How to make update endpoint more general purpose? (PHP) - php

I have a function in my API to update the name of a person in an SQLite database. You give it the ID of the name you wish to change and the new name.
How can I build a function in a way that allows me to update a wide range of fields in the database? even things from different tables?
I started off trying to use parameters to switch which SQL query is executed, but this feels a bit clunky and not scalable. Is there a better way?
Current code:
private function json_update_authors() {
$input = json_decode(file_get_contents("php://input"));
$query = "UPDATE authors SET name = :name WHERE authorId = :authorId";
$params = ["name" => $input->name, "authorId" => $input->authorId];
$res = $this->recordset->getJSONRecordSet($query, $params);
return json_encode(array("status" => 200, "message" => "ok"));

You can achieve what you want, but before reading the details, I recommend contemplating about what you would like to restrict this to, because if there is a file your function blindly trusts, then, should malicious input be inside that file, your database can easily be hacked. So, you should have a whitelist of tables/fields that you allow to be updated and apply that.
Decoding JSON
json_decode decodes your JSON into an object that you do not foresee its members. However, according to the documentation you can iterate this object like:
foreach ($obj as $key => $value) {
echo "$key => $value\n";
However, json_decode can decode your JSON into an array as well, like:
$input = json_decode(file_get_contents("php://input"), true);
I personally prefer to decode JSON into arrays, but you can operate with the first approach as well. In both cases, you can iterate the array in a similar manner as described above.
Recommended format
Your update has an anatomy as follows:
So, I would recommend that you could use a JSON representation of your input, that has a tableName field, which is a string, a fields field, which is an array of key-value pairs, the keys representing the fields to be updated and the values representing the values to update to and finally a filter field, which, if we intend to be very elegant, could also be an array of objects of key-value pairs, the keys representing the fields you are to filter by and the values representing the values you would filter with. A sample Javascript object that would comply to this format would look like the following:
{ //Your query
tableName: 'authors',
name: 'somename'
authorId: 123
{ //Some other example
tableName: 'books',
isbn: 'someisbn',
title: 'sometitle'
pageNumber: 123,
weight: '5kg'
I have given an example above, of two objects, so you can see that:
several updates can be notified in the JSON
you can update several fields in a single command
you can filter by several fields
I should mention that this is a rabbit hole, because you might want to vary the operator as well, but since this is a mere answer, I do not write a full elegant project for its purpose. Instead of that, let me just tell you that there is a lot of room for improvement, operator dynamicity springs to mind instantly as an improvement that you may need.
How to generate an update query:
//assuming that $JSON is a variable holding such values as describe in the previous chapter
foreach ($JSON as $obj) {
$tableName = $obj['tableName'];
$fields = [];
$filters = [];
$params = [];
$toExecute = isset($whiteList['tables'][$tableName]);
foreach ($obj['fields'] as $key => $value) {
$params['field_value'.$key] = $value;
$toExecute = $toExecute && isset($whiteList['fields'][$key]);
foreach ($obj['filters'] as $key => $value) {
$params['filter_value'.$key] = $value;
$toExecute = $toExecute && isset($whiteList['filters'][$key]);
I have used a whitelist above to make sure that the queries will not update tables/fields using filters where the name of the table/field/filter is either badly formatted, malicious or unwanted. This code is untested, it might well contain typos, but the idea should be a good starting point.


