch_style));
$this->num_rows += $statement->rowCount();
public function num_rows() {
return $this->num_rows;
public function results() {
return $this->results;
Since a key requirement seems to be that you can implement this with minimal impact on your current codebase, it would have been helpful if you had told us what interface you currently use for running your queries.
While you could use PDO:
that means an awful lot of work if you are not already using PDO
PDO exceptions are horrible
Assuming you are using procedural mysqli (and have a good reason not to use mysqli_prepare()) its not that hard to write something (not tested!):
function wrapAndExecute()
$stmt_parts=explode('?', $stmt);
if (count($args)+1!=count($stmt_parts)) {
trigger_error("Argument count does not match placeholder count");
return false;
foreach ($args as $k=>$val) {
if (isnull($val)) {
} else if (!is_numeric($val)) {
$val="'" . mysqli_real_escape_string($db, $val) . "'";
$real_statement.=$val . array_shift($stmt_parts);
return mysqli_query($db, $real_statement);
Note that this does not handle IS [NOT] NULL nicely nor a literal '?' in the statement nor booleans (but these are trivial to fix).
I am trying to write a function that is supposed to receive any MySQL statement and apply it,
The basic idea is not to repeat needed code to write to Database, well what is needed to connect to Database is creating new PDO object, starting a transaction and preparing a statement, binding values to it, executing it,
so every time I want to access the Database I don't have to repeat these steps,
Here is a function that does that :
protected function applyQuery($statement, $bindparameters , &$values , $selectStatement, &$result){
$dbh = DataBase::setConnection();// new PDO("MySQL= .....");
$stmt = $dbh->prepare($statement);
if($bindparameters == true){
foreach($values as $key => $value){
$stmt->bindValue($key, $value);
if($selectStatement == TRUE){
$result = $stmt->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
}catch (PDOException $e){
throw DataBase::$Errors[0];
$statement = the desired statement (e.g 'SELECT * from users WHERE username = :username')///
$bindparameters = do we need to bind values (in this examples yes) so its value TRUE///
&$values = array by reference in this case equals = (':username' => 'User');///
$selectStatement = tells if using SELECT in statement ,in this case TRUE///
$result = array by reference in this case the final fetch result will be stored in it///
so in this example we get the following call to the function :
applyQuery('SELECT * from users WHERE username = :username', TRUE ,array(':username' => 'User') , TRUE , result )
My question is : will this code work ?
is the logical sequence of what it does and should do make sense ?
whats the difference between $stmt->execute and $dbh->commit ?
is omitting any line will cause failure to achieve the desired result
Please understand that I did lookup what is PDO and read a lot but unable to answer these questions!
Because I find PDO executions extremely hard to remember and find myself looking back at previous projects or other websites just to remember how to select rows from a database, I decided that I would try and create my own functions that contain the PDO executions and just plug in the data I need. It seemed a lot simpler than it actually is though...
So far I have already created a connect function successfully, but now when it comes to create a select function I'm stumped for multiple reasons.
For starters there could be a variating amount of args that can be passed into the function and secondly I can't figure out what I should pass to the function and in which order.
So far the function looks like this. To keep me sane, I've added the "id" part to it so I can see what exactly I need to accomplish in the final outcome, and will be replaced by variables accordingly when I work out how to do it.
function sql_select($conn, **what to put here**) {
try {
$stmt = $conn->prepare('SELECT * FROM myTable WHERE id = :id');
$stmt->execute(array('id' => $id));
$result = $stmt->fetchAll();
if ( count($result) ) {
foreach($result as $row) {
} else {
return "No rows returned.";
} catch(PDOException $e) {
echo 'ERROR: ' . $e->getMessage();
So far what I've established that the function will need to do is
Connect to the database (using another function to generate the $conn variable, already done)
Select the table
Specify the column
Supply the input to match
Allow for possible args such as ORDER by 'id' DESC
Lastly from this I would need to create a function to insert, update and delete rows from the database.
Or, is there a better way to do this rather than functions?
If anyone could help me accomplish my ambitions to simply simplify PDO executions it would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance!
First of all, I have no idea where did you get 10 lines
$stmt = $conn->prepare('SELECT * FROM myTable WHERE id = ?');
$result = $stmt->fetchAll();
is ALL the code you need, and it's actually three lines, which results with a regular PHP array that you can use wherever you wish. Without the need of any PDO code. Without the need of old mysql code.
Lastly from this I would need to create a function to insert, update and delete rows from the database.
DON'T ever do it.
Please read my explanations here and here based on perfect examples of what you'll end up if continue this way.
accomplish my ambitions to simply simplify PDO executions
That's indeed a great ambition. However, only few succeeded in a real real simplification, but most resulted with actually more complex code. For starter you can try code from the first linked answer. Having a class consists of several such functions will indeed improve your experience with PDO.
. . . and find myself looking back at previous projects or other
websites just to remember how to select rows from a database . . .
FYI, we all do that.
You had a problem with the PDO API and now you have two problems. My best and strongest suggestion is this: If you want a simpler/different database API, do not roll your own. Search http://packagist.org for an ORM or a DBAL that looks good and use it instead of PDO.
Other people have already done this work for you. Use their work and focus instead on whatever awesome thing is unique to your app. Work smart, not hard and all that.
Writting a wrapper, should start form connecting the DB, and all the possible method could be wrapped. Passing connection to the query method, doesn't look good.
A very rough example would be the code bellow, I strongly do not suggest this mixture, but it will give you the direction.
