Display the total of the SUM (price * quantity) from SELECT query [duplicate] - php

I have a column in a table that I would like to add up and return the sum. I have a loop, but it's not working.
while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)){
$sum += $row['Value'];
echo $sum;

You can completely handle it in the MySQL query:
SELECT SUM(column_name) FROM table_name;
Using PDO (mysql_query is deprecated)
$stmt = $handler->prepare('SELECT SUM(value) AS value_sum FROM codes');
$row = $stmt->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
$sum = $row['value_sum'];
Or using mysqli:
$result = mysqli_query($conn, 'SELECT SUM(value) AS value_sum FROM codes');
$row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($result);
$sum = $row['value_sum'];

$query = "SELECT * FROM tableName";
$query_run = mysql_query($query);
$qty= 0;
while ($num = mysql_fetch_assoc ($query_run)) {
$qty += $num['ColumnName'];
echo $qty;

Try this:
$sql = mysql_query("SELECT SUM(Value) as total FROM Codes");
$row = mysql_fetch_array($sql);
$sum = $row['total'];

Let us use the following image as an example for the data in our MySQL Database:
Now, as the question mentions, we need to find the sum of a particular column in a table. For example, let us add all the values of column "duration_sec" for the date '09-10-2018' and only status 'off'
For this condition, the following would be the sql query and code:
$sql_qry = "SELECT SUM(duration_sec) AS count
FROM tbl_npt
WHERE date='09-10-2018' AND status='off'";
$duration = $connection->query($sql_qry);
$record = $duration->fetch_array();
$total = $record['count'];
echo $total;

MySQL 5.6 (LAMP) . column_value is the column you want to add up. table_name is the table.
Method #1
$qry = "SELECT column_value AS count
FROM table_name ";
$res = $db->query($qry);
$total = 0;
while ($rec = $db->fetchAssoc($res)) {
$total += $rec['count'];
echo "Total: " . $total . "\n";
Method #2
$qry = "SELECT SUM(column_value) AS count
FROM table_name ";
$res = $db->query($qry);
$total = 0;
$rec = $db->fetchAssoc($res);
$total = $rec['count'];
echo "Total: " . $total . "\n";
Method #3 -SQLi
$qry = "SELECT SUM(column_value) AS count
FROM table_name ";
$res = $conn->query($sql);
$total = 0;
$rec = row = $res->fetch_assoc();
$total = $rec['count'];
echo "Total: " . $total . "\n";
Method #4: Depreciated (don't use)
$res = mysql_query('SELECT SUM(column_value) AS count FROM table_name');
$row = mysql_fetch_assoc($res);
$sum = $row['count'];

$row['Value'] is probably a string. Try using intval($row['Value']).
Also, make sure you set $sum = 0 before the loop.
Or, better yet, add SUM(Value) AS Val_Sum to your SQL query.

$result=mysql_query("SELECT SUM(column) AS total_value FROM table name WHERE column='value'");

Get Sum Of particular row value using PHP MYSQL
"SELECT SUM(filed_name) from table_name"

$sql = "SELECT SUM(Value) FROM Codes";
$result = mysql_query($query);
while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)){
sum = $row['SUM(price)'];
echo sum;


How to fetch single row data from php?

for ($i=$start; $i<$start+$scale && $i < $total_record; $i++)
$sql = "select * from memo where num = ?";
$stmh = $pdo->prepare($sql);
//mysql_data_seek($result, $i);
$row = mysql_fetch_array($result);
$sql2 = "select * from phptest.memo order by num desc";
$stmh2 = $pdo->query($sql2);
//$row = $stmh2->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
$row = $stmh->fetchColumn($i-1);
$memo_id = $row['id'];
$memo_num = $row['num'];
$memo_date = $row['regist_day'];
$memo_nick = $row['nick'];
$memo_content = $row['content'];
Hi guys i want fetch single row data by using PDO method instead of $row = $stmh2->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC); like mysqli_data_seek($result,$i);. What should i do?
$sql2 = "select * from phptest.memo order by num desc";
$stmh2 = $pdo->query($sql2);
while($r = $stmh2->fetch()) {$row[] = $r;}
Now $row[$i] should be getting you the same results as mysqli_data_seek($result,$i) would have.
IE: $row[0] would return the first row.

