Using PHP preg_replace match result in a math operation? - php

I want to find a number in a string, add one to it, and replace it. These don't work:
$new_version =
preg_replace("/str\/(\d+)str/", "str/".("$1"+1)."str", $original);
$new_version =
preg_replace("/str\/(\d+)str/", "str/".(intval("$1")+1)."str", $original);
Where 'str' is a very identifiable string, each side of the number (and does not contain numbers).
I realise I can do this in more than one line of code quite easily but it seems like this should be possible.

Using a callback function allows you to cast a match to number and increment, e.g.:
function($matches) { return "str/" . ((int)$matches[1] + 1) . "str"; },

Solely using str_replace you can get the number from the string, add one to it, and the replace the old number with the new one :
$str = 'In My Cart : 11 items';
$nb = preg_replace('/\D/', '', $str);
$nb += 1;
$str = str_replace($nb-1, $nb, $str);
echo $str;


Count how many numbers appears in a string

I was wondering if there's a combo of functions or a direct function that can count how many numbers appears in a string, without use a long-way as str_split and check every character in a loop.
From a string like:
It returns that there's 8 numbers inside.
You can use filter_var() with the FILTER_SANITIZE_NUMBER_INT constant, then check the length of the new string. The new string will contain only numbers from that string, and all other characters are filtered away.
$string = "j3987snmj3j";
$numbers = filter_var($string , FILTER_SANITIZE_NUMBER_INT);
$length = strlen($numbers); // 5
echo "There are ".$length." numbers in that string";
Note that each number will be counted individually, so 137 would return 3, as would 1m3j7.
Live demo
Other solution:
function countNumbers(string $string) {
return preg_match_all('/\d/', $string, $m);
You can use regular expression
Try like this:
$myString = 'Som3 Charak1ers ar3 N0mberZ h3re ;)';
$countNumbers = strlen((string)filter_var($myString, FILTER_SANITIZE_NUMBER_INT));
echo 'Your input haz ' . $countNumbers . ' digits in it, man';
You can also make a function out of this to return only the number, if you need it.
Following code does what you intend to do:
$string = 'dsfds98fsdfsdf8sdf908f9dsf809fsd809f8s15d0d';
foreach ($splits as $split){
Output: 17

Get sentence(s) which include(s) searched word(s)?

I want to get sentence(s) which include(s) searched word(s). I have tried this but can't make it work properly.
$string = "I think instead of trying to find sentences, I'd think about the amount of
context around the search term I would need in words. Then go backwards some fraction of this number of words (or to the beginning) and forward the remaining number
of words to select the rest of the context.";
$searchlocation = "fraction";
$offset = stripos( strrev(substr($string, $searchlocation)), '. ');
$startloc = $searchlocation - $offset;
echo $startloc;
You can get all sentences.
try this:
$string = "I think instead of trying to find sentences, I'd think about the amount of
context around the search term I would need in words. Then go backwards some fraction of this number of words (or to the beginning) and forward the remaining number
of words to select the rest of the context.";
$searchlocation = "fraction";
$sentences = explode('.', $string);
$matched = array();
foreach($sentences as $sentence){
$offset = stripos($sentence, $searchlocation);
if($offset){ $matched[] = $sentence; }
using array_filter function
$sentences = explode('.', $string);
$result = array_filter(
create_function('$x', "return strpos(\$x, '$searchlocation');"));
Note: the double quote in the second parameter of create_function is necessary.
If you have anonymous function support, you can use this,
$result = array_filter($sentences, function($x) use($searchlocation){
return strpos($x, $searchlocation)!==false;
Since you reverse the string with strrev(), you will find [space]. instead of .[space].

