Displaying and Referencing a json_encode in Laravel - php

I am not sure what the best method to display this is. I am creating an activity log for my website that is adaptable between different controllers. Here is my encode code:
$properties = [
'last_name' => $request->last_name,
'first_name' => $request->first_name,
'dob' => $request->dob,
'unique_id' => $unique_id,
'doctor_id' => $doctor->id
$log->properties = json_encode($properties);
However, properties on a different controller might have fields like revenue, address, etc, etc.
On the show page of my activity log controller, right now I am using {{$log->properties}} to display the object. It returns something like this output:
Ultimately, what I would like to do is have it display each of the object's items as a <strong> tag, then display the relative information. So, in simple html, the above properties would look like:
<strong>last_name:</strong> Test4<br>
<strong>first_name:</strong> Test4<br>
<strong>dob:</strong> 1984-09-13<br>
<strong>doctor_id:</strong> 19
Since the keys are different in each properties depending on what controller it was pulled from, I'm not sure how to display this. I even am having trouble finding out how to reference inside of the object. For example, {{$key->properties->last_name}} does not reference the last name. Neither does {{$key->properties()->last_name}}.

When you use json_encode to store the object inside $log->properties you are converting the object into a json string, that's because you can't use $key->properties->last_name, for this you can use json_decode in your $key->properties variable, then you will can access each property.
To display the data regardless of variable names you can do something like this:
$properties = json_decode($key->properties, true);
foreach ($properties as $key => $value) {
echo '<strong>'.$key.':</strong> '.$value.'<br>';
Or you can use blade to display this, the poin is that you need to convert your json to an array, then iterate over his keys and values.


A csv file has a state, county, and data on each line. How can I use PHP associative arrays to convert to states=>counties=>county=>data

My data looks like:
countyFIPS,County Name,State,stateFIPS,1/22/20,1/23/20,1/24/20,1/25/20,....
1001,Autauga County,AL,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,....
I've been able to retrieve it using an Ajax call and collect it into a simple PHP array, then convert it to json to use in my javascript application. While it appears that the data is all counties of a state, followed by the same configuration for the next state, there is no guarantee that it won't be mixed up in some later set of data.
I'm an old Fortran programmer, and would tend to build a hash table for the "states", then check if the state exists in the hash table. If not create a new hash table and add this empty hash table as the value for the key with the name of the state to the "state" hash table. Then check the state hash table to see if it has a key for the county. Again, if it doesn't, then add an empty array as the value for the key with the county name and add that to the state hash table, then proceed to put the values for that row into the county array. I know this will work, but thought maybe there was some clever way to use associative arrays in PHP to accomplish the same thing.
I look at array_filter, but can't seem to figure out how to adapt it to this case. Are there other functions that might work here?
Then, once I have this structure of
$nested_object = { state1=>{county1,county2,county3...},state2=>{counties}},
and those counties have:
how can I easily convert this to a json structure? Should it have other keys like "states", and within a state "counties". From looking at Haroldo's question "Convert a PHP object to an associative array" of Dec 3, 2010, it appears like I would use:
$array = json_decode(json_encode($nested_object), true);
Will this give me the structure I am looking for?
I want to end up with a structure that I can ask for the states as a set of keys, then for a selected state ask for the counties in that state as a set of keys, and upon selecting one, get the array of values for that state/county. This has to run on a server with potentially a large amount of data and a moderate amount of hits per unit time so I wanted as reasonably efficient way as possible.
I want to end up with a structure that I can ask for the states as a set of keys, then for a selected state ask for the counties in that state as a set of keys, and upon selecting one, get the array of values for that state/county
Okay, so you need something like:
$structure = [
'AL' => [
'counties' => [
'FIPS1' => 'County1',
'FIPS2' => 'County2',
'data' => [
'FIPS1' => [
[ 'date1' => value1, 'date2' => value2, 'date3' => value3... ]
'AK' => [ ... ]
You can do that using array_map() and a lambda function writing to $structure, but... in my experience, it is not worth it.
Best to do like you said:
while ($row = get_another_row()) {
$countyFIPS = array_unshift($row);
$countyName = array_unshift($row);
$stateName = array_unshift($row);
$stateFIPS = array_unshift($row);
if (!array_key_exists($stateName, $structure)) {
$structure[$stateName] = [
'counties' => [ ],
'data' => [ ],
if (!array_key_exists($countyFIPS, $structure[$stateName]['counties'])) {
$structure[$stateName]['counties'][$countyFIPS] = $countyName;
$structure[$stateName]['data'][$countyFIPS] = [ ];
// Now here you will have $headers, obtained from the header row unshifting
// the first four fields.
foreach ($headers as $i => $key) {
$structure[$stateName]['data'][$countyFIPS][$key] = $row[$i];
This way if you add two CSVs with different dates, the code will still work properly. Dates will not be sorted though, but you can do that with a nested array_map and the aksort function.
To output this in JSON, just use json_encode on $structure.

How can I parse a JSON object in PHP? How can I retrieve the values of some specific fields of this JSON object?

