I have some string:
It's not big deal
I want to change it to
It's not_big deal
So far, I try this code but return "undefined offset: $y"
function checkNegation($word){
$input = strtolower($word);
$split = preg_split('/\s+/', $input);
$length = count($split);
$neg = "NOT_";
for ($x=0; $x<$length; $x++){
if (preg_match("/\bNOT\b/i",$split[$x])){
$split[$x] = "{$neg}{$split[$y]}";
$word = implode(" ",$split);
return $word;
can you help me? thank you :')
Why not just preg_replace?
$str = "It's not big deal";
echo preg_replace("/\b(not)\s+/i", "$1_", $str); // It's not_big deal
if you're using regex already, why do you need to break the string into array of words? you can just match "not" in it and replace it with "not_". why over-complicate things?
your program seems to be running fine. but it'll cause problem if the word "not" is the last word in the string. because in that case, $y will go out of array range.
Assuming I have a string
there are three 1024, I want to replace the third with JJJJ, like this :
output :
how to make str_replace can do it
thanks for the help
As your question asks, you want to use str_replace to do this. It's probably not the best option, but here's what you do using that function. Assuming you have no other instances of "JJJJ" throughout the string, you could do this:
$str = "0000,1023,1024,1025,1024,1023,1027,1025,1024,1025,0000";
$str = str_replace('1024','JJJJ',$str,3)
$str = str_replace('JJJJ','1024',$str,2);
Here is what I would do and it should work regardless of values in $str:
function replace_str($str,$search,$replace,$num) {
$pieces = explode(',',$str);
$counter = 0;
foreach($pieces as $key=>$val) {
if($val == $search) {
if($counter == $num) {
$pieces[$key] = $replace;
return implode(',',$pieces);
echo replace_str($str, '1024', 'JJJJ', 3);
I think this is what you are asking in your comment:
function replace_element($str,$search,$replace,$num) {
$num = $num - 1;
$pieces = explode(',',$str);
if($pieces[$num] == $search) {
$pieces[$num] = $replace;
return implode(',',$pieces);
echo replace_element($str,'1024','JJJJ',9);
strpos has an offset, detailed here: http://php.net/manual/en/function.strrpos.php
So you want to do the following:
1) strpos with 1024, keep the offset
2) strpos with 1024 starting at offset+1, keep newoffset
3) strpos with 1024 starting at newoffset+1, keep thirdoffset
4) finally, we can use substr to do the replacement - get the string leading up to the third instance of 1024, concatenate it to what you want to replace it with, then get the substr of the rest of the string afterwards and concatenate it to that. http://www.php.net/manual/en/function.substr.php
You can either use strpos() three times to get the position of the third 1024 in your string and then replace it, or you could write a regex to use with preg_replace() that matches the third 1024.
if you want to find the last occurence of your string you can used strrpos
Do it like this:
$newstring = substr_replace($str,'JJJJ', strrpos($str, '1024'), strlen('1024') );
See working demo
Here's a solution with less calls to one and the same function and without having to explode, iterate over the array and implode again.
// replace the first three occurrences
$replaced = str_replace('1024', 'JJJJ', $str, 3);
// now replace the firs two, which you wanted to keep
$final = str_replace('JJJJ', '1024', $replaced, 2);
Say I have the following string
$str = "once in a great while a good-idea turns great";
What would be the best solution to creating an array with the array key being the string count of where the word(s) starts?
$str_array['0'] = "once";
$str_array['5'] = "in";
$str_array['8'] = "a";
$str_array['10'] = "great";
$str_array['16'] = "while";
$str_array['22'] = "a";
$str_array['24'] = "good-idea";
$str_array['34'] = "turns";
$str_array['40'] = "great";
As simple as the following:
str_word_count($str, 2);
what str_word_count() does is
str_word_count() — Return information about words used in a string
str_word_count() with 2 as the second argument to get the the offset; and you'd probably need to use the 3rd argument to include hyphen as well as letters in words
$str = "once in a great while a good-idea turns great";
print_r(str_word_count($str, 2));
Try this:
$array = preg_split("/ /",$str,-1,PREG_SPLIT_OFFSET_CAPTURE);
$str_array = Array();
foreach($array as $word) $str_array[$word[1]] = $word[0];
EDIT: Just saw Mark Baker's answer. Probably a better option than mine!
You can use preg_split (with the PREG_SPLIT_OFFSET_CAPTURE option) to split the string on the space, then use the offset it gives you to make a new array.
$str = "once in a great while a good-idea turns great";
$split_array = preg_split('/ /', $str, -1, PREG_SPLIT_OFFSET_CAPTURE);
$str_array = array();
foreach($split_array as $split){
$str_array[$split[1]] = $split[0];
here's the line of code that I came up with:
function Count($text)
$WordCount = str_word_count($text);
$TextToArray = explode(" ", $text);
$TextToArray2 = explode(" ", $text);
for($i=0; $i<$WordCount; $i++)
$count = substr_count($TextToArray2[$i], $text);
echo "Number of {$TextToArray2[$i]} is {$count}";
So, what's gonna happen here is that, the user will be entering a text, sentence or paragraph. By using substr_count, I would like to know the number of occurrences of the word inside the array. Unfortunately, the output the is not what I really need. Any suggestions?
I assume that you want an array with the word frequencies.
First off, convert the string to lowercase and remove all punctuation from the text. This way you won't get entries for "But", "but", and "but," but rather just "but" with 3 or more uses.