Why does this PHP spintax code repeat identical iterations?
I like this script, but it isn't perfect. If you use this test input case:
{This is my {spintax|spuntext} formatted string, my {spintax|spuntext} formatted string, my {spintax|spuntext} formatted string example.}
You can see that the result ALWAYS contains 3 repetitions of either "spintax" or "spuntext". It never contains 1 "spintax" and 2 "spuntext", for example.
This is my spuntext formatted string, my spuntext formatted string, my spuntext formatted string example.
To be truly random it needs to generate a random iteration for each spintax {|} block and not repeat the same selection for identical blocks, like {spintax|spuntext}.
If you look at comment #7 on that page, fransberns is onto something, however when using his modified code in a live environment, the script would repeatedly run in an infinite loop and eat up all the server memory. So there must be a bug there, but I'm not sure what it is.
Any ideas? Or does anyone know of a robust PHP spintax script that allows for nested spintax and is truly random?
Please check this gist, it is working (and it is far simpler than original code ..).
The reason the Spintax class replaces all instances of {spintax|spuntext} with the same randomly chosen option is because of this line in the class:
$str = str_replace($match[0], $new_str, $str);
The str_replace function replaces all instances of the substring with the replacement in the search string. To replace only the first instance, progressing in a serial fashion as you desired, we need to use the function preg_replace with a passed "count" argument of 1. However, when I looked over your link to the Spintax class and reference to post #7 I noticed an error in his suggested augmentation to the Spintax class.
fransberns suggested replacing:
$str = str_replace($match[0], $new_str, $str);
with this:
//one match at a time
$match_0 = str_replace("|", "\|", $match[0]);
$match_0 = str_replace("{", "\{", $match_0);
$match_0 = str_replace("}", "\}", $match_0);
$reg_exp = "/".$match_0."/";
$str = preg_replace($reg_exp, $new_str, $str, 1);
The problem with fransbergs' suggestion is that in his code he did not properly construct the regular expression for the preg_replace function. His error came from not properly escaping the \ character. His replacement code should have looked like this:
//one match at a time
$match_0 = str_replace("|", "\\|", $match[0]);
$match_0 = str_replace("{", "\\{", $match_0);
$match_0 = str_replace("}", "\\}", $match_0);
$reg_exp = "/".$match_0."/";
$str = preg_replace($reg_exp, $new_str, $str, 1);
Consider replacing the original class with this augmented version utilizing my correction on fransberns' suggested replacemnet:
class Spintax {
function spin($str, $test=false)
do {
$str = $this->regex($str);
} while ($this->complete($str));
return $str;
} else {
do {
echo "<b>PROCESS: </b>";var_dump($str = $this->regex($str));echo "<br><br>";
} while ($this->complete($str));
return false;
function regex($str)
preg_match("/{[^{}]+?}/", $str, $match);
// Now spin the first captured string
$attack = explode("|", $match[0]);
$new_str = preg_replace("/[{}]/", "", $attack[rand(0,(count($attack)-1))]);
// $str = str_replace($match[0], $new_str, $str); //this line was replaced
$match_0 = str_replace("|", "\\|", $match[0]);
$match_0 = str_replace("{", "\\{", $match_0);
$match_0 = str_replace("}", "\\}", $match_0);
$reg_exp = "/".$match_0."/";
$str = preg_replace($reg_exp, $new_str, $str, 1);
return $str;
function complete($str)
$complete = preg_match("/{[^{}]+?}/", $str, $match);
return $complete;
When I tried using fransberns' suggested replacement "as is", because of the improper escaping of the \ character, I got an infinite loop. I assume that this is where your memory problem came from. After correcting fransberns' suggested replacement with the correct escaping of the \ character I did not enter an infinite loop.
Try the class above with the corrected augmentation and see if it works on your server (I can't see a reason why it shouldn't).