I am absolutely new in PHP and moreover in Laravel framework (I don't know if Laravel provides some utility class for this kind of tasks). I came from Java.
So I have the following problem:
Into a class I perform a call to a REST web service, something like this:
$response = $client->get('http://localhost:8080/Extranet/login',
'auth' => [
$dettagliLogin = json_decode($response->getBody());
\Log::info('response: '.(json_encode($dettagliLogin)));
$response->getBody() contains the returned JSON object, this is the output of the previous \Log::info():
"userName":"Dummy User",
So I have the following problems:
1) What exactly returns the json_decode() function? I really can't understand because PHP is not strongly typed and I have not a declared return type.
This is the method signature:
function json_decode($json, $assoc = false, $depth = 512, $options = 0)
and in the related doc it says #return mixed. What exactly means "mixed"?
2) Anyway the main problem is: I have to use the content of the previous returned JSON object and put these value into the related field of an array like this:
$attributes = array(
So I think that I have to parse the value of the $response->getBody() or of the json_decode($response->getBody()) to obtain these values. But how exactly can I do it? What is the neater way to do it? Does the Laravel framework provide some utility to do it?
For better understanding, let's first describe - what's JSON?
It's a way of representing objects (arrays, objects, etc) in a string.
1) What exactly returns the json_decode() function? I really can't
understand because PHP is not strongly typed and I have not a declared
return type. This is the method signature:
function json_decode($json, $assoc = false, $depth = 512, $options =
0) and in the related doc it says #return mixed. What exatly means
json_deocde converts the JSON string into the original "structure" it represent.
#return mixed means that the returned value of json_decode can be any type of variable. If the JSON represent an array - it would be an array type, if it represent an object - it would be an object type.
2) Anyway the main problem is: I have to use the content of the
previous returned JSON object and put these value into the related
field of an array like this:
$attributes = array(
In order to make sure which type of variable your JSON represent, you can use var_dump(json_decode($json));. Anyway, it's a class object.
$object = json_decode($json);
$attributes = array(
'id' => $object->id,
'username' => $object->email,
'name' => $object->userName,
If you json string is an object (not an array) it will return an object (of type stdClass). Mixed means it can be multiple things, so if it was a json array, you'd get an array.
Best thing to do is use json_decode, and then var_dump (or var_export) to see what you actually get.

PHP: reflection, "non well formed numeric value encountered" setting array index

I haven't been able to find anything specific to this issue. In my class I need to take an associative array and put it's values in class variables. Any sub-arrays need to be converted to objects. The conversion to objects is happening in the following code:
foreach ($value as $key2 => $value2) {
$object = new $object_str($value2);
$this->$key[$object->getId()] = $object;
$value comes from an outer foreach loop.
$object_str contains the name of the object that has to be created,
like this: MartKuper\OnePageCRM\Contacts\ContactsUrl
The input array could look like this:
'url' => [
'type' => 'website',
'value' => 'google.com'
It should create a ContactsUrl object and add it to the $url class variable (which also is an array) based on the class' internal random id (uniqid()). Because I don't know how many 'url' entries the input array will have, this all needs to happen dynamically. Hence the
The error occurs on the index of the $key (url) array. It seems that it doesn't like to take a string as an index. I've tried putting hardcoded strings in
that doesn't work either. When I put an integer in
it does work. Converting the string to an integer is not an option. It will break a parser class that is used by many other classes.
I've solved the issue by doing the following:
$this->{$key}[$object->getId()] = $object;
What was happening was that it tried to take the index of the $key variable itself ($key[$object->getId()]) but since $key isn't an array, it failed. It needed to take the index of the class variable that $key represents instead.

How to apply PHP function to a column returned from CakePHP query

In my controller I am retrieving records from my institutions table with the following fields
$params = array(
'fields' => array(
$institutions = $this->Institution->find('all',$params);
How can I prefix each 'Institution.picture' field with the full URL address, 'Institution.picture' itself only holds the name of the file.
I would also like to perform html_entity_decode() on each 'Institution.about' value from the returned set.
I know how to do this only without the framework if I make custom queries from scratch, then I would iterate each row and apply PHP functions to the field of interest. But is there a place in CakePHP (find or paginator) that I can specify such PHP manipulation on each field value from the returned set?
NOTE: I don't like to do this in the View, as I want to output it as json directly
You can define a virtualField for model:
public $virtualFields = array('image_url' => "CONCAT('/img/', Institution.picture)");
$params = array(
'fields' => array(
$institutions = $this->Institution->find('all',$params);
Unfortunaly MySQL doesn't have a function to decode HTML entities. You may utilize an afterFind() callback instead of virtualField. This lets you to decode entities as well as add a prefix.
CakePHP is php
Just iterate over the array and prepare it however you want:
$institutions = $this->Institution->find('all',$params);
$prefix = '/img/'; // <- define this
foreach ($institutions as &$row) {
$row['Institution']['about'] = html_entity_decode($row['Institution']['about']);
$row['Institution']['picture'] = $prefix . $row['Institution']['picture'];
If this is always required it can be applied to all finds via an afterFind method in the institution class.
I think you should do it in the View. See this example.
Hash::map can be very useful here. By specifying path you can only modify slices of the set.

passing data to Zend_Db_Table_Rowset and returning the model for each row

I have an array that I cache, which was returned from a database model that extends zend_db_Table_abstract. I use ->toArray() on the object. When retrieving the data I would like to convert it back to that model.
I tried doing the following
$modules = new Zend_Db_Table_Rowset(array('data' => $modules, 'table' => 'modules', 'rowClass' => 'Model_Db_Module'));
now when I iterate.
foreach ($modules as $module)
echo $module->name;
I get nothing! If I remove 'rowClass' => 'Model_Db_Module'. It returns the correct value. How can I go by returning the correct object so that i can manipulate the data if I need to? If i needed to use
$module->name = "Cool Stuff";
I decided to just cache the object and call ->setTable() when retrieving cache data.