php: how to parse graphQl query string to get the operation names

I would like to allow certain graphQl operations only for certain api users based on a confguration. Our stack is Symfony 6.2 + overblog/GraphQLBundle.
My current approach is to check in the authenticate method of a custom authenticator, if the current operation is cleared in the allowed operations config of the user. For this I would like to parse the graphql query into a kind of array, that I can interpret easily.
Anybody knows how this can be done? I was scanning the underlying webonyx/graphql-php library, but can not see how they do it.
As a simple example:
query myLatestPosts($followablesToFilter: [FollowableInput], $limit: Int, $offset: Int) {
my_latest_posts(followablesToFilter: $followablesToFilter, limit: $limit, offset: $offset) {
From this I would like to retrieve the operations my_latest_posts and my_roles.
Update 1
it's probably possible to write a simple lexer utilising preg_split - I'm just hesitating, as I'm sure someone has done this already... The spec appears to be well defined.
Alright, so it turned out webonyx/graphql-php has indeed all the lowlevel function needed for this :D. Especially the Visitor is very useful here.
With this code you can drill down the query to get the operation names (or selections, as they are called in the code)
This works for me:
use GraphQL\Language\AST\NodeKind;
use GraphQL\Language\Parser;
use GraphQL\Language\Visitor;
// whatever comes before
// ...
$graphQlRequest = json_decode($request->getContent(), true, 512, JSON_THROW_ON_ERROR);
$operations = [];
Visitor::visit(Parser::parse($graphQlRequest['query']), [
NodeKind::OPERATION_DEFINITION => function ($node) use (&$operations) {
// $node contains the whole graphQL query in a structured way
$selections = array_map(function ($selection) {
return $selection['name']['value'];
}, $node->toArray()['selectionSet']['selections']);
foreach ($selections as $selection) {
$operations[] = $selection;
return Visitor::stop();
The result of $operations is then for my example above:
[0] => my_latest_posts
[1] => my_roles
And this information is all I need to decide weather the user should have access to the endpoint or not.

How To Search In Multiple Columns In Json File Array?

I have a json file with this content :
"id": "apple",
"symbol": "app",
"name": "Apple",
I Want To Search In This Json File In id Or symbol Or name Columns,
I Write This Code :
$nameOrIDOrSymbol="apple"; // user types id or symbol or name.
$names= json_decode(file_get_contents("file.json", true), true);
$name_key1 = array_search($nameOrIDOrSymbol,array_column($names, 'id')
$name_key2 = array_search($nameOrIDOrSymbol,array_column($names, 'name');
$name_key3 = array_search($nameOrIDOrSymbol,array_column($names, 'symbol');
How Can I Search In This Three 3 Array Columns Only Once With array_search Or Another Function? For example search like this :
$name_key = array_search($nameOrIDOrSymbol,array_column($names, 'id','name','symbol')
Currently you search first in the 'id' column, then in the 'name' column, and finally in the 'symbol' column. If, at any stage, you encounter a match you return the array key. If you want to keep this functionality you have to look through the columns in that order.
You could combine the three columns into one array, juggle a bit with the keys, and do a single search that way, but I don't think that's very efficient.
Why not restructure you code a bit? For instance like this:
$query = 'apple';
$columns = ['id', 'name', 'symbol'];
$data = json_decode(file_get_contents('file.json', true), true);
foreach ($columns as $column) {
$key = array_search($query, array_column($data, $column);
if ($key !== false) break;
Now you've only used array_search() once, in a way.
This code is more efficient than yours because it stops searching as soon as it has found 'apple' in a column. Your code always searches through all columns.
Note that I actually check that array_search() returns false, unlike what you did, which would not have responded when this functions returned key zero.
Also note that, if ever the need arises, you can now easily add more columns without having to add more repeating lines of code.

A csv file has a state, county, and data on each line. How can I use PHP associative arrays to convert to states=>counties=>county=>data

