Elementor custom widget default font family - php

I'm creating custom widget of Elementor
I can set default font color using below code
'name' => 'countdown_text',
'label' => __( 'Countdown day', 'plugin-domain' ),
'scheme' => Elementor\Core\Schemes\Typography::TYPOGRAPHY_1,
'default' => '#733D1F',
'selector' => '{{WRAPPER}} .sp-hero-countdown .sp-hero-countdown-text',
I would like to set default font-family for custom title widget.font-family select drop-down
We have checked elementor developers documentation, but haven't found any solution, We want to add a default font family for the custom title widget, Please help us to resolve this issue. your help will be highly appreciated.


Update user repeater meta (ACF) with another user meta field value

My goal is to get a signed-in user to select a color( via front end form and saved in ACF user meta field group) that will be applied to another user meta field inside a repeater. The field must be the same for each row inside the repeater ( for front-end design reasons ). I am using ACF pro, and a plugin called ACF Front end admin (let's call it FEA from now on) for the front-end form. I'm pretty new to PHP and have referenced ACF & FEA's s documentation, which can be found below, spin up a custom function. I am currently running this through the code snippets plugin if this helps. I've run an error log and nothing related to this shows. Tried running this through wp-config and it crashes my site.
Front end admin documentation
ACF documentation - update sub field
ACF documentation - getting values from a user
Edit, Additional information:
ACF Field composition of 'button color' (color of the buttons that user wants displayed in front end, and saved as user meta):
'key' => 'group_60000aaa00000',
'title' => 'Color Selector',
'fields' => array(
'key' => 'field_60000aaa00000',
'label' => 'Button color',
'name' => 'button_color',
'type' => 'color_picker',
Button color in repeater field that needs to updated based on the above mentioned 'button_color' meta value:
'key' => 'group_70000bbb00000',
'title' => 'front end user profile',
'fields' => array(
'key' => 'field_70000bbb00000',
'label' => 'Quick Link selector',
'name' => 'quick_link_selector',
'type' => 'repeater',
'key' => 'field_70000ccc00000',
'label' => 'repeater button color',
'name' => 'repeater_button_color',
'type' => 'text',
The title of the forum is: "QL color selector form" (created through the FEA plugin) and has a short code of [frontend_admin form="3030"] if this helps.
I'm running the following code with no luck and would really appreciate any help!
/// Hooks into any(?) form and does something
add_action('acf_frontend/save_user', 'retrieve_colors_2_update', 10, 2);
function retrieve_colors_2_update( $form, $user_id ) {
$user = get_user_by('ID',$user_id);
//get important fields
$btn_color = get_field('button_color', 'user_' .$user_id);
//// update a repeater loop (ACF)
if( have_rows('quick_link_selector', 'user_'.$user_id) ) {
$i = 0;
while( have_rows('quick_link_selector') ) {
update_sub_field('repeater_button_color', $btn_color );

Wordpress Customizer keeps hiding custom sections

I have custom plugin that adds Customizer sections and options.
The sections can be seen briefly on the customizer screen but then disappear. This behavior is happening on all themes (I am using my plugin on other sites).
Maybe it might be because the setting fields are not used in the theme yet, but even if I create my own theme (for which this plugin is mainly used) and add echo get_theme_mod('setting-key') somewhere in the themes code, the sections are still being hidden by wordpress.
I have clean Wordpress install version 5.2.2, using default Twenty Nineteen theme with only jQuery updater plugin active. I have checked all JS code for potential errors and any hiding happening, but nothing on my part can be causing this.
This is how I am adding sections, in customize_register hook:
add_action('customize_register', 'setup_section');
function setup_section($wp_customize){
// Add section
$wp_customize->add_section('section_id', array(
'title' => 'Section Title',
'priority' => 160,
// Add settings for a field
$wp_customize->add_setting('setting_id', array(
'default' => '',
'transport' => 'refresh',
// Add the field into a section and assign setting id
$wp_customize->add_control('setting_id', array(
'label' => 'Option Label',
'section' => 'section_id',
'settings' => 'setting_id',
'type' => 'text',
The PHP code is working as expected, but after the page loads, all my custom sections get display: none; inline css added and the sections disappear.
Any help is appreciated.
Another reason why the custom sections kept hidden is when they don't have any controls. When a section is empty WordPress hides it by default.
Here's a full working piece of code for adding a section within Customizer with one control:
function mytheme_customize_register( $wp_customize ) {
$wp_customize->add_section('footer_settings_section', array(
'title' => 'Footer Text Section'
$wp_customize->add_setting('text_setting', array(
'default' => 'Default Text For Footer Section',
$wp_customize->add_control('text_setting', array(
'label' => 'Footer Text Here',
'section' => 'footer_settings_section',
'type' => 'textarea',
add_action( 'customize_register', 'mytheme_customize_register' );