You connection should be made either from the constructor, or from another method called in the constructor, You can use something like this:
public function __construct($driver = NULL, $dbname = NULL, $host = NULL, $user = NULL, $pass = NULL, $port = NULL) {
$driver = $driver ?: $this->_driver;
$dbname = $dbname ?: $this->_dbname;
$host = $host ?: $this->_host;
$user = $user ?: $this->_user;
$pass = $pass ?: $this->_password;
$port = $port ?: $this->_port;
try {
$this->_dbh = new PDO("$driver:host=$host;port=$port;dbname=$dbname", $user, $pass);
$this->_dbh->exec("set names utf8");
} catch(PDOException $e) {
echo $e->getMessage();
So you can either pass connection credentials when you instantiate your wrapper or use default ones.
Now, you can make a method that just recieves the query. It's more OK to write the whole query, than just pass tables and columns. It will not make a whole ORM, but will just make the code harder to read.
In my first times dealing with PDO, I wanted everything to be dynamically, so what I achieved, later I realized is immature style of coding, but let's show it
public function query($sql, $unset = null) {
$sth = $this->_dbh->prepare($sql);
if($unset != null) {
if(is_array($unset)) {
foreach ($unset as $val) {
foreach ($_REQUEST as $key => $value) {
if(is_int($value)) {
$param = PDO::PARAM_INT;
} elseif(is_bool($value)) {
$param = PDO::PARAM_BOOL;
} elseif(is_null($value)) {
$param = PDO::PARAM_NULL;
} elseif(is_string($value)) {
$param = PDO::PARAM_STR;
} else {
$param = FALSE;
$sth->bindValue(":$key", $value, $param);
$result = $sth->fetchAll();
return $result;
So what all of these spaghetti does?
First I though I would want all of my post values to be send as params, so if I have
input name='user'
input name='password'
I can do $res = $db->query("SELECT id FROM users WHERE username = :user AND password = :password");
And tada! I have fetched result of this query, $res is now an array containing the result.
Later I found, that if I have
input name='user'
input name='password'
input name='age'
In the same form, but the query remains with :user and :password and I submit the form, the called query will give mismatch in bound params, because the foreach against the $_REQUEST array will bind 3 params, but in the query I use 2.
So, I set the code in the beginning of the method, where I can provide what to exclude. Calling the method like $res = $db->query("SELECT id FROM users WHERE username = :user AND password = :password", 'age'); gave me the possibility to do it.
It works, but still is no good.
Better have a query() method that recieves 2 things:
The SQL string with the param names
The params as array.
So you can use the foreach() logic with bindValue, but not on the superglobal array, but on the passed on.
Then, you can wrap the fetch methods
public function fetch($res, $mode = null)
You should not directly return the fetch from the query, as it might be UPDATE, INSERT or DELETE.
Just pass the $res variable to the fetch() method, and a mode like PDO::FETCH_ASSOC. You can use default value where it would be fetch assoc, and if you pass something else, to use it.
Don't try to be so abstract, as I started to be. It will make you fill cracks lately.
Hum... IMHO I don't think you should try to wrap PDO in functions, because they're already "wrapped" in methods. In fact, going from OOP to procedural seems a step back (or at least a step in the wrong direction). PDO is a good library and has a lot of methods and features that you will surely lose if you wrap them in simple reusable functions.
One of those features is the BeginTransaction/Rollback (see more here)
Regardless, In a OOP point of view you can decorate the PDO object itself, adding some simple methods.
Here's an example based on your function
class MyPdo
public function __construct($conn)
$this->conn = $conn;
public function pdo()
return $this->conn;
public function selectAllById($table, $id = null)
$query = 'SELECT * FROM :table';
$params = array('table'=>$table);
if (!is_null($id)) {
$query .= ' WHERE id = :id';
$params['id'] = $id;
$r = $this->conn->prepare($query)
//More stuff here to manipulate $r (results)
return $r;
public function __call($name, $params)
call_user_func_array(array($this->conn, $name), $params);
Another option is using an ORM, which would let you interact with your models/entities directly without bothering with creating/destroying connections, inserting/deleting, etc... Doctrine2 or Propel are good bets for PHP.
Howeveran ORM is a lot more complex than using PDO directly.
I'm pretty new to using PDO so I'm not sure if I have it down correctly, however with the following test I'm able to do some injection which I would like to bypass.
In my models class I have some shortcut methods. One of them is called return_all($table,$order,$direction) which simply returns all rows from a table:
public function return_all($table,$order = false, $direction = false) {
try {
if($order == false) {
$order = "create_date";
if($direction != false && !in_array($direction,array("ASC","DESC"))) {
$direction = "DESC";
$sql = "SELECT * FROM ".mysql_real_escape_string($table)." ORDER BY :order ".$direction;
$query = $this->pdo->prepare($sql);
$query->execute(array("order" => $order));
$results = $query->fetchAll();
} catch (PDOException $e) {
set_debug($e->getMessage(), true);
return false;
return $results;
This works fine, except, if I pass the following as $table into the method:
$table = "table_name; INSERT INTO `users` (`id`,`username`) VALUES (UUID(),'asd');";
Now it's unlikely that someone will ever be able to change the $table value as it's hard-coded into my controller functions, but, i'm a little concerned that I'm still able to do some injection even when I use PDO. What's more surprising is that the mysql_real_escape_string() did absolutely nothing, the SQL still ran and created a new user in the users array.
I also tried to make the table name a bound parameter but got a sql error I assume due to the `` PDO adds around the table name.
Is there a better way to accomplish my code below?
You have already solved your problem with direction.
if($direction != false && !in_array($direction,array("ASC","DESC"))) {
$direction = "DESC";
Use the same technique for table names
$allowed_tables = array('table1', 'table2');//Array of allowed tables to sanatise query
if (in_array($table, $allowed_tables)) {
$sql = "SELECT * FROM ".$table." ORDER BY :order ".$direction;