I want to display a number of hours in days and hours as a human readable string but I need that 1 day be equal to 7 hours, so a working day.
I found this solution, but based on 1 day equal to 24 hours :
function secondsToTime($seconds) {
$dtF = new \DateTime('#0');
$dtT = new \DateTime("#$seconds");
return $dtF->diff($dtT)->format('%a days, %h hours, %i minutes and %s seconds');
source: Convert seconds into days, hours, minutes and seconds
DateTime won't help here. You need to count it on your own.
But this is simple math. Integer division for days and modulo for hours.
$hours = 12345;
$days = floor($hours/7);
$restHours = $hours%7;
echo "{$days} days, {$restHours} hours"; //1763 days, 4 hours
Custom made code to deal with this (probably on of 1000 ways on can implement this, I don't claim this to be the best, or good or anything like that).
function secondsToTime($seconds) {
$totalMinutes = intval($seconds / 60);
$totalHours = intval($totalMinutes / 60);
$totalDays = intval($totalHours / 7);
echo "$totalDays days and ".($totalHours%7)." hours ".($totalMinutes%60)." minutes and ".($seconds%60)." seconds";
1 days and 1 hours 0 minutes and 0 seconds
Stuck on this question for college!
subtract one time from another. The times are in the format “HH:MM:SS:FF” where:
HH = hours – there are 24 hours in a day
MM = minutes – there are 60 minutes in a hour
SS = seconds – there are 60 seconds in a minute
FF = frames – there are 25 frames in a second
The time is always 11 characters long and each element will always be 2 characters – padded with zeros if required.
subtract $y from $x
'$x = “03:14:59:20”;
$y = “01:16:01:02”;
I have done this code
$now = new DateTime(); // current date/time
$now = new DateTime("03:14:59:20");
$ref = new DateTime("01:16:01:02");
$diff = $now->diff($ref);
printf('%d hours, %d minutes %d seconds %d frames', $diff->h, $diff->i, $diff->s, $diff->f);
but the frames part does not work
Thanks in advance
im trying to get difference of date/time from a field type datetime to "right now" using php and mysql as database
this code is working fine, returns the output beautifully ok as required
$datetime1 = new DateTime('mydate1');
$datetime2 = new DateTime();
$interval = $datetime1->diff($datetime2);
$elapsed = $interval->format('%d days %h hours %i minutes');
that is ok so far, no issues as this function is for php 5.3 and i have it on server
my need is 4 small things actually
1) how to eliminate the need for days?
i want to have (25 hours 10 minutes) instead of (1 day 1 hours 10 minutes)
2) how i can make $elapsed be bold or colored if the value is more than 5 hours for example!? simple IF logic will not work as the output is not actually a predefined value...
3) if the days or hours are 0, then want to remove them!
- For example if showing (0 days 10 hours 40 mins) then no need to display the (0 days), should show (10 hours 40 mins) that is enough
- Another example: 0 days 0 hours 45 minutes then to show only "45 minutes" no need for days and hours!
4) if output less than 5 minutes in total (0days 0 hours 1-5mins), then wanna make it show like "a while ago" only no need for any days, hours or minutes... then after 6 minutes.. go like "6 mins"
shortly something like facebook!?
okay, what i searched tried is different combination of workarounds but never worked as you know this interval is for php 5.3 and still seem not widely used?
any hint for one or more parts of this long question is appreciated,
M, Derik
tried to answer all your questions. so read the comments because i didnt write numbers for the problems. sorry
$datetime1 = new DateTime('mydate1');
$datetime2 = new DateTime();
$minutes = round(abs($datetime1 - $datetime2) / 60,2); //to calculate total time in MINUTES
if($minutes < 5) // for awhile ago problem.
return "awhile ago";
elseif($minutes > 6 && < 60)
return $minutes." minutes ago"; //for 6 minutes and after.
elseif($minutes>60) // for the hours..
$hours = floor($final_time_saving / 60);
$minutes = $final_time_saving % 60;
$string = $hours. " hours and" . $minutes . " minutes ago.";
if($hours>5) //for bolding characters after
return "<b>".$hours." hours and".$minutes." minutes ago.</b>"; //for bolding character
return $hours." hours and".$minutes." minutes ago.";
hope this helps.
$datetime1 = date_create('2009-10-11');
$datetime2 = date_create('2009-10-13');
$interval = date_diff($datetime1, $datetime2);
How do i convert the above $interval to seconds in php
Another way to get the number of seconds in an interval is to add it to the zero date, and get the timestamp of that date:
$seconds = date_create('#0')->add($interval)->getTimestamp();
This method will handle intervals created via the DateInterval contructor more or less correctly, whereas shiplu's answer will ignore years, months and days for such intervals. However, shiplu's answer is more accurate for intervals that were created by subtracting two dates. For intervals consisting only of hours, minutes and seconds, both methods will get the correct answer.