My data looks like:
countyFIPS,County Name,State,stateFIPS,1/22/20,1/23/20,1/24/20,1/25/20,....
1001,Autauga County,AL,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,....
I've been able to retrieve it using an Ajax call and collect it into a simple PHP array, then convert it to json to use in my javascript application. While it appears that the data is all counties of a state, followed by the same configuration for the next state, there is no guarantee that it won't be mixed up in some later set of data.
I'm an old Fortran programmer, and would tend to build a hash table for the "states", then check if the state exists in the hash table. If not create a new hash table and add this empty hash table as the value for the key with the name of the state to the "state" hash table. Then check the state hash table to see if it has a key for the county. Again, if it doesn't, then add an empty array as the value for the key with the county name and add that to the state hash table, then proceed to put the values for that row into the county array. I know this will work, but thought maybe there was some clever way to use associative arrays in PHP to accomplish the same thing.
I look at array_filter, but can't seem to figure out how to adapt it to this case. Are there other functions that might work here?
Then, once I have this structure of
$nested_object = { state1=>{county1,county2,county3...},state2=>{counties}},
and those counties have:
how can I easily convert this to a json structure? Should it have other keys like "states", and within a state "counties". From looking at Haroldo's question "Convert a PHP object to an associative array" of Dec 3, 2010, it appears like I would use:
$array = json_decode(json_encode($nested_object), true);
Will this give me the structure I am looking for?
I want to end up with a structure that I can ask for the states as a set of keys, then for a selected state ask for the counties in that state as a set of keys, and upon selecting one, get the array of values for that state/county. This has to run on a server with potentially a large amount of data and a moderate amount of hits per unit time so I wanted as reasonably efficient way as possible.
I want to end up with a structure that I can ask for the states as a set of keys, then for a selected state ask for the counties in that state as a set of keys, and upon selecting one, get the array of values for that state/county
Okay, so you need something like:
$structure = [
'AL' => [
'counties' => [
'FIPS1' => 'County1',
'FIPS2' => 'County2',
'data' => [
'FIPS1' => [
[ 'date1' => value1, 'date2' => value2, 'date3' => value3... ]
'AK' => [ ... ]
You can do that using array_map() and a lambda function writing to $structure, but... in my experience, it is not worth it.
Best to do like you said:
while ($row = get_another_row()) {
$countyFIPS = array_unshift($row);
$countyName = array_unshift($row);
$stateName = array_unshift($row);
$stateFIPS = array_unshift($row);
if (!array_key_exists($stateName, $structure)) {
$structure[$stateName] = [
'counties' => [ ],
'data' => [ ],
if (!array_key_exists($countyFIPS, $structure[$stateName]['counties'])) {
$structure[$stateName]['counties'][$countyFIPS] = $countyName;
$structure[$stateName]['data'][$countyFIPS] = [ ];
// Now here you will have $headers, obtained from the header row unshifting
// the first four fields.
foreach ($headers as $i => $key) {
$structure[$stateName]['data'][$countyFIPS][$key] = $row[$i];
This way if you add two CSVs with different dates, the code will still work properly. Dates will not be sorted though, but you can do that with a nested array_map and the aksort function.
To output this in JSON, just use json_encode on $structure.

Laravel Eloquent: how to filter multiple and/or criteria single table

I am making a real estate related app and I've been having a hard time figuring out how to set up the query so that it would return "Only Apartments or Duplexes within selected areas" I'd like to user to be able to find multiple types of property in multiple selected quadrants of the city.
I have a database with a column "type" which is either "Apartment", "House", "Duplex", "Mobile"
In another column I have quadrant_main with values: "NW", "SW", "NE", "SE".
My code works when there is only 1 quadrant selected, but when I select multiple quadrants, I seem to get results which includes ALL the property types from the second or third or 4th quadrant, instead of only "Apartment" and "Duplex" or whatever types the user selects... Any help will be appreciated! thx in advance.
My controller function looks like this:
public function quadrants()
$input = \Request::all();
$currentPage = null;
$column = "price";
$order = "desc";
// Looks like the input is like 0 => { key: value } ...
// (an Array of key/value pairs)
$q = Listing::where('status','=','Active')->where(function($query) {
$input = \Request::all();
$currentPage = null;
$typeCount = 0;
$quadrantCount = 0;
foreach( $input as $index => $object ) {
$tempObj = json_decode($object);
$key = key((array)$tempObj);
$val = current((array)$tempObj);
if ( $key == "type" ) {
if ( $typeCount > 0 ) {
$query->orWhere('type', '=', $val );
else {
$query->where('type', '=', $val );
if ( $key == "quadrant_main" ) {
if ( $quadrantCount > 0 ) {
$query->orWhere('quadrant_main', '=', $val );
else {
$query->where('quadrant_main', '=', $val );
// else {
// $query->orWhere($key,$val);
// }
if( $currentPage ) {
//Force Current Page to Page of Val
Paginator::currentPageResolver(function() use ($currentPage) {
return $currentPage;
$listings = $q->paginate(10);
return $listings;
Looking at your question, its a bit confusing and not much is given to answer definitely. Probable causes of your troubles may be bad data in database, or maybe corrupted input by user.
Disclaimer: Please note that chances are my answer will not work for you at all.
In that case please provide more information and we will work things
There is one thing that I think you have overlooked and thus you are getting awry results. First let me assume a few things.
I think a sample user input should look like this:
0: '{type: Apartment}',
1: '{type: Duplex}',
2: '{quadrant_main: NW}',
3: '{quadrant_main: SW}',
What the user meant was give me any apartment or duplex which belongs in NW or SW region.
So after your loop is over, the final SQL statement should be something like this:
Oh and while we are at SQL topic, you can also log the actual
generated SQL query in laravel so you can actually see what was the
final SQL getting generated. If you can post it here, it would help a
lot. Look here.
select * from listings where status = 'Active' and (type = 'Apartment' or type = 'Duplex' and quadrant_main = 'NW' or quadrant_main = 'SW');
What this query will actually produce is this:
Select any listing which is active and:
1. Type is an apartment, or,
2. Type is a duplex, or,
3. Quadrant is SW, and,
4. Quadrant is NW
So assuming you have a database like this:
You will only receive 1, and 5 in the result set. This result set is obviously wrong, plus it is depended on NW because that was the and condition.
The correct SQL query would be:
select * from listings where status = 'Active' and (type = 'Apartment' or type = 'Duplex') and (quadrant_main = 'NW' or quadrant_main = 'SW');
So structure your L5 app such that it produces this kind of SQL query. Instead of trying to cram everything in one loop, have two loops. One loop should only handle type and another loop should only handle quadrant_main. This way you will have the necessary and condition in the right places.
As a side note:
Never directly use user input. Always sanitize it first.
Its not a best practice to put all your logic in the controller. Use repository pattern. See here.
Multiple where clauses are generally applied via Criteria. Check that out in the above linked repository pattern.
You code logic is very complicated and utterly un-necessary. Instead of sending JSON objects, simply send the state of checkboxes. Don't try to generalize the function by going in loop. Instead handle all checkboxes one by one i.e. is "Apartments" selected, if yes, add that to your clause, if not, don't add.

