I'm using the paypal REST API using PHP as backend. And the challenge I have is the pay in 4 and pay monthly options while I want instant full payment for less than 100$.
Is there a way to disable it while calling the API to set the limit higher for pay later?
Image showing Paypal Pay later options
I am selling digital products (Airtime and internet bundles) so I want instant payment. Your help is appreciated.
Thank you.
Within the PayPal.com checkout, all the funding sources result in the receiver receiving a single payment. All the receiving account will know is that it received a successful PayPal payment. All billing details and information about the funding source used -- be it a card, bank, Pay Later, or any other local funding source -- are not visible to the receiving account, and kept private by design.
Using the JS SDK, it is possible to enable and control the display of the Pay Later button as well as other payment method buttons/messaging on your own site. However, this only affects what is displayed on your own site. It does not change what may or may not be available in the PayPal.com checkout page depending on the country and location of the payer, currency, amount, and intent of the transaction, etc.
Hi we are creating a mobile app for marketplace where we are hoping to get eBay model implemented. Where buyer will pay the seller and we will take our cut from the seller. We actually don't want to get payment ourself for the sale and handle the disputes for order shipping or chargebacks.
When a sale is done on our app, the buyer should send the payment to the sellers paypal and then Paypal will handle all the other stuff regarding that like disputes or chargebacks.
I want seller to link his paypal account to our app and we will take permissions for future payments and maintain a record where we can calculate his fee regarding sales made on our platform. Paypal Mobile SDK support this feature.
But my question here is how can we automate the original purchase process? One option is when a sale is done, we will send invoice from seller side to the buyer (possible using Paypal REST API) and open invoice pay link on the buyer side. Once the buyer pay the invoice and transfer the funds to the seller we will know that sale is approved successfully because as a Paypal facilitator we have access to that invoice (we actually sent that invoice to the buyer as we have permissions of invoicing of seller account).
But what if we don't want invoicing system? Can we implement anything where buyer will send the funds to the seller without generating an invoice from our app. Like when a sale initiated, we will present buyer a page where he will pay directly to the seller (without us involved) and we will track that transaction and make outstanding cut on that sale?
My Research so far
Payapl mobile SDK for iOS don't allow us to take permissions for invoicing, we can take single, future or profile sharing permissions in app
Paypal Rest API allow us to take permissions for invoicing but not for future payments (that is necessary to take our cut from the seller's account)
If we use Paypal Mobile SDK, we can take funds in our account but not directly to our sellers account
Adaptive payments is an option where can take funds from buyers and after deducting our cut send the rest to the buyer but in that case we will be primary recipient and seller will be secondary, being a primary recipient we are responsible for shipping the product which at this stage we don't want. Want want to be seller as primary recipient
Any help regarding our situation would be greatly appreciated. We just want to automate the system somehow with the APIs and SDKs without being the primary recipient. Please give us suggestion to make this a reality. Thanks
Using any other payment gateway like Stripe or Braintree will not help here because in that case we will be taking money as registered merchants. We would really like to work with Paypal for handling all order related stuff
The Express Checkout API supports Parallel Payments, in which case you specify the SELLERPAYPALACCOUNTID in the request. This is where the money for that particular payment would be sent.
You can use this functionality even with a single payment on the order, though. So you can just setup a single payment and include that SELLERPAYPALACCOUNTID parameter, and the money will go directly to that account.
When doing this you can use your own API credentials and no permissions or anything are required from the 3rd party account to send the funds directly to them.
This PayPal PHP SDK will make the Express Checkout API calls very quick and easy for you, so you could just setup some simple PHP services to hit from your mobile app(s).
I want my PHP web application to have the ability to save the user's PayPal details in their user account.
When they go to purchase items, rather than going through the standard PayPal form, it will automatically grab the user's PayPal details from their user account, and make the payment directly from my website. There is definitely a way to do this, as I have seen this feature on sites such as Freelancer.com
Thanks for the help! :)
No, you don't need Payments Pro for that. That would only be if you want to do it with direct credit cards. What you're after in general is called Reference Transactions, and when done with PayPal Express Checkout it uses Billing Agreements.
You'll use Express Checkout and/or Payments Pro (optional) to process an original authorization or sale transaction. Then, you can send that ID you get back in that original transaction along with a new amount in the DoReferenceTransaction API and that new amount will be instantly processed without any redirection or further authorization required.
This question asked before but didn't got any answer.Maybe things have been changed.
When you click the Express Checkout PayPal button on any webshop, it redirects you to a specific paypal login link, for paying the order.
I have been searching high and low for 3 weeks for a simple paypal php curl script that logs you in from this step, and confirms the payment, but have not been able to find anything.
I found out it is not possible to use the API for this, so its gotta be done by CURL.
I'm asking for this because I run a dropshipping website, and would like to automate certain steps, like placing and paying orders. A working code for this would help not just me, but all looking to automate buying in some form.
You can't log the buyer into PayPal when you redirect them to the site. The buyer has to enter their own account credentials themselves.