Array to string conversion in mysql while loop

Following is my code,
$result1 = "SELECT emp_id FROM employee where manager_id=".$userID;
$array = mysql_query($result1);
$cnt = 0;
while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($array)) {
"emp_id: " . $row[0];
$myArrayOfemp_id[$cnt] = $row[0];
$sql = "SELECT emp_id FROM emp_leaves WHERE emp_id='$myArrayOfemp_id' ORDER BY apply_date DESC";
$result = mysql_query($sql);
$total_results = mysql_num_rows($result);
When I'am trying to use $myArrayOfemp_id variable in $sql query, It shows that error:
Array to string conversion in..
How can I fix it?
You are trying to convert an array into a string in the following line:
$sql = "SELECT emp_id FROM emp_leaves
WHERE emp_id='$myArrayOfemp_id' ORDER BY apply_date DESC";
$myArrayOfemp_id is an array. That previous line of code should be changed to:
$sql = "SELECT emp_id FROM emp_leaves
WHERE emp_id={$myArrayOfemp_id[0]} ORDER BY apply_date DESC";
I placed 0 inside {$myArrayOfemp_id[0]} because I'm not sure what value want to use that is inside the array.
After discussing what the user wanted in the question, it seems the user wanted to use all the values inside the array in the sql statement, so here is a solution for that specific case:
$sql = "SELECT emp_id FROM emp_leaves
foreach ($myArrayOfemp_id as $value)
$sql .= " emp_id={$value) || ";
$sql .= "1=2";
$result = mysql_query($sql);
$total_results = mysql_num_rows($result);
$sql = "SELECT emp_id FROM emp_leaves WHERE emp_id in
(SELECT GROUP_CONCAT(emp_id) FROM employee where manager_id=".$userID.")
ORDER BY apply_date DESC";
$result = mysql_query($sql);
$total_results = mysql_num_rows($result);
just change your query like above might solve your problem.
you can remove following code now. :)
$result1 = "SELECT emp_id FROM employee where manager_id=".$userID;
$array = mysql_query($result1);
$cnt = 0;
while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($array)) {
"emp_id: " . $row[0];
$myArrayOfemp_id[$cnt] = $row[0];

SELECT Count php/sql

I am trying to store a mysql value into a php variable. I have the following query which I know works. However, I the value for $count is always 0. Can someone explain what I need to do to get the count value? The count should be the count of x's w here name_x=.$id.
$query = "SELECT COUNT(name_x) FROM Status where name_x=.$id.";
$result = mysql_query($query);
$count = $result;
Is first letter in table name is really capital. Please check it first.
or Try :
$query = "SELECT COUNT(*) as totalno FROM Status where name_x=".$id;
$result = mysql_query($query);
$count = $data['totalno'];
echo $count;
$query = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `Status` where `name_x`= $id";
$result = mysql_query($query);
$row = mysql_fetch_row($result);
$count = $row[0];
please try it
$query = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM Status where name_x=$id";
$result = mysql_query($query);
$count = mysql_result($result, 0);
You are missing single quotes around $id. Should be
name_x = '" . $id . "'";