Database logging in Zend Framework 2: wrong "extra" column name

I want to save log entries to my MySQL database from Zend Framework 2. I am using Zend\Log\Logger with a Zend\Log\Writer\Db writer. By supplying the writer with an array, one can choose which columns to save what data to (e.g. timestamp into a "log_date" column) and which data to save. Here is what I am doing:
$logger = new Zend\Log\Logger();
$mapping = array(
'timestamp' => 'timestamp_column',
'priority' => 'priority_column',
'message' => 'message_column',
'extra' => 'extra_column'
$logger->addWriter(new Zend\Log\Writer\Db($dbAdapter, 'table_name', $mapping));
$logger->err('some message', array('some extra information'));
The problem I am facing is that the array of column names and their values contain an incorrect column name for the "extra" column. Based on the array above, it should be inserting the value "some extra information" into the "extra_column" column. The problem is that the Zend\Log\Writer\Db class is using the letter "e" as the name of the extra column. This comes from the first letter of "extra_column" in my array above. For some reason, it is taking the first letter of "extra_column" and using it as the column name instead of the entire value.
I took a look at the source code. The mapEventIntoColumn method is being used to get the column names and values as an array. I copied in the relevant part of the method below.
// Example:
// $event = array('extra' => array(0 => 'some extra information'));
// $columnMap = array('extra' => 'extra_column');
// Return: array('e' => 'some extra information')
// Expected (without looking at the code below): array('extra_column' => 'some extra information')
protected function mapEventIntoColumn(array $event, array $columnMap = null) {
$data = array();
foreach ($event as $name => $value) {
if (is_array($value)) {
foreach ($value as $key => $subvalue) {
if (isset($columnMap[$name][$key])) {
$data[$columnMap[$name][$key]] = $subvalue;
return $data;
The $event parameter is an array containing the same keys as my $mapping array in my first code snippet and the values for the log message. The $columnMap parameter is the $mapping array from my first code snippet (array values are column names).
What actually seems to happen is that because I am passing in extra information as an array (this is required), the inner foreach loop is executed. Here, $key is 0 (the index) so it is actually doing like this: $columnMap['extra'][0]. This gives the letter "e" (the first letter in "extra_column"), which is used as the column name, where it should be the entire column name instead.
I tried to supply my own key in the extra array when calling the log method, but the same happens. The official documentation shows no examples of usage of the extra parameter. I want to insert information that can help me debug errors into my table, so I would like to use it.
Is this a bug or am I missing something? It seems really strange to me! I hope I explained it well enough - it is quite tricky!
Since Daniel M has not yet posted his comment as an answer, I will refer you to his comment which solved the problem.