There is a function format for this. But it wont return the number of seconds. To get number of seconds you use this technique
$seconds = abs($datetime1->getTimestamp()-$datetime2->getTimestamp());
If you really want to use $interval you need to calculate it.
$seconds = $interval->days*86400 + $interval->h*3600
+ $interval->i*60 + $interval->s;
86400 is the number of seconds in a day
3600 is the number of seconds in an hour
60 is the number of seconds in a minute
I would only add to shiplu's answer:
function dateIntervalToSeconds($interval)
$seconds = $interval->days*86400 + $interval->h*3600
+ $interval->i*60 + $interval->s;
return $interval->invert == 1 ? $seconds*(-1) : $seconds;
To handle negative intervals.
Note that - contrary to Brilliand's answer - The code above will consider correctly years, months and dates. Because $interval->days is an absolute value ($interval->d is relative to the month).
EDIT: this function is still not correct, as pointed out by #Brilliand. A counter-example is
new DateInterval('P4M3DT2H');
It doesn't handle months well.
My friend and I are working on a fairly basic uptime script for an IRC Bot.
Here's our code:
function Uptime()
global $uptimeStart;
$currentTime = time();
$uptime = $currentTime - $uptimeStart;
$this->sendIRC("PRIVMSG {$this->ircChannel} :Uptime: ".date("z",$uptime)." Day(s) - ".date("H:i:s",$uptime));
$uptimeStart is set immediately when the script runs, as time();
for some reason when I execute this function, it starts at 364 days and 19 hours. I can't figure out why.
Your $uptime is not a timestamp as should be used in date(), but a difference in time. You have an amount of seconds there, not a timestamp (that corresponds with an actual date.
just use something like this to cacluate (quick one, put some extra brain in for things like 1 day, 2 hours etc) ;)
$minutes = $uptime / 60;
$hours = $minuts/60 ;
$days = $hours / 24
If you have 5.3 or above, use the DateTime and DateInterval classes:
$uptimeStart = new DateTime(); //at the beginning of your script
function Uptime() {
global $uptimeStart;
$end = new DateTime();
$diff = $uptimeStart->diff($end);
return $diff->format("%a days %H:%i:%s");
You won't get anything meaninful by calling date() on that time difference. You should take that time difference and progressively divide with years, months, days, hours, all measured in seconds. That way you'll get what the time difference in those terms.
$daySeconds = 86400 ;
$monthSeconds = 86400 * 30 ;
$yearSeconds = 86400 * 365 ;
$years = $uptime / $yearSeconds ;
$yearsRemaining = $uptime % $yearSeconds ;
$months = $yearsRemaining / $monthSeconds ;
$monthsRemaining = $yearsRemaining % $monthSeconds ;
$days = $monthsRemaining / $daySeconds ;
.. etc to get hours and minutes.
date() function with second argument set to 0 will actually return you (zero-date + (your time zone)), where "zero-date" is "00:00:00 1970-01-01". Looks like your timezone is UTC-5, so you get (365 days 24 hours) - (5 hours) = (364 days 19 hours)
Also, date() function is not the best way to show the difference between two dates. See other answers - there are are already posted good ways to calculate difference between years
Editing the question.
I have SQL like this:
`table1`.`DateField` >= DATE_SUB(NOW(), INTERVAL {$days} DAY
Now 24 hours make a whole day. However, what if I want to do the query for the last 3 hours or so?
My table1.DateField is in the format of 2010-03-10 10:05:50.
Original post:
If I have this
1 hour
2 hours
3 hours
24 hours
How would I change it to days?
$hours = 80;
$hid = 24; // Hours in a day - could be 24, 8, etc
$days = round($hours/$hid);
if( $days < 0 )
echo "$hours hours";
echo "$days days";
This assumes you want the hours if it's less than 1 day. If not just remove the switch.
MySQL not only knows DAY as a unit for an interval but also HOUR, MINUTE, ....
see http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.1/en/date-and-time-functions.html#function_date-add
$x = 32;
$sql = "SELECT
`table1`.`DateField` >= NOW() - INTERVAL $x HOUR
As simple as:
if you want to convert the total of those hour to day:
Just sum the total of hours and that total must be divided by 24
(1 + 2 + 3 + 5) / 24
If you want to convert all of those hours to days:
Just divide by 24 every hours in your list
(1/24) (2/24) (3/24) (5/24)