If you wanted to bill a buyer without requiring they log into PayPal each time you would need to use billing agreements (reference transactions) through Express Checkout. If you set up a billing agreement with a buyer you can charge a previously successful sale to bill them again for a different amount.
You cannot do what you want with Express Checkout, especially since nobody will ever enter the paypal details on your website (that is the entire point of paypal).
You can use either preapproved payments (buyers preappove payments being taken out of their account up to a certain ceiling), or reference transactions (you reference a new transaction to an older transaction. PayPal will then use the billing details of this earlier transaction to bill the user).
Preapproved payments is part of Adaptive Payments. Documentation is at https://developer.paypal.com/webapps/developer/docs/classic/adaptive-payments/integration-guide/APIntro/
You can find more details about Reference Transactions at https://cms.paypal.com/uk/cgi-bin/?cmd=_render-content&content_ID=developer/e_howto_api_ECReferenceTxns
Note: Reference Transactions needs to be enabled on your account. This API call is not open to everyone due to the potential for abuse, so you may want to look into whether you're eligible for it before you start working on a full integation with it.
You can find more info here :https://www.paypal-community.com/t5/Merchant-services-Archive/Does-Paypal-have-a-quot-Token-Payments-quot-concept/td-p/325794
Also google "token payments" as that is what you need and most payment gateways usually support them.
I am trying to figure out exactly what payment solution to use for my site.
I would like to do the same thing as Spotify (https://www.spotify.com/us/freetrial/ - You'll need to login to see it), allowing users to choose whether they want to pay with PayPal or use a credit card and then taking them to a payment selection screen (on PayPal), then returning them to my site to click confirm and buy.
I am already paying for recurring payments (even though I've yet to use it) and am unsure if that is applicable here. I have also integrated express checkout but I don't know if it will allow recurring payments.
EDIT: Do I need a separate token for recurring payments? Do I have to use the old recurring payments checkout screen? How can this be done as efficiently as possible, like Spotify? Here are my efforts to create a recurring payments profile after express checkout: http://pastie.org/private/sakzopltnwfv93wwmduqq
Select Buy & PayPal (subscription) --> Choose Payment (on PayPal) --> confirm & pay (my site)
This is what spotify's checkout looks like (It wouldn't say update for first time users):
Are they using recurring payments + express checkout? I would really appreciate some help with this.
Yes, you can get this done with Express Checkout + Recurring Payments. That said, if the person chooses credit card when setting up a recurring payment they will have to create a PayPal account. If they're paying a non-recurring checkout then they could use the credit card option without creating a PayPal account.
You mentioned that you're already paying for recurring payments..?? Are you referring to Payments Pro? If so, you don't need to pay for that to use EC + RP. Pro is only necessary if you want to process credit cards directly on your site without ever redirecting to PayPal. This can sometimes make things seem a little more professional and would also give you the ability to let people setup recurring payments without creating a PayPal account when using a credit card.
When using EC you just need to make sure to include the billing agreement parameters in order to get a token back that will work within CreateRecurringPaymentsProfile. Refer to the SetExpressCheckout API reference for more details on that.
This is kind of old now, but is still useful. Take a look at this sample express checkout set of api calls. You'll notice it uses the same token throughout all of the calls.
Just like Spotify -you would need to build that option on your site. If the user chooses to subscribe with a credit card - use the recurring payments w/ direct credit card (see below). If the user chooses to subscribe with a PayPal account - use the recurring payments w/ PayPal Account (this is what Andrew is suggesting above in his response).
Here are the how-to guides:
For direct credit card subscriptions: https://www.x.com/developers/paypal/documentation-tools/paypal-payments-pro/how-set-recurring-payments-profile-using-direct-payment
For PayPal Account subscriptions: https://www.x.com/developers/paypal/documentation-tools/express-checkout/how-to/ht_ec-recurringPaymentProfile-curl-etc
The APIs would allow you to do things like trial periods, setup fee, etc. For example here is a how to on building a freemium kind of model: https://www.x.com/developers/paypal/documentation-tools/express-checkout/how-to/ht_ec-freeTrialRecurringPayments-curl-etc
I am doing paypal integration in my website in a section called stores where an user can sell his products from my store. And i am storing the paypal accounts of my sellers to pay him directly when customer purchase something from his store in my website. Is it possible to put my logo on the paypal checkout page where the seller email id i'm passing will not be mine(Since each sellers will have their own Paypal Business email id)?
Yes, you can make it using PayPal Express Checkout. No need for upgrading to Pro, and paying a fixed monthly fee.
When setting up the express checkout transaction, you have a parameter that tells PayPal which images to show for branding.
The parameter name is called cpp-header-image which make sure it's delivered through HTTPS otherwise the browser may ask the user is he/she want to see only the securely delivered content.
There is something called "PayPal Payments Pro", which allows you to have many options over a typical PayPal account. From X.com (a great resource for learning about the Paypal API Stack), I was able to pull the following link for you (which explains what you are wanting to do)