Laravel 5 how to include autoload.php - php

I'm trying to include a path to autoload.php which is in
the file trying to access it is in
I set the path to require_once '../vendor/autoload.php'; but it just throws the error -
Warning: require_once(../vendor/autoload.php): failed to open stream: No such file or directory
Fatal error: require_once(): Failed opening required '../vendor/autoload.php' (include_path='.:/opt/php55/lib/php')
Does laravel offer a shortcode to access files in the vendor file

You don't need to require autoload.php in a Laravel application, it's already being required. You can just add more package in your composer.json file or do a composer require in the command line, and it should work.
It is required in bootstrap/autoload.php, if you don't believe me. ;)
|--------------------------------------------------------------------- -----
| Register The Composer Auto Loader
|------------------------------------------------------------------------- -
| Composer provides a convenient, automatically generated class loader
| for our application. We just need to utilize it! We'll require it
| into the script here so that we do not have to worry about the
| loading of any our classes "manually". Feels great to relax.
require __DIR__.'/../vendor/autoload.php';
If it doesn't for some reason, try composer dump-autoload, which fixes a lot of "requiring" issues in Laravel, especially when working with seeders and that sort of thing.


failed opening required in laravel warning and fatal error

laravel giving error failed opening required thrn (file path)(include_path='C:\xampp\php\PEAR')in (file path)
//my index file code id shown below
//require __DIR__.'public/vendor/autoload.php';
require_once $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'].'public/vendor/autoload.php';
| Turn On The Lights
| We need to illuminate PHP development, so let us turn on the lights.
| This bootstraps the framework and gets it ready for use, then it
| will load up this application so that we can run it and send
| the responses back to the browser and delight our users.
//$app = require_once __DIR__.'/public/bootstrap/app.php';
$app = require_once (realpath($_SERVER["DOCUMENT_ROOT"]).'/public/bootstrap/app.php';
If this is a new installation, you need to run composer install.
If it's an existing installation (vendor folder exists) run composer update.
Step 1:
Run: Composer Install for new Installation.
Run: Composer Update for Existing Installation.
Step 2: Make .env file
Step 3: Run: Php artisan migrate (Make database )
Step 4: Run: Php artisan key:generate

Composer not auto-loading required classes

I'm new to Composer and I'm really struggling to auto-load my classes with composer. What am I missing in the following process?
I installed the package in my PHP includes folder (which is outside the document root - I'm not sure if that matters) like this:
composer require monolog\monolog
It stated it completed successfully and I confirmed the project was added to my vendor folder.
My entire composer.json file looks like this:
"require": {
"monolog/monolog": "^1.22"
My entire test file looks like this:
require_once "vendor/autoload.php";
use Monolog\Logger;
$log = new Logger("name");
And I get this error when I load the page:
Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Class 'Monolog\Logger' not found in C:\Dropbox\Projects\Web\Websites\Instamation\wwwroot\qbtest.php:6 Stack trace: #0 {main} thrown in C:\Dropbox\Projects\Web\Websites\Instamation\wwwroot\qbtest.php on line 6
It includes the vendor/autoload.php file without any error.
I've tried to run these commands in composer without any change:
composer update
composer dump-autoload -0
I've also tried it with different packages and I get the same error, so I'm pretty sure it has nothing to do with the monolog package.
Is there a step here I'm missing? I don't need to manually define which classes to autoload in a json file if I require them in composer, do I?
Edit 1:
As requested, here's the paths to my different files.
Path to the test page:
Path to the composer.json file (outside the document root but in my includes path):
My vendor folder is here:
And inside my vendor folder I have these folders and file:
You need to include autoload in your qbtest.php as following:
require_once "../wwwincludes/vendor/autoload.php";
use Monolog\Logger;
$log = new Logger("name");

Autoloader unable to load the dependency

I see that my dependency use
"autoload": {
"psr-4": {"Ion\\": "src/"}
And at the src/container folder
namespace Ion;
class Container
And, I try to load it using the autoloader (of course I've composer require that library)
require 'vendor/autoload.php';
use Ion\Container;
$ion = new Container();
But, it turns out to be a fatal error
Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Class 'Ion\Container' not found in C:\UniServerZ\www\projects\playground\ion\test.php on line 6
What's wrong with this? Anyway to fix it?
Please help
This is the package (which I code) :
I have downloaded your package and troubleshoot the issue. Actually, you need to place your file in a folder called Ion. It should be src/Ion/Container.php instead of ion/src/Container.php.
+-- src
| +-- Ion
| +-- Container.php
+-- vendor
+-- composer.json
Another small mistake you made, your class filename is in lowercase container.php but you defined it in uppercase.
class Container

