I'm developing an web app with codeigniter and I am struggling with escape issues..
I send my parameter(json with lots of text) like
and in upload, I use querybindings like
$query = $this->db->query("insert into qwerty (_title, _desid, _short,_options, _status, _current) values (?,".$did.",?,?,1,0)", $datain);
but these techniques do not seem to properly escape single quotes
querybindings actually do nothing to the sql queries and escape_str adds // infront of 's but they do not seem to work.
it seems that this is because of json+mysql but I cannot come up with my own solution
can anyone help me out
//error log : theres a single quote in front of that t in the lorem ipsum
Error Number: 1064
You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 't look even slightly believable. If you are going to use a passage of Lorem Ipsu' at line 1
The benefit of using binds is that the values are automatically escaped, producing safer queries. You don’t have to remember to manually escape data; the engine does it automatically for you.
So don't need to escaping queries input.
Refer https://www.codeigniter.com/userguide3/database/queries.html#query-bindings
I recently switched from windows (movamp) to linux (lamp), and i have an issue (syntax error) with a query and i can't figure out why.
Here is the query and the error msg I get:
"SELECT * FROM products WHERE trash='false'"
You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '\'false\'' at line 1SELECT * FROM products WHERE trash='false'
I always wrote my queries with that syntax, and i never had problems.
I used to run my code on windows (php 4.1.22 mysql 5.2.11) and used mysql_query() function, and the code worked just fine.
Now I use(php 7.0.8 - mysql 5.7.16) and use mysqli_query() function to execute queries
Your syntax error shows some bogus backslashes that are not present in the query, as if you are actually running this:
SELECT * FROM products WHERE trash=\'false\'
Not having even a full PHP statement to inspect we can only speculate, and my guess is that —since you are upgrading from a really ancient PHP version— you might be facing some issues with magic quotes. That "feature" no longer exists so nothing in the server can be injecting backslashes automatically so it must be your code the one that's intentionally doing it.
Said that, PHP/4 was superseded by PHP/5 in 2004 (that's like 12 years) and a lot has changed on the way to PHP/7: migration is going to be harder than just dropping the code in the new server.
Try removing the single quotes , or try reversing the single and double quotes . IF nothing works use a variable with false value.
"SELECT * FROM `products` WHERE `trash` ='false'"
try this (though your case should also work)
also try to remove the double quotes if you are trying to run SQL query in PHPMYadmin or likes.
I would like to thank you all for your answers and your comments. You helped me figure out what the problem was : the entire query string was beeing escaped instead of only the data tha needed to ne escaped.
I feel dumb 😁 . This was obvious.
Anyway. Thank you a lot for your contibution.
I'm having a problem when trying to add a URL to a mySQL database.
The string is a URL:
The error I get is:
Error description: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '://pbs.twimg.com/profile_images/1708867059/405000_10150426314376065_707061064_86' at line 1
It seems as though it won't allow me to add a URL, I presume there is something wrong with some of the characters but I don't know what?
My SQL is:
INSERT INTO accounts (name,consumerkey,consumersecret,pic_url) VALUES ($twitterID,$consumerkey,$consumersecret,$picture_url)"
You cannot truly solve this kind of problem by adding a few characters (like ' or ") to your bespoke sql string!
Instead, get to know the real way to write sql in php (it's like a very badly kept secret), which is to use PDO statements. This will allow you to use placehoders like (:twitterID, :consumerKey, :consumerSecret, :pictureUrl) which will accept complex variables such as urls and any of the crap users send in much more gracefully.
In the long run, this will save you a lot of trouble and time.
You need to quote string values and any other character that SQL will complain about, in this case it's the colon; see further down below.
if you wish to quote all the values.
Sidenote: You can remove the quotes around the variables that are integers.
This based on, and without seeing how the rest of your code looks like:
$picture_url = "http://pbs.twimg.com/profile_images/1708867059/405000_10150426314376065_707061064_8645107_703731598_n_normal.jpg";
The error states that it is near : - near being just that, the colon.
...right syntax to use near '://pbs.twimg.com
^ right there
You can also use:
VALUES ($twitterID, $consumerkey, $consumersecret, '" .$dbcon->real_escape_string($picture_url) . "')";
$dbcon is an example of a DB connection variable and based on mysqli_ syntax.
Something you haven't stated as to which MySQL API you are using.
Plus, your present code is open to SQL injection.
Use prepared statements, or PDO with prepared statements.
Here is the mysql insert the I am running in php. I have removed the part giving the error but then I get a error on the next piece. I am not seeing what is diffrent to cause the error.