Change home text and URL in Yii2 Breadcrumbs widget

I want to change default text "Home" and also the URL for home.
While searching on it I found suggestion that need to set homeUrl but I don't have any idea where to set it.
Please ask for code if you need it.
You need to configure $homeLink property:
echo Breadcrumbs::widget([
'homeLink' => [
'label' => 'My name',
'url' => '/my/url',
'links' => [
// your items
// rest of widget config

Magento custom dependent category attributes

I have some custom attributes for my project.
Attribute1 : Use in home page sidebar(yes/no)
if it is yes show the below attribute.
Attribute2 : Browse image
I want to add attribute2 based on the attribute1. Only when the Use in Home Page Sidebar is enabled , my new attribute will be shown below of the current. I.e., it will be a dependent attribute. Does somebody know the script for adding dependent attributes in Magento?
Previously i added custom attributes by
$this->addAttribute(Mage_Catalog_Model_Category::ENTITY, 'use_home_page_side_bar', array(
'group' => 'General',
'input' => 'select',
'type' => 'int',
'label' => 'Use in Home Page Sidebar',
'backend' => '',
'source' => 'eav/entity_attribute_source_boolean',
'visible' => true,
'required' => false,
'visible_on_front' => true,
'global' => Mage_Catalog_Model_Resource_Eav_Attribute::SCOPE_GLOBAL,
Like this script, is there any script for adding dependent attributes?
If you are working on admin forms, then a class exists for automatically hiding elements when the value of fields change.
Below is an example which shows field dependency.
$form = new Varien_Data_Form();
$form->addField('yesno', 'select', array(
'label' => $this->__('Yes or No?'),
'values' => Mage::model('adminhtml/system_config_source_yesnocustom')
$form->addField('custom_value', text, array(
'label' => $this->__('Other'),
// Append dependency javascript
$this->setChild('form_after', $this->getLayout()
->addFieldMap('yesno', 'yesno')
->addFieldMap('custom_value', 'custom_value')
->addFieldDependence('custom_value', 'yesno', 2) // 2 = 'Specified'
You need to map every field name to an element ID. You can add as many field mappings and field dependencies in this way as you wish.
I have created simple category attribute dependency by adding new input renderer for attribute. It is working this way:
You have several attributes:
– my_attribute
– my_attribute_text
– my_attribute_select
Note that they all start from my_attribute.
First attribute has boolean type. When it is set to true – other attributes that start from my_attribute is visible.
Source - https://github.com/elpas0/category_dependence
Description - http://nwdthemes.com/2015/02/20/magento-category-attributes-dependency/

WPAlchemy Meta Box: Place meta box on specific post / page... conflict with "types" argument

I'm using the WPAlchemy class to create a metabox. I want to place this metabox in a number of post editors in the backend.
Currently it's working just fine with the following code:
$video_metabox = new WPAlchemy_MetaBox(array
'id' => '_videoMeta',
'title' => 'Videos',
'types' => array('characters','homepage'),
'template' => THEMEASSETS . '/functions/video_meta.php'
What I want to do though is additionally place the metabox on the post editor for post ID #22. Supposedly the following code should work:
$video_metabox = new WPAlchemy_MetaBox(array
'id' => '_videoMeta',
'title' => 'Videos',
'types' => array('characters','homepage'),
'template' => THEMEASSETS . '/functions/video_meta.php',
'include_post_id' => 22
But it doesn't work unless I add in 'page' into the array of post types, which adds the metabox to all pages (not just post ID 22).
Is there a way to use poth the types and the include post ID arguments?
I had the same issue. Acutally, I had set a metabox to two custom post types and wanted it to be displayed on a specific page.
$video_metabox = new WPAlchemy_MetaBox(array(
'id' => '_videoMeta',
'title' => 'Videos',
'types' => array('characters','homepage', 'page'),
'template' => THEMEASSETS . '/functions/video_meta.php',
'include_post_id' => 22
Just add the bult in 'page' post type and everything should work fine. It did for me.