How to convert a string with numbers and spaces into an int

I have a small problem. I am tryng to convert a string like "1 234" to a number:1234
I cant't get there. The string is scraped fro a website. It is possible not to be a space there? Because I've tried methods like str_replace and preg_split for space and nothing. Also (int)$abc takes only the first digit(1).
If anyone has an ideea, I'd be greatefull! Thank you!
This is how I would handle it...
$string = "Here! is some text, and numbers 12 345, and symbols !£$%^&";
$new_string = preg_replace("/[^0-9]/", "", $string);
echo $new_string // Returns 12345
intval(preg_replace('/[^0-9]/', '', $input))
Scraping websites always requires specific code, you know how you receive the input - and you write code that is required to make it usable.
That is why first answer is still str_replace.
$iInt = (int)str_replace(array(" ", ".", ","), "", $iInt);
$str = "1 234";
$int = intval(str_replace(' ', '', $str)); //1234
I've just came into the same issue, however the answer that was provided wasn't covering all the different cases I had...
So I made this function (the idea popped in my mind thanks to Dan) :
function customCastStringToNumber($stringContainingNumbers, $decimalSeparator = ".", $thousandsSeparator = " "){
$numericValues = $matches = $result = array();
$regExp = null;
$decimalSeparator = preg_quote($decimalSeparator);
$regExp = "/[^0-9$decimalSeparator]/";
preg_match_all("/[0-9]([0-9$thousandsSeparator]*)[0-9]($decimalSeparator)?([0-9]*)/", $stringContainingNumbers, $matches);
$matches = $matches[0];
foreach($matches as $match):
$numericValues[] = (float)str_replace(",", ".", preg_replace($regExp, "", $match));
$result = $numericValues;
if(count($numericValues) === 1)
$result = $numericValues[0];
return $result;
So, basically, this function extracts all the numbers contained inside of a string, no matter how many text there is, identifies the decimal separator and returns every extracted number as a float.
One can specify what decimal separator is used in one's country with the $decimalSeparator parameter.
Use this code for removing any other characters like .,:"'\/, !##$%^&*(), a-z, A-Z :
$string = "This string involves numbers like 12 3435 and 12.356 and other symbols like !## then the output will be just an integer number!";
$output = intval(preg_replace('/[^0-9]/', '', $string));

Increment integer at end of string

I have a string, "Chicago-Illinos1" and I want to add one to the end of it, so it would be "Chicago-Illinos2".
Note: it could also be Chicago-Illinos10 and I want it to go to Chicago-Illinos11 so I can't do substr.
Any suggested solutions?
Complex solutions for a really simple problem...
$str = 'Chicago-Illinos1';
echo $str++; //Chicago-Illinos2
If the string ends with a number, it will increment the number (eg: 'abc123'++ = 'abc124').
If the string ends with a letter, the letter will be incremeted (eg: '123abc'++ = '123abd')
Try this
$newstring = $matches[1].($matches[2]+1);
(can't try it now but it should work)
$string = 'Chicago-Illinois1';
preg_match('/^([^\d]+)([\d]*?)$/', $string, $match);
$string = $match[1];
$number = $match[2] + 1;
$string .= $number;
Tested, works.
explode could do the job aswell
$str="Chicago-Illinos1"; //our original string
$temp=explode("Chicago-Illinos",$str); //making an array of it
$str="Chicago-Illinos".($temp[1]+1); //the text and the number+1
I would use a regular expression to get the number at the end of a string (for Java it would be [0-9]+$), increase it (int number = Integer.parse(yourNumberAsString) + 1), and concatenate with Chicago-Illinos (the rest not matched by the regular expression used for finding the number).
You can use preg_match to accomplish this:
$name = 'Chicago-Illinos10';
preg_match('/(.*?)(\d+)$/', $name, $match);
$base = $match[1];
$num = $match[2]+1;
print $base.$num;
The following will output:
However, if it's possible, I'd suggest placing another delimiting character between the text and number. For example, if you placed a pipe, you could simply do an explode and grab the second part of the array. It would be much simpler.
$name = 'Chicago-Illinos|1';
$parts = explode('|', $name);
print $parts[0].($parts[1]+1);
If string length is a concern (thus the misspelling of Illinois), you could switch to the state abbreviations. (i.e. Chicago-IL|1)
$str = 'Chicago-Illinos1';
echo ++$str;