Second, use str_word_count with a second argument of 2 as Mark Baker says to get a list of words in the text. This will probably be more efficient than my suggestion of preg_split.
Then walk the array and increment the value of the word by one.
foreach($words as $word)
$output[$word] = isset($output[$word]) ? $output[$word] + 1 : 1;
If I had understood your question correctly this should also solve your problem
function Count($text) {
$TextToArray = explode(" ", $text); // get all space separated words
foreach($TextToArray as $needle) {
$count = substr_count($text, $needle); // Get count of a word in the whole text
echo "$needle has occured $count times in the text";
$WordCounts = array_count_values(str_word_count(strtolower($text),2));
I want to CaPiTaLiZe $string in php, don't ask why :D
I made some research and found good answers here, they really helped me.
But, in my case I want to start capitalizing every odd character (1,2,3...) in EVERY word.
For example, with my custom function i'm getting this result "TeSt eXaMpLe" and want to getting this "TeSt ExAmPlE".
See that in second example word "example" starts with capital "E"?
So, can anyone help me? : )
Well I would just make it an array and then put it back together again.
$str = "test example";
$str_implode = str_split($str);
$caps = true;
foreach($str_implode as $key=>$letter){
$out = strtoupper($letter);
if($out <> " ") //not a space character
$caps = false;
$out = strtolower($letter);
$caps = true;
$str_implode[$key] = $out;
$str = implode('',$str_implode);
echo $str;
Demo: http://codepad.org/j8uXM97o
I would use regex to do this, since it is concise and easy to do:
$str = 'I made some research and found good answers here, they really helped me.';
$str = preg_replace_callback('/(\w)(.?)/', 'altcase', $str);
echo $str;
function altcase($m){
return strtoupper($m[1]).$m[2];
Outputs: "I MaDe SoMe ReSeArCh AnD FoUnD GoOd AnSwErS HeRe, ThEy ReAlLy HeLpEd Me."
Here's a one liner that should work.
preg_replace('/(\w)(.)?/e', "strtoupper('$1').strtolower('$2')", 'test example');
function capitalize($string){
$return= "";
foreach(explode(" ",$string) as $w){
foreach(str_split($w) as $k=>$v) {
if(($k+1)%2!=0 && ctype_alpha($v)){
$return .= mb_strtoupper($v);
$return .= $v;
$return .= " ";
return $return;
echo capitalize("I want to CaPiTaLiZe string in php, don't ask why :D");
//I WaNt To CaPiTaLiZe StRiNg In PhP, DoN'T AsK WhY :D
Edited: Fixed the lack of special characters in the output.
This task can be performed without using capture groups -- just use ucfirst().
This is not built to process multibyte characters.
Grab a word character then, optionally, the next character. From the fullstring match, only change the case of the first character.
Code: (Demo) (or Demo)
$strings = [
"test string",
"lado lomidze needs a solution",
"I made some research and found 'good' answers here; they really helped me."
]; // if not already all lowercase, use strtolower()
var_export(preg_replace_callback('/\w.?/', function ($m) { return ucfirst($m[0]); }, $strings));
array (
0 => 'TeSt StRiNg',
1 => 'LaDo LoMiDzE NeEdS A SoLuTiOn',
2 => 'I MaDe SoMe ReSeArCh AnD FoUnD \'GoOd\' AnSwErS HeRe; ThEy ReAlLy HeLpEd Me.',
For other researchers, if you (more simply) just want to convert every other character to uppercase, you could use /..?/ in your pattern, but using regex for this case would be overkill. You could more efficiently use a for() loop and double-incrementation.
Code (Demo)
$string = "test string";
for ($i = 0, $len = strlen($string); $i < $len; $i += 2) {
$string[$i] = strtoupper($string[$i]);
echo $string;
// TeSt sTrInG
// ^-^-^-^-^-^-- strtoupper() was called here
I have written the PHP code for getting some part of a given dynamic sentence, e.g. "this is a test sentence":
I get the output:
this is a te
But i need it stop as a full word instead of splitting a word:
this is a
How can I do that, remembering that $sentence isn't a fixed string (it could be anything)?
use wordwrap
If you're using PHP4, you can simply use split:
$resultArray = split($sentence, " ");
Every element of the array will be one word. Be careful with punctuation though.
explode would be the recommended method in PHP5:
$resultArray = explode(" ", $sentence);
first. use explode on space. Then, count each part + the total assembled string and if it doesn't go over the limit you concat it onto the string with a space.
Try using explode() function.
In your case:
$expl = explode(" ",$sentence);
You'll get your sentence in an array. First word will be $expl[0], second - $expl[1] and so on. To print it out on the screen use:
$n = 10 //words to print
for ($i=0;$i<=$n;$i++) {
print $expl[$i]." ";
Create a function that you can re-use at any time. This will look for the last space if the given string's length is greater than the amount of characters you want to trim.
function niceTrim($str, $trimLen) {
$strLen = strlen($str);
if ($strLen > $trimLen) {
$trimStr = substr($str, 0, $trimLen);
return substr($trimStr, 0, strrpos($trimStr, ' '));
return $str;
$sentence = "this is a test sentence";
echo niceTrim($sentence, 12);
This will print
this is a
as required.
Hope this is the solution you are looking for!
this is just psudo code not php,
char[] sentence="your_sentence";
string new_constructed_sentence="";
string word="";
if(character==' ') {new_constructed_sentence+=word;word="";continue}
new_constructed_sentence is what you want!!!