PHP Fatal error: Class 'Dotenv' not found in

I've a project I try to run it but I am getting a following error:
PHP Fatal error: Class 'Dotenv' not found in `/home/maras/Documents/eCodile/debtorcare/server/bootstrap/app.php on line 5`
I'm struggling with this error during trying to execute a php artisan start I tried to reinstall all dependencies but it didn't work.
I've just tried to run some commands based on other similar problems I found in the Internet but any of them worked. I tried ie:
composer require vlucas/phpdotenv --prefer-dist
Ive got a file .env.
This is a file where error is placed:
require_once __DIR__.'/../vendor/autoload.php';
| Create The Application
| Here we will load the environment and create the application instance
| that serves as the central piece of this framework. We'll use this
| application as an "IoC" container and router for this framework.
$app = new Laravel\Lumen\Application(
Is it possible the error is connected with wrong configuration of a database or phpMyAdmin? Or maybe Ive got .env placed in wrong place?
I try to run this project in development.
I guess the cwd was changed while you're running the command. make sure that composer.json, .env, "vendor/autoload.php" can be loaded from the project root.
maybe you need to run "composer dump-autoload" after the Dotenv installation,
As c9s suggests, Check to make sure that you are loading an existing vendor/autoload.php with something like:
$vendor_audoload = __DIR__.'/../vendor/autoload.php';
print $vendor_audoload;
print " Exists!";
} else {
print " Does not exist!";

Fatal error: require(): Failed opening required 'C:\wamp\www\sep24\e/src/functions.php' (include_path='.;C:\php\pear')

Tried to run the trans.php program from wamp server from the path
I have included the AWS folder in
And AWS credential file in wamp/www folder as well user directory for the access
C:\wamp\www\.aws\credentials & C:\Users\username\.aws\credentials
This is my program
define('ROOT', dirname(__FILE__));
require ROOT . '/vendor/autoload.php';
use Amazon\Aws\ElasticTranscoder\ElasticTranscoderClient;
// no error here.
When i'm trying to run the program, I get this error
Fatal error: require(): Failed opening required 'C:\wamp\www\sep24\e/src/functions.php' (include_path='.;C:\php\pear') in C:\wamp\www\sep24\e\vendor\composer\autoload_real.php on line 54
I have included all the packages of AWS which I downloaded from the git.
What change should I make ?
There are two main problems are:
1 Composer Autoloading
The AWS dependency needs to be downloaded with Composer,
if you want the Composer Autoloader to work correctly.
Do not move folders around, when working with Composer.
The autoloading expects the files and folders inside the vendor folder.
I have included all the packages of AWS which I downloaded from the git.
You don't need to do this manually.
2 The use statement is wrong.
Change use Amazon\Aws\ElasticTranscoder\ElasticTranscoderClient;
to use \Aws\ElasticTranscoder\ElasticTranscoderClient;
3 Example Application
Because it is your third question and you seem to have problems with the application structure in connection with Composer, i will provide a simple PHP application template to demonstrate how you work with the AWS dependency.
This example provides a basic namespaced PHP application and includes the Client class from the AWS dependency(, which you have to fetched by Composer).
You find the file over here:
Extract the test folder into your www folder.
Then execute a composer install and run index.php.
You will end up with a error from TranscoderClient, because it expects a configuration. Not part of the problem.
Use composer.
Create testaws directory and put composer.json file with content below (you can adjust it to your needs for example PHP version or dev packages)
"name": "yourname/sampleapp",
"description": "Sample app",
"require": {
"php": ">=5.5.0",
"aws/aws-sdk-php" : "dev-master"
run composer install
then in index.php in testaws directory put this line in index.php
require __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php';
After you do this steps it should work. More about composer you will find there
Also you can find sample project here
Delete the vendors folder and run composer install.