problem with calculating all elements in array

$query = $db->query("SELECT * FROM orders");
while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($query)) {
$cost= array_sum($row['cost']);
This is not working, I want to to calculate the sum of all elements but I get this error:
Warning: array_sum() expects parameter
1 to be array, string given in
on line 303
Any idea how to calculate all the elements coming from mysql?
Thank you for your time and help.
Why not let MYSQL handle it?
$query = $db->query("SELECT orders.*,SUM(cost) as sum_cost FROM orders");
If its just a sum you want you can let the database do it for you:
Select sum(cost) from orders
Try this:
$query = $db->query("SELECT * FROM orders");
$cost = 0;
while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($query)) {
$cost += $row['cost'];
Or from mysql:
$query = $db->query("SELECT sum(`cost`) as `cost` FROM orders");
while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($query)) {
$cost = $row['cost'];
this should work:
$query = $db->query("SELECT * FROM orders");
$cost = 0;
while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($query)) {
$cost += $row['cost'];
or even better
$query = $db->query("SELECT SUM(cost) FROM orders");
list($cost) = mysql_fetch_row($query);
Really, it sounds like you just want the sum.
'SELECT SUM(cost) as sum_cost FROM ORDERS'

Get sum of MySQL column in PHP

I have a column in a table that I would like to add up and return the sum. I have a loop, but it's not working.
while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)){
$sum += $row['Value'];
echo $sum;
You can completely handle it in the MySQL query:
SELECT SUM(column_name) FROM table_name;
Using PDO (mysql_query is deprecated)
$stmt = $handler->prepare('SELECT SUM(value) AS value_sum FROM codes');
$row = $stmt->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
$sum = $row['value_sum'];
Or using mysqli:
$result = mysqli_query($conn, 'SELECT SUM(value) AS value_sum FROM codes');
$row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($result);
$sum = $row['value_sum'];
$query = "SELECT * FROM tableName";
$query_run = mysql_query($query);
$qty= 0;
while ($num = mysql_fetch_assoc ($query_run)) {
$qty += $num['ColumnName'];
echo $qty;
Try this:
$sql = mysql_query("SELECT SUM(Value) as total FROM Codes");
$row = mysql_fetch_array($sql);
$sum = $row['total'];
Let us use the following image as an example for the data in our MySQL Database:
Now, as the question mentions, we need to find the sum of a particular column in a table. For example, let us add all the values of column "duration_sec" for the date '09-10-2018' and only status 'off'
For this condition, the following would be the sql query and code:
$sql_qry = "SELECT SUM(duration_sec) AS count
FROM tbl_npt
WHERE date='09-10-2018' AND status='off'";
$duration = $connection->query($sql_qry);
$record = $duration->fetch_array();
$total = $record['count'];
echo $total;
MySQL 5.6 (LAMP) . column_value is the column you want to add up. table_name is the table.
Method #1
$qry = "SELECT column_value AS count
FROM table_name ";
$res = $db->query($qry);
$total = 0;
while ($rec = $db->fetchAssoc($res)) {
$total += $rec['count'];
echo "Total: " . $total . "\n";
Method #2
$qry = "SELECT SUM(column_value) AS count
FROM table_name ";
$res = $db->query($qry);
$total = 0;
$rec = $db->fetchAssoc($res);
$total = $rec['count'];
echo "Total: " . $total . "\n";
Method #3 -SQLi
$qry = "SELECT SUM(column_value) AS count
FROM table_name ";
$res = $conn->query($sql);
$total = 0;
$rec = row = $res->fetch_assoc();
$total = $rec['count'];
echo "Total: " . $total . "\n";
Method #4: Depreciated (don't use)
$res = mysql_query('SELECT SUM(column_value) AS count FROM table_name');
$row = mysql_fetch_assoc($res);
$sum = $row['count'];
$row['Value'] is probably a string. Try using intval($row['Value']).
Also, make sure you set $sum = 0 before the loop.
Or, better yet, add SUM(Value) AS Val_Sum to your SQL query.
$result=mysql_query("SELECT SUM(column) AS total_value FROM table name WHERE column='value'");
Get Sum Of particular row value using PHP MYSQL
"SELECT SUM(filed_name) from table_name"
$sql = "SELECT SUM(Value) FROM Codes";
$result = mysql_query($query);
while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)){
sum = $row['SUM(price)'];
echo sum;