$fields="adv_exchange SET synum='".$synum."', worknum='".$_POST['worknum']."', user_id='".$current_user->ID."', f_name='".$current_user->user_firstname."', l_name='".$current_user->user_lastname."', email='".$current_user->user_email."', regnum=".$_POST['regnum'].", item='".$item."', qsver='".$_POST['qsver']."', flashrom='".$_POST['flashrom']."',expansion='".$_POST['board']."', rdisplay='". $_POST['rdisplay']."', screen_model='".$_POST['screen_model']."', p_hardware='".$_POST['cable']."', pcolor='".$_POST['pcolor']."', pname='".$_POST['pname']."', kboard='".$_POST['kboard']."', ip='".$_POST['ip']."', reg_name='".$_POST['reg_name']."', mem=".$_POST['mem'].", dt_server='".$_POST['dt_server']."', alert='".$_POST['alert']."', ows='".$_POST['ows']."', w_date='".$_POST['w_date']."', flashromver='".$_POST['flashromver']."', s_size='".$_POST['s_size']."', mag='".$_POST['mag']."', rcard='".$_POST['rcard']."', kvsid=".$_POST['kvsid'].", finger='".$_POST['finger']."', stand_alone='".$_POST['stand_alone']."', standards='".$_POST['standards']."', profile='".$_POST['profile']."', man_date='".$_POST['man_date']."', l_sn='".$_POST['l_sn']."', misc='".$_POST['misc']."', problem='".$_POST['problem']."'";
then $query = "insert into $fields";
I receive back
You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ' item='JS900CV', qsver='', flashrom='',expansion='', rdisplay='', screen_model='' at line 1
if I echo the $query I get this:
insert into adv_exchange SET synum='SY5135', worknum='123456', user_id='2', f_name='REMOVED', l_name='REMOVED', email='REMOVED', regnum=, item='JS900CV', qsver='', flashrom='',expansion='', rdisplay='', screen_model='', p_hardware='', pcolor='', pname='', kboard='', ip='', reg_name='', mem=, dt_server='', alert='', ows='', w_date='', flashromver='', s_size='', mag='', rcard='', kvsid=3, finger='', stand_alone='', standards='', profile='', man_date='', l_sn='', misc='misc test\r\n', problem='gen test'
Depending on what I enter in the error is changing spots in my statement. Not all fields are used the form is dynamic that is supplying the data so the fields are dependent on what options are selected. On a side note in case of concern about using $_POST to insert directly into mysql, I sanitize the array first. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Look at regnum=,. You don't provide a value for regnum. Either leave it out entirely or set it to an appropriate value.
You're using a very, very bad approach to MySQL databases: manually creating the queries. You should really use prepared statements instead: this issue will be resolved as well.
Don't use mysql_* functions, use PDO instead.
Your code would look like this (simplified):
// This holds the query
$statement = $pdo->prepare('INSERT INTO adv_exchange SET synum=?, worknum=?, etc=?, problem=?');
// This executes it with the given arguments. It's 100% injection-proof and safe. In fact, it's also faster.
$statement->execute(array($synum, $_POST['worknum'], $_POST['therest'], $_POST['problem']));
regnum=".$_POST['regnum']." is causing the problem. When it is undefined, you get regnum=, in the SQL query
A bigger concern is that you are not escaping your inputs. Either use mysql_real_escape_string around them, or better, use prepared statements.
You need to SET regnum=SOMETHING.
Currently it's empty.
So using %27 you can just SQL inject even though data is sanitized with mysql_real_escape_string
What to do?
Edit with example:
$sql = sprintf("SELECT *, MATCH(post) AGAINST ('%s*' IN BOOLEAN MODE) AS score FROM Posts WHERE MATCH(post) AGAINST('%s*' IN BOOLEAN MODE)",
$results = $db->queryAsArray($sql);
If you pass in %27) SQL INJECTION HERE %2F* to the searchterm querystring, I get outputted on the page:
You have an error in your SQL syntax;
check the manual that corresponds to
your MySQL server version for the
right syntax to use near 'BOOLEAN
MODE)' at line 1
Thanks everyone for finding the problem in the db class..
Reasoning from the method name queryAsArray, it seems that you’re using this DbBase class from the comments of the MySQL functions manual page. If so, it’s the query method that removes the escape character from the escaped quotation marks:
function query($sql, &$records = null){
$sql = str_replace(array('\\"', "\\'"), array('"', "'"), $sql);
// …
Then it’s not a miracle that your example works (I simplified it):
$input = "', BAD SQL INJECTION --";
$sql = "SELECT '".mysql_real_escape_string($input)."'";
var_dump($sql); // string(33) "SELECT '\', BAD SQL INJECTION --'"
// everything’s OK ↑
$sql = str_replace(array('\\"', "\\'"), array('"', "'"), $sql);
var_dump($sql); // string(32) "SELECT '', BAD SQL INJECTION --'"
// Oops! ↑
The note mentioned in our manual has been marked for deletion. Once it propagates across all of the mirrors in our network, it will no longer appear attached to the official documentation.
~ Daniel P. Brown
Network Infrastructure Manager
It's best to not to build statements like this at all, and instead use queries with parameters using mysqli or PDO. This will deal with the problem of MySQL injection and one day (not yet, unfortunately) it will perform better too, because the queries are cached without parameters, meaning you only got one query in the cache instead of dozens of different queries because of a single input value changing all the time. Other databases make use of this since long, but MySQL just managed not to make parameterized queries slower since the latest version.
It doesn't look plausible that %27 will actually terminate the string. It seems more like a possibility to embed quotes inside a string, but I'm not sure.
To be sure, I decided to sacrificed my server and test this. When I enter %27 in an input field and textarea that are escaped using mysql_real_escape_string and are then inserted in the database, I get no errors. The text %27 is just inserted. So no problem at all.
You are wrong. No injection possible here.
By following these three simple rules
Client's encoding properly set by mysql_set_charset()
Data being escaped using mysql_real_escape_string()
And enclosed in quotes
you can be sure that no injection possible
I storing articles in database that contains special characters like ", ', etc. but it gives error while saving in MySQL:
You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 's and Moral Science's books in school. I clearly remember the picture of a Hindu' at line 1
mysql_real_escape_string everything you put into a query. Always. No exceptions.
Alternatively, use prepared statements.
use mysql_real_escape_string